Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Is The Church Filled With Cannabis Christians?

Apparently Church of God members like their pot!  This warning was up on the Herbert W Armstrong TV Archives.

Now we now know why Thiel, Malm and Pack say the dumb things they do! 😈

Satan wants to DESTROY FAITH! Faith in God!  
And he wants to build your confidence and faith in some PLANT, some POISON, some DOCTOR, for you to look to HIM(Satan the Devil) though them for healing. 
And many have decided to turn away from God, to go against the guidance of God's apostle and God's Church, to look to the god of EKRON- this present medical system for healing and cure!!! They have decided for themselves to choose what is right and wrong, taking from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and rejecting the tree of LIFE! 
They have left God's true Church and have turned to another false god. Perhaps some of those reading this article have done this without realizing it! IT IS NOT TOO LATE! You can REPENT quickly and turn to God with your whole heart and get yourself BACK ON THE TRACK! And save yourself from a world of troubles, caused by walking contrary to God and His Will. 
Many have become "Cannabis Christians".  
But God's true Church relies on God for healing.  
True Christians do not need to accept what this world has decided to be their healer or cure-all. We understand how Satan is influencing and guiding them. They have been following their father Adam in choosing of the wrong tree since the garden of eden! But we are called to choose the tree of life! The tree of life has been opened to us! We ought not turn away from God to take of the wrong tree! 
Are you a true Christian? Are you relying on God for healing? Are you trying to rationalize the taking of "cannabis oil" or marijuana, instead of turning to God for healing? Have you been researching yourself for the plants that God did deem healthy that do not contain the damaging effects as Marijuana does? There are HEALTHY alternatives! Alternatives that God created to help our bodies not damage them!
However none can heal but God. He alone has that power! 
But Satan will present LYING MIRACLES in order to cause you to reject God! DON'T BE FOOLED!!


  1. What's the problem? We're just getting closer to the Most High.

  2. Does anybody remember the PeyoteCOG? Were they ever affiliated with armstrongism?


  3. Ekron? Like Baal-zebub? So demented.

  4. LCG baptizes ministers' kids who smoke marijuana. Rod McNair can confirm this, as the dope smoker was in his congregation before moving away.

  5. Marijuana buds, oil and edibles are legal in Oregon. Medical Marijuana is extremely helpful. Recreational marijuana is readily available in shops which present it as like a fine wine shop.
    It is no biggie. God does not answer prsyer gor healing of life\death requests IMHObservation of laying hands on a few thousand. I know...it's my fault.

  6. "Divine and unmistakable healing is a dangerous to one's health lie promoted in the Book. Promoted by the healthy.

  7. The big problem they always cited was that being in an altered state of consciousness would open you up to demon possession. However, somehow they never got around to worrying about what happens while you sleep! Being basically unconscious for 6-8 hours would certainly constitute an open door (using their mode of thinking) while being stoned for a couple hours, or under hypnotherapy for 1/2 hour sessions would leave you in partial to complete control.

    There are a lot of good reasons not to smoke pot, but the published Armstrong-related materials were naive, contrived, melodramatic, and rather camp. I doubt that they convinced a single person not to try or use it.

    One thing for certain. Reading Armstrongist prophecy related materials while stoned would freak someone out!!!. Song of Solomon, on the other hand.....


  8. Since plants and herbs will be used for healing, then what is the fuss?

  9. Just where can we find in the Bible anywhere that any plant is forbidden to ancient Israelites, let alone Christians? Chapter and verse, please!

    Armstrongists just make things up.

    On the other hand, alcoholism is a very real problem for a significant percentage of the Armstrongist churches of God. The Feast of Tabernacles oft taxes the liquor stores. It is a present danger to health.

    And yet, there just isn't a lot of help for alcoholics in the ACoGs. Many of the leaders are boozers and quite a lot of the ACoGs couldn't exist without the alcoholics.

    It is high time that the Armstrongists address this problem because lives are threatened: Not only will the drinkers face internal failure (fine! let them die, but) they also are potentially lethal drivers and may not just kill themselves and others, but may maim them for a life of chronic pain and debilitation.

    Moreover, the alcoholism in the ACoG families destroys families with lies, cover ups and abuse.

    When are the Armstrongists going to address the problems of alcoholism?

