Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, February 17, 2017

Breaking: Rod Meredith Cancer Diagnosis: Terminal

From an LCG source:

After receiving a diagnosis that his cancer is terminal, Mr. Meredith gathered his family and friends around him at his home where he announced that due to his age and state of diagnosis he was not going to seek extensive treatment for the cancer but would rely on God to heal him.  Many in LCG are expecting a miraculous healing so that the church can be a final witness to the world.  With that healing members from other Church of God's will finally realize that LCG is the real true Church and will commit to an amazing end time push.

The chances of a divine healing are pretty close to zero for Rod Meredith.  This would be a good time to do some serious evaluating of the life he has led over the decades and ask for forgiveness of those he has hurt.

As one reader here said recently:

Maybe now that RCM is on his death bed he will start making some calls. Here are a few suggestions:
Dorothy Leona McNair and apologize for all the lies he told about her
All the men and women he forced to divorce their 2nd spouses in his Nazi-like divorce and remarriage tirade.
All the children who's lives were ruined from Rod's D&R policies
All the people he suckered into getting second mortgages on their homes to finance the Global Church of God who Rod subsequently STOLE from when he split Global into Living and literally FORGED checks when he pillaged the GCG coffers. 
All the people who could have been cured, or at least had their pain eased, with medical intervention that Rod shamed into not seeking medical treatment by telling them that doing so was a sure sign that the lacked faith. I know of one family who's child died of pneumonia because Rod told them to pray and have faith.
The African-American brethren who he has said so many offensive things about I have lost count. Not the least of which is his belief that when the trumpet sounds, whites will rise before blacks.
All the children he has scarred for life with his disgusting homophobic sermon rants about male-on-male sex.
All the people Rod has slandered over the years including Bob Thiel (say what you want about him but it doesn't negate the fact that RCM lied about him repeatedly), Charles Bryce and the Scarborough's to name a few.
I'm sure there are a few more calls Spanky needs to get in before he takes a dirt nap but this list would be a start.

February 16, 2017 at 6:07 AM


  1. To be fair, Elisha died from his disease in his old age, so Rod dying from cancer is not necessarily a judgment from God. The human body wears out from old age, and then it's time to die. Move over and let the next generation have their hour in the sun. By contrast, Rod wants to selfishly be king forever.
    Dying is part of the cycle of life. Embrace it rather than right it.
    Rod, it's time to kick the bucket.

  2. He's most probably had it for a while. The is a long history of telling the brethren nothing.

  3. We knew this was inevitable. People, leaders, are no more immune to death than are the unsung little people, the peons. However, there is always an expectation amongst Armstrongites that their leaders will remain alive to complete the job of leading their people through the final chapter of the Armstrong prophecy mold. This has not happened. The passage of time has simply left the movement with leaders of increasingly diminished ability and stature who desire and attempt to imitate the pomp and status of the originals.


  4. "With that healing members from other Church of God's will finally realize that LCG is the real true Church and will commit to an amazing end time push."


  5. Ecclesiastes 3:18-20

    18 I said to myself concerning the sons of men, "God has surely tested them in order for them to see that they are but beasts."

    19 For the fate of the sons of men and the fate of beasts is the same. As one dies so dies the other; indeed, they all have the same breath and there is no advantage for man over beast, for all is vanity.

    20 All go to the same place. All came from the dust and all return to the dust.…

  6. Rod simply has to hold on a little longer just to tick off Dave Pack!


  7. Probably Rod is making the right choice in simply letting the cancer take its course without heroic medical intervention. I don't know what kind of cancer it is, but the treatment regimens for some rival the disease itself for causing misery. In a younger person it would be a worthwhile tradeoff. I know several people whose cancers (breast and pancreatic) have been put into remission and who are now living comfortably and contentedly. I also knew three whose cancer (multiple myeloma) kept creeping back. Two finally realized the time had come to concede defeat. Treatments put the other's disease into full remission, but he died of the treatment.

    I dislike Rod Meredith, but since he has apparently looked at his situation realistically and made a decision he can live (and die) with without a crushing weight of regret, may his remaining days be as free of suffering as possible under the circumstances. I hope he at least accepts the pain relief of opioids that hospice care provides.

