Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Dave Pack and the Stork Women

Beware the Stork Women!

But we need to appreciate, once you understand where the land of Shinar is, all of a sudden you understand the ephah is shooting from the Vatican to Jerusalem—not from some unknown place to the Vatican. You have to clarify that. Then all of a sudden…Ahhh, his resemblance through all the earth…I get it. This is “Christ” coming on the Mount the Mount of Olives. The whole world has to see it, or obvious scriptures in the gospels are just slaughtered. And he has to sail through the air, meaning, he comes down on the Mount in a visible way that…Ahh, that, and it happens fast—the wind is in their wings. Tuesday, the world is a normal place. Wednesday—BOOM—we escape, fire explodes into the cab and drops on the whole world, and this guy drops in on Jerusalem…to put it mildly. So there’s a lot here, and it’s a grander story as to why, of course, this temple will be built for another man and then ultimately destroyed.
So, the stork-women, if you will, are first seen flying at high speed before lifting up the ephah to bear it. Now that’s interesting. They may be visible in some way, to those of us watching, before they start on this high-speed move to Jerusalem. We’ll have to see. Or that may be over reading it. If you are there in Zechariah, you can clearly see that they just come forth. In verse 9
“Then [I lifted] up my eyes, and looked, and behold, there came out two women, and the wind was in their wings…they had wings like the wings…and they lifted up the ephah” (Zech. 5:9). Now, if it’s literally the way it’s written there, then maybe we see them, or we know of them, a little bit before we know who this man is. But it’s not in any way that ruptures, or fights the principle of…of the snare, because it still has to snare the whole world in a single day.
The devil has the ability…Let me just throw in an interesting thing here…has an extraordinary capability, has the ability to cast apparitions and do all kinds of trickery and gimmicks and devices. His wiles and his depths are just almost unlimited. It’s no trick for the devil to be able to pull off a trick. It’s barely a trick to him…Let me put it that way…for the whole world to see this happen. He comes with all of his power—all of this deceptive and destructive capability—and his ability to purport fraud on people who are eager to be frauded.


  1. That's the most God awful mess of confusion I have read in a long time. Truly I say unto you....the brethren in RCG are brain dead.

    1. I grew up with wwcg and have been depressed and suicidal for many years. Their teachings are embedded in my head and I live in constant fear. When I try to get answers from living and Philadelphia they say things like you need to go to God humbly and pray for my questions to be answered'!!

    2. Jude, for sure, do pray, and ask God to walk with you. But also realize that the Armstrong teachings were designed by an advertising man deliberately to create fear and to manipulate people. He did a head job on all of us. HWA used several extrabiblical and unprovable theories to scare members into his church. The US and BC are NOT Ephraim and Manasseh, the Germans are NOT Assyrians, and there are no such things as church eras! HWA and the ACOGs are not the gatekeepers to the Kingdom, or to any place of safety. If they were or had been, we would all have entered the Kingdom in 1975. There is no reason for any of those charlatans to continue to have any power over any of us any more!

      I would suggest not trying to get further answers from the splinter groups. Armstrongism caused your state of depression and suicidal thoughts, and plainly has no answers. They can only make things worse if you continue to let them. Most of us have read widely, we have dug more deeply into the topics for which Armstrongism professed to have the answers, and we have found some better answers, and are no longer afraid to ask the hardball questions that would have gotten us in trouble or shut down by them in the past. There is a wealth of information right here for starters from a wide variety of sources.

      Also, there is nothing wrong with seeing counsellors or professionals for depression if you feel like you need to. It sure beats the alternatives! There are some people here who pray, and will be remembering you in our prayers!
      And, I know that those of our friends here who are now of the atheist persuasion will also be thinking positive thoughts on your behalf!

      Be well! Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life!


  2. Dave is just seriously regressing. This is even more fanciful than the materials we've read from Eric King.


  3. This guy is totally whacked out.
    Nothing taught about Jesus, just all ridiculous prophetic mumbo jumbo all the time.
    How can anyone sit and listen to this junk?

  4. David Pack lacks any brain cells.

  5. 2Pe 1:16 For not following fables which had been cleverly devised, but having become eyewitnesses of the majesty of Yahshua Messiah, we made known to you the power and coming of our Master.

    If there is only one thing that Dave Pack will be remembered for, it is the telling of fables. The man should have been a novelist.

