Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, October 17, 2016

Mario Hernandez: Brethren, we are on the brink of going to Petra! What hurdles do you need to jump in order to get there?

Petra is still alive and well in the Living Church of God, even though they will usually scramble to deny it when you really push them on it.

In the first 5 minutes you will see that the beast power and the united Europe is on the verge of uniting ten nations to force their will on the rest of the world!  "Brethren we are on the brink!"  It is the same load of bullshit that the prophecy nuts in the church have been vomiting out for decades.

Mario is one of the biggest obnoxious jerks that Living Church of God has in its ministry.  No man can be more puffed up at his magnificence than Mario.  He has been this way since his days in Pasadena where he thought was the most educated man that HQ had.  LCG members find Mario to be as boring as Almost Arrested Bob Thiel.  It is amazing how LCG has coddled so many of these foolish men.

Here is a barf bag if you make through the entire 1:20 minute sermon!  Imagine siting through 1:20 minutes listening to this bullshitter.


  1. Follow me people. Lets all travel to a middle eastern country and live in the rocks and dessert and stay there for a few years until Christ returns. Do you people realize how loony that sounds. That is something that loony cults do. Get real people! No one is coming to save you or anyone. Get a life and live it fully!

  2. Once anyone has been in Armstrongism long enough to experience church government, they will have lost all illusion that Petra could possibly be any sort of place of safety.

    Petra's time and date stamp expired sometime during the '70s. Too many people know about it now, and the carved rock buildings have become unsrable and unsafe just within the past several decades. How could you hide out in a prime tourist destination? It makes about as much sense as the pyramids being used as a place of safety.


  3. When I was a armstrongite, I remember schooling one of my relatives into believing that same crap. He originally asked if America was the Beast. But now, I think he was more right in a metaphorical way. I wonder if the rest of the world would see it this way too.




    unPhiladelphia Church of Fraud: See Flurry's filthy, old, lying, slandering, sex maniacs, sex perverts, and predators running wild and out of control until his PCG members are all screwed up. Witness satanic abuse masquerading as the government of God. Watch the little runt give himself many big titles: The Law Breaker, That False Prophet, Beer in the Flesh, etc. Fake ministers. False brethren. Evil spirits. A paradise for predators, but heck for their prey. Loyalty to Gerald strictly demanded. Disloyalty to your own family also strictly demanded. Massive, satanic changes to HWA's major teachings.

    Restored Cash Grab: See selfish Pack of lie's insatiable greed running wild and out of control until his RCG members are left destitute. Witness more satanic abuse (and massive theft) masquerading as the government of God. De-clutter your life by giving your house, its contents, your retirement account, savings, etc. to Dave. Start to wonder what Dave will demand that you “prove” from your Bible and firmly believe in next week that totally contradicts what he demanded that you “prove” from your Bible and firmly believe in last week. Learn that even hundreds of Dave's “proofs” do not really prove anything. Experience really cruel, satanic betrayal in the RCG. Experience bumdom afterwards. A masochist's dream nightmare come true. Massive, satanic changes to HWA's major teachings.

    Circus of Fraud--Preparing For Another Wrong Guess: Watch ex-convict and writer of fiction Weinland running wild and out of control making up wrong date guesses until his COG-PKG prediction addiction addicts cannot tell fiction from reality. Support his fiction with your real cash. Only for those who have zero interest in truth. A circus masquerading as a COG. Warning for viewers under age 13: This clown is not funny. Massive, satanic changes to HWA's major teachings.

    Continuing Church of Paganism: Oh, look, look. See pagan, Catholic, retard Thiel running wild and out of control looking to demons for future trivia tidbits until his American CCG members get scammed by his Nigerian CCG “members.” For those who are bored with God and Bible prophecy, and who think that pagan prophecies are more exciting. If you always enviously thought that pagan Catholics got to have more fun because the boys grew up to be hoodlums and the girls grew up to be sluts, this could be a way for you to dip your toe in the sewer and check it out. Massive, satanic changes to HWA's major teachings.

    P.S.: Extra Bonus Bum:

    itstimecog.con: An anonymous, shameful liar who just called himself “Henry” and “wisely” chose to tell his prophetic lies anonymously because, frankly, he really ought to be ashamed of himself for telling such fibs. All about his own, wrong, October 11/12, 2016 prophetic date guess that he attached to a DONATE button at his website. Showed no interest at all in HWA's major teachings. Just preached prophetic junk until the passing of time proved it wrong, and then said that he was not a prophet. Watch for him to reappear with a new website, a new wrong prophetic date guess that he “really believes in,” a new DONATE button, and maybe even a new name like “Dick.” The Devil used him once. The Devil can use him again. He can't stop lying now. He just can't.

  5. i heard on bbc radio that theresa may, pm of britain, wants to initiate the uk exit from the eu no later than the end of march 2017, which is interesting to me because march 28 2017 is the biblical new year, and is also 3 1/2 years from 9-19-2020, which is the day i suspect Jesus will Return...

    i am one that thinks that Malachi 4:6 and 1 Corinthians 13:8 opens the possibility that there will not be a need for a petra: the concept of a petra would be needed if God Cursed the earth, but Malachi 4:6 & 1 Corinthians 13:8 implies that God may very well change His Mind and Spare us all, ijs...

    1. Oh geez. Another number-cruncher setting dates. Stop that. Didn't learn anything from the COGs?

    2. a reasonable person would not conclude that as a result of being a numbers cruncher i came to my conclusion, nor did i set any dates; i merely said it is my suspicion that Christ would return on 9-19-20, and it is a fact that 3-28-17 is 3 1/2 years from that 2020 date...

