Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Living Church of God: Is It Really the Church of Brotherly Love?

For decades the Church of God claimed it was the Philadelphian era of the Church of God.  It was the church of brotherly love that had the truth that Jesus personally whispered to Herbert Armstrong.  That brotherly love did not extend too far out, especially to the Church of God 7th Day whom the church sarcastically labeled the Sardis era, even though it has remained stable and is a church that is actually growing while the COG splinter groups are not.

Ever since the Worldwide Church of God imploded with hundreds of self-appointed false prophets setting themselves up as leaders, the Church of God has become one of the most unloving church ever.  Protestantism and its division is are nothing compared to the bitterness that fills the present day Church of God.  The leaders have tuned into he most unloving group of men the church has ever seen.

Dave Pack's god is getting ready to murder three other COG leaders.  Flurry claims that ALL COG leaders are false.  UCG ruptured after a pissing contest which lead to COGWA forming, all because the ministry could not work together.

Then there is Rod Meredith.  Has the church ever had an evangelist that is more loving and compassionate as he is?  That love still drips from him to this day!

Living Church of God is the only true Philadelphian Church of God in existence in these tumultuous end times!  Or...so says, Doug Winnail:

Real Philadelphia Christians
The Book of Revelation describes Philadelphia Christians as having a strong desire to carry out the mission that Jesus Christ gave to His Church (Revelation 3:7-11). According to the Scriptures, that mission involves preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to this world and especially to the Israelite nations (Mark 1:14-15; Matthew 10:1-7), warning the world about difficult times that will arise at the end of the age (Matthew 24, Mark 13; Luke 21), and preparing a people to reign with Jesus Christ in the coming government of God (Luke 1:17). However, the name “Philadelphia” means “brotherly love,” which indicates that true Philadelphians will also strive to follow Jesus’ admonition to “love one another” (John 15:12-17). They understand that showing unselfish, outgoing concern for others (instead of sitting in judgment of others) is one of the distinguishing marks of a real Philadelphia Christian (John 13:34-35). As we look forward to the coming year, let’s all look for ways to show more “brotherly love” to others so we can be real Philadelphia Christians.
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail

It is good to know that we will all experience that true "brotherly love" that Rod Meredith knows how  to spread so well.   Love is in the air brethren!  Can you feel it?


  1. Well, lef's just put it this way. I did indeed witness some examples of brotherly and sisterly love, and even remember the more outstanding examples today. But they were infrequent, not a regularly occurring thing. Many members would figuratively slit your throat either in fear of the ministers, or to make a good impression on them. It sometimes seemed that that type of behavior was more prevalent than the love which was preached.

    So far as the ministry went, they seemed not to make the effort, spend the time, or ask the correct questions to ascertain the facts prior to imposing penalties or meting out discipline. So, the correction could not be offered from a standpoint of love.

    What I've discovered in the intervening years is a phenomenon we were told did not exist. People in "the world" are capable of expressing great love, and acts of total selflessness. In fact it happens quite often. That capacity appears to be deeply innate, and not simply performed on command. It comes from the heart. Wouldn't it be nice...........


  2. if one has to strive to do anything it implies struggle and difficulty...it is very telling that dr. winnail speaks of keeping Gods Command that we love one another in terms of struggling to do so...

    struggling to loving thy neighbor, especially if that neighbor is a person of color, has been an age old dilemma in these so called Christian churches because their sense of superiority, i.e. their submission to satan, with little struggle, quite naturally is in conflict with the Way of God...

  3. Armstrongism burns up the love that others might walk in with like fuel, because it's the pain that drives that engine. Lost and burning up oil without ever needing to ask for directions.

    miserable bastards

  4. Dougs 'outgoing concern' is a effect, not a primary. This is the losers rigging the rules to get what everybody else has to earn. This is the ministry trying to boost church numbers (and personal power) by playing the game of the unjust steward.

  5. It is good to know that we will all experience that true "brotherly love" that Rod Meredith knows how  to spread so well

    It isn't brotherly love Rod Meredith is spreading.

    I believe that the technical term for what he is spreading is 'manure'.

  6. I can feel his love inside my wallet

  7. Brotherly love is often another thing that ACOG members qualify for by law keeping as defined by HWA. It's not an expression of grace that is freely manifested and from the heart.

