Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Rod Meredith Funeral Information

The preliminary schedule is for viewing at Forest Lawn Funeral Home from 9 am to 11 am on Sunday. The funeral home is located at 3700 Forest Lawn Drive, Matthews, NC.  
The funeral will be at Weddington High School at 1 pm on Sunday with a reception immediately following the funeral. Mr. Ames will be conducting the service.
Services on the Sabbath (May 27th) will be at 2 pm at Weddington High School: 4901 Monroe-Weddington Road, Matthews, NC, with Mr. Weston giving the sermon. 


  1. Rest in Peace, Mr. Meredith.

  2. Sorry, would love to attend.
    But I promised my wife I will set aside May 27th to clean out the toilet.

  3. Is this for real? Gerald Weston is allowing Meredith's funeral to take place in a high school auditorium? That's a crummier setting than what Meredith arranged for his wife Sheryl and for Dibar Apartian, and even for a couple of lowly HQ employees. What a way for Weston to show disrespect for his predecessor!

  4. It is so sad that a man like Meredith who had so much potential to do a lot of good got involved in an abusive movement we call Armstrongism. Unfortunately many where abused by Meredith and the org. that he was a part of. That said, Rod Meredith was a fellow human being. We shouldn't be joyful in his demise or the demise of any human. Death is our common enemy. My sympathy goes out to his family and friends that are morning his death.

  5. If any ACOG members remember that Joe Teach Sr. died of cancer exactly 40 weeks after announcing that WCG was doing away with the mandatory Sabbath observance, it may be interesting to look at RCM's death to see if there are any parallels.

    Sure enough, exactly 40 weeks before RCM died of cancer, he on August 18, 2016 released a co-worker letter in which he announced the appointment of Gerald Weston as the next Presiding Evangelist of LCG. The letter is online HERE if you want to read it for yourself.

    God struck Tkach down for his decision, 40 weeks after announcing it. Did God strike RCM down after 40 weeks for his decision? I suppose only time will tell.

  6. long live the Church of God: the gates of hell shant prevail, and through dr. meredith Christ has kept that promise...

    red fjord ben yochanan

  7. Why are they waiting so long to bury Spanky?
    His fruit was rotten enough when he walked the earth.
    Another week passing is going to lead to some awful stank.

  8. I was thinking that maybe we'd be seeing some live reports on this right about now?

    Anyone attend? Was the news media present?


  9. Anon 12:26 PM - Your calculations are wrong for 40 weeks. The date Weston was announced as RCM's successor was on August 18, 2016. His death was on May 18, 2017. That is exactly 39 weeks, or 273 days, or 9 months.

  10. Anon 7:30 AM - Mrs. Meredith's funeral was at a funeral home. Most others were as well. I'm sure they are expecting a rather large crowd for the service, so why not have one in a high school auditorium that can hold hundreds of people? Sounds like a good plan.

  11. I knew a happily married couple when i used to attend lcg. They were married for so many years. The wife had cancer and refused to get any kind of medical treatment. She was a nice lady who left a wonderful husband to live alone the rest of his life in grief, sorrow and a broken heart.

    I wonder if rod was as brave as her in forgoing anykind of medical care.

    I believe all his tough, rugged, masculinity talk is just a bunch of hot air to cover up his inner pussy.

    1. Nah, they took him to hospital on several occasions, and not for "repair"!

  12. Mrs. Meredith's funeral was at a funeral home. Most others were as well. I'm sure they are expecting a rather large crowd for the service, so why not have one in a high school auditorium that can hold hundreds of people? Sounds like a good plan.

    The high school auditorium will save LCG a lot of money, but even it may not be large enough to accommodate the kind of crowd they hope/expect to have. Why not rent a large enough hall space of high quality, perhaps something at one of the very nice hotels in the area, where LCG has met for other large functions? Parking for a larger-than-usual crowd at the high school will be a problem, unlike when LCG has met at area hotels. Apparently, Gerald Weston considers RCM's funeral less important to LCG than a Winter Weekend. Maybe he's right.