    Until they do, they should remain silent about cannabis, since they don't have any solutions to their alcohol abuse.

  10. Dennis,

    In your time as a minister, did you ever see anything that you would consider a miracle? Including healings, demons cast out, etc. Or did you hear of any credible miracles, or do you believe it was all hype by WCG to promote the group? Just curious, as a member you heard so many different things, not always sure what was true or not.


  11. Healing is about Faith. Not about the man doing it. It is true if the minister who is anointing them, if they do not have any faith, COMPLETE BELIEF that the person he is anointing can be healed, he' not really anointing by God's Authority. But if the person being anointed has Faith to be healed, they will be regardless of the lack of faith of the minister. But if their faith is destroyed or hindered by the minister who has no faith, then their lack of Faith is on the minister, for destroying one's faith in the ONLY ONE who can Heal! And as the minister, you are held accountable, our actions or lack of them have effects and consequences.

    Dennis, you came onto our page and said "Having "anointed" thousands for healing, let me just say you are being idealistic and it's really not your right or business to tell others how to exercise their view of just what scripture might mean or how to go about the dicey topic of divine healing."

    We replied with,
    "It's either God's Word or man's word. God's Word says NOT to have any God's before the real God. And when you look for healing from something other than the ONLY one who can heal, that is breaking the Natural Law that is in place. We are only sharing what the Word of God says. Herbert W Armstrong did. Having been at Ambassador College, you were taught the Bible teaching of who HEALS and who doesn't, and what FAITH we must walk by. The Living Faith of Jesus Christ. And it is all about Faith and building it, growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. Men cannot heal. Plants cannot heal. Drugs cannot heal. ONLY God can, and you know better. When we show God's view point on this, we are enlightening those who are ignorant of the TRUE HEALER! Thus it is productive. It even strengthens those who already know to grow stronger in the Faith of JESUS CHRIST. Why would you want to destroy so many people's lives, by destroying their faith in the ONLY One who can heal? It would be ignorant to guide people to a plant to worship, when the One who made it CAN DO ALL THINGS, that includes healing!"

    AGAIN, Why would you want to destroy so many people's lives, by destroying their faith in the ONLY One who can heal? It's really not your right or business to tell others how to exercise their view on this topic. If you have faith in a plant, medical practitioners, etc, then so be it. But we in the Church of God, our audience, in accordance to God's Word, must GROW in the FAITH of Jesus Christ! That FAITH HEALS! Faith in something physical that cannot heal is foolish. You may think what God's Word says is foolish. 1Co 1:25 Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men

  12. I predict that there will be a new split coming in the church, with a people leaving various groups to attend the marijuana tolerant group.

    It will be called...


  13. There is a substance that is derived from pot called CBD. It is not like THC in that it is non-addictive and doesn't produce a high like THC. CBD is thought to be a good treatment for anxiety and may even be good for fighting cancer and seisures.

  14. It's endless....

    Dennis Diehl Having "anointed" thousands for healing, let me just say you are being idealistic and it's really not your right or business to tell others how to exercise their view of just what scripture might mean or how to go about the dicey topic of divine healing.

    Herbert W Armstrong TV ARCHIVES It's either God's Word or man's word. God's Word says NOT to have any God's before the real God. And when you look for healing from something other than the ONLY one who can heal, that is breaking the Natural Law that is in place. We are only sharing what the Word of God says.....

    Herbert W Armstrong TV ARCHIVES I'm sorry but we don't believe your answers to the deep and spiritual knowledge and understanding of God from your joint(drug).

    AGAIN, Why would you want to destroy so many people's lives, by destroying their faith in the ONLY One who can heal? It's really not your right or business to tell others how to exercise their view on this topic. If you have faith in a plant, medical practitioners, etc, then so be it. .... You may think what God's Word says is foolish. 1Co 1:25 Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men

    Dennis Diehl

    Faith is merely what one practices until the facts come along an alter it. I taught that Church of God audience, sincerely and according to the book for 30 years in 14 congregations in 5 states being put through all the nonsense, drama a human scandal the COG could muster. I had plenty of faith until the facts and fruits of it all became clear to me. I was mistaken and after a decades long study in where the Bible actually came from, who wrote it and the myriad of contradictions came to have little patience for those who glibly declare they know the mind of God and expect others to tow their line.

