Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

UPDATED: Michael Germano, President of Largest University in the United States Reads Banned!

What an awesome thing to find out that the President of the largest University in the United States is a reader of Banned!  Imagine that!  Who knew!!!!!

Michael Germano, President of the most important "university" in the United States if not the entire world follows Banned, so much so that he did not like us picking on the Living Church of God apostate, Almost-arrested Elisha, Elijah, Amos, Joshua, Habakkuk, second witless witness and disappointing "son" to Rod Meredith.  Dennis really needs to stop picking on poor innocent Bob.  Shame on you, GET A LIFE!!!!!!

Mind you that this criticism is coming from a man who claims to be loyal to Rod Meredith, the man who Bob Thiel has criticized and who claims to be blind to Bob's "truths."  So much for ones loyalty to ones boss!  When Rod Meredith criticized Almost-arrested Thiel I never saw Germano complaining.

While I admit we pick on James Malm as equally as we do Elisha Thiel, I have to admire James for sticking to his convictions, no matter how much anyone disagrees with them.  Deep down I know that James does have a concern for those he sees as lacking in zeal and are being led astray by false COG leaders.  I don't agree with his stance, but he is actually a man of his word.   Michael Germano, not so much.

Anyone one that was around through the turbulent 1990's and the doctrinal upheavals saw first hand the duplicity of Germano.

Consider Germnao's letter to the Worldwide News dated May 9, 1995:
The encouraging comments from our ministry all across the nation have been inspiring to my wife, Brenda, and me. It seems that each person had his or her own personal struggle in coming to understand what God is leading us collectively to know and do as his children.

Learning is painful; there is nothing easy about it. I used to believe, and preach, that the most difficult aspect of life was child rearing. I have now changed my mind. It is being a Christian.

Thanks to Mr. Tkach's leadership and relationship with God, we have been led by the Spirit of God to come to a deeper, richer, fuller understanding of what it is to be a Christian. The understanding appears to be wholly of the Spirit. When the veil is removed, all comes into place. Spiritual renewal is being worked out in a powerful and wonderful way throughout the Church.

At Ambassador University we have some on the faculty (both lay members and ministers) who have not been able to see or accept the
New Covenant understanding. The majority of the faculty, however, have and are deeply thrilled and excited about the new understanding. Some faculty and students have decided that they will work in active opposition. This is sad, but each person has come to his or her decision.

All of our children and their mates remain loyal to God's Church and work as it is administered by Mr. Tkach. I believe that by the early summer the Ambassador University community will all be of one mind once again, and we can go forward with the wonderful work that lies ahead. It is going to be a very large and exciting work, and I hope we can all grasp the vision and significance of it.

Our prayers and thoughts are with all our brothers and sisters in Christ—the ministry and the brethren. Please pray for Ambassador University. We love all of you and we know you love us.

Michael and Brenda Germano
Ambassador University
Here is a man who was still being paid by the Worldwide Church of God who proceeded to slobber all over the Tkach administration with one platitude after another.  God was performing the most amazing miracle ever in Christendom and Germano and his wife were proud to be part of it.  That is until Tkach shut down the Big Sandy campus and Germano was out of work.  Then his story started changing.  Grace and spiritual freedom were thrown aside to join up with Rod Meredith where he could once again embrace legalism and bondage.

This is also a man who has been coddling up to accreditation committees seeking to prove to them that the Living Church of God's "college" deserved to be called a "university."  

Universities are typically filled with highly trained and well educated women and men who know their fields of expertise.

Notice what Germano said about these men and women in THOSE universities:

The American academy has been overrun by an evil leftist ideology turning many college and university schools of arts and sciences into citadels of deception and factories of deceit. Many English, anthropology, history and political science departments are staffed with flaming leftists with a very few exceptions. It is almost impossible to find PhD faculty in these disciplines that reflect traditional American values. Their brains have not just been washed but scrubbed clean and reprogrammed. Part of the deception is that academic leftists not only see themselves as the most brilliant, enlightened and balanced people on the planet capable of governing everyone in every context but as moderates. It is impossible to have a reasonable conversation with members of this elite as they have convinced themselves of their indignant, deceptive righteousness. It boils over into lefty religion and includes some well-meaning evangelicals who have been attracted by it. The building of America has taken many generations but it is being shredded. As the saying goes, any old jackass (an appropriate symbol) can kick down a barn but it takes a skilled carpenter to build one.
Once again we see how he wants to be seen as something important in the educational community and then proceeds to smear his fellow educators as "jackasses" in spite of the fact he was educated by these "jackasses."
Michael P. Germano, a graduate of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, holds earned doctorates from the University of Southern California and the University of La Verne. He completed post-graduate study in anthropology, archaeology, and theology at Southern Methodist University and Texas A&M University at College Station.  Michael P. Germano Bio
On another thread this was posted about how quickly Germano changes with the political religious environment he is associated with:
I saw an early draft of Germano's book on early Christianity in which "Jewish Christians" (as he called them) were the heroes. It was a scholarly, well researched book. Then the new teachings came out and, at a faster speed than I could have imagined, he revised his book to make gentile Christians the heroes. I've seen enough of Germano to know that he can be very likeable but he is also very political and not to be trusted. In 1995 I knew faculty members in Big Sandy who said they would resign if he were named president. 
Now that his recent smear campaign against James Malm has discredited him in the eyes of LCG members, I really have to wonder WHO really needs to GET A LIFE?


