Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

UPDATE: Fred Dattalo Sinks to New Low: Members to cut off contact with non-member spouses

UPDATE:  Will Fred Dattalo practices what he preaches now that his own son and family have left the PCG?

A reader here writes:  

I have heard the Fred Dattolos Son Michael Dattolos has recently left the church and his wife and son. I guess his own advice now is a witness against him....laodiceans policy msg given a few months ago. I guess what goes around comes around. 

The perverse teachings of the Philadelphia Church of God just keep getting worse and worse.  Gerald Flurry recently extended the no contact rule to all children/adults who are not part of the PCG.

Now the degenerate teachings take an even darker party.  PCG members are to cut off all contact with mates and spouses who have stopped attending PCG, even if they are "pleased to dwell" with their spouse.

Fred Dattalo is a sick man like Cal Culpepper.  Both of these "men" hail from Pasadena where they learned to treat the "common people" like dirt, which they regularly did while employed in accounting and the auditorium.

Just heard that Fred Dattalo from Canada made the announcement Sabbath that the No Contact ruling now extends to mates/spouses that have stopped attending. What happened to "if they're pleased to dwell with you?". One member got up and left during services! Why aren't more leaving? Maybe because people want to walk away from their families and they use Flurry as their reason! Sickening! Their love has Waxed cold and they are without natural affection! 

Finally a report that one person had the wherewithal to stand up and walk out!


  1. He (or she) should have dropped and crushed a stink bomb while walking for the door.

    What do they use as scripture? Does Malachi's Message have a quote to the effect that "We ought to obey Flurry rather than God, even if it makes people commit suicide!"?

    You've heard of the Ramones. All of the ministers in all of the ACOGs should be required to take the stage name "Dick" if they wish to masqueerade and pose as spiritual guides.


  2. To the non member spouses:

    Get as much as you can from alimony.

    If you have the resources, sue the PCG for alienation of affection.

    It's too bad the PCG can't be put to death as commanded by the Old Testament Scriptures.

    Maybe Jesus will take care of that at His return and obliterate Armstrongist compounds with extreme prejudice.

    If you believe in that sort of thing.

  3. Soon, nobody will be allowed to leave, wherever petra is deemed to be!

    Jim Jones

  4. My personal Ego, Id and Alter Ego are all cutting off contact from each other. It is a very confusing time!

    1. Is the profile picture your using really you

  5. this can't possibly be real can it? that's insane....

  6. Why can't it? This is the same sick people that told a family to take their disabled child to the mall and abandon it there so the state could take care of it. They were wasting tithe money on the care of the child.

  7. Call the local religious editor in Oklahoma and scream to the high heavens about cult activity in town.

  8. What is Flurry up to? This isn't going to have a good ending. My advice to all PCG members, leave as soon as possible you leader may be another Jim Jones?!!!

  9. I thought WCG was bad, but this is worse. I'm surprised that this splinter is still surviving. That was never the teaching when I was a part of it. But that was over 40 years ago. Talk about going to hell in a handbasket!

  10. 4.57 PM I find your accusation hard to believe. Abandoning your children in public, must surely be illegal.

  11. They are putting thicker and higher walls and more barbed wire, to enforce their version of the 'iron curtain.'

  12. Joey Ramone wrote,

    "I Wanna Be Flurrated"

    Twenty-twenty-twenty four hours to go I wanna be Flurrated
    Nothin' to do and no where to go-o-oh I wanna be Flurrated
    Just get me to the airport put me on a plane
    Hurry hurry hurry before I go insane
    I can't control my fingers I can't control my brain
    Oh no no no no no
    Twenty-twenty-twenty four hours to go....
    Just put your kids in wheelchairs
    And leave them at a mall
    If their tithes are tiny
    Leave 'em in Gap's bathroom stall
    Where Yahweh sorts out one and all
    Oh no no no no no
    Don't stop at Giant Eagle
    Just get me to the 'pound
    Hearing Flurry's sermons
    Is just the sweetest sound
    Oh no no no no no
    Hurry hurry hurry before I go insane
    I can't control my fingers I can't control my brain
    I'm flippin' through the pages
    Of wide margin King James
    Oh no no no no no
    Twenty-twenty-twenty four hours to go I wanna be Flurrated
    Nothin' to do and no where to go-o-o I wanna be Flurrated
    Just put me in a wheelchair and get me to the Compound
    That's the only place The True Prayer Rock is found
    Not to mention candelabras, or even Loma's bras
    Let's turn a blind eye to all of Herb's faux pas
    Flurry's got the artifacts that truly will astound
    Oh no no no no no
    Hurry hurry hurry before I go loco
    I can't control my fingers I can't control my toes
    When I'm in in The Kingdom, I'll kill all the homos
    Oh no no no no no
    Buy me a big six-pack
    So I'll get on the track
    Oh no no no no no
    Ba-ba-bamp-ba ba-ba-ba-bamp-ba I wanna be Flurrated
    Ba-ba-bamp-ba ba-ba-ba-bamp-ba I wanna be Flurrated

  13. Connie, as long as your personal Ego, Id and Alter Ego are all paying tithes to Mr. Flurry, you will be given a Position of Power in the Kingdom, where you won't even have to show your Giant Eagle card to receive amazing discounts. All you'll have to do is show your tithing record, in triplicate.