  8. You all remember what happened after herbie died. Since roddy could be the first of the splinter group leaders to die. How long may I ask, before lcg implodes, and/or how many new cog's and new true church's will appear. Will lcg ride off into the sunset?
    History does repeat itself, so we will see what happens.

  9. Roderick Meredith should be looking forward to it, for at his death, in his next moment of consciousness, he will be joining Jesus... um... Christ to defeat the enemies (mostly the liberal Democrats, plus Meredith's critics) and rule in splendor for 1,000 years as God is God is God, possibly greater than God, even though he was only a mere 'evangelist'. Maybe he will enjoy drinking again with Herbert Armstrong.

    Why wouldn't he look forward to that?

    It is a time of refreshing for the Living Church of God; a time of looking forward... with new life and energy, going forth with the gospel of the Kingdom of God, coming in 1975... oops... after the Great Tribulation begins 3 to 5 years from now, with all the faithful tithing members supporting the... well, just what is Weston's title going to be? Maybe Evangelist General? Anyway, it will be a glorious time and the Place of Safety will be a great time to brush up on the essentials needed for rulership as God as God is God, but not as Great a God as Roderick Meredith and perhaps Herbert Armstrong.

    God's Work is moving along. Donald Trump WILL be the LAST president of the United States and the world will become suddenly prosperous and then things will go to crap right on schedule.

    Yes, the news of Roderick Meredith's terminal cancer is wonderful news, preparing the way for a brilliant future ahead for a very small unnoticed group who will soon show everybody how really important they are in the scheme of things.

  10. "Many in LCG are expecting a miraculous healing so that the church can be a final witness to the world. With that healing members from other Church of God's will finally realize that LCG is the real true Church and will commit to an amazing end time push."

    So does that mean when this miraculous healing doesn't take place LCG members will finally realize that LCG and Meredith is a fraud?

  11. So does that mean when this miraculous healing doesn't take place LCG members will finally realize that LCG and Meredith is a fraud?

    Yes, of course. Expect it.

    All the Living Church of God will leave and there will be no more money for the 'leadership'. The LCG will go broke and Weston and all the rest of the shyster cultmeisters will have to go to work on Wall Street as Financial Advisors as a means to support themselves in style. Their talents for making abject lies seem like the absolute truth will be invaluable for major investors.

  12. I'm never happy to hear that someone has terminal cancer. It's not a pretty way to die with something eating you from the inside, but none of know how we're going to exit. We can only hope for cardiac failure in our sleep, such as took my dad while he was zonked out on morphine. He made it to 95, but the last years were anything but pleasant.

    Old Herb was so sure he'd live to see the return of Jesus, and I'm sure Rod was too. That's been going on for centuries now, and if the human race survives idiots like Trump, it will go on for centuries after probably. 'Taint gonna be any such thing as a second coming and the first one is a load of fiction based on a host of saviors that flooded the ancient world from Horus on and maybe even before him. That council at Nicaea did a marvelous job of manufacturing, and we're still stuck with the nonsense they concocted to keep Constantine from lopping their heads off. He got what he ordered, and we're stuck with the stupidity.

    Allen C. Dexter

  13. No matter who dies, It's not going to resolve the Armstrong problem like some sort of silver bullet. I have no idea how he was in his older years, but Rod was most definitely the "shock jock" evangelist back in the day. Very amusing so long as you didn't take him very seriously.


  14. The Old Testament God did warn that the false prophet would be put to death.

  15. Connie, your Ecclesiastes quote reminds me of an old song by the Seekers...

  16. This is a common phenomenon in Protestant churches. Their fearless neo-junior-God leader dies, and there's disbelief that God allowed it. Their leader is just a man, and people are supposed to be growing in autonomy, outgrowing the need for some daddy leader. It's a opportunity to cut the apron strings and fly.
    Death of leaders, has its advantages.

  17. "All the men and women he forced to divorce their 2nd spouses in his Nazi-like divorce and remarriage tirade."

    I didn't know the Nazis had a "divorce and remarriage tirade". That's interesting. Marriages were a lot better then, even in Nazi Germany. The whole of Western society was less degenerate than we are today. Does anyone have any facts about this or is it just a made-up accusation based on the idea that if something is bad the Nazis must have done it. No wonder nobody understands the Nazis. The Volkswagen was bad, because the Nazis did it. Freeways are bad because the Nazis invented them. Don't drive on the freeway!

