Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The Evil Zionist/Jesuit Conspiracy To Take Down The Church

For decades the rumor mill in the church has been filled with one conspiracy theory after another.  In the late 60's through the early 80's it was the Zionist conspiracy.  The evil Jews were trying their best to malign the true sabbath keepers because they themselves did not keep the sabbath properly and were embarrassed that COG members were doing it right.  Only those specifically in the Worldwide Church of God kept the sabbath as it was supposed to be kept.  This conspiracy theory was fed in part by the employment and elevation of Stan Rader to his lofty positions and Robert Kuhn.  At this time the book, The Protocols of Zion, was widely promoted by church members, particularly in Pasadena.  Many church members actually believed that the extermination of the Jews by Hitler was a good thing, mainly because they did not keep the sabbath and other holy days properly like they did.

Also widely circulating was the belief that the Catholic church  was out to destroy the one true remnant of believers.  They apparently had instructed the Jesuits to infiltrate the WCG and to systematically destroy it.  The Jesuits had personally recruited, through high level meetings and negotiations, all the top leaders of the church.  This included all Pastor Generals, Council of Elders, evangelists, pastors, department heads, local elders and most deacons.  While the Jesuits were busy doing this they were also infiltrating every governmental office in the United States.  The Jesuits were one busy group of guys!

Add to all of this the Masonic conspiracy to silence the truth.  HWA was supposed to be a Mason, as were Tkach,  most evangelists and high ranking pastors.   Why else would the church be so freely welcomed to hold services in Masonic Halls across the country? Also widely circulated was the belief that the Ambassador Auditorium was temple to Masonic mysticism.

All of these beliefs are still widely held by the extreme nut-jobs that have splintered off into various harlot daughters or claim they are non-aligned but part of the true "spiritual organism."

Case in point, from our buddy Timothy Kitchen, God's greatest gift to the preservation of the "truth."

Banned by HWA! Cry babying again! 
Here in a video we see Mike "The Weasel" Feazell's son Jeff Feazell following in his evil daddy's footsteps cry babying about the WWCG "STILL"!! You remember Mike Feazell, he was one of the main backstabbing dissenters with Joe Tkach JR. So effective and tight with the evil one (Joe JR) that he was called "Mike the Weasel". 
This time it's the Weasel's son, carrying on the charade of deception about the Church that they dedicated their lives to try to destroy! They utterly failed as they do not understand what GOD's Church is, as they destroyed only the church physical organization, that is not the "Church".  
This time in making a fake story using mediocre actors (why not the supposed "Real" people? they are still trying to destroy Mr. Armstrong's and the Church's reputation as it over shadows theirs, and, the more they try to destroy it, the more it shines as the Beacon for GOD that HE intended it to do.  
After 30 years, they seem still to feel the need to attack and belittle a man of GOD that dwarfed all of them in GOD's Truth, and in a Work that their puny little evil minds could not comprehend, let alone match! But, GOD's Truth that Work of Jesus Christ that Christ did through Herbert W. Armstrong, and the man himself Herbert W. Armstrong is so powerful and hated by Satan the Devil, and His Jesuit Minions including Tkach, Feasell, and their offspring, that, after 30 years Mr. Armstrong, that Work and Truth still overshadows them and exposes them as the evil workers of darkness that they are! 
It only proves (for like the billionth time!) that Mr. Armstrong was the Chosen Apostle & The Elijah Chosen by Christ!  
and Joe Tkach especially JR and his minions like Mike Feasell were/are just the Judas (Plural) picked to accomplish their evil and their day of reckoning is coming shortly by Christ Himself, so get ready boys, as you can't lie to GOD the Father, Jesus Christ and to the Holy Spirit as you lie to these people, and your day of reckoning will be at hand!
Then, these lying videos will be there to condemn you!
This time in making a fake story using mediocre actors (why not the supposed "Real" people? they are still trying to destroy Mr. Armstrong's and the Church's reputation as it over shadows theirs, and, the more they try to destroy it, the more it shines as the Beacon for GOD that HE intended it to do.  
After 30 years, they seem still to feel the need to attack and belittle a man of GOD that dwarfed all of them in GOD's Truth, and in a Work that their puny little evil minds could not comprehend, let alone match! But, GOD's Truth that Work of Jesus Christ that Christ did through Herbert W. Armstrong, and the man himself Herbert W. Armstrong is so powerful and hated by Satan the Devil, and His Jesuit Minions including Tkach, Feasell, and their offspring, that, after 30 years Mr. Armstrong, that Work and Truth still overshadows them and exposes them as the evil workers of darkness that they are! 
It only proves (for like the billionth time!) that Mr. Armstrong was the Chosen Apostle & The Elijah Chosen by Christ!  
and Joe Tkach especially JR and his minions like Mike Feasell were/are just the Judas (Plural) picked to accomplish their evil and their day of reckoning is coming shortly by Christ Himself, so get ready boys, as you can't lie to GOD the Father, Jesus Christ and to the Holy Spirit as you lie to these people, and your day of reckoning will be at hand!Then, these lying videos will be there to condemn you!  Timmy Kitchen

This is all too hilarious!  They take themselves so seriously.  All of this Jesuit conspiracy bullshit is just the tip of the iceberg that the Kitchens come up with. From claiming Dave Pack was demon possessed as a child and killed his baby sitter to the Jesuits taking over the church. Its all one big laughfest.  One thing that Armstrongism has going for it is that it is never boring!


