Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Wade Cox Says Tokyo Olympics Unlikely to Happen As The Tribulation Will Have Started

Just when you think the craziness that makes up the Church of God can't get any crazier, along comes Wade Cox. Good Old Wade.  The most magnificent Church of God leader since Herbert Armstrong.  God's mightiest man who has converted over half of the African continent to the truth.  The man who says the Koran is an extension of the Bible. He is such an awesome guy that Dave Pack truly trembles in his shoes at the awesomeness of Cox.

Wade feels that God has revealed his innermost secrets of the end times to him.   Even Bob Thiel with his double blessings cannot compare to the knowledge that drips from Cox's fingertips.

Below Cox lays out just how the end times will be happening, all tied into the schedule of the Olympics.  Humanity witnesses the last Olympics to ever be held when it was in Rio this summer.  The tribulation will start before the Tokyo Olympics, 2020. No more opening ceremonies.  No more parade of athletes.  No more NBC and Bob Costas.  Truly terrible times are ahead!

If your bullshit meter has not went off already, it should. When has there EVER been a Church of God leader who has ever told the truth and knew anything about eschatology?

They think they are in control but they are merely pawns of Satan and they will be destroyed over the period we will term the Last Olympiad. The Games of the 33rd Olympiad will not be held as in 2024 the Vials of the Wrath of God will be in full force and will have commenced sometime from the end of the 32nd Olympiad in 2020 and hopefully by Trumpets of that year. 
The Tokyo Olympics are highly unlikely to occur as the Sabbath year of 2019 will see the Witnesses deal with the world prior to the Advent of the Messiah.  We know that the Messiah will arrive to cut the rule of Satan short and his rule ends in 2027 at the Jubilee in any case. From the example of the entry to the Promised Land we deduce it can be some seven years before that year that Satan is imprisoned .
We know that the Two Witnesses will be here 1264 days before the Messiah and so we can assume that the Tokyo Olympics are unlikely as the Trumpets will reduce world travel and at the end of their time world commerce is severely disrupted.  The Empire of the Beast will last for one prophetic hour and rule from Jerusalem for 42 months over the time of the Witnesses. The world will be dealt with and driven mad by the curses of Deuteronomy 28 (and esp. 28:34). The priests of the pagan system will be incapacitated as will the leaders of this evil system and much of it will be in captivity to the Beast and the nations it chooses to rule the administration of the Ten Toes. 
No nation will be independently surviving for the Olympics under the Beast system. Tokyo will be under the Kings of the East over those last days. Thus they know that their time is short and Satan and the Demons must realise that this is the Last Olympiad of their rule. More importantly the Games of the 31st Olympiad in Rio must also be the last of the national teams to compete in the games.  Similarly the wars of the Sixth Trumpet will have killed a third of mankind and the wars will desecrate the nations on an ongoing basis. What evidence do we have for the awareness of Satan and the demons that this is the end of their rule? The Last Olympiad


  1. Turning Japanese? I really think so! Thank you, Wade! Now we understand that the two witnesses will be Japanese olympians! Mr. Armstrong was always so proud of his Japanese sons! (Excess exclamation provided on purpose!)

  2. In 1994 the Soccer World Championship final was in the Rose Bowl in Pasadena.

    Gerald Flurry said that God would draw attention to that game in a devastating way (for obious reasons).

    I sealed an enveloppe with tape with that prediction one year in advance as a last and final "benefit of the complete doubt about cog nutjobs."

    Here we are more than a "19 year time cycle" further. And the only quake of significance in California since that time just happened last monday 10 minutes after the anouncement that Brangelina were filing for divorce.

    I beseech all readers, followers, sympathisers of Wade Cox to heed and think very hard.


  3. "When has there EVER been a Church of God leader who has ever told the truth and knew anything about eschatology?"

    When has there ever been a Church of god leader who has ever had any truth to tell about eschatology?

    "We know that the Messiah will arrive to cut the rule of Satan short and his rule ends in 2027 at the Jubilee in any case."

    We do? It will?

    The "jubilee" was something concocted in exile. The ancient nation of Judah was a Canaanite nation. If Judah ever observed such a thing, it observed it as a pagan jubilee, as part of its pagan Canaanite traditions.

    "We know that the Two Witnesses will be here 1264 days before the Messiah and so we can assume that the Tokyo Olympics are unlikely blah, blah, blah..."

    We do? We can?

    "...the Vials of the Wrath of God will be in full force and will have commenced sometime from the end of the 32nd Olympiad in 2020 and hopefully by Trumpets of that year."

    Hopefully. Nothing like a little fundy Armstrongist end times bloodlust.

    And if Wade has mixed islam into his fundamentalism, that only makes him all the more dangerous.

  4. Can you imagine a real Deity having the following conversation with itself and Jesus?

    "Let's see, now..ok..let's do 1335 days after a big earthquake , 2300 days before the times, time and half a time moment at the Jubilee . This will have to be coordinated with the Feast of Trumpets and various versus in both Daniel and Revelation.

