Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Searching the Scriptures Bible Quiz

How well would you do?


  1. Satan quoted scripture at Jesus. People that seek wisdom aren't fooled by simple tricks.

  2. This is always great no matter how many times I see it. Well done!

  3. "Satan quoted scripture at Jesus. People that seek wisdom aren't fooled by simple tricks."



    Family is a collection of insane people you happen to be related to some how.

    Friends (of the ACoGs) are crazy people you pick for yourself.

    In some cases, they overlap.

    Shun insanity!!!

  4. Well anon 6:37

    Bible literalists fall all over themselves trying to prove that God wasn't misspeaking and the serpent was telling the truth. God did say "in the day you eat of it you shall die," not "you will become mortal and die in a few centuries," and the word translated as "die" is the same word used for physical death in other parts of the Bible. The usual excuses don't hold much water including "a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day" and Adam only lived to be 900 and something, just short of "one day"

    Also, Genesis 3:22 "And the LORD God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever." indicating that not only they would not die if they ate it, but they would live forever.

    The interpretation that the serpent was really Satan came about long after the story was written. In the Garden, the serpent was representative of the female principle and wise counselor to the Goddess. Both had to be trashed by the OT Priests by telling the story of the fall of both woman and her counselor which only later became Satan. The Serpent evolved into Satan :)

    Lots of ideas evolve in the Bible over time.....

  5. From my experience, I feel this is an extremely important topic, and an excellent starting point to real discovery. When I eventually recognized what the bible is and is not, my mind began to open up to reality. The belief that it is the inerrant "Word of God" has a blinding effect. I could not view reality because the concepts of the bible were always in the way.

    It was not easy to accept that I had been duped and had based my entire belief system on myths. The experience of waking up has been challenging and rewarding. Anyone can do it at any age. It is still happening to me.

    By the way, Armstrongism is only a part of the even more encompassing false premise. None of it is real. Waking up takes time.

  6. "By the way, Armstrongism is only a part of the even more encompassing false premise. None of it is real. Waking up takes time."

    And don't stop with religion. The FAKE media and FAKE democracies are the next step. Get everyone you know away from the IDIOT box and onto the Web. I like Cross Talk on RT.COM (way better than Fox and CNN which is why Congress hates them) but even they are blind to the GLOBAL FIFTH COLUMN.

  7. ""By the way, Armstrongism is only a part of the even more encompassing false premise. None of it is real. Waking up takes time."

    And don't stop with religion. The FAKE media and FAKE democracies are the next step. Get everyone you know away from the IDIOT box and onto the Web. I like Cross Talk on RT.COM (way better than Fox and CNN which is why Congress hates them) but even they are blind to the GLOBAL FIFTH COLUMN.

    Guccifer 2.0, is that you?

    1. Nope, it's just a shit-stirrer trying to amuse itself by baiting whomever it can. Ignore it and it will go away.


    2. when will it go away, bb? ur kind has been preaching its demise for decades now, lol!

    3. When I was in high school, occasionally a lone Japanese survivalist-soldier would be discovered on some remote South Pacific island, a soldier who was unaware that WW-II had ended 20 or more years previously. The reality that his country had lost the war was shocking. It's what Stevie Ray Vaughan would have called a "Cold Shot".

      The time window has closed on Armstrongism some time ago. Those ACOGs which dwell on prophecy may occasionally dish up some scary sounding rhetoric, but the reality is that they have systematically destroyed their own credibility as witnesses inspired by God. However, just as the Japanese soldiers on remote islands, they are unaware that the window for their opportunity has gradually slid shut, their war is lost, and a large portion of their lives has been lost while they've been cut off and in limbo.

      It's not unlike the tale of Rip Van Winkel. Gerald is right in admonishing people to wake up.


  8. Don't let people bait you. Don't let them suggest there is good information out there you might not be aware of. That would be tragic. It's a trap. Keep your mind closed and keep watching Fox and CNN.

  9. And don't forget FAKE science.