  1. He gives Herbie the fancy pants titles of 'Chosen Apostle' and 'The Elijah Chosen by Christ.' Christ never gave such titles to His disciples. In fact He warned against this with the 'call no man your father' command. And aren't all first fruits Christians 'chosen' by God. This is Nicholaitian ploy of putting leaders on pedestals whilst beating church members down. They want to be masters rather than counsellors.

  2. If you can believe...

    ...that six thousand years ago a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree, thus incurring a curse from an imaginary "friend" who is his own father, who then figured the best plan for fixing it was to wait 4,000 years before magically impregnating a teenage girl with himself so that she would bear him as her son, so that he could undergo an ancient ritual of blood sacrifice to himself, before returning from the dead so that he could then dispel his curse and bring eternal bliss, but only for those who symbolically eat his flesh & blood and telepathically tell him they love him and accept him as their lord, oh yes, I almost forgot, and give 10% of their income to a guy who claims to speak on behalf of this "friend"...

    ...then you can believe *literally* anything...

    ...and I've known enough who have...

  3. Tim is one sink short of a Kitchen

  4. How many hours will it take till we hear the same boring topic of "trade" being the down fall of the church. I have my puke bag ready.

  5. Can't say I recall hearing any of this as a kid, although I remember being cautioned by my mother to be wary of the Catholic kids at school since one day they would try to kill us or something along those lines. But we have had a number of commenters here ranting on about Jesuits, Zionists, the CIA and yes, trade, so I suppose it is not farfetched.

    By the way, we've still got a little time before Henry-itstimecog's supposed October earthquake. How's everyone's salted meat holding up?

  6. I hate to ask...who is Henry and his October earthquake? Sounds like something dingy Malm or Thiel would promote

  7. Both of these pictures describe the COG perfectly!

  8. Anon 6:39,
    Happy to see there are some who have thrown off the "Original Sin" concept.

    Christianity has no basis without it. All of it is garbage, not just Armstongism.

  9. itstimecog.com is the October earthquake guy.

  10. I mostly ignored the Radio Church of God after abandoning it in the early 60s, except occasionally my converted relatives would mention tidbits like the change to the name Worldwide, the loosening of the divorce and makeup doctrines, and of course the postponing of Armageddon, which meant I wouldn't have to book a flight to Petra in order to visit them. I knew about the later big doctrinal split, because they went with United instead of Worldwide. They never mentioned any Jesuit conspiracy, though, and this is the first I've heard about it.

    (I developed my current fascination with things Armstrong only after curiously looking up HWA on the interned when retirement gave me leisure.)

    It sort of makes sense now that Trading Guy would accuse me of being a Jesuit after I responded to one of his comments shortly after he showed up here. He must have assumed I was an agent in a vast dark Papist conspiracy.

  11. Yes, Gerald Bronkar, I had great trouble with the concept of original sin. I conducted an extensive series of experiments, but every time I thought I had one, it turned out somebody else had already thought of it.

  12. Timmy Kitchen says many things. The most astounding of them all is, "Mr. Armstrong was the Chosen Apostle & The Elijah Chosen by Christ!"

    Yeah, right. Even as a teenage Ambassador College freshman from the hills of Arkansas, I could tell he was no apostle. He was nothing but a foolish old man. There were many signs, some of which I described in a series of posts in 2007 over at The Painful Truth. Somehow the one that especially sticks in my craw is the trout stream he ordered built on the Pasadena campus. It was fine all winter, but when spring came and the water warmed up, the beautiful rainbow trout in it started turning belly-up and dying. Herbert had neglected to refrigerate the water--rainbows are a cold-water species.

    You laugh that I focus on such a trivial matter. Stop it.

    If he really had been an apostle, guided by the Holy Spirit in all he did, that spirit would have clued him in about the temperature requirements of those fish, or at least advised him to consult a fisheries manager or a book on aquaculture.

    You may be right that dead fish don't amount to much. Well, okay. But this incident is a sign of bigger matters. What I later on simply could not understand is this. Considering his marriage to and divorce from a much younger sexual partner, enabled and enhanced at her behest by his flip-flopping on the makeup and the divorce & remarriage doctrines, how could anyone deny that HWA was thinking with the smaller of his heads, like any ordinary non-apostolic aging lecher? Why would people believe prophesies made by such a doddering old fart? Why would they trust he could lead them into the glorious World Tomorrow?

