Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, December 12, 2016

Dave Pack: No One In The Church of God Has Pastored As Many People As I Have

Dave, the ever so humble superfantabulous Church of God minister.  There has never been a pastor as good as he has been nor taken care of more people.  Dave knows this for a fact as he claims to track all of the ministers in all the various splinter groups.

Finally, I would use this example…and you can take it for what it’s worth, and that’s the lesson of my pastorates. As I’ve said many times, I pastored 11,000 people, personally. I don’t know, maybe there are others in the world who have had higher numbers. I don’t know. There’s certainly nobody in Worldwide Church of God in the 90 years since God called Mr. Armstrong who ever got to half that number. That I know for a fact, because I track those things. And I will just say, my experience was that I could pour my heart out in sermons, spend years working with people and get to know them, and I found over and over again most of them weren’t praying, studying, fasting, meditating at all. A few were doing it some; a very few, a lot. That was the story of those 3-by-5 cards…I wrote of in my autobiography.


  1. I might be very good at a number of things, but humility compels me to reveal that I do some things very poorly.

    And David Pack is much worse than that.

  2. And no other Pastor has ever been sent to so many church areas because no one wanted him. PLUS, no other Pastor has ever caused so many members to flee the church as David Pack!

  3. Sad to say when I was in the ministry working for regional director thougjtin Chicago, he asked me if I thougt Dave should be brought back into the ministry after being let go. I said "sure." I apologize lol


  4. “And I will just say, my experience was that I could pour my heart out in sermons, spend years working with people and get to know them, and I found over and over again most of them weren’t praying, studying, fasting, meditating at all.”--Dave Pack

    Was Dave Pack “praying, studying, fasting, meditating at all”? If so, what good has it done him? He sounds like he has become demon-possessed!


  5. sinneDCDiehl said....“Sad to say when I was in the ministry working for regional director thougjtin Chicago, he asked me if I thougt Dave should be brought back into the ministry after being let go. I said 'sure.' I apologize lol”

    Now, that is beyond sad. It is far worse than any Greek tragedy. In fact, what you did sounds like some sort of irreversible and unpardonable sin. It is not funny either, and a laughing apology will no longer suffice. You need to send out some atonement money to help Dave's destitute victims. Also, maybe take some drink offerings to the park benches where they sleep.

    Think about it! You were actually there! Other people can only daydream about having the ability to go back in time and stop some monster of depravity (such as A. Hitler, J. Stalin, D. Pack, etc.) from developing. This must be a terrible burden for you to bear.

    For some reason, Joey Tkach, Jr. was smitten with a severe case of “cognitive dissonance” (whatever that is) and chosen to play a part in the Great Apostasy. For some reason, Dennis Diehl was selected to play a part in unleashing a demon called Dave from the bottomless pit where he was temporarily restrained. Life sure is strange sometimes.


  6. “Dave Pack: No One In The Church of God Has Pastored As Many People As I Have”

    Dave is not only illegitimate, he is also illiterate.

    It is spelled PESTERED.

    “No One In The Church of God Has PESTERED As Many People As I Have.”

    Dave's writings are full of this sort of screw-up.

  7. I read about those cards in his autobiography some years back. His autobiography has been highly edited since. In his church surveys using cards, something like half the church members did no or next to no prayer and bible study. Meaning that half the members were no different to non church members. I would have loved to have known that when I started attending services, since I gave everyone the benefit of a doubt, and was hence taken advantage of.
    Dave claimed that the church lost half its numbers along these lines, after Herbies death. I agree with that.

  8. .............

    has anyone ever tallied up how many Suicides have happened in his pastored
    areas.... Dennis can you elaborate ??

  9. David Pack should be fired.

    And you can take your pick: Fired from his job or in front of a firing squad.

  10. Off the top of my head I can think of some Wcg names who could rival Dave Pack in the amount of brethren they pastored. Although I thought it was never about the numbers. Wrong again. If we're going to judge successful pastors on numbers then Herbert armstrong himself would rank very low on numbers as he was never in one congregation for more than one sabbath after he moved to Pasadena.