    Now...ok ok...We can either resurrect Moses and Elijah for the Two Witnesses or get us some new ones from all the splinters of the Worldwide Church of God, I mean, my Church...no...your church, you built it. Hey wait a minute....then you unbuilt it! Ok..ok...that changes things.

    From the unbuilding of the Church, which you did, not me, there will be 40 years from the Christmas Sermon by ...(was he one of ours or Satans? I forget)....Joe Tkach. In a time, times and some more times...ok, lots of times to be announced because I might change my mind and give them all more time. If it isn't working very well, let's do until the Wheat ripens on a cloudy day in Jerusalem at the Full Moon , no wait....the new moon... Or how about until Dave Pack, (Is he one of ours? I forget) confesses on the second Sabbath after the full moon of Passover, after a 1335 interval, that he was not mentioned in Haggai or Zechariah or Zephaniah or even by us ever. No wait...then you'll never get to return.

    Ok, ok...wait...I'm confusing myself. From the time Apostle (When did we do that? I forget) Bitter Bob dreams Seven Goats bowed down to him , which are the Goats of the Splinters of God ( You did that Jesus!, not me), Pack, Flurry, Meredith, Webber, Malm,....um...help me here Jesus. Well, we'll figure that out later...

    Oh I give up.... Let's give them more time out of love and mercy to attract five or ten more people to your church which you unbuilt. We'll make up something like, we don't see time as they do or a day is like a zillion years to us . Tell them, "Time is short" is not short like they think short is short. Just make stuff up. They'll believe anything.

    That will hold 'em until we figure something easier out..."

  5. "....because, Confusion is not what I the author of am." Stop laughing Jesus! Wipe those smirks off those faces 24 Elders! Hey..hey...Cherubs, Seraphs! Don't try and turn your four faces away from me. I can see at least one of your giggling!"

  6. If the Chicago Cubs win the World Series this year (they are currently in first place, and have not won the series in 108 years), THIS SURELY is a signal of the beginning of the End Times!

  7. The BLM folks are rioting in Charlotte over some police activity. I bet some of the Roddomites are thinking that's part of the beginning of the tribulation.

  8. Good rundown, Dennis. I enjoyed that!

    Allen C. Dexter

  9. Blogger nck said...
    "I sealed an enveloppe with tape with that prediction one year in advance as a last and final "benefit of the complete doubt about cog nutjobs."

    Oh, goody!
    Of course, when nck is asked about it , he'll say he was only kidding.

    It's all sadly, and of enveloppe understandings.

  10. Odd how perspective promotes different views, isn't it?

    The British Israel folks prophesy that the future is upon us and the Tribulation is about to begin. Looking back in history, the BLM folks see tribulations that they and most of their kin have been suffering for many generations now, ever since their hapless west African ancestors were sold into slavery.

  11. I was in the room when Wade Cox a dozen years ago when he gave a timeline a decade or so sooner than this particular timeline. Did he shake the snow globe and find significant differences? It's hard to say. For come ccg members at the time, the Tribulation began over a decade or so, but they are all fine now that they left and formed the Assembly of Eloah. Hi guys!

    People outside the one man show domain that the ccg teaches that Satan the Devil is the Prodigal Son given by Jesus: Originally, before he became Jesus, he was an archangel (Wade is cagey about coming right out and saying it was Michael the Archangel), brother to Lucifer an archangel who became Satan. After a millennium in stasis (or whatever) and being released a short season, the Devil will be made a mortal man to live through the Great White Throne Judgement and repent, returning to his place in the family of God and again as Jesus' brother. Of course, the Prodigal Son story portrays Jesus as being angry that Lucifer being brought back and God the Father has to calm him down to accept Satan back into the fold. Well, you know, Mark Lax did say that "Wade Cox worships Satan".

    Which brings us to the Koran, accepted by the ccg as equal to the epistles of the Apostles, describing the wonders of Allah -- the ancient Arab pagan moon god, Sin, one of 350 deities, who became the Greater God after Mohammed, the business man, found a business reason to unite the Arabs under one powerful deity for the purposes of commerce. The Koran starts out with all this flowery language about how wonderful Allah is, only to devolve into "death to the infidels". "The people of the Word" -- Jews and Christians are not to be touched early on, but the magic of the Koran is that you have to accept the latest declaration as the final truth and so after you find contradictory info, you just adopt the last entry on the subject, so 'death to the infidels' it is. As if that's not enough for you, the Koran, of course, supplants the Bible. Or that's what Cox would want you to think.