  18. With all the lies and slander about everyone and everything the one thing we can be sure of is that nobody and nothing will be properly understood.

  19. Nonsense. It is up to the post Armstrongists to present the truth.

    It is the moral imperative of the Armstrongists to lie and cover up the truth.

    Truth isn't slander.

    But the lies the Armstrongists tell -- quite a lot of that IS slander.

    The evils of Roderick Meredith are well documented.

    Any repentance on his part isn't.

  20. When we hear Charles Bryce announce that he received a repentant call from RCM, begging for forgiveness, then we can rejoice at the dying man's repentant heart. Until then, all we have to judge are RCM's fruits, which are as rotten as they come.

  21. "So does that mean when this miraculous healing doesn't take place LCG members will finally realize that LCG and Meredith is a fraud?"

    Very unlikely. Theyll just reference Dick Armstrong and say "he'll be resurrected healed".

  22. Having death knock on your door in your early forties really changes you, because when your are told you have 9 months to a year left in life and you were told that over 4 years ago, it proves to me that the experts don't always know what their talking about. So if I manage to squeek out another 45 years, I'll die a happy man. The way I see it is that morality AND mortality should be teaching us to learn to pay attention to the finer things in life no matter what generation we were born in. I say this because most people tend to cringe at the stark differences between generations, but not me. Finding what is in common makes life more fun.

    I turn my back to the wind
    To catch my breath
    Before I start off again.
    Driven on without a moment to spend
    To pass an evening with a drink and a friend

    I let my skin get too thin
    I'd like to pause
    No matter what I pretend
    Like some pilgrim
    Who learns to transcend
    Learns to live as if each step was the end

    (Time stand still)
    I'm not looking back
    But I want to look around me now
    (Time stand still)
    See more of the people and the places that surround me now
    Freeze this moment a little bit longer
    Make each sensation a little bit stronger
    Experience slips away

    I turn my face to the sun
    Close my eyes
    Let my defences down
    All those wounds that I can't get unwound

    I let my past go too fast
    No time to pause
    If I could slow it all down
    Like some captain, whose ship runs aground
    I can wait until the tide comes around


    Summer's going fast, nights growing colder
    Children growing up, old friends growing older
    Freeze this moment a little bit longer
    Make each sensation a little bit stronger
    Experience slips away
    Experience slips away...
    The innocence slips away

    "Time Stand Still"


  23. Anonymous on February 17, 2017 at 2:53 PM said...“The Volkswagen was bad, because the Nazis did it.”

    No, the Volkswagen was bad because it really was bad.

  24. Byker Bob said, "Very amusing so long as you didn't take him very seriously."

    MY COMMENT - Byker, the problem as you damn well know is that most in the Church took the Rod of God very seriously in the years leading up to "1975 in Prophecy".

    Lake of Fire of Church of God

  25. Old Herb was so sure he'd live to see the return of Jesus, and I'm sure Rod was too. That's been going on for centuries now, and if the human race survives idiots like Obama and Hillary, it will go on for centuries after probably.

  26. It is nice to know that many contributing members of this blog have a merciful and loving heart. Many of you need to look deep down and see where your thoughts are coming from. We may not agree with people, but when it is death and life, I sure am glad there are people that love mercy and love and do not want suffering and say unkind things.

  27. Thank you to the blog members whose comments are merciful. For some of the others, it might be a good time to look deep down and see where your comments are coming from .... is it helpful, is it loving? I understand, perhaps decisions have been made not to your liking, but every person living on this earth is very valuable to God.


  28. “All the children he [RCM] has scarred for life with his disgusting homophobic sermon rants about male-on-male sex.”

    Always remember that the laws in the Bible that forbid such things as bestiality, homosexuality, transvestitism, and tattoos came from God. These laws were revealed by God thousands of years ago so that his own chosen people would know right from wrong for their own good. That is the real reason why Satan is currently trying so hard to get people in the United States to do all these bad things. Some former WCG members, who ought to know better by now, deliberately want to turn to all the vilest things that God clearly said in the Bible not to do. Then, they sometimes try to play mind games, and end up contradicting themselves by complaining that God does not communicate clearly with mankind today about how to live and what his requirements are.

