Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, January 20, 2017

Gerald Flurry/Philadelphia Church of God: Can they truly be this STUPID?????

Get a load of this comment that came in on another thread.  Can Gerald Flurry and the Philadelphia Church of God truly be this stupid?  If it really were true, would it be such a bad thing to chase Six Pack Flurry out of the country?  Send him to England where they will accept him with open arms!   NOT!!!!!

Yes i was told this as well that they were having a worldwide fast to increase the membership to bring in more money. Yet they keep having these concerts to promote Malone's so called genius and his wife's screeches which they praise to high hills and back. And yet they keep begging the members for more money. I heard that 51% of the church is seniors who are not forced to tithe on fixed income but have been encouraged to work if they are able. They also want members to do more fundraisers. Supposedly in a member/co-worker letter sent out in November he wrote that Obama was only the political Antiochus and that Trump is the modern day Jeroboam who will work with Joe Tkach Jr. The modern day Amaziah priest to chase the PCG OUT OF THE USA and so they will end up in Petra. The members thought Obama was the Jeroboam type as well but when Trump won the election Flurry had new revelation. So now they say Trump will be the last president. 


  1. The next someone is always the last somebody with these prophecy haunted goofs.

  2. But Jeroboam came way before Antiochus... oh, its not supposed to make sense.


    *all err , drug fry

    *rural fly dreg

  4. At least PCG offers intelligent right-wing analysis when they aren't doing prophecy-haunted speculation.

    Compare that to LCG, whose right-wing tendencies usually come out in the form of idiocy. Note the political slant displayed by the Facebook posts of the head of Living University, a minister who is supposed to be non-partisan as a Christian who is not a participant in the world's politics:


    Right-Wingers Are More Attractive!

    Snow Flakes!

    If you were a student serious about your Christian commitment and not a happy consumer of #fakenews, why on earth would you want to attend Living University and learn from this right-wing hack?

  5. Gerald who? Oh that Gerald...... I was thinking of poor little Gerald McBoing-Boing.

  6. If Bob Thiel's site "COGwriter" would list all the types he , Flurry and Dave Pack find themselves as spoken of by the scriptures he could change his site name to "TYPEwriter"

  7. If HWA had been a physicist, and his name were Herbert W. Angstrom, all of these wannabes like Flurry, Pack, and Meredith would be little nothings with nowhere to go. What a bummer for them!


  8. Mr. Trump WILL be the last president... until the next one.

  9. Wasn't Mr. Angstrom portrayed on Quincy with a Stanley Raider look alike?

  10. Strange that Flurry would pick a Republican as the last president. It's usually with a Republican the XCGs say, "More time for the work!" If it's a Democrat, "The end is nigh!" But I guess Flurry is desperate so he say anything.

    1. Ha this is still true. I'm taken aback by how smug and happy many are within the church about Trump. It makes me wonder about them. If the real antichrist turns up will they be cooing over him too.

  11. In 2013 Gerald Flurry wrote an extremely silly booklet entitled America Under Attack which ludicrously labelled President Obama as "another Antiochus" comparing him to Antiochus Epiphanes and Tkach. This "another Antiochus" figure is a sort of Antichrist like figure of Gerald Flurry's own devising. It came out after the 2012 election so presumably it was written while he was furious that Obama won again.

    Also in Flurry's 1991 booklet, The Lion Has Roared, which was his second booklet published after Malachi's Message, he taught that Tkach's WCG would conspire with the American government to somehow suppress PCG and (possibly) prompt their flight to Petra. That is where his talk of Amos and Amaziah come from. He has been using that idea to scare monger about the future for PCG members for a long time.

    I was not aware that Flurry compared President Obama and now President Trump to Jeroboam.

    It is saddening to see how some people in PCG are being told strange superstitious ideas like this to prop up the idea that PCG's 1% can somehow see the future.

  12. Maybe they believe that the Kingdom will be just like the final episode of "Lost". For those who may not recall, all of the survivors of the crash of Oceana flight 815 who had learned to get along with one another during the most significant period of their lives were reuinited in a big old church. Right now, the victims of Flurry are all learning to depend on one another as they are lost on the island of PCG. There are many similarities there.


  13. Jeroboam, TYPEwriter, COGpolitik

    A Jeroboam or two would be better than a six-pack, and TYPEwriter at times becomes TRIPEwriter.

    Balancing PCG's White House Jeroboam, and CCOG's apocalyptic president, ICG appears to be in full support of the new world leader.

  14. Anon 5:13, you are right. "PCG stupid" is a particular kind of stupid. In some ways, PCG presents its case for a right-wing worldview very intelligently and with careful presentation of pertinent facts, like this:

    PCG Modern Education Infographic

    Compare this to the latest LCG magazine, with its bizarre question "Did Dinosaurs Kill God?" (WTF?) and Rod Meredith's senile ramblings Key Events Just Ahead . Suddenly, by comparison, PCG doesn't look so stupid anymore.

  15. Comment was made saying: "...The members thought Obama was the Jeroboam type as well but when Trump won the election Flurry had new revelation. So now they say Trump will be the last president..."

    Does Flurry have anything worthwhile to boast about? Anything? What has been the "fruit" of all of his boastings? Is there anything to rejoice over, really?

    "But now ye rejoice in your boastings: all such rejoicing is evil." James 4:16

    It has all been so stupid! Could anything be more stupid? Well, yes, there is! Flurry could have said: "Ooh, ooh, on the President Inauguration Day, 20 January 2017, America saw The Trump......7 Trumps, but no pets! What a relief it is: no 7 pets........no 7 Trumpets either!"

