Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Gerald Flurry' is now in possession of "The Stone of Destiny" and he is the new "King"

A reader here has just posted the following about Gerald Flurry.

Gerald Flurry is his last message has announced that the Throne of David and the stone of Destiny has been moved. The Throne to the PCG with him as the New King and a new Stone being Herbert Armstrongs rock that he occasionally prayed at that they keep on the grounds. This is just insane, blasphemy and at the end of message still talks about buying a plane. It's all about the money for them.

For decades Armstrongism has claimed that the Stone of Scone was the stone of destiny that was referred to in the Bible.  The church taught that Jeremiah and other Israelites carried the stone to England.  This is also the same stone that Jacob supposedly rested his head on when he dreamed his "ladder dream."   This is the stone that eventually made its way into the coronation chair that the kings and queens of England are crowned on.  Armstrongism also has claimed that Jesus will return to sit on this throne as a descendant of David, as all British monarchs are supposed to be descendants of.

Gerald Flurry is now claiming that Herb's prayer rock that he has exhibited on his cult compound is now the new stone of destiny.  The new throne stone that Jesus will come back to.   First we have this creature Dave is calling "jesus" returning to Wadsworth, Ohio to live with Dave, now we have Gerald Flurry with his "jesus" coming to Edmond, Oklahoma to live with Gerald.

The next thing we will hear is that this same "jesus" will be using Arroyo Grande as his new headquarters in an old store front.   Oh, wait.....

Can the idiots get any stupider?


  1. How frightening it is that this organization is promoting ever more bizarre doctrines. Oh how terrible it is that PCG's leaders should promote such bizarre drivel.

  2. Gerald Flurry has either lost his faith that he will get the 'real' stone of destiny or come to senses and made up a diabolical lie to get around his former insanity.

  3. Just when you think it can't possibly become any more surreal or cartoonish.......

    What I can't even begin to fathom is with this constant farce as the backdrop, how do members rationalize anything these fools serve up as being truth or legitimate spiritual guidance? Oh, that's right! Correct doctrine and obedient compliance mean that these are the people God reveals His truth to. LOL! What a false premise that is!


    1. All joking aside - is this for real? Either this is a gag or Flurry has dementia or is giving sermons under the influence.
      Will the deluded members really buy this latest bill of goods?

  4. I thought Mc Flurry was availabe at Mc Donalds not B. KING.

    It's about time Mitchell's God, who according to reliable sources gave them fracking to save the American economy, deals with their idolatry in the only way the God of fracking knows.

    It cannot be coincidence that the God of Mitchell Fracking is called "Richter". (Which is German for "Judge".)


  5. Who in their right mind would fall for this ? The real coronation stone is in Edinburgh castle in Scotland under a thick glass case. So now Herbert W Armstrong is on the same level as Biblical Jacob. This is blatant couterfeit rubbish. Are they going to find Herbert's old leather chair and pop it under there to crown flurry ? How strange is this.

  6. Byker Bob wrote: Just when you think it can't possibly become any more surreal or cartoonish.......

    PCG and RCG are beyond rational critique. Serious attempts to troubleshoot a wreck like this is a waste of time.

  7. I wonder where Gerald Flurry will get his "revelation" since Helen Amos died last week! She kept all her church notebooks dating back to when she first started attending services. Every so often she would tell Flurry of something she jotted down years ago. She was the one that revealed to him that he is " that prophet". Members would always roll their eyes when he'd start his sermon off with something she found in one of her notebooks.
    On a side note, it's disgusting that David Privatsky got remarried yesterday. It hasn't been that long since his wife Janet killed herself. He's just a selfish immature punk in an elite church family.

  8. These sliver leaders are panicking because of declining membership. They are going off the deep end, with Dave leading the way. These leaders must privately have a low opinion of its membership to dish out such obvious nonsense. Hmm, perhaps their assessment is right.

  9. I seriously doubt Jesus will return to sit on Gerald's Stone of Blasphemy. He'll be too busy returning to Worthless, Ohio sitting on Dave's right hand which maybe will keep Dave pinned down so he can't do much damage in the Kingdom.