  14. Strictly speaking, 11:37, it is. However, the ministurd in question was relying on the notion that the mentally-deficient child would not be able to identify his parents.

    As for the source, it was a letter to ESN, which is reproduced below.

    June 17, 2013

    I was once told by a minister in PCG to "get rid of" my mentally handicapped son with cerebral palsy or don't return. He told me to put him in some facility, or if I couldn't afford that, then take him somewhere that he would not know and abandon him in the mall or somewhere that people were. He said someone would find him and put him away, and that I was to turn and not look back, and just leave him there! I guess you can imagine just about what I told them!!...

    (The ministurd was later held to be the late George Witt)

  15. Not bad. But we can do more to develop this Ramones theme. Like, "Sheena is an Irish Folk Dancer". Or get the teenagers to chant: "Gabba gabba, He was right, hey!"

    Bb (which is probably the key they sing in)

  16. Anon11:37PM, you are justified at finding it hard to believe, nevertheless, here's the link to the post about this back in 2013:

    Philadelphia Church of God: Take Your Disabled Child To The Mall And Abandon Him - Let Someone Else Take Care Of Him

  17. A lawyer should be consulted. A Church that tells members to dump children and spouses has to be doing something illegal.
    This needs to be publicized far and wide.
    It is a cult for certain.

  18. To all PCG members.

    This is very serious. If you turn your back on your family by not providing for them, physically, spiritually, and emotionally, you have failed in your God given responsibility. You will be held in severe judgement for this if you make your wife or husband a spiritual widow or widower.

    The time to act is now. Don't allow this demonic organization tear your family away from you. Fight back. Get up and leave, better yet, give them a piece of your anger as you walk out.

  19. I was reading something interesting on a christian blog that was an article talking about how some people like abusive pastors and congregations. Here is a link.


  20. I echo Anonymous August 2, 2016 at 7:45 PM. This Flurry practice was NEVER a teaching of the old Worldwide Church of God under his idol Herbert Armstrong. In fact, in my family's case, my father would never have become a baptized member of the Church had this bizarre teaching of non-contact with non member spouses had been practiced. My mother came into the Church in 1968 and my father almost divorced her. You can imagine how my father felt when his wife and children took off to the Feast of Tabernacles in Jekyll Island almost a thousand miles away without him.

    Flurry's bizarre teaching had it been practiced in 1968 WCG would have sealed the deal for a divorce and broken up my family. Instead, my father converted about 5-6 years later, and became friends with WCG minister Keith Thomas who was my father's age and who also real world experience, not a fresh AC graduate that had answers for everything.

    So, if I pretend that the WCG and its splinters are the real one and only true Church of God, Flurry's non-member non-spouse contact practice could be blocking people from becoming members of the true church as in my father's case.


  21. Richard, I get what you are trying to say. However, PCG and its ministers will never tell a prospective member that they will be required to cut off contact with non-member family/spouse right away.

    Instead, they will reel you in slowly with articles, "bible-studies" and "counselling" sessions while not letting you come to their church meetings. Eventually, you will be invited to services (when you have mostly swallowed all of the propaganda so far dished out to you.) Once you start attending, that's when the horrors will start coming out. Comments from the speakers and other members during services/fellowship will expose the true policies and eventually a minister will tell you to stop talking to your family. By then you already have been fooled into believing you have a new spiritual family that is enough for you.

  22. Hi Richard,
    When we(family led by our father) joined the WCG, I remember us making the rounds meeting with family members within driving distance and telling them we wouldn't be having contact with them any more. This was mid to late 1970's.

  23. 8.51 AM. I was a WCG member in the 70s and 80s, and it was not the official policy to not have contact with family members. It sounds like some people were using the church as a excuse to dump difficult relatives. The closest I ever experienced to this, was one sermon claiming that church relationships should be superior to family relationships. But it stopped short of rejecting family.

  24. It will be interesting if Gerry gets rid of Sam Baxter. Sam is the minister in Beaumont Texas who has a wife who is not a member. I suppose there are different rules for "the elite".

