Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, August 27, 2016

The date that Christ is to return on has been finalized

It's Time Church of God, has set forth the true and final time table for the return of Jesus Christ.  How many of these people will the COG members have to listen to till they wake up and realize they are being lied to? Dave Pack is a liar, Rod Meredith is a lair, Bob Thiel is a lair, James Malm is a lair, Gerald Flurry is a liar...on and on the list goes.  Self appointed false prophets deceiving the sincere members.  Will we also hear this COG catch-phrase at the end of 2020: "The church was not ready.  Christ has delayed his coming."
Tribulation timeline
We know that in order for Christ to be in the grave 3 days and nights, He was killed on a Wednesday. The only year during the time frame of His ministry that has a Wednesday Passover with the corresponding moon, is 30 A.D. 
In our near future, again, the only year that parallels 30 A.D. is the year 2020.  
The two witnesses will be killed on Wednesday April 8, 2020, and 3 days later, April 11, Christ returns. 
Let's, for the time being, just see how the other prophetic times match up.The span from the Feast of Trumpets in 2016, to the day of Christ's return is 1290 days, thus fulfilling the Daniel 12:11prophecy. 
30 days later, (Hosea 5:7) Jerusalem is taken and the witnesses start judging the nations, hence the fulfillment of the 1260 day prophecy of Revelation 11:3. 
The last prophecy relating to those days is found in Daniel 12:12, that being: "Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days." It is exactly 1335 days from the Feast of Trumpets in 2016 to the day of Pentecost in 2020. 
Like Daniel 12:12, we find in Luke 24:49 where Christ told the disciples to "tarry" which means "wait" "until ye be endued with power from on high", which happened on the day of Pentecost. 
The 144,000 from Revelation 7:4 will have been taught during the 3.5 years and just like the original Apostles, they tarry until Pentecost when they too will be given the Holy Spirit. Following exactly the pattern set forth by Christ and the Apostles. 
The time spans between the Holy Days of 2016 and 2020 are the only years in which they match perfectly with the times dictated by prophecy.


  1. The spectre of "the end" is something I had to deal with when returning to faith. It had been HWA's boogey man, his big stick that both attracted members initially, and was invoked to keep people in line. That doesn't produce the most sincere form of faith.

    I came to several conclusions. One is that man can't know, and that no human would be the gatekeeper for the event even if man could know. 6,000 years for man, 1,000 years for
    God is simply a man-made extrabiblical theory, at least the 6,000 year part. Were that accurate, according to the keepers of the oracles, we've got nearly 225 years to go to absolute 6,000. But I don't believe the end is based on math.

    The events of an apocalypse would be so devastating that they simply cannot be prepared for in advance. If God is orchestrating it, then whatever happens to any of us during such an event would be totally up to God, and based on our standing with Him.

    If it happens during my lifetime, then that's my safety (or not). It isn't up to some loud mouthed, domineering church group that has already gotten it wrong so many times before. Seriously, there are other things I'm more concerned about.


  2. Yawn! I fully expect to live that long yet and see another balmy pronouncement come to nothing. I still remember the fiasco of 1975!

  3. You might think that eventually folks in general would cotton on the fact that publicly setting dates for supernatural occurrences is not in one's personal best interests.

    But no.

  4. I liked the pre-edited topic better where it sounded like Jesus was returning on a dare...

  5. my personal belief is that Christ will Return 9-19-20...

  6. Finally, some fact-based information we can rely on from a true end time prophet and bible scholar! Suppose 2020 has kind of a cataclysmic ring to it, but I always preferred "in the year 2525".

    Oh well, can't re-write the bible. It says what it says!

  7. Well, we will only have to wait a few weeks to see how this one turns out.

  8. "The time spans between the Holy Days of 2016 and 2020 are the only years in which they match perfectly with the times dictated by prophecy."

    That's interesting. Meaningless, but interesting.

  9. What we need now is The Past Due Church of God.

  10. But Jesus is only killed on the Passover in one of the Gospels.

  11. How about tomorrow. My guess is as good as any body else's guess. Oh, but wait, I forgot; tomorrow never comes.

  12. "my personal belief is that Christ will Return 9-19-20..."

    My personal belief is that Jesus might not have even come the first time, but if he did, he's damn sure never coming back.

    1. in the last days there will be scoffers...

  13. He came back last year and saw how messed up everything is and decided to go back to heaven.

  14. When I talk about my experience in a Second Coming-obsessed group, Matthew 24:36 is brought up, inevitably:

    "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."

    NO ONE knows, you dumbasses! But we all, in our Time of Biggest Life Mistake, jumped off a cliff into a gathering of people who believed:

    "We're God's special, special, special group, which means if we work hard enough at it, we'll figure it out, in spite of any such Scripture!"