  10. Flurry should acquire many more stones... as he's stoned to death as a false prophet.

    But hey, he could also be burned at the stake, given lethal injection, shot by a firing squad, hanged -- we're not fussy.

    The only thing real here is that the false prophet is to be put to death and apparently it's sort of left as an open question without specifics about how it should be done.

    No matter.

    One thing is sure -- he's going to die.

    Flurry can have his magic stone, but it won't do him much good in the long term.

    Hey! It will make a spiffy head stone!

  11. These sliver leaders are panicking over the loss of membership. So they are going off the deep end, with Dave leading the charge. Deep and deeper they go.

  12. Can we even imagine Jesus getting sentimental about a stone? Spiritual beings are most passionate about spiritual things that are on a much higher plane than some old stone.

  13. Gerry is already stoned, and has misnamed his object!

    Instead of "Stone of Destiny" it should be named more aptly...


  14. I am prophesying today that by the authority of the oracles of modern jewish sources (bloomberg news), the 2nd coming of shale, will constitute a real problem for their compound as the earth will tremble as set forth from my awesome predictiness! Richter (Judge in modern Assyrian) 5, I suppose, I mean predict, most likely.

    If they can time it during a Samson musical it would constitute the most awesome 3D spectacle ever in musicalland. (Of course I hope and pray no one gets hurt in the process of getting the message.)


  15. BB
    There you go again with pronouncements which you cannot back up. How the heck do you know what spirit beings are passionate about? Have you visited heaven? You are beginning to sound like Dave.

    1. Assuming your question is sincere, what are the things that Jesus was passionate about in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John?


  16. When you see Flurry build a chair around the prayer rock, let those in Judea flee to the mountains!

  17. Of course, being that the term "Lia Fail" may actually have referred to the monolith still on the Hill of Tara instead of the rock known as the Stone of Scone, it is potentially all a folly anyway.

  18. RSK: One of the reasons Flurry bought Edstone Manor was to allow the PCG to be closer to the "Lia Fail." He is teaching his followers that the PCG will take possession of the hill, excavate it and uncover the Ark of the Covenant. In addition to that, PCG will apparently galavant off to Scotland and tell the Scottish people that the Stone of Scone belongs to the PCG, the Scottish people will joyfully turn it over to Lil'Steveie who will then return it to Westminster Abbey where they will bring their "jesus" after he first appears on Edmond, Oklahoma on the cult compound.

    This "jesus" returns first to Edmond so that Flurry and his crew can show him the latest Old Covenant musical featuring the favorite dance moves of God...Irish dance. Then Flurry and his band of whacko's will take this creature "jesus" to London where they will place him on the throne chair after they return the Stone of Scone to its rightful place so that this creature "jesus" can be crown as king of the universe.

    This happens after the PCG Gestapo remove all crosses from the abbey and bans the Archbishop from performing the sacred rites. Gerald Flurry, Lil'Stevie, Wayne Turgeon and Ryan Malone will then plan out the most extravagant coronation ever imagined. Paula Malone will be in the choir loft screeching "Let the Bright Seraphim" as the processions walks down the main aisle. As "jesus" is crowned, the Herbert W Armstrong Choral Union will sing "Zadok the Priest." Can it get any better?

  19. If this were a competition then I would have to admit No2hwa to be funnier than me. O heck, no, he is just giving an accurate description of things foretold by That Fraudphet. Nck

  20. "Can it get any better?"

    Well, there is a lot of speculation that George Frederick Handel was gay, so given the quantity of homophobia, maybe some would think it was better if his music wasn't performed. Don't know where else they're going to come up with that kind of genius, however.

    This kind of wild imagination, that a) the Stone of Scone isn't a bit of Scottish sandstone, and b) that all sorts of sovereign nations are going to permit a looney, science-denying cult to interfere with the historical objects and institutions of their people, is frankly, quite beyond the pale. Jesus, if he existed, isn't coming back to give them a hand with any of that either, because he's dead. He didn't come back when he promised, when NT writers thought, or when anyone, including HWA, has ever expected. He isn't going to come back for a drunk Irishman either.

  21. Seriously, when people have been surrounded by insanity, they begin to lose perspective and start to accept the crazy as rational.