  6. Dave reminds the brethren
    It’s no trick for the devil to be able to pull off a trick.... He comes with all of his power—all of this deceptive and destructive capability—and his ability to purport fraud on people who are eager to be frauded."

    Yes, that would evidently be the congregation

  7. The Pack Theorem: For any given Pack-authored bloviation, the number of times the word "interesting" appears as a descriptor shall be inversely proportional to the actual interest level of the material.

  8. Boy oh boy, in the kingdom I'II be able to date a stork woman.

  9. We can see and understand the mental state of the congregation by this farce playing out at the top. It all radiates downward.

    I've wondered for some time whether these ACOG leaders base their end times dates on what they see as their own useful window of viability. It could be conscious or subconscious, and they could be timing it safely outside their own existence (Rod Meredith most likely began doing this several years ago), or within a timespan during which they feel (or would like you to think that they feel) that age would not have diminished their capability to preside over it all.

    There's got to be a lot of angst in all of this. They want their end times, and the validation for their lives and sacrifices.


  10. If you are sick & tired of the acog, feel free to check out The Church Of God Of The Abrahamic Faith.

  11. I'd like to see David Pack and Gerald Flurry duke it out in a street fight.

  12. Nothing taught about Jesus, just all ridiculous prophetic mumbo jumbo all the time.

    That's it, Jesus. Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! May Jesus come on his white horse and nuke Dave Pack's sorry butt. May he come and nuke all sinners! May he nuke the liars and fools and exaggerators and deceivers and manipulators! Nuke 'em! They have it coming! Nuke 'em Jesus, nuke 'em.

    Be careful what you wish for.

  13. I'd like to see David Pack and Gerald Flurry duke it out in a street fight.

    The old drunkard wouldn't stand a chance against the self-proclaimed star athlete/swimmer.

  14. It is declared that anyone who does not understand Dave's wisdom simply lacks the spirit of God. Repent!

    And anyone who does not understand the non-understandable contradictions of the Proven Liar And Incorrigible Plagiarist Albert is declared stupid by the establishment.

    See how that works?

    Instill self-doubt, confuse, and intimidate. It's the way of the world.

  15. Jude wrote...
    " I grew up with wwcg and have been depressed and suicidal for many years. Their teachings are embedded in my head and I live in constant fear. When I try to get answers from living and Philadelphia they say things like you need to go to God humbly and pray for my questions to be answered'!!"

    Jude, everything they have ever told you is a lie, not true, it is all wrong.
    They are completely deluded and/or knowingly manipulating you.

    They have no answers, so it is pointless to try to get answers from them. They need you to be "humble" so that their power can be maintained, either financially or psychologically, over you.

    The more quickly you sever any relationship you have with the WCG organization(s), and begin to build a new fresh life, the happier you will be.

    There is so, so, so much more to life than being stuck in WCG. It stunts you and warps your view of existence.

    My advice is, just drop them, you don't need them, their sermons or superficial analyses of world events, or their rules on what "God wants" you to do or not do. They have no more of a clue than you do, the difference is only that they claim to, with an authoritative sounding voice.

    Being in WCGdom is an absolute, total waste of your time and life, so just leave!

  16. Jude said...
    "I grew up with wwcg and have been depressed and suicidal for many years." Many people who DIDN'T grow up in the WCG are also depressed and suicidal. The WCG may have been the cause or contributed to your problems, nor maybe not. Either way, I think your focus needs to change. Paul wrote in Philippians, FORGET THE PAST. A psychiatrist was counseling a patient who had been abused as a child and told she told him, "life the needle off the record." The more you focus on the past and the pain caused by others, you are continuing the abuse that they started. Lift the needle off the record. Stop focusing on the past. Look ahead. There's a great old movie with Orson Welles called TOMORROW IS FOREVER. He has a great line towards the end of the movie where he urges his ex wife to not reach back into the past. She will only lose what happiness she has today if she does so. Focus on tomorrow, because Tomorrow is Forever.

  17. BB
    So true. Herbs training was in marketing, and in marketing the belief is that all that exists is perceptions. If you can control peoples perceptions, you can control people. A lot of Herbs writings were just that. Just one example, Ambassador college was 'Gods college' that 'taught students how to live.' Forget the reality that many graduates can only get jobs as window washers, and are morally confused nincompoops. Yep, forget the reality, and market them as special, elite, superior, etc.
    And it's true cause all the AC graduates band together and say it's true.
