Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Dave Pack: Atheists Will Be Long Gone When We Get To My Zion

Dave and his crew will be the most educated eternal beings ever to exist.  Due to Dave's superfantabulous "work" he is doing in Wadsworth, there will be no atheists when his "zion" arrives.  They will be long gone because Dave and his crew will either exterminate them or convert them to the ways of Dave.
What about education, at all levels? We have already introduced that in a certain way—all levels. Good-bye evolution! WHAM—day 1. Of course, you really won’t have to worry about it too much in one regard, because the God of the Bible is here, and everybody who is an atheist will have figured out there is a God. Now, did He allow things to evolve or not, is a secondary question…but there is a God. As soon as this Great Work continues…this awesome, powerful Work continues in a big way…and I explained it last week…it will not be long before there will not be one atheist on Earth—waythis side of Zion. All you have to do is look at the things that are scheduled to happen to God’s Church, very soon, and you know the atheists are probably long gone by the time we are on Zion.


  1. A-theists Dave are experts at making you out to be the fool you are. Your series on the Joy of Creationism was bogus, horribly out of date and just plain stupid. You are way out of your league with any college educated biologist, paleontologist, geologist or cosmologist and you cannot bull your way to being remotely correct about your views no matter how much you furrow your brow and speak with your fake and pretend understanding of the issues and discoveries in Evolution, which you memorize from creationist literature but actually know virtually nothing about.

    I challenge you to spit in a test tube, send it to the National Geographic Genome Project and get your personal DNA/mutation journey out of Africa 100,000 years ago explain to you at an 8th grade level.

    Dave...like or not, you are a hairless ape with conscious awareness over your immediate cousins, Chimps, Gorillas and Orangs with whom you share a common ancestor about 5-6 million years back. You adopted religious notions because you know you will die wonder will happen to you, unlike your cousins who aren't aware enough to care.

    You have it backwards Dave. Some day YOU will be the footnote and people will wonder why they were so ignorant and gullible to believe your religious delusions and mythmaking.

  2. Here you go RCG lurkers. Pass this around and be sure Dave sees the entire 14 part rebuttal to his ignorance.


  3. Here RCG lurkers is the wrap up on Dave's entire series. I'd invite those brave enough to watch all 16 refutations to Dave's presentations. See how interested in "the truth" Dave is when you point these out to him. You might also inform him that we no longer live in an age where one can get away with the ignorance and bluster provided in Whales of Tales and Theories for the Birds and that these will follow him wherever he endeavors to convince the gullible


  4. Don't get frustrated, you're helping a lot of people, it's just a slow process...

  5. And the first shall be last, and the last shall be first.

    Dave, there are a lot of atheists who were born with much greater intelligence, talent, and ability than you! Listen carefully to what's around you, because they're going to be tooting the horn for the passing lane!


  6. Dave and his crew will be the most educated eternal beings ever to exist.
    "...did He allow things to evolve or not, is a secondary question..."

    Lol, obviously. And that is true weather there is a God or not. On that issue, even the hated sith lord of atheism is way ahead of you Dave! The Truth is way more contagious than spontaneous laughter.


  7. Davie Pack will be long gone and the atheists will still be around.

    In fact, in the United States, the number or atheists is growing rapidly.

    And I think that, in his own small way, we have David Pack to thank for that.

  8. "You adopted religious notions because you know you will die wonder will happen to you, unlike your cousins who aren't aware enough to care."

    Then again, there were the Sadducees. To this day there are many Jews that believe in God but have no belief in an afterlife. Figure that out.