    So precise with the verses that support your numbers, so deliberately ignorant of verses that warn you of foolishness!

    Wish I knew what keeps these pathetic individuals going, so a cure could be found.

  15. We crucified him once, and if he comes back we will do it again.

  16. The "Second Coming" should be shipped via FED EX, so that we have a "tracking number" and can find out when it will arrive via search on the internet.

  17. Jesus will continue returning again and again until he gets it perfect!

  18. One of the anons said:

    "(I) Wish I knew what keeps these pathetic individuals going, so a cure could be found."

    What keeps it going is the whole absurdity of the "Second Coming". The Christ was a false prophet. The Good News Bible actually reads at Matthew 24:34 "Remember, that all these things will happen before the people now living have all died." He was addressing the people living at the time he allegedly spoke. This a classic twisted scripture keeping the
    hope alive. That, plus ya gotta keep the fools sending in the money. Fear is the great motivator.

    Compare with Deuteronomy 18:22 where the false prophet is not to be feared.

    A study of the relevant scriptures led me to unbelief, the final cure for the sickness of religion.

  19. Arguments over when/where, and with what flair people think specification is a matter of looking Bible things up abound....

    These people are nuts!

    The worst are those who think the "Holy Spirit's" told them when it's gonna be.

    Only "Special" people claim to know such things.

    Iirc, Trading Guy said God told him He's a-comin' back before Trading Guy croaks.

  20. I wonder if they expected anyone to fact check this insanity?

    Go into Excel and start with Oct 3, 2016 (Feast of Trumpets 2016 that is) and fill the dates to May 31, 2020 (Pentecost 2020). 1,290 days later falls on April 15, 2020. Which is 4 days after they say Christ will return. If Christ returns on April 11, that's day 1,287 from Trumpets '16 (inclusive counting or 1,286 complete days prior).

    As well, Pentecost 2020 falls on May 31, 2016 which is day 1,337 from Trumpets 2016 (inclusive; 1,336 completed days prior).


  21. One of my treasured favorites- Harold Camping the day after...


    It's a Big Deal!!!


  22. To the fact-checker, you have to remember that Malm invents his own calendar, so he can make it fit any configuration of days that he wants. His calendar nonsense, by the way is his way of drawing a following after himself. His distinctives on the Sabbath and the King James only weren't enough to get people to leave where they are and follow him; he had to pile on the hatred and lies about all the other groups, and invent doctrines that would force people to leave (like the calendar). Put simply, Malm wants one thing, and that is money, and his desperation will lead him to do whatever he has to, to invent whatever doctrine is necessary, to get your money.

    LCG Expositor

  23. Jim, the good news bible is a paraphrase of accepted modern day doctrines. It's hardly a source of accurate theology.

    Cheers TradingGuy

  24. Thanks for the link, Ronco!

    Hearing Harold Camping's voice takes me back to the days of many years ago, when driving at night in places where the only station I could get was Family Radio with Camping's call-in program called 'Open Forum'. It was funny at times, listening to people calling in with crazy questions followed by Camping's befuddled answers.

    Not sure if it was on the same radio stations, but on those night drives I'd also sometimes hear Ravi Zacharias. He was kooky, too, but less entertaining than Harold.
    The GOOD NEWS for Bob Thiel is that Ravi is still alive, and his latest is titled, "Having a Triple Strength to Your Life"!
    Why have only double, Bob, when you can have TRIPLE? And, maybe you can even 'one-up' him, Bob, by going QUADRUPLE!

    I missed out on Camping's 100 million dollar campaign promoting his May 21, 2011 Christian rapture prediction, though.

  25. My favorite part is when "End Times" nutcases start arguing about whether or not there's a "year zero"

    That's like arguing about the frosting on a cake, when the cake is made of dog poop.

  26. 9.31 PM. Malm is living on a shoe string budget, so it can't be about money.

  27. LCG Expositor: Malm's irrelevant here anyway since this isn't his timeline. And since they already gave the corresponding Julian calendar dates to the holy days (which are the standard Jewish calendar dates as well), it's really a hilarious oversight on their part that they just plain aren't including it.

  28. To Trading Guy:

    Just what is your "source of accurate theology", the KJV?

    Perhaps these translations and notes will help clarify the issue the writer of Matthew aims at in the Greek"

    The New English Bible: "the present generation will live to see it all."

    The Amplified Bible: "this generation--that is the whole multitude of people living at the same time, in a definite given period will not pass away till all these things taken together take place".

    The New Century Version: "all these things will happen while the people of this time are still living."

    The New American Bible: "this generation* will not pass away until all these things have taken place."

    *The difficulty raised by this verse cannot be satisfactorily removed by the supposition that "this generation" means the Jewish people throughout the course of their history, much less the entire human race. Perhaps for Matthew it means the generation to which he and his community belonged.