    1. Thank you for sharing this story the poor trout fish. Shows a gross lack of wisdom and gross arrogance in armstrong and others for not at least consulting a fish expert for basic advice. Your right symbolizes alit. The work has gone belly up. The reputation of the Church has died lije those poor fish.

  13. Gary,

    The poster calling himself itstimecog.com has a website on which he outlines reasons why he feels that there will be a cataclysmic earthquake in October. On some of the posts at that site, he signs his entries "Henry".

    He hasn't been arrogant about this, says he's not a prophet, and has actually joined in on many of our conversations rather than posturing as a typical guru type. From what I gather, he bases his interpretation on the correlation between the calendar during Holy Week the year of Jesus' death, and the Hebrew calendar for 2016.

    The basic problem with his premise is that the calendar of the first century was not a fixed calendar. It was still calculated as the year progressed, based on the moon and the seasons, by the rabbis, priests, and or Sanhedrin. Hillel II's fixed calendar based on calculated conjunctions and setbacks didn't come into play until centuries later, meaning that you can't extrapolate the current calendar backwards far enough to get to the early first century. So, alas, he falls into the same trap as all the others who attempt to establish the end times by math.


  14. BB the biggest trap with setting dates, is the belief that there is only one correct date. Rather, there are a multitude of possible dates, some being more likely than others. Only in hindsight can one know which date was right. Stated differently, historically significant dates conform to geometric patterns, but there are a multitude of different patterns these dates can conform to.

    Cheers TradingGuy

  15. What is this nonsense about Herbert still shining brightly and still "overshadowing" what others put out there?

    It is proclaimed elsewhere, I believe from Flurry Fantasyland, that Herbert's message -- once, years ago -- went out "in power" from over 400 radio stations. That was believed to be a good percentage of all radio stations.

    You mean to say the same "power" is there as it goes out from a handful of 1-person websites, competing with BILLIONS of other websites?

    Ha! That IS laughable.

  16. "From what I gather, he bases his interpretation on the correlation between the calendar during Holy Week the year of Jesus' death, and the Hebrew calendar for 2016."

    So, he's another Harold Camping or William Miller type?

    "The basic problem with his premise is that the calendar of the first century was not a fixed calendar."

    That's not his basic problem, just as the arithmetic wasn't Harold Camping's or William Miller's basic problem either.

    Their basic problem is that the bible is mythology and the guy he calls "god" isn't there.

    So it won't be a case of "right, but just a little off with the timing" when, once again, it doesn't happen as he predicts either. It's that is is never going to happen. There will be no "great tribulation," and there will be no "return" of a 1st century itinerant preacher who might never have existed in the first place.

    It's a case of being wrong about the whole entire shootin' match, lock, stock, and barrel.

  17. Medical conspiracy is not an uncommon idea in COG groups. Things like "they have a cure for cancer, but they are hiding it" etc.
    Included in that are people who somehow do not believe that vaccinating works, or is evil or a conspiracy to kill us all. Also that using trained mental professionals for things like alcoholism, or depression are somehow "evil".

    Overt and covert racism... the idea that the lesser races like blacks, or the Germans are destined to kill us all (the Germans somehow being morphed from Assyrians).

    Some believe that movies that have UFO alien invaders are designed to condition mankind to fight against Christ at his second coming, with the world believing that Jesus is an alien invader as well.

    Herbs, strange supplements, i.e., colloidal silver or alternative medicine such as homeopathic treatment etc. Seemed likes every congregation has their own resident amateur "herbologist".

    There are many others.

    OK- Since this thread is about the "Kitchens" and their nonsense, let me end with a "Kitchen Joke"...

    For those of you guys that believe women belong in the kitchen...
    Just remember that it's where we keep the knives!

  18. Look, it's not like I believe that any accurate forecast of the end can possibly come from Armstrongism or (or any other group that I'm aware of). And I don't have any pet theories on this topic of my own, other than being able to see what is clearly wrong.

    However, since the guy didn't get all arrogant or call himself a prophet, just in case he's still tuned it, I also didn't want to treat him as would be appropriate with Bob Thiel, Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, or the idiots who place their little ads in the Journal. Also, we've got regular participants from the splinters now, so for the sake of brevity, I approached the error only from the absurd Armstrongish standpoint of setting dates based on some form of math, an error which Henry apparently shares with them.

    In this case, rather than a full lambaste, I thought it appropriate to just allow October to come and go without incident as its own proof of the error. We don't always need to use hammers. Feathers or brushes can sometimes do the job just as well.


  19. It's simple. There are just a few things to remember.

    The earth is flat.

    The world is at the center of the solar system.