    Well, actually there were trumpets there, but what will Flurry, Meredith, Kubik, Pack, Franks, Thiel, Winnail, Weinland, Malm, Joey Jr., et all, come up with next with their foolish evil boastings about anything?

    Time will tell...


  16. Dave and Gerald are a type of Amos and Andy. Dave, Gerald and Bob are a type of Larry , Moe and Curly

  17. It's all just more desperation, more silly season, as they have a deep need for the events for which they've thrown their entire lives away to come to pass. Fulfillment of those is the only thing which has given their lives any meaning, and they continue to be denied. They need a global catastrophe from which they are spared and uplifted because of their beliefs and rituals. As a group, these are people who never had the ability to stop and smell the roses.


  18. When I was growing up in the R/WCG, Richard Nixon was declared to be "the end time President". For a Church that made bold claims of being God's one true Church having special understanding of Bible prophecy and constantly proclaiming "time is short", how did the Church miss Presidents Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2, Obama and now the populist/nationalist Trump?

    It's fun playing "make believe" for a lifetime living off the backs of the dumb tithe slave sheeple. These Armstrong franchise clowns have no credibility and couldn't support themselves in the real world if their lives depended upon it.

    Lake Of Fire Church of God


  19. “Can Gerald Flurry and the Philadelphia Church of God truly be this stupid?”


    None of the godless old farts in the PCG care what blurry Flurry says anymore anyway. They are just there for the sexual immorality, and so they can abandon their own children and grandchildren in the name of religion.

  20. Does PCG (or any other COG actually think that they will grow). The membership is aging, & many of the young people are mostly forced to go (or don't care). People may have a somewhat blind loyalty to their leader or organization, but are basically following a ritualistic religion.

    Most people who have no understanding of the PCG will research and find out all that has been written. Flurry wanted to hide from the Internet, but it has found him. He has invented his own brand of "Churchianity". He has made this stuff up (as he goes). There is so much evidence of him being a false prophet. His own words condemn him.

  21. Recently listened to Stephen Flurry presenting The Trumpet Daily (#401: The Despicable Commutation of Private Manning and the Media’s Love Affair With Barack Obama
    Aired Wednesday, January 18, 2017.) And near the end of that broadcast he mentions Antiochus (meaning Obama) and Jeroboam. So it does appear that PCG has proclaimed that President Trump is another Jeroboam.

  22. Right. Donald Trump the last president. And Ronald Reagan was suppose to be the last president and John Paul the last pope, then Bill Clinton. And Obama was the Antichrist. I recall the Bible saying something about the plight of false prophet.

  23. I see the many COG splinters as competitors in a money game no one will win, but it keeps the flocks in line. Let me explain. If the WWCOG in its heyday had 160,000 members, which fell to around 50-60,000 after the death of HWA and the change from Armstrongism to Phariseeism whoops, I mean Evangelicalism, how many COG members are left in the splinters? The only stats I can find list three splinters with around 5,000 members down to a few handfuls within the smallest ones. With numbers like these why are the Living, Philadelphia, as well as the Restored for example only trying to attract members from the other splinters rather than trying to entice members from the Unchurched as well as other churches? Jehovah Witnesses are closing congregations in a Whack-a-Mole fashion due to a serious child sexual abuse problem as well as members no longer wishing to tolerate the pressure to comply with senseless rules. There is so many similarities between JW beliefs and Armstrongism it’s a natural to reach out to these folks.
    Mr Flurry has to be the mortgage king of Oklahoma in his drive to recreate what was the WWCOG albeit with 5% of their peak membership. With folks leaving, getting old and dying, it would seem that he must grow to fend off future foreclosures. Mr Peck’s spending is conservative by comparison.
    HWA had a voice and charisma coming out his ears, I faithfully listened to every noon program while in college, Peck and Flurry have no charm or charisma. In the last year the sprinter numbers are growing again with the Valiant COG out of Australia, the British-American COG, and another’s whose name I forgot, their YouTube video has a casual gentleman claiming his COG has eliminated all the excesses of the WWCOG. Again they are all strictly recruiting the shrinking flock rather than looking outside for new converts. That’s crazy

  24. I see the many COG splinters as competitors in a money game no one will win, but it keeps the flocks in line. Let me explain. If the WWCOG in its heyday had 160,000 members, which fell to around 50-60,000 after the death of HWA and the change from Armstrongism to Phariseeism whoops, I mean Evangelicalism, how many COG members are left in the splinters? The only stats I can find list three splinters with around 5,000 members down to a few handfuls within the smallest ones. With numbers like these why are the Living, Philadelphia, as well as the Restored for example only trying to attract members from the other splinters rather than trying to entice members from the Unchurched as well as other churches? Jehovah Witnesses are closing congregations in a Whack-a-Mole fashion due to a serious child sexual abuse problem as well as members no longer wishing to tolerate the pressure to comply with senseless rules. There is so many similarities between JW beliefs and Armstrongism it’s a natural to reach out to these folks.
    Mr Flurry has to be the mortgage king of Oklahoma in his drive to recreate what was the WWCOG albeit with 5% of their peak membership. With folks leaving, getting old and dying, it would seem that he must grow to fend off future foreclosures. Mr Peck’s spending is conservative by comparison.
    HWA had a voice and charisma coming out his ears, I faithfully listened to every noon program while in college, Peck and Flurry have no charm or charisma. In the last year the sprinter numbers are growing again with the Valiant COG out of Australia, the British-American COG, and another’s whose name I forgot, their YouTube video has a casual gentleman claiming his COG has eliminated all the excesses of the WWCOG. Again they are all strictly recruiting the shrinking flock rather than looking outside for new converts. That’s crazy
