Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Dave Pack: A Demon Contacted Me Privately On YouTube

As Dave's mind spirals out of control, it is now envisioning emails sent to his private YouTube account as coming directly from Satan himself.
Ironically, the two men on either side of the Man of Sin will look more like the False Prophet than we always believed was the Man of Sin. Their function will be to validate him, as kind of his two witnesses, probably themselves doing powerful miracles. We’ll have to see how that is. We’ll have to see. Demons can do all kinds of things. It isn’t just Satan that has all power.
So I leave you to think about that, and an email that arrived, I believe, just today. And it was shared privately. This was intended…by a demon who wrote it…by a demon who obviously understands the things I just told you…and it was shared on a private channel sent to our YouTube account.
So here we go…This is a demon talking to the world in one of the most chilling ways…It will show you exactly how the Man of Sin is going to try to get in people’s heads; flip the narrative. So to all of you all over the world be warned. Here’s an awful lot of what it might look like. The email opens this way…
“It is because I love all of you that I now show you My mercy through these messages. The way is being prepared for the seeds to be sown and the son of Satan will soon be ready to embrace the new false church. My Church will suffer a period of terrible darkness…[This is a demon talking as though he’s Christ.]…and my crucifixion will be endured by every soul who remains loyal to me.
“My enemies will make sweeping and radical statements, demanding that everything which is insulting to My Holy Name be declared acceptable in the eyes of My Church. Very few of the clergy will fight against the desecration because of the sin of cowardice. But know this…[Says this demon, privately, on a channel to us that couldn’t be shared with anyone else. This is a demon directly reaching out to our minds—to us.]…If they partake in false sacrifices, false sacraments and false teachings, which they will then try to foist upon My loyal followers, I will declare them to be no longer fit to stand before Me [meaning “in the judgment”].
This demon is picturing himself as Christ, and you can see how he flips the narrative in a cunning way, trying to get people to resist what they should join, and join what they should resist. And finally, after all of the deception and the narrative and the flipping of the truth, the demon signs it, “Your Jesus.”
Very clever. Very demonic. Very dangerous—but it has an allure, because the idea in that email is to intimidate people into following him. Don’t be one of the dummies! One of the deceived that doesn’t come with me—says a demon who’s going to say he’s Christ—because that’s what the Man of Sin is going to say. He’s going to say, “I am God.” He’s not going to say, “I’m Satan.” He’s going to miracles by the power of Satan, but he’s going to say they’re of God 
There’s a hidden message in that email that I read from the demon…One of the things I’ve learned is when BIG things are coming, demons get active. They have no self-control. They start shooting their mouths off, because they have no character. And there’s more activity and chatter, and they’ll start to say things. It does not surprise me, at all, that we got that email. It should not surprise you. I hope it SOBERS you deeply, as you begin to understand how they’ll flip the narrative. And they’re so cunning…so clever…so intimidatingDon’t be left out…and so they suck you in and then you areleft out. That’s the way they think. 


  1. Certain animals don't recognize themselves in the mirror.

    It looks like Pack is one of them.

  2. Geez, the writing style of the youtube message really resembles Bob Thiel's!

    Now what do we do?


  3. So demons lack control and shoot their mouths off.
    Again Dave describes himself.

  4. These idiotic rants must cheapen his ministers.
    They should cut their loses and trust God to give them a real job.


  5. The truly sad thing is that many sincere people were deceived by David Pack's claim that he was going to restore faithfully everything that Herbert W. Armstrong had taught as of the time of his death on January 16, 1986. The original idea was that Herbert W. Armstrong was the one who was prophesied to come in the power and spirit of Elijah to “restore all things.” This meant that all the true teachings had been restored to the Worldwide Church of God by Herbert W. Armstrong by the end of his life. This understanding was, according to David Pack's initial writings, a great wall of defence against doctrinal changes.

    Unfortunately, SuperDave Packman later was able to chew through that great wall of defence against doctrinal changes. It started with Dave lusting and coveting and always wanting more and more money, until he came up with his twisted version of “common” that said that everything of everyone's belonged to himself. Since Dave “restored” that idea, he reasoned that he himself, rather than Herbert W. Armstrong, must be the Elijah. Having promoted himself to the office of Elijah, and given himself the power to change, delete, and make up doctrines, there are no controls over what Dave might do next.

    This great deception was extremely cruel, costly, and scary. It is frightening to think that many sincere people could not tell a true servant of God with the Holy Spirit from a raging false prophet like Dave Pack with an evil spirit, or ten, or maybe even Satan himself living in-house. Will these supposedly sincere people who got suckered into joining the RCG now reject Dave Pack's monstrous doctrinal changes and crazy heresies, or will they give up the good fight and say, “Oh, what the heck,” and just go along with all the insanity?

  6. Wow, Satan and the Demons have email accounts?

    What server are they using, and what kind of computer? Did Satan use public wifi?

    Did they send it from an I-phone, what is Satan/Demons return email address anyway?

