Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Follow Gerald Flurry As He Flies Around The World Wasting PCG Members Tithe Money

Sit back and relax as you follow ALL of Gerald Six-Pack Flurry flights with his new Gulfstream jet as he continues his quest to imitate everything Herbert Armstrong did.

Will he soon have all the metal fixtures in the jet gold plated like HWA did?

How long do we have to wait till he starts paying off world leaders for an audience so he can preach about "a strong hand from someplace?"

We can also watch as they fly his grandkids around the United States for their Irish Dance competitions.

Number registration of PCG's Gulfstream G450 jet.

See it full size here.   FAA Registry



  1. Congratulations on finding that information. Wow. What a find.

  2. Maybe he can convince the North Korean leader to trash his nuclear program. No, that's right HWA seamed to want nuclear WWIII. The next thing he will do is declare himself to be an ambassador of world peace just like HWA, and that will be just as much of a joke as it was when HWA did the same.

  3. Nice find Gary.
    When does old 6 pack go to Disneyland with the grandkids?

  4. This must cause people to think twice about putting the PCG in their will.

  5. In the mid 1970s, our minister announced he was going to have someone get a world map and update it regularly to show HWA's whereabouts.
    As far as I know, it never happened... but now anyone can keep tabs on Flurry's flights of fancy.

  6. James wrote:

    "Nice find..."

    It was actually from a PCG source.

  7. The next thing he will do is declare himself to be an ambassador of world peace just like HWA, and that will be just as much of a joke as it was when HWA did the same.

    A strong Irish dance from someplace?

  8. Let's start an "Apostle Pool" here. Can anyone imagine a world figure feeling compelled to meet with a current leader of an ACOG, regardless of an auditorium or a jet? What might be a factor which would spawn even one such meeting, let alone leading to a series of them?


  9. Will the computer program show when the "flight plan" goes STRAIGHT TO HELL! ??

  10. If this is church property, the IRS should take a very close look to see if it is being used for personal purposes and levy penalties appropriately.

  11. And speaking of flying, have you eaten a dino today?

    Maybe Armstrongists should reconsider this clean and unclean meats business.

  12. BB, great question! What might be a factor? How about a lead in with, "I feel you are not being taken seriously or heard by x. I can take your position to x". The current leader of an ACOG would have to have the ear of someone or some organization with influence and decision making powers to begin with though. Do they? They cannot contribute politically to any individual. What would they have to offer that would give them an 'in' with anyone of influence? How do you get the ear of a leader without some kind of benefit to said leader? What can a church leader provide? ..not much that I can think of. Maybe I'm cynical and feeling that the ACOG leaders do not 'offer much of any lasting value to anybody'.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Rod Meredith is so loyal to his family that he pushed away a $5 million donation by trying to make the potential donor cover up the sins and incompetence of a Meredith son. The donor hung around for a while but has now pulled away from LCG. Stanley Rader would have sacrificed the son for the money, but RCM like HWA put his son ahead of the good of the organization.


  15. “Follow Gerald Flurry As He flies Around The World Wasting PCG Members Tithe Money”

    What's that in the sky?

    It's a turd, it's a shame, it's stupor-runt!


  16. “Follow Gerald Flurry As He flies Around The World Wasting PCG Members Tithe Money”

    No doubt, PCG members would like to pretend that they are innocent, and that it was someone else who wasted their tithe money.

    Seriously, though, the PCG members wasted their own tithe money when they gave it to a false prophet in the first place.

  17. Not fair! There's only a pic of plainss id & no text typed out so my screen reader said was picture and that was it ��

  18. I wonder if Flurry sometimes thinks to himself "Private jet, yes, I've finally made it."

    Like HWA reportedly (according to Amb. Report) at one point stated at a private dinner with some aide(?), "I've done pretty well, haven't I?"

    Selfish egotistical megalomaniacs.

  19. Michael,

    HWA said that on a golfcart tour around the Pasadena campus with a former boss of his from the early twenties.


  20. 4.58 PM
    I find your accusation hard to believe.

  21. Anonymous 12:42 AM said, regarding Rod Meredith pushing away a potential $5 million donor:

    I find your accusation hard to believe.

    Not only do I find it very easy to believe, I can think of three such cases, where RCM favored a wealthy member or even a prospective member until it became clear that the wealthy person had seen too much of RCM's deceptive nature wasn't going to give him the money.

  22. Gerald would be only flying to Edstone this feast and his son Stephen will take the jet from there to take his family to the Phillipines and Australia. Wow I thought this jet was for Him to fly more comfortably because of his age, not for his family to go off on vacation. Haha amazes me.

  23. They are having Melanie Phillips renown author and journalist to speak Sunday live stream from Facebook I wonder if they will fly her in on the plane.