    This is a well known phenomenon.

    The solution is to get the people away from the insanity.

    It may take awhile, but usually people will recover and resume a more sane course.

    Two problems exist: Being in the insanity for too long and growing up in it and never have had a rational environment in the first place. For those, a strong example of normalcy is needed for a sustained period of time.

    It is impossible to be competent in a dysfunctional environment.

  22. Henry: Other than Flurry and his crew taking over Westminster Abbey, dethroning the Archbishop and planning the coronation, everything else is what Flurry and his idiots have been preaching. Nothing makes any sense coming out of the PCG anymore.

  23. There's a typo in the headline of this item. It should read simply:

    "Gerald Flurry Is Possessed"

  24. I vaguely remember reading their "Zadok the Priest" silliness decades ago. On the last page, they slipped in a sentence along the lines of "oh, and the song was written in (fairly recent year), but it surely goes back farther!".

  25. "...a strong example of normalcy is needed for a sustained period of time. It is impossible to be competent in a dysfunctional environment."

    Gerald Flurry is nuts but there is no normalcy in normal society either. A good part of the world rationally thinks the West is decadent. You can't be rational in a dysfunctional decadent society. Society is nuts. Politics is nuts. Economics is nuts. Planet earth is failing and time is running out.

  26. The spirit of God is a spirit of love and a sound mind?

    Obviously, Flurry is missing something.

  27. You know, HWA was crazy in his own way, what with British Israelism, makeup bans, etc., but it's just getting worse and worse. He just sought out far out doctrines and had the sales gift to push them after he meshed them all together into a scenario that took in the unwary, like I used to be. But, this looney tunes barrel of garbage is just too much. I'm surprised anyone could fall for it, but then, the religious idiots in the Bible belt gave us the disaster of Trump.

    Allen C. Dexter

  28. From Bob Dylan,
    "Well I would not feel all alone,
    Everybody must get stoned"

  29. From Bob Dylan,
    "well I would not feel all alone,
    Everybody must get stoned"

  30. All these groups harp on technicalities that have nothing to do with everyday life. My bible by contrast (eg Psalms 1) tells me to meditate on Gods LAWS day and night.
    That's a big difference.

  31. How awful it is that such a fanatical organization has been able to acquire such a lucrative income. PCG had an annual income of $5 million as early as 1996. And efforts of their donors have led to this bizarre spectacle of idolizing a rock as the Stone of Scone. How shameful.


  32. I heard that too, that the stone he will take on the plane is the prayer rock. So that must be his new new revelation?

    First it was revealed to him via Mark Nash from scripture that they would find the throne room in Jerusalem with the bones of kings. So he sent all the elite to work with Eliat Mazar in Jerusalem and that fizzled.

    Then he said the ark of the covenant would be found under Tara hill and it would also get them the stone of destiny from Scotland. So this justified them buying Edstone and got all the members excited. I remember Culpepper saying only the true ministers of Levi like himself would touch the ark and false ministers would drop dead.

    Then two years ago he sent another one of the elite Stuart Granger to Turkey as he got new revelation Noah's ark might be found by them.

    Meanwhile all the members pay for all of this while the ministers, wives, children get all the privileges like Irish dance school, etc.. And yet they keep asking members to pay for this and that as it promotes the Work.

    I wonder what the members will think of this new new revelation as it was so ingrained in our heads that the stone taken to Petra was the coronation stone.

  33. "A good part of the world rationally thinks the West is decadent. You can't be rational in a dysfunctional decadent society. Society is nuts. Politics is nuts. Economics is nuts."

    It has nothing to do with society, that's getting the cart before the horse. You can't be rational because humans aren't rational. We never have been. If society isn't rational, it's merely due to the fact that society is an outgrowth of our human qualities.

    "Planet earth is failing and time is running out."

    Planet earth is failing? Time is running out? See, more human irrationality. Had you lived at any time in the past, in "decadent" Rome, or in bellicose ancient Greece, you could have voiced exactly the same apocalyptic sentiments. "Everything is failing! Time is running out!" And yet, somehow people survive, irrational, "decadent," and bellicose as they may be, and time just goes on anyway, despite any incredulity on your part.