    Everyone needs to be careful that their rage against old man Rod is not really just a cover for their own rage against an even older God. If Roderick Meredith has done some bad things in his lifetime--and I am pretty sure that he has--that is not an acceptable excuse for anyone else deliberately choosing to support the things that God is quoted in the Bible as calling abominable and detestable. Such people might find out one day that God views them and their behavior as being even more sinful and perverse than old Rod and his behavior. How would you like that to happen to YOU???!!!

    1. Whether you believe these things are sinful or not is besides the point. The fact is that most children were frightened from the pulpit where "sinners" (you can pick your pet sin here), were demonized and a described as a real physical threat. Children go through stages of development and being in a constant state of fear can wreck the process.

  29. My heart goes out in mercy for all those at this time who were victims of Roderick Meredith.

  30. 5.52 PM
    Here we go again, a Kenneth Copeland Christian. Read your book of Psalms. Christ quoted from it, and mentioned King David, so it has Gods approval even today. David repeatedly asked for the punishment, ruin, and death of his enemies. Even their eternal death. It is called justice. It's hardly surprising that Herbie and his henchman religiously ignored, and still ignore the book of Psalms. They lived in fear of its contents, and fear of church members asking God similar justice.

    Germans famous Freeways preceded the Nazis. They speeded up construction to keep unemployment down.

  31. 6.00 PM
    I agreed with you until the 'more sinful and perverse than old Rod' part.
    I clearly remember in one of his TV programs, perhaps 10 years ago, Rod strongly implying the government has the right to control peoples mind. Herbie did the same if you listen to his recorded programs. This is the most common form of deception in the church, imply some wrong idea, then using repetition to brainwash members into believing the lie.
    Claiming the right to control peoples minds means robbing members of all their talents, mentioned in the parable of the talents. Exercising these talents is life itself, and is the means of building the character to qualify for eternal life. So Rod preached on TV the right of church government to rob people of their physical AND ETERNAL lives.
    There is no greater sin. Rod richly deserves eternal death. Good riddance to a killer.

  32. It was inevitable that he would pass away. He is 86 years old.

    It is very unfortunate that in his younger days he listened to this strange radio show with his uncle, C. Paul Meredith, and managed to be an early student of Ambassador College and got himself in the position of being one of HWA's first ministers and, as such, gaining vast power within HWA's organization and later being able to establish his own COG splinter group.

    His flaws are quite well known. Unfortunately he contributed to many problems within the Armstrongite movement. Since his ordination as one of HWA's first ministers in 1952 he has been in a position of authority within HWA's organization so most people in his organizations looked up to him so he had the power to influence people within HWA's organization for such a long time.

    While he has been able to have his needs well provided for, many of his followers have suffered from tithing and various oppressive practices that they were subjected to by the 1% of HWA's organization and its various splinter groups.

    If he had not taken that radio broadcast so seriously he wold not have had the negative influence that he has had over the years.

  33. Black Ops Mikey said, "My heart goes out in mercy for all those at this time who were victims of Roderick Meredith."

    As one who was deceptively recruited into believing that God was with LCG back in 2000 and continued to believe many of the teachings of HWA and Meredith's LCG until 2008 I thank you for your compassionate comment.

    I first encountered LCG seeing an episode of LCG's recruitment broadcast, Tomorrow's World, hosted by Richard Ames. The second episode I saw was hosted by Meredith. Most people would have just ignored what they said as just another man's opinion.

    But somehow I was curious and intrigued at what they said and just a few months later I was convinced that LCG was the true church. I believed what they said for eight years until 2008 I finally woke up from their propaganda and realized that HWA's teachings are largely nonsense. HWA and his followers made many predictions that simply did not happen proving that they are false prophets. Many members have shared heart breaking stories of the negative effects of Armstronigsm on their lives and on their loved ones. There is no need for a Christian to join any of the Armstrongite COGs to be right with God.

  34. Anon 2:5 said, "I didn't know the Nazis had a "divorce and remarriage tirade". That's interesting. Marriages were a lot better then, even in Nazi Germany. The whole of Western society was less degenerate than we are today. Does anyone have any facts about this or is it just a made-up accusation based on the idea that if something is bad the Nazis must have done it."

