Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, January 19, 2017

UCG Scrambles To Eradicate All Links To Minister Who Killed His Wife

Since news broke that a minister of the United Church of God had murdered his wife, UCG brass have ordered all information, sermons, etc., eradicated from the official United Church of God web sites.

This is the same knee jerk reaction that the Living Church of God had when Terry Ratzman murdered LCG members during a church service.  That "guilt by association" thing is a tough one to eradicate though.  

United Church of God has released the following announcement:

“United Church of God officials expressed profound shock and sadness in learning of the January 17 arrest of Stephen Allwine on the charges of second-degree murder of his wife Amy Louise Allwine. Two months earlier on November 13, Amy Allwine had been found dead at her St. Paul area suburban home by police and paramedics following an emergency call from her husband. 

Church officials and members were first stunned and grieved when they learned of the tragic death of Amy in November. After hearing of the tragedy, Church President Victor Kubik and his wife Beverly immediately traveled from Ohio to Minnesota to be with family members and show support during a heart-rending time for the congregation. Allwine had served as a lay elder for several years.
President Kubik has called for renewed prayers for the families involved as details of the charges emerge. He said that the whole situation was “tragic and singularly devastating.” 

Area police noted in their initial public comments that Amy’s death appeared “suspicious” and promised that an expanded investigation would take place. Allwine was not arrested nor named as a suspect at that time. During the investigation local church officials positively cooperated with police and law enforcement officials. 

Church teachings based on the Bible condemn murder, and the United Church of God follows the teachings of Jesus Christ about the sanctity of marriage and the importance of loving family environments. “Given our biblical commitment and our love for our members, this situation deeply hurts and grieves all of us,” Kubik said. The Church president asked for prayers of comfort, healing and understanding for all.”

Steve Allwine was born and raised in the Church of God in Spokane, WA. 
As Steve grew, he saw God's blessings that He graciously pours out, 
and saw His ...

Don't Let Church Be All There Is to Church. by Steve Allwine
Don't let the Sabbath church service be all there is to your 
walk with God. Be an active part of God's ...


  1. I know that you are getting great pleasure and satisfaction from this tragedy, but what I don't understand is what you expect UCG to do. I can guess what you would say if they had left Allwine's sermons on the web site. You would have been just as critical and written a post about that. They take them down and you are critical of that.

    You can be sure that Facebook and LinkedIn will be expunging record of him on their sites as well. At least that is the way they typically handle these kinds of things. I assume you will criticize them as well. Or, maybe you just like to criticize COG people and so you will just continue to enjoy this tragedy and use it for your own purposes.

  2. United could have had to remove his sermons as the prosecuters might find it interesting to hear what was on his mind in the weeks, months or years leading up to this.

  3. "I can guess what you would say if they had left Allwine's sermons on the web site. You would have been just as critical and written a post about that. They take them down and you are critical of that."

    Here we go again with the desire to be seen as right, as if no wrongdoing has been done. Leave it up for everybody to learn from, I say.


  4. Like most of the things posted on this site, this is a giant biased nothing burger. Of course they would want to remove the killers sermons, postings, etc. I spent part of my childhood and young adult life in the WWCG and actually went to church with the Allwines. Didn't know them well, but the fact this murderer was a member is meaningless to all except those who can't seem to let go of the past and get off on dragging people through the mud. Get a life someday...

  5. These people comments are the same people who love to entertain myths and conspiracy theories. Isn't it absurd, that they defend the organization - UCG, an indication of its cultish nature?

    I was baptized in UCG in 2001, and since then I've observed many unchristian practices they do and keep - with roots in WWCG. Currently, there's a spiritual famine in this congregation and other factions. There's abundance of pulpit speakers but none speaks as ORACLE of GOD.