  8. Miguel, me thinks you worship Herbie, assuming you are not trolling.

  9. Read it again, 7:55, only think this time. You obviously have a problem with your reading comprehension.

  10. Miguel, you said 'law keeping as defined by HWA.' The laws of physics, chemistry and moral are all there independent of HWA. Why mention his name at all? God created all the laws of the universe, so I observe His creation and read my bible to discern these laws. How can Herbie or any person define Gods laws? After all, they already exist. All that any man can do is to point them out, so others that can see whether that person is right.

  11. responding to,
    November 3, 2016 at 7:55 PM
    November 4, 2016 at 1:05 AM

    Go to google and search "recursion"......

    Do you see the light ?


  12. How many times have we read entries by Armstrongites claiming that they are "qualifying" for things that either cannot be quallified for, or are free gifts? Or that are cumulatively learned by all human beings just by living life?

    Satire: the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like in exposing, denoncing, or deriding vice, folly, abuses, and shortcomings.

  13. "Satire: the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, abuses, and shortcomings."

    Armstrongism: A belief system devoid of any sense of satire or irony.

    A shame too, since Armstrongism is steeped in satire and irony... consider British Israelism -- an alternative world science fiction which can not exist in our own universe. Except it is the very worst science fiction ever!

  14. Doug wrote: "... true Philadelphians will also strive to follow Jesus’ admonition to “love one another” (John 15:12-17). They understand that showing unselfish, outgoing concern for others (instead of sitting in judgment of others) is one of the distinguishing marks of a real Philadelphia Christian (John 13:34-35). As we look forward to the coming year, let’s all look for ways to show more “brotherly love” to others so we can be real Philadelphia Christians..."

    Another lecture on love? Doug, your followers apparently aren't getting your message, b/c you've been writing about love and faith for years now.....as though your listeners hear nothing you say...or write.

    Why aren't your members showing that love you speak of? They can't!

    God must give out that love, like faith, by measure, by proportion:

    Romans 12:3 For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the MEASURE of faith.

    :6 Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the PROPORTION of faith;

    If God does not give out that love, it won't be shown. It is really that simple.

    Thankfully, before all is said and done, God will give out that love you hope to see in your members at the time of the second resurrection (there is no 3rd resurr), if not sooner, but God must deal it out.

    That is why you have been speaking about God's fruits of love and faith for years as those you speak to and write to don't seem to be growing in that love and faith.

    As a minimum, explain to your people why they need to go to God for that love and faith before those fruits are shown in their lives. God gives the growth and the fruit. One can't show it by wishing it or by thinking one can manufacture it on their own.

    I am surprised you, Doug, are not "blue in the face" by now with all of the times you continue to hammer away on your followers about these God-given fruits of the Spirit. If God does not give those fruits now, then guess what?

    A day is coming when all will be given those fruits. Most won't occur until that 2nd resurrection. Satan and the demons will see it too, but not have those fruits in them.


  15. "Armstrongism: A belief system devoid of any sense of satire or irony."

    It's true. Sometimes the funniest people are the ones who were not trying to be funny at all.


  16. "Armstrongism: A belief system devoid of any sense of satire or irony."

    I beg to differ!

    In the late seventies at a Feast site I attended had as "movie activity" among others:

    "Animal Farm" (of George Orwell fame)

    Early eighties

    "Herbie" The little Volkswagen.

    I guess some regional directors "got it" or at least had as sense of humor.
    All attendents thoroughly enjoyed the activity.

    Of course there was the company approved (Lawrence of Arabia, Fiddler on the roof and square dancing etc)
    but the first two activities must make my point.


  17. Poe's Law is strong with, November 4, 2016 at 1:05 AM

  18. Miguel, what is satire to you, is the gospel truth to others. There are posters here with wildly differing beliefs. For that matter, I am still not sure what it is that you believe.

    Are your first two line in 70.24 satire or your beliefs? To some it is truth, to others like myself, it is a crack potish remark. Or are you just crazy making. No one here can read your mind.

    Do you DBP also see the light?

  19. My beliefs are inconsequential, Anonymous 2:02. I'm not here to teach. I'm here to get people thinking about the inaccuracies and ridiculousness inherent in the Armstrong cults. If someone were to do something simply because Miguel thinks it's right, that would be rather hollow. However, if something Miguel posts perhaps opens some minds, makes people think and reexamine, and gets them to make some new more positive decisions that are not based on lies, fear or scare tactics, it all becomes real.

  20. "Do you see the light?"

