Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Bob Thiel: No Christian Needs To Celebrate National Holidays (Thanksgiving) Nor Should They Watch Vile Filthy Satanic Football On That Day!

It is that time of year as people in the United States celebrate Thanksgiving, though this year will particularly unique due to the COVID restrictions. It is also time to remember the silliness that comes forth out of the resident fools leading various Churches of God, particularly in the improperly named "continuing" Church of God. 

Sadly, we miss James Malm's yearly rant on pagan Thanksgiving, but Bobus Thiel makes up for that loss.


Almost Arrested Elisha Elijah Amos Joshua Doubly Cursed Bob Thiel is back again his yearly meltdown.  Americans are celebrating Thanksgiving and watching evil Satanic  American Football.   Oh, the horrors!

This time around the self-appointed false prophet is also taking a swipe at Thanksgiving.  Real Christians do NOT celebrate national holidays.  Of course, his 1,997 members on the dole in Africa don't celebrate it anyway, so I don't know what his beef is...other than he has to complain about something every day of his miserable negative life.  Has the church ever produced a man who is filled with such negativity?  Does anything please this delusional false prophet?

The Doubly Delusional false prophet starts out by smearing Thanksgiving:

Today is national holiday in the USA called Thanksgiving. And despite certain claims, its specific origins are not pagan. But, of course, no Christian needs to celebrate national holidays like it. And the Bible does condemn gluttony. 

I have never seen anyone sit down and make gluttons of themselves on Thanksgiving, and even if they did it is NOT a sin for that meal.  Gluttony is a life long process of greed, not a single meal.  If that were the case that almost every single minister that has ever eaten in a Feast of Tabernacles Ministerial Hospitality room is a glutton.  Having worked in several of these exclusive areas I have witnessed first hand the over-indulgence of the ministry in food and alcohol.  They deserve the best! It is owed them!

Then the Doubly Cursed delusional false prophet gets to the gist of his entire Debbie-Downer posting...football...Satan's prime tool in turning the masses away from the "truth once delivered."

One thing that I have noticed on the day called Thanksgiving by those in the USA, is when I have been at many other places than the home I lived in, American football has been playing on television.
For many, other than food and family, football is a major focus of the Thanksgiving holiday.

Oh, the horrors!  God come quickly and save humanity!!!!!!!!!

The Doubly Cursed false prophet is doubly incensed at what Youtube did with his video "sermon" on their channel:

When I was posting a video on YouTube several weeks ago on giving thanks (watch Ingratitude and Giving Thanks), apparently because it mentioned ‘giving thanks, YouTube suggested that a ‘key word’ for the video should be ‘American football’ (which was not in the description).

Then Rod Meredith's wayward "son" trots out his "jesus" as proof his stance on football is correct:

While I have even heard some people thank God for football, it is not a sport that I believe that the God of love would condone.
The person that Jesus stated was greater than all others born of women (Matthew 11:11), John the Baptist taught:

14 Do violence to no man (Luke 3:14, KJV)

What do sports like American football and boxing do? They harm people. Even if played according to all of its rules, American tackle football is evil because it actually physically harms many its participants...
The truth about the harm the sport causes is something that professing Christians, and others, who think that they should watch American football should think about. 


  1. Football deaths and injuries pale into insignificance, compared to the coming carnage of the David Pack cult group. Mr. Dave brags about killing billions. To prevent gluttony the church should come out with a maximum calorie amount one can eat each day. This calorie limit must be enforced. Come to think of it, if each church member starved a little, there would be more $$$ for the church leaders.

  2. Does Bob suggest we spend time at pornhub?

  3. I think Thiel himself needs to go into the "Concussion Protocol" like NFL players have to. He is sounding dingy and confused!

  4. At least Bob wrote that Thanksgiving doesn't have pagan origins, but he may have written that just to contradict James Malm. Sometimes Bob's retorts remind me of the Monty Python Argument sketch.

    1. Maybe, instead of watching football that day, we should all watch Monty Pythons movie ‘Life of Brian’!


  5. If some otherwise useless, big, thick-skinned lout wants to play some silly game like football for the money, who cares if banging his head shortens his lifespan? If the head-banging does not do him in early, maybe the STDs from the cheerleaders will. As long as he had high-paying football and cheerleaders, at least he can think that he lived a full, abundant life. Something to be thankful for.