    Herbert W Armstrong TV ARCHIVES And you drank their koolaid. and you allowed yourself to be spiritually killed off! Remember the infamous Jim Jones quote: "Don't believe the bible". He rejected the bible too. And you want us to join you to Guyana to drink what you have been drinking. sorry

    Dennis Diehl And if educating someone as to reality destroys their faith, then their faith was deserving of being corrected with reality and the facts.

    Herbert W Armstrong TV ARCHIVES Faith in yourself until you see it is NOT REAL FAITH, it is faith in yourself. ...

    Herbert W Armstrong TV ARCHIVES Then why are you here? You are welcome to an opinion on something, but to go out of your way to push your opinion on someone else, who are you to do such a thing? Are you not guilty of what you accused us at first?
    [QUOTE] it's really not your right or business to tell others how to exercise their view of just what scripture might mean or how to go about the dicey topic of divine healing.[END QUOTE]

    You may say that is what we're doing, but this is our platform, our content. Again we are not against those who differ in belief, we just believe what we believe. If you want, you can leave and ignore this content if you believe differently. No Ill will toward you. Many people have there own places where they are welcomed and where others agree. It is clear we disagree.

    Dennis Diehl I responded because of you rant at all those who did not just trust God for healing and your heavy condemnation of them for not doing what you tell them they must do and to what degree they must do it. If you are going to go public with condemnation of others who don't fall into line with what you think you they must do or how they must be or think, then you have to expect some return fire.

    Herbert W Armstrong TV ARCHIVES Where did we Condemn anyone? If it condemns you, God's Word does, we are coming from God's Point of View. And those who do follow God's Word take God's Word seriously! We are teaching what God's Word says. It is ALL ABOUT what God says in His Holy Word! You on the other hand do what you accuse of, does that not spell "hypocrite"?

  15. Healing is about Faith. Not about the man doing it. It is true if the minister who is anointing them, if they do not have any faith, COMPLETE BELIEF that the person he is anointing can be healed, he' not really anointing by God's Authority. But if the person being anointed has Faith to be healed, they will be regardless of the lack of faith of the minister. But if their faith is destroyed or hindered by the minister who has no faith, then their lack of Faith is on the minister, for destroying one's faith in the ONLY ONE who can Heal! And as the minister, you are held accountable, our actions or lack of them have effects and consequences.

    Dennis, you came onto our page and said "Having "anointed" thousands for healing, let me just say you are being idealistic and it's really not your right or business to tell others how to exercise their view of just what scripture might mean or how to go about the dicey topic of divine healing."

    We replied with,
    "It's either God's Word or man's word. God's Word says NOT to have any God's before the real God. And when you look for healing from something other than the ONLY one who can heal, that is breaking the Natural Law that is in place. We are only sharing what the Word of God says. Herbert W Armstrong did. Having been at Ambassador College, you were taught the Bible teaching of who HEALS and who doesn't, and what FAITH we must walk by. The Living Faith of Jesus Christ. And it is all about Faith and building it, growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. Men cannot heal. Plants cannot heal. Drugs cannot heal. ONLY God can, and you know better. When we show God's view point on this, we are enlightening those who are ignorant of the TRUE HEALER! Thus it is productive. It even strengthens those who already know to grow stronger in the Faith of JESUS CHRIST. Why would you want to destroy so many people's lives, by destroying their faith in the ONLY One who can heal? It would be ignorant to guide people to a plant to worship, when the One who made it CAN DO ALL THINGS, that includes healing!"

    AGAIN, Why would you want to destroy so many people's lives, by destroying their faith in the ONLY One who can heal? It's really not your right or business to tell others how to exercise their view on this topic. If you have faith in a plant, medical practitioners, etc, then so be it. But we in the Church of God, our audience, in accordance to God's Word, must GROW in the FAITH of Jesus Christ! That FAITH HEALS! Faith in something physical that cannot heal is foolish. You may think what God's Word says is foolish. 1Co 1:25 Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men

  16. Dennis,
    How about another nonstampcollector video?

    They get lots of response, and the messages are spot on!

    Divine healing is another scam sold in the Holy Scriptures. Another lesson learned through experience. It was not for lack of faith or patience on the part of our family, but a lack of reality.

