Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Gerald Weston Mocks Christians

Gerald Weston has a letter up on the Tomorrow's World website that starts off with this blurb about Rod Meredith:
Longtime readers of Tomorrow’s World have read and become familiar with these “Personals” from Editor in Chief, Dr. Roderick C. Meredith. Sadly, Dr. Meredith, who is nearly 87 years old, has been diagnosed with an advanced stage of cancer, and his days appear to be very limited. It grieves me to inform you of this, as I have known Dr. Meredith since I first took his Freshman Bible class at Ambassador College in 1965. He has asked me, his designated successor to his office, to write this issue’s Personal and relieve him of that task.
Weston then moves on to do what Meredith has done for decades, bad mouth Christians who are not part of the Living Church of God.  Meredith has been republishing his old 1960's thesis on his bastardized version of what he thinks Christian history should look like.   As most here already know, his version of "true" Christianity is appallingly void of truth.  Christian history to Meredith is a narrow defined group of people whom he claims were constantly being persecuted, due to an impotent god that could never keep his word active and was continually losing it. Christians did not exist until Herbert Armstrong and Rod Meredith came on the scene.  "Truth" can only be found residing in these men and their churches.

Weston continues:
Change is never easy, but it is an important part of life. One thing you can be certain of is that while our personalities may vary, the same basic truths that you are familiar with in Tomorrow’s World will remain. All of us here at Tomorrow’s World are deeply committed to what we often refer to as the Truth. We recognize that the true Gospel of Jesus Christ was being corrupted as early as the first century, not long after Christianity began. For, as Jude tells us, “Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3).
What Weston really needs to be saying here is that he and the rest of the COG's have corrupted Christianity since the early part of this century by teaching lies and heretical doctrines.  Weston, Meredith and Armstrong all claimed to follow this thing they call "jesus" but never really identified with the man or anything he said or did.  The New Covenant was the furthest thing from their minds as they whored themselves out to the law.  The law has always trumped and has been promoted by the same Judaizers that prevailed in the church in the first century.

The church in the first century had to be constantly on guard to all of the Judaizers that kept trying to lead the people back to the law instead of following Christ.  The same thing happens today with Pack, Flurry, Thiel, Malm, Weston, Kubik and others that place more importance in the law than the new covenant.

Weston then moves on to mock present day Christians in various countries who are being slaughtered for their faith.  
Reports out of the Middle East, North Africa, and other scattered places in the world tell of beheadings and killings of professing Christians. It takes great courage in some locales to profess the name of Christ! One can only admire individuals who put it all on the line when faced with such dire consequences, and one must wonder, “Do I have such courage?” It’s easy to think we do, but there is a test you can take right now that will answer that question.
According to Weston and Thiel, the men, women and children being slaughtered in Egypt, Syria and elsewhere are just a bunch of dumb ignorant f__ks that died for all the wrong reasons.  They died worshipping satan, unlike the true believers in the LCG who wait to be slaughtered by invading German armies or taken as slaves to the European Union. This is the exact same thing the pissant Bob Thiel does when he calls Christians "so-called" or "improperly named."  No one is as good as they are or knows as much as they do.  These spiritual perverts seem to go out of their way to pervert the gospel message:

Galatians 1:6-9

6-9 I can’t believe your fickleness—how easily you have turned traitor to him who called you by the grace of Christ by embracing a variant message! It is not a minor variation, you know; it is completely other, an alien message, a no-message, a lie about God. Those who are provoking this agitation among you are turning the Message of Christ on its head. Let me be blunt: If one of us—even if an angel from heaven!—were to preach something other than what we preached originally, let him be cursed. I said it once; I’ll say it again: If anyone, regardless of reputation or credentials, preaches something other than what you received originally, let him be cursed.
Weston, Thiel, Malm and the rest of the "leaders" of the church have cursed themselves due to their lies, specially when it comes to prophecy.  Every single one of them has lied about prophecy and have had one failure after another.  They refuse to face the fact that if just one little itty-bitty prophecy fails then they are all false prophets.

