Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

The Real Cause of the Race Crisis

Herbert Armstrong's racist teachings that so many COG's want to go away, far away...

See the entire magazine here: The Plain Truth, October 1963

Read pages 6, 23, 27:

He claims:
- Adam was white (notice that he says Christ was white and since Adam 
was made in God's image, that means Adam was white..somehow he 
didn't understand what Semitic means lol)

- Asians and Blacks were mutations and mongrels

- Mankind was destroyed for intermarriage

- God is the author of segregation, not integration


  1. Mr. Armstrong was a false prophet! I thank Jehovah Yahweh that I NEVER attended his cult.

  2. Do any research on "Semetic", you will find it stems from the ancestry of "Shem"(son of Noah). A white man, where Jews, and white people of today usually stem from.
    So you can be "anti-shemite" by distorting scientific, historical and biblical facts about racial integrity and origins if you want to, but Herbert Armstrong got it right. Adam was white, Christ in human form was a Jew, a white race, so he's correct in saying that.
    He is correct for saying that mankind was destroyed for intermarriage. God didn't destroy mankind with the flood because of marriage, as God ordained marriage, but the wrong use of marriage!
    God created every race and saw that it was good. He didn't pick one race as a superior race! HWA never taught that!
    God wants the best for mankind, and he doesn't want intermarriage to pervert what He has created!
    Look at what man has done to the dog. There is today NO original breed of domestic dog, because of interbreeding. Look at the poor bulldog, and see the degenerative state of it's breed! If you want corn, you plant corn, you don't splice the genes of a pig or another plant in with it. It would not be corn! And looking at GMOs you can find the destructive results of such practices! God​ wanted variety in races not one race trying to be superior, or trying to tear and demean the other races down because of prejudice! God's ultimate goal is to have all of mankind in His family! In spirit not flesh!(Rev 1 shows what God looks like) THAT IS WHAT WE ALL EVENTUALLY WILL LOOK LIKE IF WE OBEY God and walk according to His Word, and​ obey his instructions that is for our benefit and greater good! So talking about race in such demeaning way, with antisemitism or any anti-race, so you can gripe about your view of Herbert Armstrong, exposes your heart and really shows how racist you are. To make it about racism, is racism. Herbert Armstrong went to God's word for the answers. If you want to believe that all historical, scientific and biblical facts are false, and that your opinion of race is pure, then stand and be accounted along with the racists. Because that's what you're doing. No race is superior. But why the races? Why do we have what we have today? Look to God, Herbert Armstrong did.

  3. This article did not in any way reflect the mainstream US of that day, as Armstrong defenders have maintained in their revisionist white washes. It officially aligned Armstrongism philosophically with the KKK and various other organizations which were fighting against equality for African Americans and other minority people.

    It is good from an historical perspective that this disgraceful article has been preserved. Unfortunately, some of the ACOGs have continued to maintain the doctrines which they cherished during the so-called "Golden Era", and sadly, this article continues to accurately reflect their current doctrinal position.


  4. Holy Geebus, Batman! There's a Kitchen here doubling-down on stoopid!

  5. Your link is a fake link. Goes to a fake Facebook login screen. So trying to steal information of people's accounts? What's this all about? How does this line the worldwide Church of God with the KKK? The church has never taught that one's race is superior!

  6. HWA somehow never managed to wrap his mind around the concepts of "Germanic" and "Semitic".

    Jews were not considered to be white for census purposes until the 1980s. Big difference between Ashkenazic Jews, Sephardic Jews, and white Europeans (from the Germanic tribes). Jews are more closely related to Palestinians and Lebanese.

    Also, Manasseh and Ephraim walked like Egyptians! Their Mama was one!

    I don't believe our friend Sam ever experienced the joys of a Gerald Waterhouse sermon!


  7. Take a chill pill, Sam! If you had the smarts all you would have needed to do is google search the magazine article and it would pop up. But as Helen said above, you are apparently "doubling down on stoopid!" The link is fixed so that you will not have any difficulty in finding it now. I know things are rough in HWA la la land right now but just relax a little. It does a heart good. Petra is still a long, long ways off.

  8. true Christians follow the Teachings of the Word of God and do not compromise them based upon race; the Word says to love your neighbor as yourself; it did not make any exceptions because of race...

    anyone who hates another person because of their race hates God because all people are in the Image of God...

  9. Was this "revealed" to HWA in the usual way? The races developing through mutation and natural selection - is he plagiarizing Darwin?
    All mankind (except Noah and family) were annihilated because of interracial marriage? What did Noah preach to them - a segregationist D&R?
    And of course Ham and Japheth were "preacher's sons" exceptions - or was there a need to preserve the "mutants"?

  10. Is it true James T. Hodgkinson was a member of your group?

  11. Apparently he is in your group.

  12. In a similar article from 1957, Hoeh condemns "forced integration", declares "GOD IS THE AUTHOR OF SEGREGATION", decries that the post-Civil war US abandoned colonization efforts so easily, and trots out some pretty tired excuses that I dont need to repeat here. He also refers to the African peoples as "degenerate" - which is a pretty broad brush to paint an entire continent with, but I suspect that in 1957 he did not have access to the best historical material.
    I'll give him credit in some areas though, he also complains that racial discrimination is "never right", points out a few (though not enough) examples of how lopsided U.S. segregation was in his time, and clearly states that "salvation" is not gotten by virtue of race.

    Not a pretty read in 2017, but I've read worse.

  13. However, at one point he gets on the mutation angle and then says only whites are made in the image of God, as if God conforms to a certain racial set of characteristics.