  34. When my family and I moved to the HQs area we had quite the rude awakening. It seems like everywhere you turn there are pictures of HWA, furniture that belonged to him, his name everywhere! Even HWAs prayer rock has a special place at the John Amos Field House. I've seen members kneel on that rock in prayer and others look on in complete awe!
    So much idolatry!
    Now with Passover fast upon us there's a dilemma we face. We are told to get anointed by a minister if we are sick, but then we get quizzed as to why we're sick and that it's caused by sin. Then doubt arises in the ministers mind as to whether we're worthy of taking the Passover.
    This cult is definitely not of God! They preach their own greed!
    I was just informed that with Flurrys private plane being so small, it'll only be able to carry his family to the Place of Safety while the rest of us fend for ourselves.
    Does this remind you of when HWA ran off to Arizona while we dealt with the B S at Pasadena?
    It should be called the Save your A$$ church!

  35. As a child, I was a baptized Lutheran attending a Roman Catholic Parochial School (because they had a better education program than the public school).

    For years, I would see the Catholics bow down and kneel before graven images. I had a Bible and learned to touch type on our old Underwood manual typewriter by typing chapters of Scriptures. I noted that the Second Commandment (which was excised by the Catholics who doubled up on coveting for the last two Commandments) mentioned nothing overtly about idolatry. That may have been the intent, but it specifically speaks to bowing down before graven images.

    Now I spent 11 years with this obvious cognitive dissonance with the additional caveat that I could not say anything about it because in their eyes I was wrong. Everything they did was right. This led to all sorts of discrimination against me. It was subtle, but I was never good enough to get the same perks as the Catholic boys.

    At the same time I knew they were wrong, I still had to find a way to fit in some how. Years of silence, knowing that I was right, being treated as a second class citizen because they believed I was wrong -- they were in the majority and I was the minority of one.

    So we come to Armstrongism. Today it is the very same thing. Flurry is bowing down before his graven image, some random rock that's nothing special. It's not a sacred rock. It's just a rock. He's committing idolatry, flat out. The people who kneel and pray on it as some sort of magic talisman are committing idolatry. The Scripture flat out indicts them. They have no excuse.

    But there it is: They are right and we are wrong. We are in the minority (in their eyes). We're the ones who should be discriminated against because we are unfit: We aren't the special ones called of God.

    The truth is we aren't the special ones called of insanity and idolatry.

  36. I spent some time on the internet last night, attempting to obtain some comparative figures on wealthy churches in the USA. I found very little information. There were stories regarding the income of celebrity pastors, of which the ACOGs have none, and approximate membership figures, but not too much on annual income of the churches themselves. One interesting fact was that the Mormon church in the USA has an estimated annual income of around $7 billion.

    I've suspected that some community churches with large resources, talented leaders, and business savy, have much greater income and influence than any of the Armstrong churches. Such churches generally do not make spectacles out of themselves with bizarre prophecies, cultic reclusiveness, abusive practices, or some of the other acts which currently characterize the ACOGs. There is the occasional scandal, or the moral failure, which seem to be almost an integral part of the act of being human.

    Considering size and influence of various existing groups, it is difficult to visualize a scenario under which Armstrongism could suddenly come roaring back, gaining huge numbers of new members (along with some level of vitality), and to catapult into prominence on the medias already dominated by others to the advantageous level of presence that HWA/GTA, and WCG once held with radio and television. The hook is both worn out and unlikely, meaning that there is zero chance of the Armstrong version of the gospel going viral. When major metropolitan areas have between 20-100 church members, there is also very little by way of a Mrs. Runcorn-like personalized example in local communities. The groups may still collect millions in tithes, but, as we've witnessed, these are not used to maximal value value in any meaningful or viable outreach. Wealth or income are not in and of themselves power. Power comes from the savy to use them. That is something which is accumulated (think "old" wealth) over generations.


  37. Just to be clear, I never intended, nor suggested in any way, that humanity and society itself was anything but dysfunctional. The evidence is quite clear that humanity and society is irrational and chaotic. The entire human existence is dysfunctional.

    It's just that in comparison, humanity and society at large look absolutely stable and sane in the light of the sects of the Cult of Herbert Armstrong Mafia.