    It was a trick question. We all use it without really thinking it through. Whether it is used for religion, science, or any other topic and I'll continue to use it myself too. Even though the phrase is ambiguous, most people will not understand how it could be. Almost universaly, the presupposition of that phrase is ignored. But it will be okay, if everyone else assigned the same meaning to the same thing. There could no longer be any news of difference. Conflicts would end. Will that ever happen? Nope. But that does not mean it's bad. I do know that it is NOT my definition of a utopia.

    "Do you DBP also see the light?"

    I can't see light. Neither can you. Or anybody else for that matter. Didn't the good book say be wary of those who can masquerade as angels or beings of light? What do you think those deceivers are selling? Why would I buy what I can not see? And know, they can't see it themselves either, even if they think they do. But some of them are counting on you not seeing that they don't see it either, and all for their own profit. That is all that some of those scoundrels care about. Themselves. For the rest of us here on the third rock from the sun, we realize we are all NOT like them. The Universe is forgiving enough to allow us to correct our mistakes. This even goes for those deceivers as well.

    We can't see light. We can only see what is illuminated by the light. That makes a big difference when you look at it that way. Because, cults need everybody to see it the same way and that is always the cult leader way. What did they try to sell again?

    "I know, I know... light!, ..you guys have a great racket going on here. I want in! What's the buy-in cost? Can I franchise or is it too soon?" Simon Magus
    Fuck off, scoundrel!

    Why do we tend to argue over assumptions and opinions? Especially in religion. IMHO, that is where it happens the most! Why?
    Friends or enemies? Friends, especially the best ones, will almost always choose to understand, rather than argue.


  21. Miguel, you remind me of Bob Dole! ;)

  22. LCG: a group of people who pretend to be friends with one another for decades but as soon as someone stops attending they turn their backs on them. No love.

    LCG: a group of people who think they are more called, more righteous, stronger in the truth and sealed Saints who can't wait to rule others with a rod of iron. No love.

    LCG: a group of people who wouldn't dare fellowship with homosexuals, adulterers, or 'worldly Christians' because they fear it will rub off on them. No love.

    LCGers are the most unloving people I have ever met in my life. I contend that you could take a random sample of people outside LCG and find more compassion, humanity, love and Christian character any day.

    I speak from experience. When I left LCG, I lost every friend I had. They all turned their backs on me. No love. If you aren't' in, you are out. They could have let their lights shine so brightly and showed me so much love that I would have never been able to walk away but they so loveless that walking away was easy. It really opened my eyes to see that there was absolutely no way LCG was "God's church" because God's true people would never behave with no love.

  23. LCG: a group of people who pretend to be friends with one another for decades but as soon as someone stops attending they turn their backs on them. No love.

    Rod Meredith's purpose is to keep anyone from leaving, and he used you as an example for others to fear.

    LCG: a group of people who think they are more called, more righteous, stronger in the truth and sealed Saints who can't wait to rule others with a rod of iron. No love.

    Rod Meredith encourages this attitude. Bible-readers sense that this is wrong, but it is hard to ignore someone who keeps telling you how great you are, which is an excellent technique for propagandists. "Humble yourself and let God exalt you" is a concept that Rod Meredith does not practice, and it filters throughout the organization.

    LCG: a group of people who wouldn't dare fellowship with homosexuals, adulterers, or 'worldly Christians' because they fear it will rub off on them. No love.

    Perhaps they're trying to obey 1 Corinthians 5:11.

    LCGers are the most unloving people I have ever met in my life. I contend that you could take a random sample of people outside LCG and find more compassion, humanity, love and Christian character any day.
    I speak from experience. When I left LCG, I lost every friend I had. They all turned their backs on me. No love. If you aren't' in, you are out. They could have let their lights shine so brightly and showed me so much love that I would have never been able to walk away but they so loveless that walking away was easy. It really opened my eyes to see that there was absolutely no way LCG was "God's church" because God's true people would never behave with no love.

    That is a shame, and while Rod Meredith gets the brunt of the blame for fostering this attitude, people who tolerate abuses by their leaders are obeying men rather than God and empower the leaders to continue their wrong behavior. People need to realize their leaders are trusting in their own tactics rather than Jesus Christ.

  24. Miguel, Did you lift your 7.38PM comment from some New Age book?

  25. LCG Expositor, that was my experience even in the old WWCG. It was a loveless church. The constant 'outgoing concern' brainwashing was a indirect acknowledgment of this.
