Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Idiots in the Pulpit: Preacher wants to ban sex...as dangerous as cocaine

“Sex has never been ordained by God,” he began. “In fact, it was the first sin, Adam and Eve and the serpent. And you see what happened to the serpent on that. But, like I say, sex is the problem. If you don’t mention sex, two men or two women can live together, share a place, have a place, and one can leave whatever she got, and they can have a ‘merge partner,’ they call it.”
“I say this to the young people: Sex is a very dangerous thing. As dangerous as can be. As dangerous as cocaine or anything else. If you start, say as a young person, and get hooked on that, and it’ll paralyze your mind where you won’t learn very well like you ought to, most time. And it’s gonna create all kinda problems.
Continuing on with his line of thought, the man said, “Sex, I think, well, sex is the biggest, the most reason, well, all the homeless, abused children in the world is because of sex. And 99.9 percent, I guess there’s been a few [intelligable] that was because of money then. But money and sex is the two worst things out there and sex is a mighty big one.”
There may however be a rational explanation to the dramatic outburst. The American Psychological Association defines Erotophobia as a fear of sex. This could be a good explanation as to why the man of cloth would go as far as exaggerating statistics about homelessness when in actual fact, 47,000 of the homeless population in the US are veterans.  Theos Watch


  1. what is the purpose of this post? a lunatic who distorts the bible and speaks nonsense. and, speaking of psychiatry, why don't you tell us how they used to call homosexuality a mental disorder (because it is), but then, not on the basis of some scientific discovery, but simply due to the homosexual lobby's pressure change their position. so much for them being a bunch of objective scientists. yuck.

    1. And then you proceed to out yourself as a distorter of psychiatry and speaking nonsense. Yuck.

  2. Anything a human can do has negative consequences if you make bad decisions about it, or use it in wrong ways. No sex means no more human race. This preacher is like the Armstrongites in that he loses balance through his extremism.


  3. A message for this "NumbNuts Preacher"...The Bible says "The Marriage Bed Is Undefiled" !

  4. It's his wife's idea. She wants a "asexual" relationship!

  5. I suggest he try both sex and drugs together, but be warned some drugs don't help sex too much, in fact a man his age might have a heart attack. He is probably looking back on his life and wishing he'd had sex with more people than his miserable wife, and maybe done more drugs too. Too late now buddy. Perhaps in his next life he'll come back as a sexy pole dancer and marry a Trump.

    1. lol,i know that's right come back as a pole dancer I've heard quite a few of these people,and later you hear of them caught up in some sex scandal or another,to me it pot calling the kettle black....

  6. There goes the human race.

    Not that the world will notice much and in 10,000 years it will be hard to find any trace of humanity.

  7. The man has a good idea, without sex. David Pack, Bob Thiel, Rod Meredith, and Mr. Weinland would never had existed.

  8. “Sex has never been ordained by God,”

    Then how did we get here? God's thoughts? Why did He make it so?

    "...get hooked on that, and it’ll paralyze your mind where you won’t learn very well like you ought to, most time. And it’s gonna create all kinda problems."

    Learning to sin causes too many humans and that's the way God likes it!

    Responding to November 23, 2016 at 5:52 AM, Who knew there could be some people who have so much fun at getting it so wrong? At least they won't be reproducing after their own kind, am I right? Do you think homosexuals are going to destroy mankind or something like that? I think they would be the ones with the most fear about that!