    Sounds like the evil ones are a little bit "tech challenged". What??... no twitter account, no Facebook page, no instagram or website for the satanic realm? Pathetic!

  7. I believe that he is in touch with demons, although he obviously meant for us to believe that a demon contacting him certifies that he's the real deal, the Elijah. No wonder he thinks 3 splinter ministers will get demons!

  8. Dave Pack was always half way round the bend so to speak. Now he has gone all the way.
    He is flat out insane.

  9. Idolatry has always been stupid, but really... RCG people making David Pack their idol?

    That's just silly.

    He's such a Nimrod... hey, wait! That's it! He wants to be an Old Testament Character of renown! He can be Nimrod!

  10. Yes, I'm one of the demons that sent Dave a email. We often chat and exchange ideas about the bible and prophesy. Actually, he stole the dominion idea from me, but what's a bit of stealing between friends.
    While I'm here, hi to all the Banned readers.

  11. A real side splitter.
    For him, common troll = demon.

  12. The text of Dave's email is a small portion of a bunch of warning messages written a few years ago in The Book of Truth by Maria Divine Mercy as supposedly received by her from God the Father, Jesus Christ and Holy Mother Mary.

    You can Google the text and find it in various places such as this Catholic site.

    Looks like maybe either someone emailed that to Dave and he ran with it, or he saw it somewhere and lifted it for his own purposes. He should have done his research if the former, or realized other people would do theirs if the latter.

  13. Byker Bob,

    You may onto the truth. Little Bobby sent it to destroy Davy Pack.

  14. Assistant Coffee Maker points out that Dave's demon is taunting him with plagiarized material. This doesn't speak well of Dave's superfantabulousness if Satan is assigning lazy, second-rate demons to troll him.

  15. Since Occam's Razor informs us the most simple answer is probably the correct one, rather than a demon on Dave's private channel, we should suspect either Dave or a RCG insider sent this. God does not allow either Satan or his minions to access Facebook in reality so that's just not possible.

    "Assistant Coffee Maker said...
    The text of Dave's email is a small portion of a bunch of warning messages written a few years ago in The Book of Truth by Maria Divine Mercy as supposedly received by her from God the Father, Jesus Christ and Holy Mother Mary."

    Nice catch! So at least we know the writer is human and clever. Hmmmmm. Catholic?
    Maybe it's Bob Thiel? lol

  16. For Dave, Occam's Razor works differently than for most folks. For him, the simplest explanation is that a demon did this.


  17. As an IT server administrator I can confirm that email daemons do exist all around us. They can be easily controlled, but people like Dave never bother to read the damn manual.

    1. Gotta laugh! Shortly after becoming part of the dissident underground on the internet around 2001, I received a strange anonymous email from "mail daemon". It was before I knew what a daemon was, and I thought the message was from one of the cult zombies attempting to mess with my head.


  18. "BIG things are coming, demons get active. They have no self-control. They start shooting their mouths off,.....and I'm nooo demon!" David C. Pack

  19. I became concerned when I read that Herbert Armstrong used to have the bible read to him in the dark in latter years. Maybe it was innocently done, perhaps Herbert didnt realize how dark the room was but a thought of concern crossed my mind over that. Was Herbert trying to have some kind of supernatural experience. It was a thought and I hope I was wrong.

  20. "My enemies will make sweeping and radical statements"

    And what are your friends saying?

    If anything at all... if you have any....

  21. I understand that Dave Pack was just rejected by his imaginary friend!

  22. Its certainly possible, Anon 747a, but I would guess on the telling that with his vision deteriorating, he had probably become light-sensitive and found it easier to concentrate when in a darkened room. Repeated eye-strain may have left him prone to headaches.

  23. Back in the late '60s and early '70s, in Pasadena, at Friday evening Bible Study, in the AC Gym, HWA or GTA, or in some cases both would preside. And, they'd often express personal preferences as they "held court".

    On several occasions, HWA stated that he preferred bright restaurants. He said that he felt that Satan's people liked dark places, because the darkness allowed them cover in which to sin. He cited as an example married people who were indulging in adulterous affairs. Dark restaurants, dark clubs meant that people whom they knew were less likely find them out. He even went so far as to say that Satan's people (criminals) preferred night time and darkness.

    I agree with RSK on this. Those later statements were probably based on age-related eye conditions, as HWA was nearly blind. Some blind persons wear sunglasses, not as a fashion statement, but because their eyes still detect light, without the ability to see images. Ray Charles, as an example, told of shaving in the dark. The darkness helped him concentrate.

    Anything is possible, though, because HWA was not to be taken at face value. He was not what he said he was.


  24. Sounds like Dave's followers have itchy ears, always wanting to hear some new thing, and they are getting what they want. It keeps them coming back for more.

  25. Occam's razor cuts the big bang theory to shreds.

  26. 8.52 PM
    My bible says that God created the heavens and earth. So there must have been a big bang or similar. If you disagree, please enlighten us as to how God did it.

  27. Gnab Gib? The Big Rip? It's still a puzzle.
