Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Dave Pack: Ministers who recently left the Restored Church of God were demon possessed

Dave has always believed in a magical god that is desperate to slaughter as many people as possible.  That same god is also an impotent fool who is unable to stop Satan from influencing members and ministers.

Dave has had several recent defections from his ministry.  In typical COG fashion he attributes these defections to the ministers being influenced by demons.

“Also of your own selves shall men arise…[Men who were faithful and turned. There’s a difference. We’re going to see that’s important later on.]…speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them” (Acts 20:30). Now “perverse” means “distorted, misinterpreted” That’s what it means. If you look up the word, it can be translated “perverse or even corrupt,” but the primary meanings are “distorted or misinterpreted.” 
I have watched ministers leave the Church for many years…they will fire off emails where things are distorted or misinterpreted. Now, a lot of stuff in a recent round of emails is just pure fiction; written by inventors of evil things. Almost suggesting the man who wrote these emails is outright demon-possessed. To be in this category, all you really have to do is distort and misinterpret, and that’s a form of perversion and corruption, so that’s important. Men of God can turn and become that way. Never mind those that creep in and never were of God. Here is what struck me, in addition to what I’ve said…


  1. And not just the ones who left.

  2. Pack and his clan, are not only "demon possessed" but soon to be "Lender Repossessed" if their income keeps dropping!

  3. Hi all, this is Dave. I've noticed that Wal-Mart is selling 26 inch bicycles for 79.97 dollars. So everyone, please sell your cars, buy these nice bicycles, and send me the monies from your car sales. Think how healthy and fit you will be, getting around on bicycles. I and the ministers at the church compound, will keep our cars in case we meet dignitaries.
    Bye everyone.

  4. This is a classic abusive cult ploy. Program your followers into believing that any criticism of the church is Satan attacking the church. This is why abusive cult de programmers always use diplomacy, tip toeing around these instilled mental defences, least they trigger them.


  5. “Dave Pack: Ministers who recently left the Restored Church of God were demon possesd”

    Dave is technically correct. Such ministers were possessed by a demon called Dave. But now they have escaped from Dave and become unpossessed.


  6. Anonymous on January 5, 2017 at 11:21 AM said...“This is why abusive cult de programmers always use diplomacy, tip toeing around these instilled mental defences, least they trigger them.”

    Huh? Don't the really abusive cult deprogrammers just grab the idiot cult members by the throat and slap some sense into them?

    Or did you mean, “the diplomatic de-programmers of members of abusive cults”?

  7. HWA always taught that the accuser is usually the doer. Looks like that's one truth that accidentally got restored here!


  8. I heard the same thing said against people who left WCG. Brethren, sadly.Mr So and So doesn't love the truth. Satan and his demons have gotten to Mr So and So, influenced his mind, gotten him to do things he wouldnt normally do. You need to be very careful in any dealinga with him, because you never really know who you'll be talking to..... and so on.


  9. “Dave Pack: Ministers who recently left the Restored Church of God were demon possesd”

    The people who really knew what they believed have now left the Restored Church because they realized to their horror that David Pack is demon possessed.

    The people who remain in the RCG and continue to listen to raging, rambling, rabble Dave are people who do not really know anything.

  10. 2.44 PM. My comment is based on Steve Hassans book 'Combating cult mind control.' He is a respected authority on cults, and according to his book, it is the soft approach that works rather than your grabbing them by the throat, and slapping sense into them. Slapping members around is the Armstrongite culture, and all it achieves is intimidating members into laying low. No beliefs are ever changed.

  11. As a former very short time member of rcg I can say that Dave pack has lost his mind. He blames everyone else for lunacy and short comings. He is paranoid and maybe delusional. That alone would qualify under his interpretation that he is possessed by something other than a holy spirit. The poor man needs a rubber room somewhere so he can go and not hurt himself or others.

  12. The devil wants to blow your mind,...out!

    David C. Pack's "perverse" wanderings and wonderfully vain ME-andering meanings are "distorted or misinterpreted." But not to him. Hasn't Time already testified to this? What if the ones who left were demon-resistant? Because, most people find "Lake of Fire" lakefront property unapealling.