    Even HWA eventually learned you cant put your trust in a "prayer cloth". Of course that was after his health started to fail, and long after his wife's unnecessary death.

  17. Connie Schmidt said...
    I predict that there will be a new split coming in the church, with a people leaving various groups to attend the marijuana tolerant group.

    It will be called...


    Lead by one of the very Two Witnesses Apostle Ron Weedy

  18. When I came to Pasadena in 1975, one of the first things that I was invited to was a party at the home of an evangelist. His kids were throwing a party before school started that fall. Growing up isolated in the country from city church members I had no idea that so many were into drugs and alcohol. Boy was it an eye opening coming to Pasadena! Here was a huge pool party with a hundred students and the alcohol was flowing freely. Others were imbibing in the drugs of their choice. This was known to most in attendance as the person providing the drugs was the child of a prominent evangelist. Waverly Drive, the home of the church elite, was a just one block from the campus but it seemed worlds away.

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    In your time as a minister, did you ever see anything that you would consider a miracle? Including healings, demons cast out, etc. Or did you hear of any credible miracles, or do you believe it was all hype by WCG to promote the group? Just curious, as a member you heard so many different things, not always sure what was true or not.


    Truthfully, no, including my own anointing of hundreds if not thousands over decades . Flu always went away, bones healed, headaches vanished but sight was never restored, new limbs did not grow, hearing or speech did not return, lives were not spared and cancer did not abate in any way that I could say, "now that was a miracle".

    I believe folk wanted to believe and would look for any hint that they were healed or even I that anointing as per James 5:14 actually was something that the converted and spiritually minded could expect. I buried a lot of children whose angels were on vacations and did funerals for very fine people who shunned medical help , which was probably not going to help anyway though for some it might actually have saved them.

    I heard stories but they were always somewhat anonymous and some I am sure were made up by some who needed something to be so . I had a "deaf" man in my congregation who was known as being deaf for years. He was said to read lips very well. Having a brother who is blind, deaf and can't speak I know how the deaf behave and their mannerisms. He did not have them. One day I spoke to him from behind and he turned to respond to me. He knew and I knew his "truth." A few weeks later I asked him, "you can hear can't you...?" He cried and admitted he could and always could. For some psychological reason he needed to not hear and I helped him get some counseling and let it go. He went back to playing the part in church out of embarrassment for a time and it was our little secret.

    I have heard miraculous angel story but again, hearsay and unconfirmed. I did not and don't believe them to this day. There are many takes on why people need to feel healed the least of which is to confirm their faithful status with God and themselves.

    But no, I never witnessed a bonified and undeniable miracle from God when practicing James 5:14. I now thing the OT and NT authors did not understand, schizophrenia, seizures, temperal lobe epilepsy , mental illness or delusional fixations on religion.

  20. Sorry for commenting on your public site HWA ARCHIVES TV. I thought you were shamming people who were not meeting your standards of perfect faith and obedience for turning back the weak and beggardly things of modern medicine and plant extracts such as , well just about everything. I saw the words "Repent" and "It's not too late" and misstook them for your shouting at people to make the right and only choice of having God heal. I misunderstood you saying some were taking from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil when you had all the knowledge they'd ever need. BTW, why would a human taking from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil be a bad thing? Do you know the origin of that tale and why that tree and the tree of life was off limits to humans? I didn't think so.

    I never understood how Adam and Eve could be blamed if they did not know the difference between good and evil if they had no knowledge of what it was? So how did they sin if they didn't know it was even wrong to not do as they were told?

    Anyway, I apologize, I mistook your encouraging note to your readers as a Clarion Call to wake up before it was too late and adopt your perspectives exclusively without question.

    my bad...

  21. hearsay and unconfirmed

    Urban legends.

    When you try to confirm these, you will find as I have that one person heard it from another who heard it from someone else. If you call these people and find the chain, you call people in one state after another and you NEVER find the person who originated the story.

    Cults just make up stuff to attract and keep people. The lies, deceptions and delusions seem to have some basis and people accept them until they begin a thorough investigation.

    And then there's the narcissistic con man in the congregation that makes it all up and spreads these urban legends as bald face lies without any inhibitions whatsoever.

    You know. Like Gerald Waterhouse.

