Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, February 6, 2017

United Church of God Minister Stephen Allwine Back In Jail

It was not long after United Church of God minister Stephen Allwine was arrested for killing his wife that his parents jumped up and posted his $500,000 bail.

Some people who knew Allwine thought this was not a good idea for him to be out on bail.  He has/had the resources to possibly flee or do other illegal activities.

His moment of freedom out on bail did not last too long because he did just that!  He is now back in jail for attempting to track down his son with a Smartwatch.

The Star Tribune is reporting:
Cottage Grove murder-for-hire suspect back in jail after allegedly trying to track son via smartwatch
Allwine had been released from jail after posting a conditional $500,000 bail on the second-degree murder charges. But police arrested him Monday, said Fred Fink, criminal division chief in the county attorney’s office, after authorities found he had tried to get in touch with his son. Allwine had been told to have no unsupervised visits with the boy.
The judge wisely raised both bail amounts even higher after this second arrest.
Allwine appeared Wednesday in front of Judge Mary Hannon. She raised unconditional bail to $1.5 million — originally $1 million — and conditional bail to $600,000. The judge ordered Allwine to have no contact with his son or Amy Allwine’s parents.
The victim’s parents, who now have custody of the boy, notified law enforcement that Stephen Allwine had contacted them and asked that they “charge up the GizmoGadget smartwatch and program his phone number in there as well,” Fink said. 
Can you imagine the hell Amy's parents are going through having to deal with the death of their daughter, take care of her son and then to have Allwine contact them?  They promptly reported him to the police.
Allwine appeared Wednesday in front of Judge Mary Hannon. She raised unconditional bail to $1.5 million — originally $1 million — and conditional bail to $600,000. The judge ordered Allwine to have no contact with his son or Amy Allwine’s parents.
The victim’s parents, who now have custody of the boy, notified law enforcement that Stephen Allwine had contacted them and asked that they “charge up the GizmoGadget smartwatch and program his phone number in there as well,” Fink said.
Fink argued in court that Allwine’s attempted contact of his son was especially worrisome because of Allwine’s skills with digital technology and the nature of the case against him. 
This court trial is going to end up being a huge mess.  Allwine will work the system to his benefit.  He is already claiming that a disgruntled dog owner was angry with his wife and killed her.

For some reason United Church of God has had bigger percentage of these sick ministers than any other COG.

ht: Connie



  1. Has this man no shame. Has his arrogance no end ? He sounds completely in a world of his own. One day it will all catch up with him.

  2. This guy obviously knows no boundaries. Im surprised that he was granted bail in ANY AMOUNT!

  3. He surely didn't strengthen his case by doing this. Not a good thing to make it appear that you think you are above the law. I learned to hate ratting while I was an AC student and member of WCG, but in this case I believe the inlaws did the right thing.


  4. Perhaps some evaluation for being a psychopathic personality is in order?

  5. Of course he knows no boundaries. It's not taught, it's not part of church culture and is sneered at when people complain of having their boundaries violated. All the slivers share this trait.

  6. He should have never been granted any kind of bail. It's like I mentioned a few weeks ago, this guy is a possible flight risk or good candidate for suicide.

    The evidence that they have allowed the public to know seems to establish that he is the killer. This was not a suicide or another killer. They have there man...now what are they going to do?


  7. DennisCDiehl on February 6, 2017 at 4:13 PM said...“Perhaps some evaluation for being a psychopathic personality is in order?”

    It seems like the UCG does have some way to evaluate people for having a psychopathic personality, so it can be sure to fill the UCG with psychopathic attendees and psychopathic new “ministers,” and get rid of anyone normal people who complain about them. This is one reason why the UCG just splits and splinters and will never grow.

  8. Dennis, sadly it is not illegal to be a psychopath.

    Neither can it be a defense because it is not a mental illness (a genuine physical condition impacting the brain): It is a mental disorder, which means that it is a choice.

    A psychopath could choose to not be one, but none of them ever do because they like who and what they are.

  9. Anon 5:40 I think your correct. I think your onto core truth there. You are correct, I've encountered some characters over the years who respect no boundaries, they do, say, behave to their own rules. The boundaries of age, marriage, basic human manners mean nothing to them.

  10. It is so sad that so many people look up to ministers as if they are on a higher level of moral and ethical conduct because they are considered to be spiritualy superior then the lay members. The sick conduct of this man exposes the fact that any minister is not superior in any way to any lay member in any religious org. That is not only true in the armstrongite churches but in all churches.

    1. I am generally not afflicted by yeahbuttitis, but to this I must say, yeah, but they kick you out the minute that you recognize this and adapt this view of the ministry and its so-called authority. Remember, "every word of God's ministers as if it came directly from Jesus Christ." They fully expected and actually enforced that members would regard the ministry as role models.

      GTA used to say that authority can only exist where you choose to accept it. He also added the caveat that the door swings both ways.

      The bottom line is that in becoming a member of Armstrongism, you automatically accept and embrace a whole additional layer of authority in your life, one that is supposed to be regarded above any other authority that "normal" people have present. In other words, you give up your right to say "Well, that's just plain wrong! I'm not going to take it. Screw them!" and still remain a member.


  11. I am a member of God's Church and i love it that I know His Truth about His Sabbath and holy days, etc.
