Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

UPDATED: Living Church of God: Richard Ames Hospitalized With A Stroke

Several LCG sources have emailed me today about Richard Ames.  He was rushed to the hospital today complaining of slurred speech, headache, and numbness on his right side.  It is feared that he has had a stroke. His doctors have been conducting numerous tests on him to determine the damage from the stroke.  He has had health issues for some years now, which have taken a turn for the worse.   With Ames out of the picture, Gerald Weston has free reign to implement his reign of terror.  Ames, being the senior Evangelist was able to reign in the more abusive elements of the church.  Many LCG members fear that protection is slipping away.  If Meredith and Ames both die soon from their health issues, the Living Church of God is destined for major  problems.

Tough times are ahead for LCG members


Dear Fellow Ministers:
I want to update you on a situation that occurred this afternoon.  Mr. Richard Ames called me to request anointing as he was having a health problem.  It was clear that he was having trouble speaking as his speech was slurred and he reported having numbness on his right side.  Dr. Winnail, Rod McNair and I anointed him and he was better immediately, but reverted back to the slurring shortly thereafter.  We decided to call the paramedics and he was taken to hospital where he is going through a series of tests and will remain there overnight.  The problem seems to be intermittent and so far there has been no diagnosis.  Initial tests at the hospital were favorable. Your prayers will be greatly appreciated and we will keep you informed when we know more.
Kind regards,

March 9, 2017
Greetings from Charlotte,
As some of you are aware, Mr. Richard Ames had a medical emergency this week but is now doing very well. He called for anointing, which we did, but felt it was prudent to have him checked out. His speech at times was slurred and he had numbness and weakness on his right side. Tests indicated that it definitely was a stroke. The good news is that he was released from the hospital, his speech is back to normal and he is able to move about normally. For this we are most thankful to the God we serve! Mr. Ames would like to convey his thanks for all the encouraging messages, as well as your prayers and support. I had an hour-long visit with Dr. Meredith this morning at his home. I updated him on the Work in general and shared with him some goals I have going forward, and he had a number of points of advice to pass along to me. It was a good meeting. Dr. Winnail arrived safely in South Africa after a couple of long flights and a long layover. He will conduct Church business meetings on Friday. He will also be conducting Tomorrow’s WorldPresentations. We are seeing a higher degree of interest from subscribers than we normally expect. We need more laborers in South Africa, as in all areas, and God may be moving people to get involved in that part of the world while there is still time to act.—GEW 


  1. "If Meredith and Ames both die soon from their health issues, the Living Church of God is destined for major problems."

    Don't get your hopes up. I seriously doubt much will change. They have weathered far worse storms.

    1. It's a slow death, 9:52. Armstrongism has already passed the tipping point, and the scripture about God's Church never being stamped out has never applied to WCG or any if the splinters. Gamaliel does, though.


  2. The Living Church of God is the walking dead. Death awaits this failed work.

  3. "Reign of terror"? LCG members are in "fear"? Puleeze. You all have no clue about what you are talking. Zilch. Nada. But it's still fun to watch you sling your mud. Very entertaining. Thank you for that.

    1. I am a former Member of the world wide church of God. If you pay attention to the word of God you would realize that what they teach is right in front of you. The only false religion I see are all those who believe in all the pagan holidays. Christmas, Easter, Halloween, and the others. If you have the truth you wouldn't be keeping such pagan holidays. Look up the real origin where they come from. Not man made beliefs.

  4. well BB, the old WCG and it's splinters are but a small part of God's Church....even if all traces of WCG disappear, there will still be groups of Sabbath keeping, Feast keeping, law abiding followers of Jesus Christ somewhere on this planet.

    1. Exactly. You are preaching to the choir, but hopefully these groups will exist without the abuses. And, there will be even more devout Sunday-keeping, Christmas and Easter observing New Covenant Christians.