  1. Mike Germano....get a real degree and a real religion. Idiot.

  2. Noticing the strange,ridiculous, mistaken, waffling, self absorption and dangerous views of someone or some church is not scoffing. It is noticing. And I have a nice, simple and ever learning but never able to settle for others narrow minded truths life, but thanks.

  3. Thanks for this; I needed a good laugh today!

    I have a relative who attended AU during the 90s, as part of the 'underground', and I can just imagine what he might have to say about Germano's flip-flopping.
    "...the Ambassador University community will all be of one mind once again..." Well, they tried--mostly by kicking out dissenting students right and left, and revoking student visas for the internationals. So much for 'New Covenant love'!

    "...see themselves as the most brilliant, enlightened and balanced people on the planet capable of governing everyone...[and] as moderates. It is impossible to have a reasonable conversation with members of this elite as they have convinced themselves of their indignant, deceptive righteousness."

    That's a pretty indicting statement of the CoG elite; "by your own words shall you be judged."


  4. “All of our children and their mates remain loyal to God's Church and work as it is administered by Mr. Tkach.”--Mikey P. Germ. in May 9, 1995 WN

    Edited for greater clarity: “All of our children and their mates remain loyal to Church PAYCHECKS as they are administered by whoever is currently administering them.”


  5. Some people rose up to high positions of power and prestige and paychecks in the WCG. They appeared to be righteous people who believed and supported the teachings of the WCG under HWA.

    However, when the teachings of the WCG under HWA got totally changed in January 1995 by the apostate Tkaches, many of these same people were “deeply thrilled and excited” to go along with the massive doctrinal changes so that they could continue to hang on to their power and prestige and paychecks.

    Sometime later, when the WCG collapsed under the apostate Tkaches, these same people found it expedient to join a splinter group to try to hang on to their power and prestige and paychecks by once again claiming to remain loyal to the latest splinter group leader's version of what HWA had taught.

    Since the little sheeple in the WCG had always been expected to risk their jobs over the church's teachings, it is only fair that the WCG's leaders would be tested in this same way.

    Without that amazing GREAT APOSTASY of January 1995, it would never have become so clear what all those hypocrites in the WCG were really like.

  6. The hilarious thing to watch today is the revolving globe on the side bar all lite up with Charlotte and local cities. I thought Rod Meredith told his members to NOT read this blog?

  7. Dr G has real degrees. They just didn't lead to critical theological thinking

  8. Here are Dr. Germano's credentials as stated on Living U website:

    B.S. (1959), University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; B.A. (1961), Ambassador University; M.A. (2000), Texas A&M University-College Station; M.S. (1966), Ed.D. (1968), University of Southern California; J.D. (1980), University of La Verne.
    Part 1

    Subject Matter:
    Anthropology/Archaeology, Law, Professional Education, Theology

    I'd say he is well educated in Law, Professional Education as he held positions at other colleges in these. His anthropology , archaeology and theology comes from working at the Jerusalem digs and his theology from AC of course. Not sure what the anthropology comes from . I also dug at Megiddo so that probably makes me an expert on Har Megiddo (The Valley of Megiddo) and Armageddon (The Valley of Megiddo)

    Dr. Douglas Winnail of Living U's credentials are as follows:

    B.A. (1964), Washington and Jefferson College; B.A. (1970), Ambassador University; M.P.H. (1980), Loma Linda University; M.S. (1967), Ph.D. (1968), University of Mississippi.

    Subject Matter:
    Health, Theology

    His Ph.D. is in biological studies and health I assume and theology, of course from AC. You'd think he'd learned something of Evolution but in his classes it was all "isn't it amazing how God made things."

