Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Bob Thiel Has Himself "Re-anointed" In An Attempt To Make Himself Appear More Legitimate

If you thought things can't get any crazier in the improperly named "continuing" Church of God with Almost arrested, Elisha, Elijah, Amos, Joshua, end time witness, apostle, prophet, further martyr, "worldwide" Overseer Bob Thiel, then you are in for some more fun!

The "worldwide" Overseer has never been properly ordained in a Church of God by a COG minister.  After he self-appointed himself, he used the prayer of Gaylyn Bonjour in an attempt to make himself a "legitimate" minister and splinter cult leader.   It was and  still is all a fraud.

Now he has to make himself important in the eyes of his 1,997 African members.  Second Witness Thiel has had to make up all kinds rules and doctrines for his new little cult. Due to his lack of ordination he has had to create a new rule in order to legitimize himself.  He has instituted  the  "round robin" ordination.  He ordains one of his African flock and then they ordain him.  Neither ordination is legitimate, but that does not matter.  He even resorts to "re-ordaining" some others that had been ordained by legitimate COG ministers.

In spite of this false prophet Thiel still has no legitimacy.  Just because a mentally struggling man has a few bad nightmares and a minister prays a blessing on him does not make him a legitimate church leader, or a Christian for that matter.

Before going to Nairobi, Pastor Evans Ochieng asked me to consider providing recognition of certain others who had previously been ordained.
So, I looked into this more.
Many do not realize that even though David was anointed king by Samuel, this was a private anointing (1 Samuel 9:27, 10:1; 16:9) and not accepted across Judea or Israel (despite the fact that God accepted it as He initiated it).
Saul actually tried to kill David at least twice after David had been anointed (1 Samuel 19:10-11, 20:33), and David decided that he had to flee for his life (1 Samuel 20:33-42).
Saul’s anointing was public and well known, but David’s apparently was not.
David was actually anointed king three times. The first via God through Samuel (1 Samuel 16:1-9), which was a fairly private affair.
The second time, years later and after Saul died, was by the men of Judah (2 Samuel 2:4). The third time was by the elders of Israel (2 Samuel 5:3).
So, we see a precedent where some have been anointed more than once for the same basic role, as well as being anointed by those of seemingly lessor positions.
With that in mind, the following were publicly re-anointed:
Rosemary Akinyi Ochieng, Deaconess
Samuel Ofusu Gyeabour, Overseer
Bob Thiel, Worldwide Overseer
We wanted all to realize that these individuals have been anointed and publicly recognized in their roles.
All the ordained and recognized were granted certificates of ordination and/or recognition. I signed all but one–mine, which was signed by Evans Ochieng Kisiengo and Samuel Ofosu Gyeabour (they had laid hands upon me for the public anointing).
No siree Bob!  No apostolic succession in your ordination!  No Sir!


  1. It is interesting that his spiritual "daddy" Rod Meredith never ordained Thiel. Meredith knew Thiel was unfit for ordination.

  2. " He has instituted  the  "round robin" ordination.  He ordains one of his African flock and then they ordain him. "

    Wow, that sounds just like Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery of Mormon fame baptizing each other!



  3. It doesn't matter so far as status goes anyway, because all they teach is crap. Armstrongites often claw for and imagine status in their own little circle, and this status is reviled and despised retroactively amongst those to whom they inflict damage.

    Thiel's rank is to Armstrongite ordination what private militia rank is to official US military rank, ie imaginary and made up. Or no. Scratch that. The "official" ordinations within Armstrongism are also made up and of no tangible value, so Thiel is actually double bogus.


  4. Evans Ochieng is the one the Africans recognize as their real leader, but Ochieng wants Bob's money.

    What the Africans see by the ordination is that Bob is subordinate to Ochieng. This firms Ochieng's position with his flock.

    What Bob sees is that Ochieng has submitted to Bob, and by submitting has become a fit recipient of his American dollars.

    Bob is getting suckered and doesn't even see it.

  5. Is it just me, or does "worldwide overseer" have an ominous, supervillainy feel about it? Of course, for Boob Thiel, with his comical mannerisms and stage presence, he could only ever be a supervillain along the lines of Despicable Me. But still, I'm sure he's giving it his very best effort.

