Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Dave Pack: I Was So Powerful That Tkach Sr. Cowered At My Presence

The old windbag of Wadsworth continues to dream up craziness.  Despite the fact Dave is the most powerful Church of God leader in human history, he was impotent when it came to changing the hearts of many COG ministers because the evil cabal of Wizards were hard at work thwarting his every move.  Also, the idea Tkach Sr. "cowered" at Dave's presence is laughable.
A great frustration I was finding…About 25 years ago, I began to work a little louder and a little longer, while I was still in the Worldwide Church of God, and I talked to the senior evangelists. I knew them, just because some of them were in my family. I was on a first name basis with a lot of them, even though I was, you know, I was 40 what…43 years old, I guess, at the time. And I tried to wake them up. I found that they knew there were problems; some more than others. And I made sure to call people that I knew were not on board all the junk that was coming out, and I could not get them to galvanize and take a stand.
Now, it wasn’t God’s purpose, I understand that…Prophecy would have been broken…but I’m trying to illustrate a point to you and it’s powerful. Had they all come together…Had all of the ministers of God around the world, who had the Holy Spirit, come together as a group and confronted Mr. Tkach, they would have cowed him in five minutes. I knew the man.
There were a couple of times on the phone…I’m not trying to brag…I mean, he came at me and I cowed him, and I learned over time, as long as he, Mr. Armstrong, was still alive, that man would not touch me. There were times he would say things to me and I would say, “That’s not true,” or he’d threaten me, and I…I had a couple of moments…it was tense.


  1. I've got to hand it to you, Gary--you must have a pretty strong constitution to read all of Pack's stomach-churning output!
    I don't think I could sift through more than what you post here...at least, not if I wanted to keep my sanity intact.

  2. Dave's apparent and obvious personality disorders are out of control. I knew of no minister and virtually no members who liked Dave Pack as a minister. My extended family of 35 in the church certainly did not and my dad spent many hours being dragged around NY as an elder visiting with Dave. His first wife confided in my dad "You know Fred, It's not easy living with Dave Pack." When Dave chided my brother in law for being made a deacon by a minister who came after Dave when he pastored Rochester Church with "If I had thought you should be a deacon, I would have made you one," Ron responded with , "Well, Dave, If I didn't think you had shit for brains I'd care what you thought." Dave howled and went to the new minister who laughed it off. Dave is an arrogant and self deluded man who knows virtually nothing about the intent and content of the New Testament save for the Book of Revelation and a few now past predictions about men of sin in the original church who have NOTHING to do with today. Dave cobbles scriptures together to mean what they never meant or ever could mean. His god is his ego whose end is to be wrong about just about everything he comes up with.

  3. ...and he is very dangerous to your financial, emotional, spiritual and theological health. Those who still sit ever gyrating in their seats are going to get one hell of a rude awakening someday. It won't be like they had no warning

  4. Dave really cowered my dad when my dad pointed out to him in Spokesman club that the men did not have the time he did to learn all the scriptures and scripture cards he was chewing them out for not doing. They actually worked all day. He said, "Fred, I'll speak with you during the break" Dad said, "No you won't" lol. Miss you dad! My dad was tolerant of Dave because he thought he had to be. My parents took care of his boys when they were young. Dad felt Dave could smile and be kind to you while slipping a knife in your back. He told my sister her girl babies crying during his sermons were because they were demon possessed and Satan was trying to disrupt his sermon. If I had known that or been there at the time I would have disrupted his sermon and had a chat with the fool.

  5. Anon @ 9:23 wrote:

    >>>I've got to hand it to you, Gary--you must have a pretty strong constitution to read all of Pack's stomach-churning output!
    I don't think I could sift through more than what you post here...at least, not if I wanted to keep my sanity intact.<<<

    Reading Dave Pack is like reading a comedy routine anymore. He is so ludicrous it is almost entertaining to read.

    The issue is reading James Malm, Bob Thiel, Alton Billingsley, Wade Cox, Neville Stevens, Ron Weinland and some of the more right-wing whack-a-doodles out there proclaiming that they and they alone are the voice of God. These malevolent men have learned well from following Herbert's use of trigger words to manipulate readers. These men drip pure evil and sadly have led many people astray with their blatant lies and anti-biblical fantastical brain farts. These guys have the potential to be deadly at some point in the future. That is why they all lash out so violently at anyone that questions them.

    Some of these guys have cast so many curses upon those of us running blogs, websites, and who discredit them on newsgroups, that we should have died from cancer eating our brains and stomachs out decades ago. Some of the malevolent members of Neville Steven's failed cult actually threatened to come to Los Angeles to kill me with swords. They claimed at one point that their sole duty at the start of the tribulation was to slay all COG members that choose to disobey Neville and his impotent god. The gods these fools and morons follow are impotent figments of their imaginations.

  6. I can't stand David Pack! When he was my minister in The Global Church Of God, he pissed me off after he chewed my ass out because I had gotten layed off from my job and I was drawing unemployment. He told me I needed to stop being lazy and get a job as soon as possible. Go f**k yourself David Packofshit!!!