    Please research the Nazi's "Final Solution". They had a counsel that arbitrarily decided what marriages/children were okay and which were not. They developed a series of questions to make they evil determinations including, not only, who your grandparents were but if you had inherited certain physical characteristics. So if you had the same percentage of Jew genetics but you had blond hair and blue eyes, you might live whilst someone with the exact same genetics but more stereotypical "Jewish" looks would be sent to die.

    It's a fair metaphor for Rod's D&R policies (albeit grandiose). If you were connected/ ministry/ or a bootlicker your marriage was safe. But if you were just some plain Jane, you were forced to submit to Rod's will.

    Favoritism is a hallmark of Rod Meredith's evil reign.

  35. Luke 17:2 It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

    Think of how many people Rod has turned against God because of his vitriol, lies and harsh treatment of brethren. He should be scared to die. Death means he's out of time for repentance.

    For me, I was on fire for God's Word until my stent in LCG. I watched over and over as Rod Meredith treated people incredibly harshly. I listened to him preach about government and obedience - NOT to God but to Rod's own church government and authority. I listen to Rod put himself and his ministry in the place of the Intercessor as the "head of God's church on earth". I was subjected to his racist, homophobic rants week after week.

    I watched how LCG members can so easily turn their backs on people they have known for years just because they are no longer in the cult. They are among the most inhumane people I have ever encountered.

    The fruits of the Spirit are completely lacking.

    Rod Meredith and the Living Church of God extinguished that fire within me and within many others I have known.

  36. Yeah we should all show Rod "love and mercy" just like he's shown so many over the years...

    Rod Meredith doesn't have a merciful bone in his body!


  37. Black Ops Mikey said...
    My heart goes out in mercy for all those at this time who were victims of Roderick Meredith.

    Amen to that brother!

    I know were aren't supposed to rejoice when people die but when you have been a victim of abuse, it's a challenge to suppress your elation when your abuser bites the dust.

    I am one of the victims Rod Meredith has left in his wake. I will never be the same because of the abuse. I can't wait for him to be gone so he can't hurt anyone else.

  38. Being that I do not know any tattooed bestialicious gay transvestites, I have a difficult time getting worked up over that and then proceeding to blur the lines between Rod and God. I might as well be decrying the evil of fairy Bigfoot dragon hybrids, since I do not personally know any of those either.

    But I do know a lot of men who cut their hair short at the temples and even go so far as to trim their beards in defiance of GOD'S LAW. Stone them, stone them!

  39. @ Anon 6:00 (Always remember that the laws in the Bible that forbid such things as bestiality, homosexuality, transvestitism, and tattoos came from God)

    No one is refuting that the Bible states that these things are against the law of God. No one has a problem with the reading of those scriptures or commenting on the state of those things in relation to prophecy, etc. You've missed the point entirely.

    If you are in LCG but NOT in Charlotte, most (certainly not all) of Rod Meredith's crazy sex rants get edited out. So maybe, in your world, he's within the confines of "normal" when it comes to his opinions and statements about homosexuality.

    My experience, having been subjected to both his personal (in-private rants) AND his disgusting sermon rants year after year is different than your "edited version" of RCM.

    He is obsessed with homosexuality to an unnatural point. It consumes him. He has gone into detail during sermons (as I sit there in horror with my children sitting next to me) about the use of a man's anus to satisfy another man's lust. He's gone into detail about how promiscuous gays are and he's detailed the kinds of things that go on in gay societies and gay clubs.

    Perhaps men can have discussions such as that privately (and I'm personally not even comfortable with that) but it is utterly inappropriate in a room full of women, children and teens.

    Something is wrong with a man who has to watch internet videos of lesbians, gay men and acts of bestiality with his wife so that he can "learn" about how far society has progressed in the wrong direction.

    Something is even more wrong with a man that doesn't keep that kind of perverted internet activity a shameful secret but rather shares it with a room full of 200 people openly.

    But please, make excuses for him in your LCG brainwashed brain and keep telling yourself that it's all in service to God if it helps you get by.

