Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Dave Pack Claims He Has A Famous Jewish Actor Interested in the RCG

A list of Jewish actors is here.

We had a very famous Jewish actor…If I said his name or showed you his picture, you would know immediately who he was. You would all say, “Wow!” He wrote us and wanted to visit. He was thinking, reading; he realized he had been lied to by religion in so many ways. He was serious. He wanted to know where the Church was and…World famous…Believe me, you would all know him, if I showed his picture right up here on the screen…and at the last minute he backed out, because it was too big a step down to come with us. I hope he comes later. God knows how to work with Jews. He will come to them as they are.
Every actor's representative should be contacted as soon as possible to tell them what a dangerous cult Dave Pack and the Restored Church of God are to peoples lives.

Dave is most assuredly waiting to start sucking all the money he can out of this individual.  Nothing like getting a financier to built his mini-me auditorium!


  1. It's got to be Bob the Builder.Prefect individual to build Daves mini ambassador campass.Is he Jewish?

  2. Dave is most assuredly waiting to start sucking all the money he can out of this individual.

    A Jewish actor would know that it is a sin to "tithe" to someone other than a Levite maintaining the Temple. God's commanded tithes go to a specific tribe for a specific purpose. If the Temple is ever rebuilt, Jews will be obligated to tithe again. Until then, all then can and should do is give generously. Any Jew who hears Dave ranting about "tithe" and "common" will know to run away fast!

  3. I very much doubt this story.

    It is just another lie appealing to a person's vanity.

  4. "We had a very famous Jewish actor…If I said his name or showed you his picture, you would know immediately who he was. You would all say, “Wow!”…World famous…Believe me, you would all know him, if I showed his picture right up here on the screen…"

    Yeah, no respecter of persons there.

    "God knows how to work with Jews."

    What a dumbass racist thing to say. Facepalm

  5. Nothing or no amount of money can satisfy Dave. A former work boss was like that. He wanted everything, literally everything every person on the planet has. The closest word for is avarice.
    Dave is insatiable.

  6. Oh, goody!
    Is this person anything like the nutcase genius Bobby Fisher?

    Somehow, I doubt this "mysterious famous Jewish actor" will be foolish enough to join Pack's cult.

  7. The last thing we need is Bobby Fischer the Sequel.

  8. Bottom line is, so what, unless of course he wants to read into it and make it something it isn't. What is packs point behind this anyway?

  9. A Jewish actor would know

    Not necessarily. A Jewish speaker I heard said about 90% of the Jews who convert to Christianity are non-practicing ethic Jews with little knowledge of Judaism. The speaker said she had been one of the 90%, and after her Conversion, she also decided to study her Hebrew Roots - and was convinced by practicing Jews that she had been tricked with "proof texts".
    I knew some Jews in the WCG, and they only had a very limited knowledge of Judaism.


  10. Anonymous said...
    "We had a very famous Jewish actor…If I said his name or showed you his picture, you would know immediately who he was. You would all say, “Wow!”…World famous…Believe me, you would all know him, if I showed his picture right up here on the screen…"

    Yeah, no respecter of persons there.

    Dave is a respecter of persons, at least until he gets what he wants out of you. Many times at HQ special tours, and personal meetings with Pack, were given to "special persons". However, never was such an invitation extended to any of "lower means." They were relegated to serving the ministry, and fundraising, and volunteer labor on the weekends to clean up HQ. (For the special tours of course.)

    He is the biggest respecter of "himself."

  11. Don't get too excited.

    It's a famous porn star.

  12. How come William Shatner is not there. Elvis was a Jew as well.


  13. “Dave Pack Claims He Has A Famous Jewish Actor Interested in the RCG”

    Did the acting of the actor from Wadsworth actually fool an actor from Hollywood?


  14. “He wanted to know where the Church was and…World famous…Believe me, you would all know him, if I showed his picture right up here on the screen…and at the last minute he backed out, because it was too big a step down to come with us. I hope he comes later.”

    Isn't the location of the local churches (that is, the rented halls) top secret information?

    Yes, indeed, it is a very big step down to STEP OFF A CLIFF.

    For sure, Dave hopes the guy's money comes later.

  15. Oh WOW! A Jewish actor??!!??

    I'm so impressed! . . . Is that like the persons that backed HRC for president? I had to wonder what they do in a rain shower, they certainly lack common sense!



  16. “Dave Pack Claims He Has A Famous Jewish Actor Interested in the RCG”

    Maybe the actor's plan is to make a movie about an unbelievably abusive cult led by an insatiably greedy psycho. The RCG is the best example around of such a thing to base the movie on. The actor wants the show to be realistic, and to be “based on a true story” of lying, stealing, destroying, and killing by a demoniac.

  17. What about Whoopi Goldberg? She identifies as Jewish.

    All the major Hollywood studios were started by Jewish immigrants from eastern Europe who were locked out of most jobs and professions, so they had to do their own thing. At that time, the dramatic arts was regarded as just a step up from prostitution. They turned all that around. We should be neither surprised or resentful if it would be a shorter list to name the famous actors that aren't Jewish than the ones who are.

  18. Maybe the actor is writing a screenplay for an expose about cults that rip off the Jews' culture and traditions. If he knew all of the misery and heartache that Armstrongism weaves around a basically Jewish foundation, he'd be outraged, and working to stamp out the RCG. Perhaps we should tell him about Dale Shurter, Kevin Denee, and some of the others who got busted for attempting to continue using their brains after coming under Dave's influences.

  19. LOL
    For whatever reason, that was only part of my post.
    But thanks for following it through to the same conclusion that I did.


  20. "I knew some Jews in the WCG."

    Really? I'll assume you mean their Jewish ethnicity, and not their religion.