  25. Policies varied from church area to church area in wcg. While it may not have been "official" policy, some of the pastors threw their weight around more than others. So it is possible that in some areas the congregations were advised to cut off family members. I first for a taste of the inconsistencies when I met a dark skinned Brazilian convert who informed me that at home, no one in the church would have any thing to say if he dated a blond european looking girl.

  26. I think are lawsuit or two based on "alienation of affection" would be in order.

  27. A few years ago, Fred Dattolo's son was giving sermonettes at Armstrong auditorium and then you never heard a peep. Then Dattolo was bragging how his son had invented this App which was purchased by Apple and he was making a lot of money. Dattolo will probably say his son chose the god Mammon instead of giving his earnings all to PCG.

  28. I searched Linkedin and his son goes by Mike Dattolo and he runs a Oklahoma City board gaming community. He also works on apps for Apple Ios.

  29. Not even HWA would have indulged in this level of terminal dumbness. Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels should play the parts of Fred Dattalo and Cal Culpepper in the new Ryan Malone PCG zombie movie. I do believe PCG has developed some very potent sheep repellant here, as if false prophecy were not bad enough to have to endure!


  30. Jerry should charge an EXIT FEE for those wishing to leave.
    Sure fire way to finance a new jet.

    On a serious side,reading this makes me vomit.

  31. God has a non contact rule to prevent people from having contact with false prophets.

  32. Dattalo was a jerk when he was in Pasadena. I see it has only gotten worse.

  33. If your spouse cuts off contact with you contrary to the biblical teaching of "pleased to dwell" then you are better off without them.
    They took a vow to love and honor and to let no man separate them. If they have broken that, they ar worthless to you anyway.
    These people wouldn't know love if it bit them in the a ss.

  34. Anon 7:36 saiid

    Dattalo was a jerk when he was in Pasadena. I see it has only gotten worse.

    In Pasadena, Dattolo as an important Headquarters employee thought of himself as better than a mere field pastor like Jerry Flurry in Oklahoma. Deep down, Dattolo probably still thinks of himself as being of a higher class than the lowly Flurry who God raised up despite his low standing in WCG.

  35. Dattolo drives young girls to suicide. You can't get any lower than that.


  36. The PCG is NOT a continuation of the WCG, even though it falsely claims to be. The PCG is a complete FRAUD.

    The PCG is something that the Devil invented to try to PERVERT everything that the WCG had actually taught.

  37. Freddie baby is messing up peoples' sex lives. What a jerk!


  38. The greatest drive in nature is self preservation. Which is why the harsh and harsher rulings. But the excuse given would be 'but time is sooo short.' My minister of 40 years ago, used that same excuse when walking all over members rights.

  39. You should NEVER tell your minister ANY detail of your private life! When I used to attend WCG in Tupelo, Mississippi some of the members would run and tell John Cafourek every thing about their personal life which was a huge mistake on their part. John Cafourek was a complete jerk!

  40. So awful that PCG's authoritarian tendencies continue to do so much harm.

  41. Years ago I was not permitted to go to my father-in-law's funeral because he was with Flurry and I'm with United. My mother-in-law was warned not to have any contact with other groups. So sick!

    Flurry and Pack are nuts. It's hard to believe that people who are controlled by these two monsters can't see from their own past experience with WWCG and from reading easy to understand scriptures as to how this cultish behavior is not "Christ like".

    United is often tainted by being just another HWA splinter group. UCG is nothing like PCG, RCG or even to a degree Living. United is far from perfect, but it comes as close to what Christ might call His Church, except for it's limited out reach.

  42. 8.57 AM
    Since you are a fan of United, why are it's magazine articles flat? It stands out like a sore thumb. That's hardly 'close to what Christ might call His church.'

    Being forbidden to go to funerals is certainly sicko.

  43. 10:13 AM
    To people not associated with COGs, they would come off as shocking and a threat to their "worldview".

    If the articles were more fire and brimstone, with scriptures focused on end time destruction of mankind, then you'd say we were repeating WWCG's error.

    If God is calling someone, the article content is sufficient to prompt a person to hit the scriptures to see if it be so. The average person just wants to fit in, be accepted. Being with a COG will mean you're an outsider.

    What we don't need is the old "in the next four to five years" look out! Fear religion doesn't produce good fruit.

  44. "
    The PCG is NOT a continuation of the WCG, even though it falsely claims to be. The PCG is a complete FRAUD.

    The PCG is something that the Devil invented to try to PERVERT everything that the WCG had actually taught."

    What you fail to discern is that the WWCG was also a fraud and a perversion of everything Christ taught!

  45. The church splinter leaders are putting their trust in oppression. How Christian is that?

  46. I must say, I quite enjoy putting my feet up and watching the PCG crash and burn. Leaving that church was the best decision of my life; haven't looked back since.