You can read the rest of Weston's abomination here:  Living the Way


  1. It is awful how the COGs denigrate all Christians outside their small groups as fake Christians. There is no reason for Christians to observe the law the way they selectively try to do. The COGs are quite simply wrong on that matter.

  2. Christ's disciplines asked Christ whether they should stop others using Christ's name in expelling demons. This is similar to days protestant Christianity. Christ said no, since those that aren't against us are for us. Christ did not condemn the other groups. There are parallels.

  3. Dennis Diehl's mockery of Christianity (and all of religion) is even more absurd. As screwed up as their theology is, at least LCG has step one right and recognizes a Creator.

    1. "Jesus I know, and Paul I have heard of, but who are you?"

  4. Someday Rod Meredith, Gerald Weston, Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, Bob Thiel and all other Jewish Christian champions will be chagrined to have to realize that in Galatians 1-2 Paul:

    Is appalled at the Jewish Christian Gospel and they are the false brethren and ideas worming their way into his church.

    Admits his version of the Gospel is in vision and had nothing to do with any Road to Damascus conversion as told in Acts by Luke but never by him. Paul said he was called from the womb in Galatians (as only Jeremiah and Jesus also were said to be)

    Paul demands his Gospel be seen as the only right version which is Gentile not Jewish.

    Paul labels the Jerusalem Jewish Apostles as "so called" "reputed to be" etc pillars in the church and has little use for them in reality.

    Paul says they added NOTHING to his message and he learned NOTHING from THEM

    Paul names them as Peter, James and John who approve of all he does (Except the Book of James written to refute Paul's Grace without works view in Romans)

    Paul went on to rebuke Peter and on a personal note, I feel it was because he got caught by Peter serving meat offered to idols (not pork etc) which he agreed in Acts 15 to avoid but told the Corinthians it was fine and don't worry about those "in whom is not that knowledge" of the idol being nothing etc.

    I short, NO Church of God can use Galatians to uphold their Jewish Christian version of the Gospel. Galatians is rant by Paul against it and not in support of it.

    Today's Christianity is the winning Gentile version of Paul which is why the modern COGs will never amount to anything and can only crow about being the little persecuted true church mistaken about the real message of the New Testament but trying to fit in.

    You can have Paul or you can have Peter, James and John but you can't have both which is why the NT is so confusing on just what attributes the true NT Christian church would have or what it would believe.

    Anyway...how ironic in reality it is for a Jewish Christian LCG to be quoting Galatians.

  5. I find it hard to believe that in all those years as a minister, Dennis never once experienced a answered prayer, or a rebuked from God.

  6. All we ask that the Armstrongists prove there is a God, that He inspired the Bible as His infallible Word and that Jesus existed.

    Is that so hard?

  7. 9.22 AM
    Nope, it's not so hard at all. All you have to do is live by the ten commandments, pray for the well being of humanity, study your bible, and voilĂ , your prayers will be answered. This will prove to you that there is a God and that the bible is his inspired word. Elementary Watson.

  8. You say:-

    "According to Weston and Thiel, the men, women and children being slaughtered in Egypt, Syria and elsewhere are just a bunch of dumb ignorant f__ks that died for all the wrong reasons."

    Isn't that exactly what a large number of contributors to this board are, in effect, also saying.

    If it is so obvious that the bible is a work of men, and there is no god, then this is what contributors, (such as Black Ops Mikey above, but there are plenty of others) are also saying.

  9. The true gospel is as Paul said all about Christ and Him crucified, something the churches of God disparage.
    Christ said his kingdom does not come by observation and was among people even back then. It is spiritual, not physical and in heaven.
    Colossians says:
    If then you have been( at acceptance of him)resurrected with Christ, seek the things that are ABOVE WHERE CHRIST IS, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things that are above, not on things that are on earth"

    Yet the COG's are focused on an earthly kindgom and physical fulfilments.