  22. We accept your apology. "shamming" would be the incorrect word here. Shamming means "falsely present something as the truth; pretend to be or to be experiencing". We've experienced miracles and it is because of the Faith of Jesus Christ, not our faith in someone or something that has no power. We are not falsely presenting anything. By saying we are shamming, is saying we know it is a lie thus why we are FALSELY presenting it, pretending that what we've said is the truth. That just is NOT true. You on the other hand was taught the truth on this(which you disagreed, but that was your decision) and YET you are shamming others into believing what you say is the truth. Exactly what you accused us of doing! To our audience, they are not ignorant of these truths. You have come onto our page, out of your way to PUSH your idea AGAINST our content. Exactly what you accused us of doing! That is what it is! Hypocritical! Do you know what that word means?

    And according to God's Church, God's way is the ONLY way. Our way leads to death. So we on our page(including our audience) do look at it as the ONLY choice, the right choice.
    You are of a contrary belief on the outside, trying to get others to CHANGE their views! You fail to be a man of principle and NOT do what you accuse us of doing " and it's really not your right or business to tell others how to exercise their view of just what scripture might mean or how to go about the dicey topic of divine healing."

    God's Word is both a Trumpet warning to those who listen, and Encouraging to those walking the walk, not just talking the talk(which many inside and outside these COG's Do)

    We ask all to prove all things. But the choice that is laid out in front of everyone who reads is, God's Way or Your way? The Tree of Life or the Tree of the knowledge of Good and evil. To understand what these two trees mean, would include a miracle from God, because ONLY God can give someone the understanding, and it is all contained in God's Word. Yet no one understands it. YET this miracle happens on a DAILY basis!

    But we do appreciate your apology, that is one of the hardest things to do, admit being wrong. Congrats.

  23. I agree with some of the things that COG Archives state, but why.............why promote the old marijuana booklet as legitimate, up to date information? It is so out of date and so inaccurate that it is almost comical to read in 2016. You discredit yourself by using it. Just because the church published a booklet does not mean it is worthy to republish. The blind idolatry is very disconcerting.

  24. Cannabis is simply an herb. I like herbs. They spice up dishes. They provide us with useful chemicals, like aspirin which came from willow bark. They're a neutral thing until we put them to use, and that use can be beneficial or detrimental. Our obsession with Cannabis is simple nonsense. I don't know that I have any need for it right now, but if there was a benefit it could provide, why not take advantage of it? This hysteria about cannabis is pure nonsense. Like alcohol, it can be used for either good or evil. Frankly, I fear the debilitating effects of alcohol a whole lot more. Allen C. Dexter

  25. To Anonymous, It doesn't discredit those who don't worship the drug. Many agree with part of what God says, but reject the rest, because they believe their idea is better than God's. The purpose of the article is about the difference between having Faith in a plant or God. Those facts contained in the small booklet are VERY true. I know personally many people who take the drug and do exactly what the "experts" said back then, documented in the studies of the time. And just by those facts shows a harmful element in the "weed". The beneficial elements can be found in many other herbs and plants that have NO HARMFUL elements. Just remember this is the same people who say a little mercury and other poisons are harmless. But do men take the poison out? no that is what many want, and what many EMPHASIZE. It is the drug people want. Men do not know what is right, they'll stick anything in their mouths calling it "good for food". Many throughout the ages, said that the drugs we know today, the hallucinogenics, were very good, but without spiritual discernment. The same many pursue today. It is taking from the wrong tree.
    You can accuse us of what you are doing, but just because you said it, doesn't make it true. Our article was directing people to GOD not to men, or a drug that many are worshiping. We must not get hooked up on something that distracts from the PURPOSE of the Article. But many will pick it apart to make the message disappear, and become children of Satan working to destroy.

    Pro_28:5 Evil men understand not judgment: but they that seek the LORD understand all things.

    2Pe 2:12 But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;
    2Pe 2:13 And shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, as they that count it pleasure to riot in the day time. Spots they are and blemishes, sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you;
    2Pe 2:14 Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin; beguiling unstable souls: an heart they have exercised with covetous practices; cursed children:
    2Pe 2:15 Which have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Bosor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness;
    2Pe 2:16 But was rebuked for his iniquity: the dumb ass speaking with man's voice forbad the madness of the prophet.
    2Pe 2:17 These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever.
    2Pe 2:18 For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error.
    2Pe 2:19 While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.
    2Pe 2:20 For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning.
    2Pe 2:21 For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them.
    2Pe 2:22 But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.