    Everyone here should find that downright disturbing.

  38. "I remember Culpepper saying only the true ministers of Levi like himself would touch the ark and false ministers would drop dead."

    Oh, please, God, please let them find it and please let Culpepper touch it!

    1. Anon 8:24 is hoping for a new face melting scene, heh. Cant blame them.

  39. 7.54 AM
    There is much idolatry in these slivers. The biggest idols are Herbie worship, tyrannical-government worship, and church worship.

  40. well, the entertaining part of it all is that Flurry had no way of being sure that the rock he brought from Salem was in fact HWAs prayer rock in the first place. He had to look around based on what clues he could pull from HWAs stories and find what he thought was an appropriate rock.

  41. Just remembered Loma Armstrong's rather mocking account of their visit to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre as well. (since I just recalled it, does that mean I should be saying "the holy spirit confirmed to me..."?) Amusing that the exact same behavior she disparaged is now going on at HWAs supposed prayer rock!

  42. Anons 1140, 824:

    "No! I said Noah's Ark! They're looking in the wrong place!"

    "Uzza" Culpepper should let the (neo)Nazis take the risk. I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot (gold-wrapped acacia wood) pole...

  43. Rumor has it that one of the staff at PCG HQ followed Flurry out around town a couple of times and saw Flurry going to a Masonic Lodge for their meetings. So Gerald Flurry is supposedly a Mason. I think we need more people to spy on Flurry and follow him around and confirm this. I wish I lived near there. I would follow him around and take pictures. (Then I would go to their concert and SCREAM on stage next to that Malone thing and get kicked out. What a blast it would be.)

  44. "God is Great, beer is good, people are crazy" -- A country and western song.

  45. "Had you lived at any time in the past, in "decadent" Rome, or in bellicose ancient Greece, you could have voiced exactly the same apocalyptic sentiments."

    They did not have nukes in those days.

  46. "Had you lived at any time in the past, in "decadent" Rome, or in bellicose ancient Greece, you could have voiced exactly the same apocalyptic sentiments."

    My 'apocalyptic' sentiments are based on nukes, not religion.

  47. "Oh, please, God, please let them find it and please let Culpepper touch it!"

    Cult-Prepper can say what he wants, but he wouldn't have the nerve to touch the arc!

  48. I say sneak onto the campus and steal the Stone of Blasphemy and hold out for a tidy sum and an apology to all those PCG has hurt and separated. If they say no, grind it up and return it to it's proper location.

  49. I guess I could go to Edmond and pee on the Blarney stone.

  50. And now we go to our correspondent, Hamish McTavish, live in Edinburgh, Scotland...

    ...According to recent reports, the Scottish Stone of Scone has recently been superseded by a rock in Edmonton OK, and was identified by an Oklahoman man named Gerald Flurry who is a self-professed expert in stones of Scone. Flurry conveniently found the rock on his property.

    When asked how he could be so confident that the old Stone of Scone was "the" Stone of Scone no longer, and that his rock was now "the" Stone of Scone, despite having no apparent connection to the Scottish village of Scone, he just replied, "Because I said so."

    However, just minutes ago, that new Oklahoman Stone of Scone was reportedly just superseded by a new rock, this one in Arroyo Grande CA, and was identified by a Californian named Dr. Robert Thiel who, as it turns out, is also a self-professed expert in stones of Scone. Thiel says he found the rock in the arroyo yesterday.

    The office of Scotland's First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, declined to respond to any specific allegations that the traditional Stone of Scone had been superseded by "new world rocks," issuing a statement saying the traditional stone "remains alongside the crown jewels of Scotland."

    LOL...as if what these silly COGlodytes said even merited news coverage, which it doesn't, and never will.

  51. You can tell them it's actually the rock the on which the lumberjack sits on Wednesdays. (On Wednesday I go shopping, and have buttered scones for tea.)

  52. More like the Blarney stone... which would explain a lot, since we're sure Flurry kissed it.

  53. He is a nut! My poor Mom who was a member of his church died too soon because she would not accept treatment from a Doctor! I detest this man and his blasphemous church!