  6. DBP,

    That is the original Ellen G White adventist concept. That America is the beast power.


  7. Anon @ 1:27 AM, your wisdom is astonishingly accurate and astounding! - Maybe you could sell discount Day Planners that go through March of 2017, or maybe you can collect tithes.
    There's GOLD in them thar cult-rubes!

  8. This would be all well and good if there were to be a place of safety.

    But there won't be.

  9. Can't we hide in the Bahamas?

  10. well, one Prophecy is certainly being Fulfilled; there are scoffers...

    1. There will always be in any scenario. Thats not particularly interesting.

  11. Anon at 6:27. We have every right to mock Super Mario. There is not one single thing that the says is true. Super Mario is a bullshit artiest. He was known for that in Pasadena and he is still doing it. The problem is that what he says is a blatant lie. He is a liar.

  12. well, one Prophecy is certainly being Fulfilled; there are scoffers...

    Wow, til now I never quite realized how easily "Prophecy" could be "Fulfilled"!

    Apparently and hypothetically, if I posted something crazy, like, "The pimple on my leg enables my brain to tap into top-secret government documents.", it would certainly produce scoffing replies.

    And, hence, that "Prophecy is certainly being Fulfilled;[because] there are scoffers"

    When I was a child, a neighbor boy with a very active imagination used to come to our house to play. Sometimes he would jump up on our coffee table and proclaim that he was "getting power from Mrs. Jones' shoes"
    I remember my sisters scoffing at his words.
    In later years, I remembered those strange instances, and wondered if Timmy was demonstrating early signs of developing a foot fetish.

    Little did I know, that because my sisters scoffed at his proclamation, that "Prophecy was certainly being Fulfilled;[because] there were scoffers"!

    Who knew that prophecy was so easily fulfilled? LOL!

    1. its very telling when people resort to attempting to make fun of those with whom they disagree instead of engaging in civil discourse...

      and it happens generation after generation: mockers and scoffers are of the same spirit; you mocked noah, you mocked Christ while He hung on a tree, you mocked the jews who believed Isaiah 11:11-14...

      thats just what you do...

    2. While you mocked breakfast ham, Christmas shoppers, kids looking for Easter eggs and the like. Always have been uptight, sanctimonious douchebags like you hanging around providing mock fodder. You might say its symbiotic.

    3. so you come on someones post what has done nothing to you personally to childishly mock and name call, but i am the douche bag?

      you are a hypocrite, having proved yourself guilty of all that you accuse cogers of, and you represent those with your pov well...

  13. Actually most of what he stated is scriptural. There were a few things that I call speculation, but the opinions of all is also speculation, so no big deal as long as one knows that it is speculation.

  14. Hey, its almost Halloween, the COGlodytes are getting stirred up... they're breathlessly anticipating the sermons about "Satan the devil" (ya gotta use his full name in the COGs), "eeeeeeevil", and all sorts of other pithy remarks from their self-appointed high ground that no one else seems to notice. :)

  15. Our resident COG Comedian (Anon 9:46) seems a little obsessed with HWA's major teachings.

  16. Super Mario is a hypocrite. He disagrees with Rod Meredith on some fairly basic details of prophecy as taught by HWA, yet he is happy to take Meredith's money in salary and travel expenses to teach the Spanish-speaking LCG members something different from what Meredith teaches the English-speaking members.

  17. Mario is not a Christian and does not preach the new covenant. He is a judaizer who worships the law. That's not mocking, that's the truth.

  18. And you 1:45 you are being dishonest with yourself are yo not? Why not just say outloud 'commandments'? instead of hiding behind the word 'law' which can mean just about any law in the bible.

  19. I'm not 1:45, but I don't see how saying "commandments" would particularly alter the meaning of the comment. Shouldn't be worshipping commandments either.


  20. RSK said...“Our resident COG Comedian (Anon 9:46) seems a little obsessed with HWA's major teachings.”

    The really interesting point to note well is that the false prophets like Gerald Flurry and David Pack who initially made the biggest fuss of all about following HWA, and who pretended to be following HWA more loyally and carefully and faithfully than anyone else, have now actually departed farther away from HWA's major teachings than anyone else has. Gerald Flurry and David Pack both used HWA's name to attract former WCG members, but then both of them led the people off in totally different directions.

  21. Anonymous 9:38 wrote: all about following HWA

    Apart from using HWA for some form of credibility and attract former WCG members, it's about lineage. If you claim to be the most faithful remnant, HWA has to be there as your predecessor.

    And Bob Thiel also shows he follows HWA, quoting him extensively, using excerpts from his books, articles and sermons in his posts. But in a sermon, Bob told his audience that he doesn't adhere to everything HWA said.

    HWA's there as another broken link in a rusty chain.

  22. "LCG members find Mario to be as boring as Almost Arrested Bob Thiel." Statements like this one are very misleading. On the one hand, the possibility exists that one LCG member MIGHT view Mario Hernandez this way, but unless the author of this post has spoken to ever LCG member (or even a majority of members) to determine what they think about him, this statement is misleading at best, and, at worst, a flat-out lie. How would the author even begin to assume that he knows what LCG members think? If the author finds Mario Hernandez to be boring, he should state that. But he should NEVER claim to know what "LCG members" think and feel as he simply does not (and could not) know.

  23. You would be shocked at how many LCG members send info or send private details about issues in the church...and you would be surprised as to WHO sends me stuff. I can take the comment about Super Mario being disliked with accuracy considering who it is from at HQ.