    There is no global climate change.

    The great tribulation will start in 3 to 5 years (ask me three year from now).

    Donald Trump will be President in 2017.

    British Israelism will be proved true once and for all this November.

    Mainstream Armstrongism knows exactly when the Feasts should be.

    Everything you ask in Jesus' name will be granted.

    If you are anointed you will be healed.

    Alcohol is OK to use by alcoholics.

    There is one true church and the Armstrongists have it.

    Herbert Armstrong was the end time Apostle.

    So called mental illnesses are all demon possession.

    There will be a place of safety in Petra.

    If you believe all these things, you will be saved.

    From what, we're not sure. Maybe sanity?

  20. Simply take a quick look at Timothy Kitchen Jr's FaceBook page - it says it all, SCREAMING that it belongs to an uneducated religious fundamentalist.


    And while you're at it, check out his brother's page as well, Samuel W. Kitchen - every bit as loony. Why do all these kinds of people seem remarkably alike in their bizarreness?


  21. 6.03AM you and many others here are in for a rude shock. My prayer answering God tells me otherwise.

  22. From that FB page, August 19 post:

    "What matters is whether or not one is keeping to what they have been taught by Christ through Mr.Herbert W Armstrong...
    It has pleased God, and He has seen it fit to only place ONE apostle in the Church of God in these last days. And that apostle is Herbert W Armstrong...
    We are required to feed on what God gave through Mr.Armstrong. That is the spiritual food Christ is feeding His Church with. The Word of God as preached by God's apostle...
    And the entire Church was raised up in these end times to LIFT UP God's apostle as PILLARS OF THE TEMPLE!...
    Even if we are NOT ministers, we are commanded to speak the same thing- what was given through God's apostle by Christ!...
    What does God want us to do?
    To stay faithful to Him, and to obey Him and to walk in all his ways, and not to depart to the left or to the right of what He gave through His apostle- Herbert W Armstrong!"

    Just a wee bit of idolatry...

  23. 12:45 PM: Give us your date so we can all mark our calendars.

  24. 3.38 PM God has not given me a date. Whose to say that God has even set the exact date. He might be playing it by ear. But He has confirmed the coming economic collapse and the military defeat and enslavement of America. Scary days lay ahead.

  25. 3.13 PM the Herbie article is hard to read. Herbie never magnified the ten commandments. He didn't feed the flock. All members got was the non stop 'give' nonsense.

  26. Hey Anon12:45PM, every god is a prayer answering god until nobody believes in him or her anymore, and then, instead of getting angry, they always seem to just go into retirement. Why should your god be any different than all the others? There isn't even anything original about your god.

  27. 5.40 pm God is no respecter of persons. It's like gardening, follow the gardening rules, and the plant thrives. Live by the ten commandments, work hard, pray for mankind, and God will answer your prayers. That it's God answering your prayer, will be self evident. Try it. Reality test.

  28. Hey Anon8:02PM, thanks for the condescending assumption that I never tried it.

    I was born to believing parents, I followed the biblical recipe, got baptized like it said, did the best I could to live by all the commandments which is way more than just 10-and did at least as good of a job than those around me-a lot better job than the ministers, worked hard, prayed as I was supposed to, studied my bible, didn't "rob god," but no dice for several decades. No answered prayers and no holy spirit either. What were Yahweh and Jesus waiting for? Well, of course, they weren't waiting for anything, because they don't exist, I guess. If they do exist, the ball is in their court. It's either that or they are respecters of persons and I'm just the garbage to be thrown away to them. But if these gods don't do what they say they're going to, and so aren't real, maybe some other gods are. But which ones? And given the preponderance of other gods, all of whom seem to need people to do everything they're supposed to do for them, and seeing how Yahweh, Jesus, Satan, angels, and demons are in every important way indistinguishable from all of those other pagan pantheons (and yes, christianity and judaism are just as pagan as any other religion), I feel fully justified in concluding those gods never existed. That's the only thing that's ever been self-evident, though it took me long enough to realize it. I consider reality tested, and Yahweh and Jesus at least are not real. Somehow I doubt any other ones ever were either.

    What you say is true for every god, given he has followers like you. Confirmation bias and an endless supply of random dots from the universe is all one needs to be able to connect them in such a way as to create the appearance within the mind of the believer that his prayers are being answered by the celestial magic 8-ball of your choice with either "yes," "no," or "wait." When your hypothesis is unfalsifiable, there's no risk of losing.

  29. There is a way to make absolutely sure your prayers are answered. Pray this way:

    "Go ahead, God. Do whatever in hell you want to. You will anyway." Or you can go with the traditional "Thy will be done."

    Everything that happens after that will be your answer.

  30. There goes the sound of battered marbles again...

  31. Since when is hwa's character judged by how he treats the Ichtus?


  32. nck, since the spring of 1960.
