Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Another COG "School" Is In Our Midst

What would the Church of God movement be without ANOTHER college or school?  After Herbert Armstrong started three different colleges, all of the bigger COG splinter groups feel that they need to do the same thing.  UCG has its Ambassador Bible College.  COGWA has its Foundations Instiute, Center for Biblical Studies. Living Church of God has Living University.  Philadelphia Church of God has its Herbert W Armstrong College.  Dave Pack has sadly missed that band wagon, at least so far, due to his dramatic drop in income. Various other splinter groups also have small "bible based" courses, and the vast majority still have links up to the old Ambassador College Correspondence Course.

Now we have another self appointed man who feels his wisdom surpasses all other COG members, thus he feels the need to educate as many as possible to become his followers.  This man knows more about the Bible than any other COG leader ever has in human history.  And no, it is NOT Bob Thiel. Thiel has been left whimpering in the shadows of his home office due to the miraculous knowledge this end time witness and prophet has.  This miraculous man is James Malm!  Malm and his Wiccan sidekick Constance have now ventured out into a new "school."

Welcome to the Shining Light School of Biblical Studies!  Aren't you excited?????  Can't you just feel the ZEAL!!!!!!  Malm and Constance now have set themselves up as the end-all in biblical knowledge.  There are no other people on this earth who are as righteous and filled with zeal as these two are.  It is no wonder Thiel is whimpering in the corner of his study.  No man on this earth has such an inside track into the mind of the Old Testament God than James Malm, who has elevated the law to a higher position than Jesus had ever imagined his own self attaining.

Where would the Church of God be without all of these prophets, teachers, and end time guru's leading the church astray?  Eighty years of Armstrongism and this is what we end up with...Malm, Pack, Thiel, Flurry, Kubik and Meredith.  Who would ever have imagined!


  1. I printed off one of Malm's books so I could use it to line the bottom of the birdcage. That is the only place appropriate for it.

  2. Is it true she was/is into wiccanism? I tried reading her "teaching" about women having to keep a scarf on their head and it rambled on so much, it just didn't make sense.

  3. What a JOKE! Mainstream theology is lunacy. Malm's rantings do not even rise to the low level of that deplorable standard. How much you wanna bet both of the students who enroll will wind up either dropping out or else being kicked out for not giving the obligatory 100,000,000,000,000% to their studies?

  4. Disney Studios has a new movie for the whole family: Culted!

    Do you want to build a campus?
    All you have to do is try!
    You could have your classes there,
    If you could only get some students there to buy!

    You could build a campus,
    But your funds are dry!
    Do you want to build a campus?
    Don't you want to build a campus?


    O.K., Bye!

  5. I occasionally read his blog and sometimes get something out of it. But he lacks wisdom and understanding. Outside sources that often do a excellent job of magnifying some of Gods laws, he sneeringly dismisses as 'Psychology Today.' Where is his supposed love of truth? He endlessly talks of being zealous for Gods way, but it appears that this zeal excludes detailed knowledge of Gods way. What sort of zeal is that?
    His mindsets seem like the typical sliver minister. He's in their mold.

  6. 1.16PM
    last year, Malm was also claiming that women are commanded by the bible to have a physical head covering, such as a scarf while attending church services. He also claims that male children should be circumcised. Adults don't, but children have to. Go figure. Malm loves to throw theological hand grenades.

  7. I wonder what kind of school "uniforms" that Malm would want! ?

    I imagine that Catholic Girl uniforms would be waaaay too liberal for his tastes.

    I imagine complete full length "Prairie Girl" dresses, with appropriate bonnet head coverings, restrictive and suppressive bras, and certainly "chastity belts" made with the newest and most strong "space age" materials.

  8. He rants, and makes some noise, but lacks the skill set which would make him effective as a really dangerous demagogue. At this point, the most flattering statement that we could make is that he's got a somewhat annoying hobby, in which very few share any measurable interest.


  9. Catholic girl uniforms are cute. Too bad femininity is dead.

  10. Prairie girl dress is so beautiful, feminine and modest. I would give my right arm for a girl like that. I would die for her.

  11. Anon 600 wrote: [Malm] claims that male children should be circumcised

    Some years ago I wrote a piece about circumcision at Painful Truth. The meeting in Acts 15 had to do with the Judaizers telling Gentiles that to become Christian they must also go through ritual conversion and become Jews. James and others said no, adult Gentiles don't need to be circumcised. The decision didn't deal with male babies.

    Also in Acts, Paul was falsely accused of teaching "against the Law" including teaching against circumcision on the eight day. Paul claimed he kept all the laws and the traditions.

    Bob Thiel acknowledged that Acts 15 deals with adults. He also writes that the first century church still circumcised male babies, but also claims it wasn't required. I speculate that he claimed it wasn't required because that's what HWA taught. Bob writes, citing medical reports, that circumcision is good for health reasons.

  12. Hoss noted:
    Some years ago I wrote a piece about circumcision at Painful Truth. The meeting in Acts 15 had to do with the Judaizers telling Gentiles that to become Christian they must also go through ritual conversion and become Jews. James and others said no, adult Gentiles don't need to be circumcised. "
    Acts 15 concluded that just as adherence to the Noahide Laws was the way a Gentile became a "Jew" so too, adherence to the same laws were good enough for Gentiles to beome Christians.

    Acts 15: 20 But that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood.

    21 For Moses of old time hath in every city them that preach him, being read in the synagogues every sabbath day.

    The comment on Moses of old time having his own preachers was meant to simply say, "Not to worry Judaisers, Moses won't go away. Judaism is safe." It was NOT meant to say that "And the Gentiles can go synagogue on Sabbath, which they also MUST do and get all the rest of the rules" as HWA thought.

