Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Dave Pack: Lay Members Are Too Stupid To Understand What I Explain To The Ministers

The hierarchical ranking in the Restored Church of God places the members at the bottom of the poop pole where they receive the dregs of Dave's superfantabulous revelations.  Ministers receive deeper knowledge than the students.  The students receive deeper knowledge than the lay members who are not educated enough to understand.  His church literature is basic and rudimentary for the lower masses.

Apparently, Dave's god mind-streams his messages to him.  He says that his god does not expect him to think.  Well, that is rather obvious!

I told you a few weeks ago, or many months ago, really, in this series, that there were different ways that we bring knowledge to the Church. And I chose to bring the in-depth kind of knowledge to the Church—so, it’s why we’re at Part 59—more like you’d talk to ministers, which is even above what you talk to students, and way beyond what do you talk to lay members about. And of course, the literature is really basic and rudimentary when you’re teaching the truth to the world. But you’re getting almost…you’re getting graduate level detail here. And so, I’m explaining all of these different things at a level that we never understood in the time…in the past. But as God’s showing them to me…I’m constructed in such a way, I’m not going to sit…bottle it all up. Surely, God didn’t expect me to think…No one would ever think that increasing knowledge is so that one man can go around with a head full of it, or maybe half of it he dispenses; the other half he doesn’t.


  1. As with pain compliance, end time fears have to constantly be fanned in order to continue to be effective.

    Back in the '60s, social problems and current events lent themselves more readily to the Armstrong apocalypse. I remember listening to "underground" FM radio stations after lights out in the AC dormitories. Quicksilver Messenger Service came out with an apocalyptic song early in 1968, called "Pride of Man". I remember hearing it, being blown away by it, and thinking, "Man! Even the hippies are helping us get out the end times gospel!" And then, of course '72-75 came and went, and God passed on validating it all.


  2. And the day when any minister for Pack dares to think for himself... it will be the last week that he receives a paycheck!

  3. In reality, Dave has it backwards. The members are really the smartest and still have a smattering of common sense though the longer they stay, they less they will be able to draw on. Next we have the literature which, while mistaken and not really true, is at least pretty. Next we have the students which have both some common sense available to them still if they hold on to it and are pretty too. Next we have the ministry which is approaching brain dead and merely present to channel the misinformation with authority. They have no actual critical thinking skills of their own and don't pretend to. Finally we have Dave. A well of bubbling mental illness, delusions and fairy tales with no basis in fact, twice dead and devoid of reality.

    It is ignorance and pious conviction with marginal information from the top down.

  4. I've Read A Few Books/Booklets And Even The "Splinter Packet" That RCG Publishes And David Pack Comes Off As Condescending And As A Mister Know-It-All. I Don't Know Why Anyone Would Want To Join His Hypocritical Cult. You Just Can't Fix Stupid.


  5. In other words, sit down and shut up. We'll tell you what to think according to the position we've put you in.

    Allen C. Dexter

  6. Seems like all Dave Pack does anymore is run his mouth! Hot air draining the dumb tithe slave sheep of their time and resources.


    1. That's all any of them can do, Richard. We have to realize that these are people who just didn't get it when 1975 failed to materialize. They failed to realize that it was all a scam, and have been fanning flames for the past 42 years and counting. All they can do is repeat the same old stuff amongst themselves louder and with more intense words, as if somehow that will eventually make it all happen and they will become validated and vindicated. Or, they can go crazy or die off, or both.