    1. The Bible is sparse, measured, and even cryptic in its descriptives of sexual activities. Rod violated this polite or socially acceptable (God-ordained?) mode of description, and actually placed warping, graphic images of things in peoples' heads that they probably did not want. He could not teach a class or preach a sermon without making some sort of reference to these topics. Somehow, there was a steady stream of T.M.I. which consistently spilled out. How many of us, if someone were so blatant as to speak in this manner in front of our wives or children, would not 1) leave, 2) confront and perhaps punch out such an individual, and/or 3) avoid all contact with that person in the future?

      But, you couldn't. It was done under the guise of "God's True Church", attendance mandatory. I've never even heard gang bikers get so graphic!


  40. Something is wrong with a man who has to watch internet videos of lesbians, gay men and acts of bestiality with his wife so that he can "learn" about how far society has progressed in the wrong direction.

    Yes, but no one has found kiddie porn on his computer yet, and that's something.

  41. It's sad that his cancer is terminal, but even more sad is the fact that his belief in HWA's garbage was terminal.

    When my father met with Rod during a Feast and Rod literally laughed about his wife's cancer to my dad, - calling it "only a skin condition" [a condition that shortly thereafter caused Margie's death] he realized that Rod was severely fucked up in the head.

    Rod was quite the total asshole- and something HWA would have been proud of!!!

  42. Anonymous said...

    Yeah we should all show Rod "love and mercy" just like he's shown so many over the years...

    Rod Meredith doesn't have a merciful bone in his body!

    Uh, oh! Sounds like Jesus is gonna return and kick Roderick C Meredith in the nuts over and over again til Rod is rolling on the floor in agony.

    Go, Jesus! Keep on kicking Rod's balls! Even after he's dead! Yeeeee-ha!

  43. I've associated some of the characters in Dylan's "Desolation Row" with the leaders of the Armstrong movement. Years ago, when GTA passed on, I posted the verses which appeared to have some profound connections to him:

    "Across the street, they've nailed the curtains, they're getting ready for the feast.
    The Phantom of the Opera in a perfect image of a priest.
    They are spoon-feeding Casanova to get him to feel more assured.
    Then they'll kill him with self-confidence after poisoning him with words.
    And the Phantom's shouting to skinny girls, "Get outta here if you don't know"
    Casanova is just being punished for going to Desolation Row."

    Back in 1995, the Fort Wayne Indiana Journal Gazette published an article showing that if you started the movie "Wizard of Oz" with the sound turned down, at the same time that you started Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon", there was a distinct synchronicity between the events in the film and the events in the album.

    One sabbath around 1975, right before I left, was listening to Dylan's "Desolation Row" on the way to the AC Gym for services. It occured to me that Dylan, in his own surreal way had created a synchronicity with Armstongism. As is explained in the final verse, names were changed, but over the years, I've found leaders, members, events, and students vividly portrayed in the words of the song. HWA (Phantom of the Opera), GTA (Casanova), Heman Hoeh (Einstein disguised as Robin Hood), AC co-ed, or typical church lady (Ophelia), revisionists, the sinking movement, the purge, it's all there if you use just a small amount of imagination!
    There's a verse which appears to apply to Rod, too.

    All a person can think is that it's just so good to be free! So far as theme songs for leaving go, it'd be hard to find one better than Desolation Row!


  44. "It is nice to know that many contributing members of this blog have a merciful and loving heart. Many of you need to look deep down and see where your thoughts are coming from. We may not agree with people, but when it is death and life, I sure am glad there are people that love mercy and love and do not want suffering and say unkind things."

    "Thank you to the blog members whose comments are merciful. For some of the others, it might be a good time to look deep down and see where your comments are coming from .... is it helpful, is it loving? I understand, perhaps decisions have been made not to your liking, but every person living on this earth is very valuable to God."

    Regardless of whether contributors to this blog are judged by you to have "merciful" and "loving" heart, or whether their comments are judged by you to be either "loving" or "helpful," unfortunately, looking back on the course of RCM's life, he has never been known for his "merciful" or "loving" heart, nor has he ever been known for his "helpfulness."

    While I can understand your pleading that RCM ought be treated far, far better than he has treated others, and likewise your contention that everyone "is very valuable to 'god,'" unfortunately, both of these claims are rejected by the bible:

    Galatians 6:7 ...A man reaps what he sows.