    As is painfully true to me personally as well, theological training at AC and LU and I am sure at HWA U and Dave Pack U is what I always called "Mere Bible reading."

    Harmony of the Gospels Rod Meredith---all he did was read them and sermonize. He knew or taught NOTHING on origins, authorship, problems and errancy issues, intent, or even what the correct order was and the FACT they are not eyewitness accounts by anyone whose name is affixed.

    Survey of the OT--David Jon Hill Read the OT and be bored

    Epistles of Paul--George Kemnitz Read the Epistles and assume they all were written by Paul who just loved Peter, James and John and they him

    Church Letters--Read them, sermonize, nothing on origins and controversies they were addressing and why.

    Revelation-- Everyone, The world is a mess, time is short, repent and do the work.

    If had been taught (and they did not know either) this ONE thing:

    Paul wrote first about his hallucinatory and Cosmic Christ who lived in and was crucified in the heavens by demons. That Paul never knew a human Jesus. That his Gospel came in visions from Jesus and from NO MAN (Galatians) That he was at odds with Jerusalem Church etc.... Never quotes an earthly Jesus...and died

    ...before any Gospel was written and it was the Gospels that brought Jesus down to earth, according to the scriptures as real and human, I would have awakened much sooner to many things.

    If I had known the real order of the NT was better understood as:

    Paul authentic Epistles first:
    Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Philippians, 1 Thessalonians, and Philemon.

    Revelation just prior to the Fall of Jerusalem in 70

    The Gospels: Mark, Matthew (Copies 94% of Mark) Luke (Copies 54% of Mark) and John (which may actually come first but I spare you.)

    Paul's "Pastoral Epistles) written in his name for various reasons later.
    Ephesians, Colossians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, and Titus but addressed issues not yet arisen in Paul's time.

    I and II Peter: Not written by Gospel Peter but in his name addressing problems of a much later Church nature.

    Acts: probably way later to connect the Gospels to the Epistles and portray Jesus, Peter, James , John and Paul as all on the same page due to the obvious fact that they really weren't (Galatians vs the Jerusalem Church and James Book of James as rebuttal to Paul's Book of Romans.)

    .....I would have better understood the New Testament and seen the WCG misapplications sooner. Alas I was a naive kid in the 60's and AC "professors" were mere Bible readers in the tradition of HWA.

    While I cringe at the words "Embarassing College" (as I do Minsturd), it was so.

  9. Part 2

    As is painfully true to me personally as well, theological training at AC and LU and I am sure at HWA U and Dave Pack U is what I always called "Mere Bible reading."

    THE GENESIS FLOOD- Read and outline and you'll know all you ever need to know on why the geologic record shows Noah's Flood story is true. Whitcomb and Morris were not paleontologists, geologists or archaeologists, but not to worry. Most stupid book ever written and Dave Pack's only training except for WCG Whales of Tales and Theories for the Birds.

    Harmony of the Gospels Rod Meredith---all he did was read them and sermonize. He knew or taught NOTHING on origins, authorship, problems and errancy issues, intent, or even what the correct order was and the FACT they are not eyewitness accounts by anyone whose name is affixed.

    Survey of the OT--David Jon Hill Read the OT and be bored

    Epistles of Paul--George Kemnitz Read the Epistles and assume they all were written by Paul who just loved Peter, James and John and they him

    Church Letters--Read them, sermonize, nothing on origins and controversies they were addressing and why.

    Revelation-- Everyone, The world is a mess, time is short, repent and do the work.

    If had been taught (and they did not know either) this ONE thing:

    Paul wrote first about his hallucinatory and Cosmic Christ who lived in and was crucified in the heavens by demons. That Paul never knew a human Jesus. That his Gospel came in visions from Jesus and from NO MAN (Galatians) That he was at odds with Jerusalem Church etc.... Never quotes an earthly Jesus...and died

    ...before any Gospel was written and it was the Gospels that brought Jesus down to earth, according to the scriptures as real and human, I would have awakened much sooner to many things.

    If I had known the real order of the NT was better understood as:

    Paul authentic Epistles first:
    Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Philippians, 1 Thessalonians, and Philemon.

    Revelation just prior to the Fall of Jerusalem in 70

    The Gospels: Mark, Matthew (Copies 94% of Mark) Luke (Copies 54% of Mark) and John (which may actually come first but I spare you.)

    Paul's "Pastoral Epistles) written in his name for various reasons later.
    Ephesians, Colossians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, and Titus but addressed issues not yet arisen in Paul's time.

    I and II Peter: Not written by Gospel Peter but in his name addressing problems of a much later Church nature.