    This chapter alone would have trashed the idea that Christians needed to be Jewish Christians in WCG style had it been faced. Of course, they weren't anticipating a Church of 2000 years long as "time was short" and now we have Jewish and Gentile Christian faiths which can never be the same one true church or all speak the same things .

    Paul is the founder of modern Christianity as opposed to the Jewish version of James and while Paul agreed to sticking by the Noahide rules for Gentiles, in Corinthians he even made fun of those who thought meat offered to idols was anything and not to worry about that restriction either. (We know in all men, (Peter, James and John) is not that knowledge he told the Corinthians.

  13. Dennis,

    Another interpretation of Acts 15:21 is James is saying that the church needs to make a proclamation that Gentiles do not need to keep the Law because otherwise some of the Gentiles will become confused if they visit a synagogue and may start trying to keep the Law (which Peter called an unbearable yoke in verse 10).

    Either interpretation is consistent with the claim that Gentiles need not keep the Law.

  14. I guess it is a matter of opinion, but for myself and most of the gals that I know, circumcised just simply "Looks Better".

  15. (... prophets, teachers, and end time gurus leading the church astray?..."

    They are all part of the "Ashtray Churches of God".

    Head Clown "Surrender Dorothy" Herbie can be thanked for much of it, yet mainstream Christianity also does an excellent job at proffering mega-sucking self-serving lies.

    Together, they could make a case that they pioneered the concept of "alternative facts", although that would also be an "alternative fact"!

  16. Anon wrote, "Prairie girl dress is so beautiful, feminine and modest. I would give my right arm for a girl like that. I would die for her."

    Anon, you might want to check out Warren Jeffs' FLDS church- it sounds like that may be a good fit for you.
    Or Islam, where the ladies dress even more modestly.

    But if you have something called, "television" - beware! Sometimes this "television" has immodest movies like 'Bikini Beach' in which Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello wear whisps of clothing and gyrate their bodies in a most Satanic manner!

  17. January 31, 2017 at 10:22 PM/January 31, 2017 at 10:26 PM
    Says femininity is dead, loves catholic dress and prairie dress. Sex fetish stuff.
    Sick stuff buddy revealing hatred of women in general.
    Get some help.

  18. OMG

    Go wash your mouth with soap and apologize to the kind gentile folk rummaging this blog!

    Me thinks Laura Ingalls or other settler women are way to spirited for Anon.
    Perhaps those missionary folk from (Mel Gibson's) Maverick. SAINT MAVERICK, SAINT MAVERICK.


  19. Anon 734 wrote: an unbearable yoke

    Put in the context of the first century, the “unbearable yoke’ was a reference to all the man-made rituals, traditions and regulations added to the Law. Jesus brought this up over rules like washing hands before eating bread, not healing on the Sabbath, etc. And like PCG’s “no contact” rule, there were laws made in dealing with Gentiles: Peter told Cornelius it was unlawful for him to be in the house of a Gentile.

    The “no contact” rules between Jews and Gentiles was a burden for the church. That’s why for Gentile converts the possibility of becoming a Jew by ritual conversion was “Good News” – they could freely mix with Jewish members and could really be part of Israel. And that’s what made Paul angry with the Galatians.

  20. Anon wrote :Another interpretation of Acts 15:21 is James is saying that the church needs to make a proclamation that Gentiles do not need to keep the Law because otherwise some of the Gentiles will become confused.."

    Ok, I make the proclamation....It is so!

  21. Amen to that Connie. They do look batter and massively cleaner.

  22. 12.18 PM
    I still remember Annette from the Mickey mouse club. She was a honey in her prime. She passed away a few years ago.

  23. Comment was made saying: "...there are no other people on this earth who are as righteous and filled with zeal as these two are.  It is no wonder Thiel is whimpering in the corner of his study.  No man on this earth has such an inside track into the mind of the Old Testament God than James Malm, who has elevated the law to a higher position than Jesus had ever imagined his own self attaining..."

    How does the likes of Bob Thiel, James Malm...Flurry, Meredith, Winnail, Franks, Whineland, Kubik, Hulme, etc. get to become so fantastic on their own? Especially when we read things about Jesus Christ, who said the following about Himself:

    "I CAN OF MINE OWN SELF DO NOTHING: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me." John 5:30

    Do nothing????????

    Maybe since these other men are so impressive in their own eyes, they may want to partition God the Father to see if one of them may be qualified enough to replace Jesus Christ, who of Himself could do nothing?

    That'll be the day......

    And time will tell.


  24. Connie and Barbara -

    Elaine Benes (Seinfeld) agrees. Telling Jerry about one "that wasn't" - no face, no personality, very dull. ...like a Martian.

  25. Without getting vulgar about it, I believe we've got two great opinions by ladies here as to what they prefer about one physical attribute of a man. This means that at least some ladies would most likely have a more comfortable feeling about expressing their love to someone with that attribute. To me, that's one of the benefits of circumcision that was never taught in sermons, but seems like it would be one of the strongest supporting factors.


  26. Well, ya know, a lotta men like just-so sized breasts, but I'm not recommending boob jobs for the good of womankind. :)

  27. Foreskins are not as necessary today as they were in the past. Because we now wear clothes, underwear,etc.


  28. According to the Wikipedia article in circumcision, the issue is medically debatable.

  29. I don't know.

    Evolution so decided that the fittest remained with a little "protection."
    Of course for evolutionary purposes I would heed the opinion of the other species for purposes of the propegation of the holy oats.

    For this purpose I have already adapted agreed and decreed to cut the hair on my head on a regular basis.

