Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Dave Pack: We May Be A Year and a Half Away From The Resurrection of the Dead

Dave Pack is telling his members that within "six months  to a year and six months" that they may see their dead friends rise from the grave and stand before their "christ."

Brethren around the world, you don’t know David Holcomb but I’m going to use the name David Holcomb, one of the most beloved people I’ve ever known in my ministry, died a few years ago. I find it incredibly exciting to know we’re going to see David Holcomb…You could fill in names that you know…a lot sooner than when Christ comes to Jerusalem. I would want to know that. I would find that those are comforting words to me. And if any others are sick and dying, but we might see them in six months or a year and six months, or whatever it is, I would find that very encouraging. Wouldn’t you? Very comforting.


  1. Not going to happen.

    Just like all his predictions.

  2. If David Holcomb is the Ohio ONE I knew Decades ago He was indeed a remarkably kind and simple man. I have a woollen blanket he gave me decades ago in my room to this day because he feared it wasn't pure wool. So he gave it to me? Hey..wait a minute😉

  3. The Martians may land sometime during the next year and a half.


  4. Hey Dave:

    The Same Way you knew the 3 shepherds/church leaders were supposed to be killed, like in 2013 wasn't it? Do you have any more coverup sermons ready, like "how long will you wait for God?" to hide another one of your failed prophecies?!!?!?

    I wonder if you have several versions of all your "prophetic" sermons ready? So you can upload the re-write... when your prophecy doesn't happen

    Hello Church Members
    You Church Members, please re-read Jeremiah 23! It's time MORE THAN YOU REALIZE!

  5. Attention to the weasel clause from Pack..."or whenever".

  6. "I have a woollen blanket he gave me decades ago in my room to this day because he feared it wasn't pure wool. So he gave it to me? Hey..wait a minute"


    Kind of like when our family would clear out (unopened and still consumable) leavened products and give them to neighbors before Days of UB.

    It might be evil stuff, but it's not our problem anymore!:)

  7. Sure, we'd all like to meet deceased family, friends or acquaintances someday.
    It's one of our most desirable fantasies.

    Too bad it's just a fantasy, Dave.
    If we don't extend this life, that's it. Sad but true.

  8. Dave's right with this one. I'II meet my deceased relatives in a thousand years time. Some of them were bastards, so I don't mind the wait.