    1. Ehh, maybe, but I'd say the NBA players have better longevity than the football louts. :)

  6. No, Football is NOT God's favorite sport!

    It's baseball!

    Have you not read in Scripture how Adam stole first, Eve stole second and the Prodigal Son came home?

    And to seal deal and cap it off, the Bible itself starts off in Genesis:

    In the Big Inning!

  7. OverlyDramatic said:"When I was posting a video on YouTube several weeks ago on 'giving thanks',...YouTube suggested that a ‘key word’ for the video should be ‘American football’"

    OHh, for the love of God, I wish I could have spoofed Bob Theil with..."giving thanks".. may Youtube suggest the following key words and tags, "Thanksgiving", "pagan holidays", "evil", "football", "sinning", "Anti-COG", etc.

    just to hear his brain crack!


  8. It's just as embarrassing as all hell that all of these aspiring teachers of Armstrongism are white guys! If you are a person of color, be proud that these bizarros are not!


  9. e.g., aaron hernandez; junior seau, to name a few...oh, nevermind: clearly one cannot reason with people what have made up their minds despite the evidence...

    what invisible force pulleth the strings of the minds of man? even to his own injury, destruction...

  10. WHAAAAAT? The Vikings won and the Cowboys Lost! That's something to be Really thankful for!

  11. There's the saying in self defense of "experience trumps technique." Meaning that there's subtleties in fighting that can only be learnt by sparring. Many people have died because they did not know how to defend themselves against predators. So banning boxing and similar because of the dangers involved, has its own down side.

  12. It's amazing how facts make people so mad.

    Fact- all national holidays are man made.

    Fact- holidays ARE holy days

    Fact- the bible teaches that we are to only worship one god and his holy days and not man's.

    Surpising it took this long for even one CoG minister to even remotely acknowledge these facts.

  13. Anon 11:05, Different Nations civic calendar holidays are NOT holy. What's holy about them? A persons opinion on here are not proof of factual accuracy. Why do you assume if a person doesn't accept what you qualify as a "fact" as "mad" "angry" about it.

    One God controversy hey too.

    1. Yes they are holy. Holy just means set apart. Or the opposite is "profane" which means common.

      People seem to think that "holy" means magic or super power. But it just doesn't.

  14. 11:05 PM

    Yet Hanukkah is a national holiday and Christ didn’t criticize the Judeans for observing it.

    1. Jesus never criticized anyone for rape either. Is that proof that Jesus supports rape? Obviously not.

  15. It is amazing to me that kooks like Thiel,Flurry & Pack have any following at All. They constantly spew prophecies that fail but are never held accountable, but that happened with HWA in 1975 yet they lied their way around it. Worthless prayer rocks, phony thrones, constant calls for more tithes & offerings while the lay membership struggles to get through a pandemic. These three stooges are failures.

    1. I wouldn’t call them failures. After all they seem to make pretty good money with what they do for a living!

  16. Dear Bobus:

    Thank you for your deep insight. I have repented of my evil ways, and am now a loyal follower of you, my highness.

    In making life changes based on your profound insights, I will be spending what is called "Thanksgiving" by the
    evil world, by watching Roller Derby and eating Carrot Sticks, and thus be in conformity to what you, the " inspired
    oracle of wisdom" has prescribed for the "end time work".



    History and Update

    The American Thanksgiving holiday was originally about being thankful to God.

    Later, the American Thanksgiving holiday became all about watching football games.

    Now, the American Thanksgiving holiday is all about Black Friday sales at Walmart.

    1. And here’s me thinking the American Thanksgiving holiday is all about eating as much turkey as you can.

  18. In my 11 year football career, the total injuries that were incurred were: one sprained ankle, six sprained wrists, torn ligaments in left knee, one hip pointer and a bruised vein in the left arm.

    In high school gym class, we had coed flag football with the gym teacher who was the football coach as well, playing quarterback for both teams. All the girls and probably half the boys had never played any type of football. As a wide receiver, the coach had me run a slant over the middle which in hindsight was more about "showing" off than sport education. Anyhow, as I sprinted past what looked like everyone standing still, the ball was in the air and I extended my hands to make the catch, I then hit what I thought was a tree and immediately crumpled to the ground disorientated from a concussion, grabbing both my arm and thigh in pain I rolled over to see the prettiest girl in our school standing there over me smiling in all of her petite gorgeousness standing only 5 feet tall and weighing only 85 pounds.

