Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Dave Pack: I Speak To Demons And I Can Heal People Instantly

Superfantabulous Dave. Where would we be without him? He has had demons making claws at him and he can "wham" the disease out of people. Awesome!
Angels cannot discern thoughts and intents of the heart the way Christ can, or the way the gift of discerning spirits can. I have been in situations where I am across the room, and I’m looking at a human being and I can tell at a certain point…I’ve had assistants with me and they couldn’t…I could tell, at a point, I’m not talking to a human, this is a demon. I knew exactly what to do to be absolutely sure. I would antagonize it. They have no character, and they usually respond like a scalded cat. I have actually seen them put their hands up like claws and start talking in another voice, if you call them an unclean or foul spirit…which Christ did…and I could just tell there was a spirit there. I am not godlike. I am way below angels and way below God, like all of you.
So God can give gifts. I have laid hands on people and wham!—there went a disease. I wasn’t godlike, or a little below angels. But I knew we would be given an enhanced ability at some greater level with all of those gifts, if under Christ. We are going to rule the world, and this means you ladies, by the way. I want to just stress—this includes the ladies. What I didn’t know was how far would God take that. Obviously, we are going to have greater judgment than angels, because we judge them. They don’t judge us. They minister for us.


  1. "Wham!" "Pow!" "Socko!" "Bang"...Dave with his assistant Boy Wonder, evidently was quite heavily influenced by Batman and Robyn of the 1960's in his fanciful quest for power over the Joker, Penquin and Riddler. These were the original three ministers who had to die before the people of Gothem would come unto him.

    Dave is a typo of Batman not Elijah and his current obsession with magical powers is disturbing. To the Battycave!

  2. David prove your worth.

    Get connected with Bob Thiel and heal his son. This would go along way to prove that you are the chosen one for this generation. You would then be able to add not only Bob to your organization, but also his followers.

    With one so gifted by Yahweh, you should have no problem in accomplishing this. So Dave, pick up the phone and arrange a meeting with Dr. Bob.


  3. “So God can give gifts. I have laid hands on people and wham!—there went a disease.”

    Dave can take gifts. He has laid hands on people and wham!--there went all their earthly possessions.

  4. Dave's getting worse mentally. BEWARE!

  5. If Dave doesn't get his way or things go wrong, he acts like a scalded cat or is it a spoiled brat?

  6. Oh, Im quite sure that Dave indeed has relationships with demons!

  7. 5.25 AM So true. In fact you can tell who his victims, err, I mean his members are. They are the ones walking around in their underwear.

  8. Dave is a typo of Batman

    Nice analogy! Which brings up all of Dave's (and Bob's) "proofs" that they hold some special office, as apostle, prophet, supervillain, whatever. In biblical scenarios, people were known functionally, by what they did, not by what they may have claimed to be. As Adam West said (appearing as himself in an episode of The Big Bang Theory) "I didn't have to say, 'I'm Batman', everyone knew I was Batman!".

  9. If God were truly healing people using Dave Pack as His human instrument, it would set off a non-sequitur situation. Upon having their bodies and minds healed, they would be leaving Dave's church!


  10. Honest questions here: Are you all former Church of God members who have lost your faith in God, agnostics, or were you just bitter tares all along? Have you never figured life out and now seek to blame all of your problems on the former World Wide Church of God and its splinters and slivers, just as many of the liberal supporters of people like President Obama and Hillary Clinton seek to blame all of their problems on Whitey and Christians? How week and pathetic, if true. Tell me I'm wrong, say it ain't so. I'm waiting for some good answers.

  11. 10.05AM
    your rant is a rant, rather than a question as you claim. If you lack such honesty, who are you to moralise to us. Also you need to be legally licensed by play Dr Phil with other peoples lives.
    Morally, you are a chicken thief.

  12. Why doesn't Mr. Pack go to the local hospital or cemetery and heal the sick or raise the dead? Imagine the publicity he would get. RCG's membership would sky rocket. No actually he cannot do a thing he claims, except maybe sitting on the toilet.

  13. David C Pack cannot raise the dead, but another COG minister has! Read the miracles of Malcom Heap at Midnight Ministries of people he has brought back to life. Also read the testimony of the countless people God has struck dead for speaking against Mr. Heap. God's word will not be stopped!


  14. Anon 1005: Thank your for your interest

    Yes, I'm a former R(adio)CG/WCG member, and I followed GTA/RLD for a while but never "joined" (sounds a little like HWA's claim about CG7). I then lived in a Jewish community for a while. I don't feel I have any "problems" and if I do, it's my own fault, not that of others.
    Although I slip into ridicule, my intent is to show factual error, inconsistency and cognitive dissonance in the remaining COGlets - it is actually a biblical duty to show a "brother" where they are wrong. In the words of Byker Bob, I feel I'm one of the "troubleshooters" of the COGs.
    I found the direct approach (email to COGleaders, etc) less effective than the public COG-critique forums such as Banned, Painful Truth, etc.

  15. LOL
    "Wham!" "Pow!" "Socko!" "Bang" Why don't you go where you are needed then, Dave? Like back to the meanstreets of Chicago!