    1. Well, that and it was too short a turnaround to find a nicer venue.

  13. Meredith often urged "older members" to consider leaving their estates to the church. RCM lived in a gorgeous house in a swanky neighborhood that has a ton of equity in it. He had many investments and a safe full of gold coins.

    My question:


    Or, in true LCG hypocrisy, is that sort of recommendation only for tithe-slave members?

  14. Rod Meredith begged Global members to take out 2nd mortgages on their homes to support his new church. Many did. Then he stole that money, like a thief in the night, by forging signatures on GCG checks so he could start LCG.

    Do you think he has made provisions for all the people he ripped off in his will?

    I wonder how he will answer for that to the Almighty?

    Rod Meredith was a thief, a pervert and a pathological liar.

    His lies are well documented. His perversion is known by nearly all who have encountered him and his thievery is a matter of history.

  15. I'm just curious does anybody know how many did attend?

  16. "God struck Tkach down for his decision, 40 weeks after announcing it. Did God strike RCM down after 40 weeks for his decision? I suppose only time will tell."

    Judas Priest, Rod was pushing 87 years old- methinks Father Time was the real culprit!

  17. Wow there sure seems to be a lot of pro-LCG trolls commenting on Banned posts these days.

    As for funeral/Sabbath services venue, why don't they just use the same old dingy, demon infested mason hall RCM forced members to attend in for years? Better yet, why not choose one of the many protestant churches in Charlotte? After all, they're just "buildings", rent is probably low, and hey look, there's a kitchen!

  18. Anon 5:35
    I heard Meredith and some of the other ministers from California paid cash for their North Carolina houses. It's was a great financial move for the ministers. I'm for anyone making a profit. I'm almost positive He's not leaving it to LCG.

  19. 5.41 PM
    As I've said it here before, I had a work colleague whose body language, facial expressions and mannerisms were almost identical to Rods. This colleague turned out to be a psychopath.

  20. This is Rod.
    I've kicked the bucket and am in heavens waiting room. Be sure to send in your excess wealth and will your estates to my church for that one final push. Hopefully this will pad my eternal reward, and enable my kids to have bigger homes and nicer cars. Here comes an angel to inform me of my eternal fate. Bye all.

  21. Anon 12:26 PM and 2:06 PM -

    In fact, both of you made wrong calculations because Meredith announced that Weston would be his successor during a live streamed sermon in December 2015. He should have shut up this time because he wasn't supposed to announce it so early!!

  22. An important correction on my part:

    LCG without RCM is like...

    Froot Loops without Toucan Sam
    Cocoa Puffs without Sonny the cuckoo bird


    After all, RCM was quite the stalwart for dogma...

  23. Can we go and throw rocks? Cheer? Clap? Carry out a demonstration? Boo and hiss?

  24. Can we go and throw rocks? Cheer? Clap? Carry out a demonstration? Boo and hiss?

    The viewing is at a private mortuary where I'm sure you can be thrown off the property for causing a disruption. By the time of the viewing RCM's body will have been dead for nine days, so it will probably be so covered with preservative wax that it will look unreal to anyone who remembers what RCM looked like. If you were to go there and "accidentally" drop something very hot onto his dead body, the melt might leave a horrible disfigured mess.

    RCM's funeral, however, is at a public high school, so as a public tax payer you should have more leeway for expressing your views. You probably cannot enter the auditorium to disrupt the funeral service, but you should be able to stand outside with signs and register your respectful disapproval of the proceedings.

    Or you could just get on with your life.

  25. The viewing is at a private mortuary where I'm sure you can be thrown off the property for causing a disruption.

    And I should care because .... ?

    register your respectful disapproval of the proceedings.

    Respectful? Really? What fun is that?

  26. 7:24

    I guess you can.
    But to me you already come across as a "Westboro Baptist" type of person. But of course I am not familiar with your personal story, perhaps meriting your tastelesness somehow. Who knows.


  27. "But to me you already come across as a Westboro Baptist type of person."

    So does this whole site. So what's wrong with that? So do the churches of God.

  28. So members of PCG had not realised RCM had died. They are now posting on FB that G. Flurry will hopefully speak about it in a sermon and what it could mean for them in PCG in terms of people leaving LCG in droves and joining PCG.