  6. Thiel would NEVER for a moment even thought to do that if the criticism he has consistently received for his lack of any ordination etc here on Banned not been public and relentless. You got to him! He told me he doesn't look at Banned often, but I bet that is not remotely true.

  7. I am an important religious leader in Africa with access to millions of dollars, but due to certain officials in the government and regulations, I cannot access the money. If you will help me, I will have access to the money and I will share half of the millions of dollars with you.

    All you have to do is come to my country and publically anoint me as Overseer and I will be able to access the millions of dollars. If you will do this, I will publically anoint you as Wordwide Overseer and then I can share half of the millions of dollars with you.

    This is a wonderful opportunity for you and I can personally guarantee that you will not only have millions of dollars, but you will also have over 1,700 followers.

    Please help me and you can share in this wonderful bounty.

  8. Ordination only has value if people think it has value. All you need is official registration with the legal authorities of your state, country, etc. Articles of incorporation usually take care of that. So-called "apostolic" ordination is equally illusory. It only has value to those who accept it.

    Allen C. Dexter

  9. Anon 651 wrote: does "worldwide overseer" have an ominous, supervillainy feel about it?

    It does. The adjective "Worldwide" (why not "Global"?) may have been added to all Mr Gyeabour to be ordained as "Overseer". I just hope he doesn't put a "World Headquarters" sign on his office door at Grover Beach. When I first saw Dave Pack's "World Headquarters" sign at Wadsworth, it reminded me of something from a Japanese cartoon.

  10. Jazzhands Bob gyrates: "Before going to Nairobi, Pastor Evans Ochieng asked me to consider providing recognition of certain others who had previously been ordained......Many do not realize that even though David was anointed king by Samuel, this was a private anointing.....blah,blah,blahhhhs."

    Wikileaks has just tweeted that God has granted a certain man with an exponential progression of ordainment! But it shall remain anonymous! "Let the Truth speak for itself because men can LIE about it!", God says. "I need not to convince others of who I already AM!"


  11. Bob Noticed: "David was actually anointed king three times. The first via God through Samuel (1 Samuel 16:1-9 , which was a fairly private affair."

    Then "He said 'Double Portion!'" Bob is now a King too?

  12. God doesn't anoint people several times. Once is enough. Further 'anointments' (not true anointments) are confirmations are for the benefit of subjects.

  13. Bob learned well from Armstrongism that there are always plenty of examples in the Bible that you can lift and inappropriately apply to yourself.

    That's what happens when you get into the habit of proof-texting to create and support a religion. That proof-texting thing takes over your whole life and world view. He would do much better if he spent his time learning to collect and interpret data, and to subject it to real instead of contrived testing. He's decided that he wants to be a prophet, and has gone around amassing a wall to support that. It's all so embarrassing to watch.


  14. With all this DOUBLE PORTION and TRIPLE PORTION servings for Thiel, me thinks he needs a "Spiritual Nutrisystem" to shed off some of his excess RELIGIOUS LARD!

  15. Of course he did. Bob's personal fixation on the "laying on of hands" is so literal that he doesn't care whose hands are doing it.
    I tend to see it more as "one hand washes the other", in his case.

  16. The first via God through Samuel

    David being anointed by Samuel the prophet is a lot different than Bob being anointed by Samuel Gyeabour the (Bob appointed) Overseer.

    The "round robin" ordination reminded me of cutting in the school cafeteria lunch line, "Let me in front of you and I'll let you in front of me". Except none of these guys weren't in line for anything.

  17. Denis, of course "Doubly blessed" Bob looks at this webpage.He is obsessed with himself.He won't be able to help himself.
    And Bob needs help himself.
    And Connie,I am sure a "good fast",at a minimum 40 days ,will help remove any excess RELIGIOUS LARD that Bob carries.

  18. "Bob's personal fixation on the "laying on of hands" is so literal that he doesn't care whose hands are doing it."

    That's a given for those wavy-hands type of people. The only way for them to stop is to sit on their own hands or grab someone else or something!

  19. RSK wrote: "one hand washes the other"

    And don't let your left hand know what your right hand does..

  20. In the Feb 16 CCOG leter Bob noted: (I even brought some literature in French that may assist us in Ghana)

    Unless Ghana was a typo, there may be disappointment ahead: the official language of Ghana, a former British colony, is English. Less than 1% of people in Ghana speak French.