    In all of this, Wade Cox has introduced some Islam heresies along the way, such as his very own version of British Israelism, which really makes it unlikely for him to have that much success in establishing the ccg as a presence in Saudi Arabia as he has previously announced. Just a suggestion here, but he should probably stay out of Saudi Arabia. The life he saves might be his own -- not to mention the accompanying torture. They aren't as positive to his teachings there as he might think... if, that is, they have taken notice of him at all. Just a word to the wise.

    Anyway, all of this can sound pretty good to the unexposed and the naïve until... they read the Book of Hebrews, which pretty much dashes this whole thing about Jesus being an angel, even if he were an archangel. I dunno, the Scripture seems pretty clear about it. Cox has wisely chosen not to address it in his some 300+ papers though.

    Well, that's about it.

    We believe that enquiring minds would want to know.

  12. As an "outsider", my observation is that this is where reading and attempting to apply the bible to the 21st Century will take you. The loony bin.

    Inventing false fear is what religion is all about.

  13. Our friend Bob Thiel recently posted his take on something John Ritenbaugh wrote about prophets. Bob comments:

    …the reality is that most real Christians will NOT accept biblical criteria for prophets in this age.

    Lest we assume that “prophets” could appear in other COGs, Bob warned:

    certain leaders of other COGs have disqualified themselves on certain matters of prophecy, especially when they insist on matters that are wrong, or at best questionable

    Some paragraphs later, we are given a list of 36 “errors” made by other COGs – with the conspicuous exception of the 300+ documented prophetic errors made by HWA and company.

    The last line of the above comment is the key: “wrong, or at best questionable” With that, Bob just disqualified himself.

  14. The conclusion I come too is that man is quite MAD.
    It is only the degree of MADNESS that afflicts us, that keeps us from real MADNESS.
    And then you have the ''prophets'' of the CoG's.
    Is there another category for them?

  15. Adventism, the belief that armageddon is perpetually right around the corner, is just another way in which the religious plug necessary human ignorance by thoughtlessly pretending to know things they don't know. In this case, it's ignorance about the future, which by definition is something humans are necessarily always going to be ignorant about, all "prophecies" notwithstanding.

    However, it's funny that in order to do this, they have to commit to remaining unnecessarily ignorant, and unnecessarily thoughtless, about a great many other things that in the 21st century there are no defensible reasons to be ignorant and thoughtless about anymore. It's a really absurd set of trade-offs when you think about it. But that would require some thought. And they've already committed to not doing that.

    Committing to ancient "understandings" of things is to sort of determine in one's own mind that on certain issues at least it's wrong to learn, or to make progress. The religious do this even while learning and progress, and the net benefits that accrue with that, are all around, and even while taking such progress such as the abolition of slavery, the abolition of polygamy, or the germ theory of disease, which can in no way be attributed to Abrahamic religions or their texts, and attributing that progress to them anyway, and then being in the worst form of denial about how far from static religions really are (they wouldn't survive if they weren't) and pretending that to be totally regressive is a virtue. If COG people really practiced "authentic" 1st century judeo-christianity they'd look an awful lot more like ISIS than they care to admit. The adherence to religion is built on either dishonesty, insanity, or both. Thankfully, most religious today prefer dishonesty over the actual insanity their religions call for.

  16. These people from the Assembly of Eloah ~ Do we call them Eloahdiceans?

  17. Dennis wrote:
    ""Let's see, now..ok..let's do 1335 days after a big earthquake , 2300 days before the times, time and half a time moment at the Jubilee . This will have to be coordinated with the Feast of Trumpets and various versus in both Daniel and Revelation. "

    Poor God.
    In addition to all the above considerations there's always the off-chance that his free-will created humans will repent and completely mess up the whole plan he has specified in advance through "sure" prophecies, and make him out to be a liar.

    Unless, of course, they don't really have free-will and can't really help what they're doing. In which case the punishment can only be considered sadistic, but what the hey. Makes for great drama.

  18. How many Armstrongites back in the seventies would have thought that we would be able to watch the 2016 Olympics on our tv sets instead of being well into the millennium recreating a utopian society. Even if I believed Jesus did exist, he would not want us to sit around speculating when he will return. Lets be real folks! Lets live our lives to the full as if this is the only life we have!

  19. Wade Cox says: "...The Games of the 33rd Olympiad will not be held as in 2024 the Vials of the Wrath of God will be in full and will have commenced sometime from the end of the 32nd Olympiad in 2020 and hopefully by Trumpets of that year..."

    Wade is about a 1,000 years off with his timing of the Wrath of God: the 7 Vials/Plagues. That does not occur until Satan is loosed out of the bottomless pit.

    The wrath of the Lamb, which is the wrath of Jesus Christ, occurs before the 1,000 years and that is the 7 Trumps, which has to do with the taking down of Satan's systems and governments and preparing to send Satan to the bottomless pit.

    Until then people may continue to look for that wrath of God, like they look for them 10 kings/nations to show up on the world stage. That is all for much later.

    And time will tell...


  20. Actually, he might be right here, from a certain point of view...