  26. Me thinks you have missed a tongue in cheek "apology" Oh true and righteous one

  27. The righteous one totally missed it.

  28. Just so Mr. HWA Archives knows that the man he worships cracked and caved into the medical profession in his latter years . It's easy to crow about trusting God when you are well. HWA was no different and resorted to personal doctors and meds.

    ":In the last years of his life, Herbert Armstrong took a number of heart medications and had a full-time nurse travel with him everywhere he went. He used the medical profession for almost everything.

    What amazes me now about this is that he would almost brag about what he was doing. He would write letters to the membership saying things like, "You know, most people can hardly get a doctor to visit their home, but I have two doctors who come to visit me on a regular basis." I found that many of our people were actually entertained by his admission. The tension between Mr. Armstrong’s practice and his teaching almost never registered among some of us. Some of our braver people would come to ministers and pastors and ask quietly, "Is Mr. Armstrong really going to a doctor?" And we would tell them, "Yes, he’s telling the truth!"

    In the days before he died, this conflict finally began to sink in, especially with Mr. Armstrong himself. My dad asked him, "How could you take this medication? You’re the one who wrote the booklet that insists God’s people have no need of a doctor if only they obey and have sufficient faith. So how can you be using the medical profession? How do you want me to answer this question that church members are asking?"

    The situation was made worse by the way some of our pastors responded to members who did go to doctors for help. Even when members were diagnosed with some catastrophic illness, their pastors might say to them, "The Bible teaches that going to a doctor shows a lack of faith!" Thankfully, most of our pastors were not that inflexible and judgmental – but far too many were.

    All of these things finally conspired, I think, to make Herbert Armstrong realize that his stance toward the medical profession had to change. His conversation with my dad about this topic took place in 1985. By the end of January 1986, Mr. Armstrong was dead."


  29. I appreciate that the blog owner allows COG Archives to comment. We may not all agree, but we have a safe space to say what we think.

  30. Sheesh, they're long-winded. You could go through their commentary with an ink pen, cross out all the redundancies, and probably reduce it down to an eighth of its current length.

  31. Had a bad day at work, we crave comfort foods to alter our mood. Been down for a while, we go to the doctor and get some Paxil or Prozac. Need to unwind after a busy day at work, you have a few drinks. But, don't you dare alter your mood with marijuana. Really? It is just a different drug of choice to get a similar result. If marijuana was legal, wouldn't WCG members be buying it at the local health food store, all natural, like raw milk (do you remember that?), carib (or Karib, that chocolate like crap they promoted) and organic, brown sugar.

  32. The acog's believe in herbs for healing the body. But not marijuana. Hypercritical at the least to have a church pick and chose for you what is godly or of satan.

  33. That was surely a token post, LOL!

    Also interesting, is how the the Bible describes the Kaneh-Bosm (marijuana) oil the OT prophets used.

  34. One of the worst things one person can tell another person is-
    "If you have enough faith, you will be healed." (It has a flip-side implied, too.)

    The hubris! The awfulness!

    Making such a proclamation is simply an indicator of one's own brainwashed depravity, lack of love and lack of empathy.

  35. Anonymous 8:04: It all boils down to "It's your fault," never that the whole doctrine is stupid. We're physical beings and physical things go wrong, and there's often something physical that will help. Anything that can lead to addiction has to be treated with caution. The key is to use reason and common sense in the utilization of anything.

  36. Wow! The "Herbert W Armstrong TV Archives" sure seem to have a bug up their ass about marijuana.

    Do they take a similar stance regarding all the things HWA taught that killed people, ripped apart families and friendships, destroyed careers, etc?

  37. Unless I am refuted and convicted by testimonies of the Scriptures or by clear arguments (since I believe neither the Pope nor the Councils alone; it being evident that they have often erred and contradicted themselves), I am conquered by the Holy Scriptures quoted by me, and my conscience is bound in the word of God: I can not and will not recant any thing, since it is unsafe and dangerous to do any thing against the conscience