    When word quickly spread about how little "Luara L" knocked out of action "mr athlete" in an innocuous game of flag football, the humiliation was unrelenting.

    Bob Thiel and the other COG leaders sit behind locked doors and locked gates or closed curtains believing they are the arbiter of 1st century Christianity which has a storyline of the results of a in your vicinity, in your "Synagogue", and in some instances in your face message. These men wouldn't ever consider putting themselves out there in similar circumstances even if violence wouldn't be an option. But humiliation would always be an option and these men prove day by day that they don't and are not worthy to drink of the same cup of Jesus Christ.

  19. Bob Thiel is the personification of everything that is stupid about Armstrongism.

  20. Byker Bob! Yeah!!

    I thought you had gone to the Place of Safety.

  21. Well said What About The truth! Well said!

    "Bob Thiel and the other COG leaders sit behind locked doors and locked gates or closed curtains believing they are the arbiter of 1st century Christianity which has a storyline of the results of a in your vicinity, in your "Synagogue", and in some instances in your face message. These men wouldn't ever consider putting themselves out there in similar circumstances even if violence wouldn't be an option. But humiliation would always be an option and these men prove day by day that they don't and are not worthy to drink of the same cup of Jesus Christ."

  22. I’m actually really surprised that none of the COG’s have invented this extra holiday yet: Armstrongday. Celebrated with games like ‘Wolfs and Sheep’, ‘Bible Belching’ and ‘Minister Mopping’.

  23. Bobus Christ
    Doubly blessed
    But Meredith thought you were a pest.

    Bobus Christ
    Doubly blessed
    You are so sure that you are the best.

    Bobus Christ
    Doubly blessed
    You didn't prophesy; you guessed!

    Bobus Christ
    Doubly blessed
    Butt-hurt when your conduct leads to jest.

  24. Thank you for citing James Malm. How many COG leaders quietly were pleased to see him pass away this year?

    Re: "ArmstrongDay" - doesn't PCG mark that on January 16?

  25. DBP???
    November 24, 2016 at 5:48 PM

    One of the reasons I had to create a blogger account for this site.

  26. NEO writes:

    Byker Bob! Yeah!!

    I thought you had gone to the Place of Safety.

    The nearest BB's comment above is from "November 24, 2016 at 8:57 PM"

    so not sure why this comment, if the above post is in mind.

  27. Welcome back Byker Bob. Really enjoy your comments & insight. Hope you had a good Thanksgiving. Enjoy some football. Roll Tide!

  28. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P37xPiRz1sg

    different holiday, sorta...but the point is the same.

  29. BB hasn't been away four years. It's closer to one year.

  30. The comment was from four years ago, not the time BB has been away.

    BB appears to have ridden off into the sunset around the time James Malm's diabete overtook him (ca June 10, 2019).

  31. Byker Bob was not James Malm.

  32. No one on this thread, so far, is claiming that BB was James Malm.

  33. Maybe we should celebrate Biker Bob Day? To welcome him back?

    How are you BB? I missed your comments!

  34. Ffs! Byker Bob’s comment was timestsmped as 8:57 PM on November 24, 2016!!!

    He hasn’t returned to comment on Banned. So all this ridiculous celebration over his return is premature and wrong! Smfh!

    1. Supports my theory that Byker Bob is in fact a Time Traveler!

  35. Anonymous November 27, 2020 at 5:05 PM said... “Jesus never criticized anyone for rape either. Is that proof that Jesus supports rape? Obviously not.”

    Jesus was physically present in Jerusalem when Hanukkah was being celebrated and some believe His words referring to Himself as the Light of the world in John 8 sets up the coming festival in ch. 10. Further, He did condemn rape by condemning sexual lust. And if you think Hanukkah—the celebration of the rededication of the temple after Antiochus’ sacrilege—is equivalent to a sexual sin you’re very mistaken!

  36. Hannukah is pure idolatry. Read about its origins they are complete fabrications. I celebrated Hanukkah as a child. Its fables and fairy tales.

    There is no "temple dedication" in it. Its pure idolatry.