  7. That's why I'm probably overly cautious, and well prepared, Gary. All it would take is one of these fools coming to one's door, Bible in one hand, Glock in the other, thinking they would be doing God a service. It's not as if some of the members and ministers in the ACOGs are noteworthy for their mental stability. Some would probably fantasize about qualifying for a greater reward for conducting their own version of the Inquisition.


  8. Gary said, "Some of the malevolent members of Neville Steven's failed cult actually threatened to come to Los Angeles to kill me with swords".

    MY COMMENT - What is a Neville Stevens, and whatever happened to "Thou shalt not kill?"


  9. Among other things, Dennis said, "His god is his ego whose end is to be wrong about just about everything he comes up with."

    MY COMMENT - Dennis, please tell us how you really feel and this time don't hold back, lol!

    I seem to recall that the Baltimore, Md. congregation of WCG in the 1970s had an AC student ministerial trainee named William Pack. Was he related to Dave Packatolla? And if so, did he join Dave Packatolla's Armstrong Church of God Gulag franchise.

    My read of the latest Dave Pack mental meltdown is probably due to his Armstrong Church franchise being under extreme financial distress.


  10. David has zero street smarts. Most people can be made to cower by an angry or irrational person. Even if a little guy is mouthing off in a threatening manner, the only intelligent thing to assume is that he is armed, has training, is on drugs, or has backup. It's what you do next after you make those assessments that counts.

    Ambassador Reports had a news story about Dave Pack being afraid to visit people in lower socio-economic neighborhoods of the boroughs of NYC. I have no doubt that some of us right here could make him crap himself, if we really wanted to. So, Dave, it's not what you could have done back then, or what you looked like as you made your unsuccessful efforts. It's what you did do, and how much of the Armstrong movement that you actually amassed that counts. You say you cast out more demons than any other minister, yet you blame the same Satan as all the other ministers have allegedly faced for your lack of success. That somehow doesn't compute.


  11. Richard:

    This is Neville Stevens website. It is a mixture of Armstrongism, personal revelations, and epic false prophecies, just like what Bob Thiel and James Malm are doing. I was mocking him and his crew of deluded followers in the late 90's and early 2000's. Every year I had a curse laid upon me that I would die of a bloody painful death on Passover night. in 2012 Steven's claimed to have hung up his prophetic shingle and has since slid into utter irrelevance, just like Malm and Thiel will delightfully do, eventually.


    If you know anything about cult leader Tony Almo you will quickly see that Stevens tries to write just like Almo. The difference between Almo and Stevens is that Almo actually built an empire and had physical buildings. Stevens ministry was done on his living room couch and had some nut-job Americans as his followers and not much else.

  12. Bill Pack is Dave's younger brother and one of the nicest and most kind guy I knew in college and ministry

  13. William (Bill) Pack is Dave's younger, saner brother. I don't know what happened to him. Dennis probably does.

  14. GB noted: "MY COMMENT - Dennis, please tell us how you really feel and this time don't hold back, lol!"

    I admit a certain disdain for Dave Pack beyond all others. Perhaps because I have come in contact with him more often along the way or that he both pastored my family church and dragged my dad all over creation well into his older years. My dad was supportive of DP only because he was the minister but often felt he had no common sense and was not a man he'd want to spend much time with in reality.

    Dave is the poster child for everything wrong with the WCG ministry. Undertrained and overly self absorbed, untrained in ethics and pastoral care, undisciplined by HQ for the myriad of complaints against him, tolerated well beyond what he was worth to the church, a spiritual bully, theologically askew, uncorrectable, pig headed beyond belief,never wrong, unable to apologize or even see themselves in the negative light they put ministry in and many more unprofessional traits and petty ways.

    I was never sure if Dave married his first wife out of care for her or that she simply was HWA's secretary and a way into what he felt was the inner circle. Only he knows.I've seen the man stop ball games to complain about the rules that were keeping him from winning and then changing them so he could win. I have seen him redraw church boundaries not telling either the minister next door nor the members he now informed had to come to his church. He exaggerates all his experiences and lies about others such as being the one who started the Plain Truth Newsstand program etc. He did not. No one does this or that more than Dave does is right out of the Trump play book and frankly they are two peas in a pod emotionally. No one pastored more churches, no one taught more ministers, no one had larger churches or grew them faster than Super Dave. He's a BS artist and a dangerous one. He has a major personality disorder and is slipping into spiritual depravity and lying BS more each day.

    Dave pushes my escape goat buttons I suppose.

  15. Dennis, and that's just the nice things you have to say about him, LOL!


  16. Dennis,
    But what about AC? Did it prepare people like Dave for the ministry or was the church slogan of "teaching people how to live" just marketing.

  17. AC actually did teach me valuable lessons about how to live, in a way suggested by a motto I read on a different forum: "You can learn more from one bad example than you can from twelve good ones."

  18. They were kidding themselves about making a living