    You are baptized and you are counted as having died, been buried and resurrected with Him.

  10. Gerald Weston said, "Sadly, Dr. Meredith, who is nearly 87 years old, has been diagnosed with an advanced stage of cancer, and his days appear to be very limited."

    MY COMMENT - I feel bad for Mr. Meredith. I wish him no ill will or harm, and I forgive him for his mis-guided and mis-directed life long ministry in a Church we all once believed was God's one and only true Church, only to be exposed as a fraud and lie.

    At the end of Mr. Meredith's life, the Living Church of God is an offshoot, of an offshoot (Global Church of God), of an offshoot (Radio/Worldwide Church of God), of an offshoot (Church of God Seventh Day) of the Seventh Day Adventist Church.

    Mr. Meredith will soon join his late uncle C. Paul Meredith. May he find his Creator less harsh than he was as the leading Evangelist during the glory years when he was in the chain of command under God the Father, the Son, Herbert W. Armstrong, Garner Ted and then Roderick C. Meredith in that order.


  11. Mr. Meredith will soon join his late uncle C. Paul Meredith. May he find his Creator less harsh than he was as the leading Evangelist during the glory years when he was in the chain of command under God the Father, the Son, Herbert W. Armstrong, Garner Ted and then Roderick C. Meredith in that order.

    Galatians 6:7. Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for you reap whatever you sow.

    Rod will soon reap what he has sowed. That is a fearful thought.

  12. "All you have to do is live by the ten commandments, pray for the well being of humanity, study your bible, and voilĂ , your prayers will be answered. This will prove to you that there is a God and that the bible is his inspired word."

    Well, I did all that, on steroids, and to no avail.

  13. It is nice to have comments, that way you can see people what thy are thinking and respect. Christians are not people if they are not call by God and if they do not believe Bible thy are not Christians. They can call them self Christians but they are not Christians. Few groups of Church of God are OK with teaching but they do not behave as they should.Mr. Armstrong was good man but there was many men as an wolf in ship skin a rotten leaders. so we should not accusing Mr.Armstrong but false leaders who pretend that thy are OK but now we know who they are.

  14. Those fanatics devoted intensely to the Old Testament who claim to be prophets are always calling down ruination on whole nations. This is the heritage you would expect from a tradition that worshiped a tribal god who waxes exceeding wroth at the whole tribe and deploys his awful might accordingly. Recent prophets, following the example of the ancients, claim they can forecast which modern realms will be destroyed and when, within a margin of error. The last book of the New Testament provides them plenty of material for them to emulate those of the Old and enough ambiguity to allow them to call down the wrath of their god on any real or virtual nation they wish, on whatever schedule they wish. Inevitably they choose a "nation" they identify with and a schedule that falls within their own lifetime.

    Although all the prophets in Seventh Day Adventism and its descendants have failed on the grand scale, on the personal dimension they have all got it dead on. The past ones have gone through their own individual tribulation near the end of their lifetime and have been destroyed in their individual Armageddon. My father was one of those. He wrote long scholarly letters about prophecy to HWA and bragged that he heard HWA repeat his ideas on The World Tomorrow broadcast. He was a faithful tither who believed he deserved a place of authority in the church, but he was so unwilling to submit to anyone else's authority that Gerald Waterhouse refused to baptize him, much less give him a double blessing like the one Bob Thiel claims. My father eventually succumbed to dementia--his personal tribulation--and met his Armageddon after lying for months in a hospital bed with his body more or less intact and his mind entirely absent.

    The current prophets will follow their own similar course in due time. Rod Meredith has entered his tribulation. I can't get the key to answered prayer to work for me and cannot open the door to prophecy. So I cannot say when he will lose his final battle. But he will. We all will, whether we are third in the line of succession the way he claimed to be, or excluded from it the way Waterhouse excluded my father, or scornful of the whole idea the way I am.