  5. What is your source talking about? Ames is one of the worst abusers. He has a wicked temper and will yell and scream if he does not get his way. If you dare to study the Bible and ask him a sincere question he will brand you a scoffer or a dissident, while he abandons HWA's teachings to establish evangelical ideas in LCG. Also his crazy idea about the marriage supper in heaven, which requires Christ to return twice, once to collect His saints to go to heaven and once to bring HIs saints to war against the world's armies. He only gets away with his behavior because of Meredith. Maybe Ames has realised that with Meredith gone he will be reigned in as never before, so he might as well die before he is disgraced.

  6. While wishing ill upon no particular individual person, I wish all kinds of ill will upon the various cog corporate entities. I hope LCG soon fragments into pieces, the more the better. The sooner that each one will fall below critical mass.

    1. You really have a out look on what the Bible tells you. What about Gods commandment treat your neighbor as you would treat yourself.

  7. Thank you for making it clear again how thankful I should be to be shut of all that mess. My life hasn't been any endless joy ride, but it sure has gotten much more tranquil without a religious gestapo to deal with.

    Allen C. Dexter

  8. you scoffers have been wishing death upon the Church now for how long? fact is Matthew 16:18 cannot be broken; its Christs own Words, and the faithful believe Him...

    it is also Written that among the Church many will begin to think the Lord delays His Return and that they will start to abuse their fellow members...

    but ultimately it is we who Endure until the end that will be Glorified, not those who become offended and fall off...

  9. 6.57 AM
    The ministers were abusing church fellow members even when they believed Christs return imminent. It's the ministers that are the master abusers in these churches. The body of evidence doesn't lie. Blaming the victims and whitewashing the abusers through silence, are not Christian traits.
    Where's your conversion and endurance?

  10. not sure what kind of logic leads you to conclude i am "blaming the victims" and "whitewashing the abusers"; that amounts to a false accusation...

    i absolutely indict the ministers as being a problem, and the Scripture witnesses to them being a problem...

    but just as Christ was persecuted by the establishment and hierarchy, endured and overcame, we who submit to the same Power to overcome will inherit a Crown of Glory, having endured until the end...

    as a black man in america, i can truly relate to the concept of overcoming obstacles and injustice, and the Scripture is my crutch...

  11. You know I have believed what God says in the Bible is right. You know someone told me long ago if you didn't thank God's word is the truth then try and disprove it.

    O have been to many churches in my life time and I could see there false teaching were wrong. It wasn't hard.

    Those who put there pagan holiday s in front of God's truth. Every holiday but Thanksgiving orginate from the keeping of some devil orgin.

    Especially Christmas. It is all lies. God says in his Ten Commandments that shall not lie.

    Jesus Christ wasn't born on the 25th but Nimrod was. Those who know who Nimrod is. He married his on mother. He was a devil worshiper.

    Ruler of Babylon.

    St Nick cam from a Catholic Church who was pope 6th.

    You people always downing those churches that are Keeping God's holy days, and the holidays of the world all came from the Satan. And you call Me. Armstrong beleifs a cult. Why don't you look in the mirror and think about what you keep is right.

    The ten commandments weren't done away with or the holy days.

    God says these are my days from generation to generation.

    It wasn't just fo the Jews. They excepted the Gentiles to do this also.

    So i pray that you really know what you are talking about before expressing you opinion. It says in the Bible God's people would be perscuted in the ending time Just like Noah and the Ark.

    This is the ending time I I guess people on here that are dneighing God's truth are fullfilling this prophecy.

    I just hope you take that next step and find the truth before it is to late.

    Jesus Christ is coming soon and he will bring the truth with Him

    But all I ask just check anywhere in the Bible about the holidays of the world and see if God shows any sign that they were kept.

    If you are following Gods word and understanding it and not putting your on beleif into the contexts then you will see that these holidays are all evil except Thanksgiving. Those who follow these days are really the cults in this world. Not the teaching of Armstrong. God says prove all things. Some people want because they are scared what they might find out what is real and what is not.

    Are You..

  12. Malachi’s message by Gerald Flurry

  13. Well, here it is 2023 and the pitiful remnants of the huge cult of Armstrong is still waiting for Christ's return. I grew up in the original WWCOG and when the ridiculousness started, I was smart enough to bail. I've never been happier and so happy for my decision. Theses churches keep wanting for something that will never happen and are wasting their lives trying o save themselves. What a waste of life.