    1. the Gospels and the prophets make it clear that Christ was jewish, and Revelation 4 clearly describes The Father as being dark complexioned...

      i think it sweet irony that jews and dark complexioned people are so marginalized in this world, and i suspect it is because satan, who has seen both Christ and The Father, influences human beings to hate anything that may resemble them...

  14. 1:09

    Perhaps the jews marginalized themselves for having such peculiar religion amongst larger groups that shared different philosophies. To make matters worse they lived together because they were required not to drive 2 hours for services on the sabbath.

    People's psychological make up is such that they tend to hate anything that does not resemble themselves.

    Just pay attention the next time you acquired an item you really didn't need. The salesman probably crossed his legs like you, frowned when you frowned, had the same complexion and called you by your first name. And if he had the same name as you have or came from the same town, you probably paid too much too.


  15. Revelation 4:9 And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife.

    10 And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God,

    11 Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal;.
    Jasper is not dark in color. But as clear as Crystal! So to say God the father is dark-skinned is erroneous! I don't think anyone has had clear skin! God looks totally different than any man!

    1. to say that jasper is not dark in color is patently false, and thankfully one can go on the internet and easily refute such a presumptuous statement...

      Revelation 4 said a jasper and a sard stone: both stones have a wide variety of colors, non of which are crystallic, and most of which are different from the other stones color variety, but the color that both have in common is dark redddish brown...

  16. Samuel, you have been sucking at the teet of Herbert Armstrong for too long. Nowhere in the scriptures you quoted does it describe the God as a clear crystal. It describes God's glory. God's glory is the infinite beauty add greatness of his perfection. God could be pink or green but the glory of his perfection is radiance beyond explanation. There is no glory or any hint of God's glory in the putrid stench of literature written by Armstrong or any of his corrupt splinter leaders. Throw it out. Free yourself of the shackles of aberrant teachings and rest in the Glory of God that you know nothing about.

  17. So "GOD IS THE AUTHOR OF SEGREGATION" according to Hoeh? What does the Bible actually say?

    In reality the Bible clearly shows that the line of Jesus Christ was by no means 'pure' from Judah.

    Several generations down from Judah, Salmon marries a Canaanite, Rahab, to produce a son Boaz, who then marries a Moabite to produce a son Obed.

    This means that Obed at best would have been 50% from Moab, 25% Canaanite, and 25% of the stock of Judah. He was also the grandfather of King Daviid, through whom eventually Christ was born, through Mary.

    Mind you Obed in reality was less than 25% of the stock of Judah, seeing Judah's son was from a union with another Canaanite woman!

    So it appears that God was fine about his Son being born of several 'mixed' marriages. Kind of gives the lie to 'God being the author of segregation'.

    1. indeed, not only was the matriarch of the jews a canaanite woman, but their existence came about through an act of prostitution...

      if God was overly concerned as we are about such matters, why would He have Chosen the jews, and Chosen the King of the Jews to come from such circumstances...

      truly our thoughts are not His Thoughts...

  18. What's wrong with racism? The data proves the races are different. Presto, every scientist (except the PC liars) is a racist. End of story.

  19. Those persons who feel their race is guilty or has nothing to contribute want to integrate so they can get rid of their self-imposed sense of shame.

  20. Several years ago, there was a public service billboard off the main interstate passing through our city. It had a comparison of racist vs non racist statements for drivers to ponder.

    "A black plumber repaired our kitchen sink."

    "A plumber repaired our kitchen sink."

    The billboard left viewers to wrestle with the undertones of the first sentence, and to ponder the more race-neutral approach of the second. And, I suppose that for some people, the lesson failed to even register.


  21. the seth stephens-davidowitz research has some interesting insights into who we are as a nation based upon studies of what we google...

    one of the things his study found is that americans are closet racists...

  22. Curious why the churches forget Babel. People were linked by common language and separated by the creation of different languages so mankind would not conspire against God. They were separated by language. Read it. Also, God starts with two people, doesn't separate people until Babel and does so by language, and in the end desires that there is no partiality and we all shed our labels and be neither Jew, Greek, gentile etc....instead one people. That theme runs the course of the Bible, front to back.

    Intermarrying was prohibited if it lead people to worshipping false pagan gods. If people were willing to worship and conform to the God of Israel, they were accepted as an Israelite and had assimilation customs spelled out as the path in. Read the scriptures about the "grafting in." The world will be and can be grafted into God's family on God's terms, not on the terms of racially phobic misguided people with selective reading disorders and racist upbringings.

    HWAers that claim to follow and live by what he said rather than the Bible, and Christ taught, will no doubt continue to splinter and struggle to reach the world. Mankind as a term used, is inclusive. HWAers also said, "to come out of the world." Sadly missed is the fact that includes departing from the mainstream racist ideology of his (HWA) era that he labeled and promoted as God's ideology.

    Do misguided HWAers also believe the earth is flat and computers run on magic?

    Even LCGers don't understand what they are taught when one of the last RCM sermons online said interracial marriages indirectly breaks God's commandments. Laughable, which commandment was that? Go listen if you like before they re-edit the sermon after this post.

  23. Asians and Blacks were mutations and mongrels

    Bob Thiel posted more filler, with excerpts from Answers From Genesis, which included:

    • “Why did God create different races?”

    God likely created different races for the same reason that He created different kinds of birds, or varieties of roses. Each has a special beauty, usefulness and contribution to make. The racial problem we see today is not a skin problem, but one of the human heart. Prejudice and hatred come from the mind. God created the different races to serve and help one another.

    The racial problem is but one more evidence that humans needs a change of heart. Only then will everyone see that variety is the spice of life and racial differences were put there by a loving Creator to add to human happiness.

    Left and right hand acting independently again.