    Acts: probably way later to connect the Gospels to the Epistles and portray Jesus, Peter, James , John and Paul as all on the same page due to the obvious fact that they really weren't (Galatians vs the Jerusalem Church and James Book of James as rebuttal to Paul's Book of Romans.)

    .....I would have better understood the New Testament and seen the WCG misapplications sooner. Alas I was a naive kid in the 60's and AC "professors" were mere Bible readers in the tradition of HWA.

    While I cringe at the words "Embarassing College" (as I do Minsturd), it was so.

  10. Ahhhh... once again the fruits of the Spirit come shining through in another LCG headquarters minister - NOT

    Why is anyone surprised anymore when this corrupt, evil church behaves badly???

    LCG has shown us over and over again WHO they are. Why not believe them?

  11. And...

    Someone wrote somewhere, and I could not find it at the moment, that AC was merely an extention of High School and not the rigorous college experience one would get in a State or Ivy League College. Beyond true.

    My high school classes were all Advanced Placement in the New York State Regents system. It was tough stuff and all for college prep anywhere one wanted to go. For example AP Chemistry was tough. AC Chemistry under Dr. Winnail was a joke and not only was no actual chemistry taught, it was a platform for sermonizing and just getting "science requirements" done.

    When I attended lectures by Dr. Neil Shubin, Anatomy professor in Chicago on his discovery of Tiktalik , linking fish to amphibians as a creature with lungs and gills, fins and feet etc, the regrets flowed in me.

    Same when I listened to Dr. Donald Prothero lecture on "Evolution, What the Fossils Tell Us and Why It Matters" it was tough to admit my poor choices.

    I have had to educate myself over 40 years and while regretful of poor AC choices, realize I could not be here if I had not been there and who knows what my other life would have been (My draft number was lower than my age at 18 in '68) had I not had the experience.

  12. I met Germanos son. What an arrogant pice of poop. The fruit does not fall far from the tree.

  13. Dennis...you are a blessing to the rest of us here on 'Banned'. Maybe you could have done greater things, but we would be poorer without you. I hope that counts for something. And, the same goes to Gary who provides us with this platform for discussion.

  14. "I have had to educate myself over 40 years and while regretful of poor AC choices, realize I could not be here if I had not been there and who knows what my other life would have been (My draft number was lower than my age at 18 in '68) had I not had the experience."

    I feel exactly the same way, Dennis. Yeah, I'm chagrined at how dumb and deluded I was back there, but I couldn't be where I am today without that experience and all the study and thinking I was subsequently forced into. Everybody plods along their own path at their own speed and every experience along the way has bearing on the final outcome. I've learned a lot from you too, starting way back there with your ezine articles. I'm currently reading the biography of Cromwell, the fanatic Puritan, and some of the parallels are astounding. There really is nothing new under the sun. Something similar can always be found if we look into the past.

    Allen C. Dexter

  15. Hey, Germanno, give up your cult and get a life, you loser.

  16. I believe that, like many others whom we discuss, our present subject basically draws his identity and status from his association with Herbert W. Armstrong. Aside and apart from the cloistered subset of Herbert Armstrong followers, he is of little importance to humanity.

    His vacillation of which we have taken note, still falls within that same subset, because neither Tkach has any importance outside of Armstrongism. That is not being cruel, it is simply the way things develop in a small, isolated pond on a largely unknown island.


  17. A still loyal Tkach-ist M. Germano wrote (in 1995):
    "All of our children and their mates remain loyal to God's Church and work as it is administered by Mr. Tkach."

    Having left WCG in the late 80s, I was able to watch the pattern of breakup of the WCG throughout the 90s from a "safe" distance:), but I thought it was fascinating how the members who did eventually split were adamantly supporting Tkach against all outside criticism, right up until the moment when they felt it was convenient or necessary to leave.

    Had some correspondence with some during that time, and when I suggested that Tkach seemed to be systematically dismantling HWAs theology (not that that was a bad thing, but just that he was drastically changing the direction of church doctrine...), I was told categorically that "nothing's really changing" or "you're just trying to be critical".
    And within 2-3 years, those people were in a rebelling offshoot, or an offshoot of an offshoot.
    So there must be a critical mass of discontent where you eventually decide it's too much and time (or just the convenient) to leave, but because of the nature of church loyalty, you have to vehemently deny critics and support the leadership right up until that moment.

  18. Didn't Dr. Hoeh continually teach that the GERMANOS were the Assyrians and going to invade America and take us all captive?

  19. Dr. Germano and Dixon Cartwright should get together.

    They'll make quite the pair....