    RCM therefore, according to the bible, ought to reap what he has sown.

    Matthew 25:41 Then He will also say to those on His left, "Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels."

    So, apparently, not everyone is valuable to "god." Some are trash.

    Where are my comments coming from? Um, from the bible. Sorry about that...

  45. Looks like Spanky missed his true calling; he should have lead the Westboro Baptist Church- they would have canonized him a saint the moment he took his last breath.

    *Saint Roderick of Iron*


  46. LCG is going to be a confused mess after Meredith dies.

    Look at what they are preaching in Canada!

    Is Tradition Important?

    Here's an LCG minister using the teachings of Confucius as an example of the beneficial preservation of old traditions, yet he can't stand the idea of Canada absorbing the teachings of Confucius into its own culture, which he wants to remain white! He insists that it's a bad thing to reject tradition, yet he wants his listeners to reject many centuries of Christian traditions in favor of those of his cult.

    Does LCG have a doctrinal review committee like UCG has? Or is it every minister for himself? With confused messages like they are now teaching, LCG is sure to flounder after the unifying factor of Meredith is gone.

  47. Meredith has lived on the gravy train of other people's money for decades, and granted the things he has said/done/caused/ordered others to do/etc, I can wish nothing more than for him to die like a commoner - broke in a seedy nursing home surrounded by the folks he called "demon-possessed" and the overworked staff who deal with them. Preferably with his mind intact and no drugs, because drugs are pagan poison.

  48. For years, I've heard about RCM's "unedited sermons" in Charlotte. Honestly, theyre like a myth. I've heard about them, but I've never found a single one on the Internet or elsewhere. Quite frankly, I'm serioulsy starting to doubt their very existence… until I can really listen to one of them. I'd be glad if someone could provide me such links.

  49. Anonymous 3:45 PM, you are right. Speaking of which, LCG has several "no win" choices soon ahead. Look at how their past publications have memorialized the deceased John Ogwyn, Carl McNair, Dibar Apartian, Bruce Tyler and others. If LCG doesn't do at least as much for Meredith, they'll lose the RCM faithful, but if they do go out of their way to sugarcoat and praise Meredith, this will only draw attention to how mediocre Gerald Weston is by comparison to Meredith.

    LCG will press the line, "Meredith appointed Weston, so true Christians had better support Weston." Members, however, will remember that HWA appointed Tkach, so they will be quick to judge Weston by his fruits, and will be unafraid to go elsewhere in a split.

    The mystery is: who will split first? Winnail's approach has shaped most of the ministers who have been ordained in LCG in the last ten years. He has emphasized very different qualities than Carl McNair or Charles Bryce emphasized. If Weston "clarifies" Winnail's silly and heretical "doctrinal upgrade" about the falling away, will Winnail move to UCG (COGWA won't have him, and has released sermons refuting Winnail's new understanding), or will he start his own new group? Or, will Weston double down and support Winnail's teaching, and drive members to the more doctrinally sound COGWA?

    Ames is too old to start a split, or to be useful in another group after promoting his "marriage supper in heaven" doctrinal upgrade. He is very political, though, and can be counted on to uphold the party line for as long as possible, as he did while staying in WCG for five years after Meredith founded Global.

    It's unlikely that LCG will lose many members or ministers to Flurry or Pack. UCG and COGWA, however, could be in for some growth if they approach the post-Meredith era wisely.

    1. My impression is that UCG and COGWA have been sniffing around LCG wondering the posibilities of the aftermath of Rod Meredith passing for years.

  50. Where is Don Davis in all of this? Davis was right by RCM's side in founding Global and Living, before he fell afoul of RCM for being too conservative at a time when RCM was trying to bring in more ex-Worldwiders. Did the pedophilia stories sideline Davis permanently, or is he likely to have a resurgence in a conservative Weston administration?

  51. Just to offer another perspective! Wouldn't this be the first time in decades that the leader and figurehead of the corporation is NOT the actual owner? I am expecting a different dynamics in this scenario. Much different from the Tkachian scenario. But hey, still an interesting case for professionals to study. Nck

  52. He would sit in Church looking straight ahead.

  53. May everyone who has watched and heard his messages be comforted.

    Isaiah 55 verse 11 So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.

    Rest in Peace
