Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

The Journal of the Churches of God Issue 196

Issue 196 of The Journal is out. 

Read it here.

NOTE:  When you click on the link above you will see a full color picture of Dave Havir III and the girls he is surrounded by.

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  1. People here from the acog and x-members make some of the most ignorant comments! You people are so stupid you all should do the world a favour and kill yourselves!

    1. Why thank you for making such a loving and wonderful Christian observation, 4:03! But, could you please cite a few specific examples so that we can correct the error of our ways? After all, what would you think if instead of enumerating the many detailed examples, we simply stated "Herbert W. Armstrong was stupid." I mean, how could anyone do anything constructive in response to something like that?


    2. it is Written: you cannot out flank the non converted, so its best to refrain from making carnal minded statements...okay i wrote that one myself, but the point is if you consider yourself a coger, you should watch what you post because your words can be used against u in this contest of verbal judo...

  2. The Trumpet site has a headline 'Fit for battle, God wants us to be tougher.' This also shows the face of Herb.
    Yep, Herb had it tough sipping Champaign in his private jet, staying in five star hotels, living in a mansion, and being worshipped as a god by many in his church. He's an inspiration in toughness.

  3. 4.03 AM is my sister. That's why I've qualified for a good position in the kingdom. My friends in church will be amazed. "Why did you get a good position in the kingdom" they will ask? Then I will introduce my sister, and they will understand. i mean, all the character I built putting up with her.
    BB, it's a waste of time trying to reason with her.

  4. Thats not very Christian of you anon 403. In fact if someone was to follow your "advice" in a moment of weakness due to your post you might be held legally responsible . while you do have the right to post whatever you want you also have responsibility to not just say anything you want. Just bcuz we don't know or care about your identity here every post is recorded by the hosting provider to protect them self's from legal action for a cerantant amount of time.

    I dont say that to discourage anyone to post anon bcuz I post anon when I need to protect others but I use my real name the rest of the time bcuz people know you by your name and what you say.

  5. Nice letter by Keith Speaks about Rod Meredith. This is the Rod that many knew.

  6. Interesting quote from the Keith Speaks (A WCG minister at the time) letter to the editor in the Journal--

    "I’ll mention here the infamous, to- tally unfortunate comments he made in a sermon in the Auditorium about Los Angeles mayor Tom Bradley, who, in my opinion, for several years was the most effective mayor in L.A. history.
    Dr. Meredith said (my translation): “It is a sign of the degeneration of America that a black mayor was elected to rule a major American city.”
    I could not believe my ears. Several black members walked out, and I felt like joining them. But I didn’t want to leave my two kids and wife sitting there without me."

  7. I see David Havir is listed as a contributor. Maybe he can give everyone a full update.

  8. Reading the Journal always makes me glad to be away from that mess.

  9. Obviously, this is the latest installment of the narrative of a dying movement. But, one thing that is encouraging is that in addition to the very weird and demented extrapolations of the basics of Atmstrongism which we usually see in all of the paid ads, we are also begining to occasionally see some of the hard ball topics which we have been discussing over the past twenty years just beginning to enter the articles and letters to editor of the Journal.

    There are probably about 3-4 pages that I will skim for news of people I once knew, and perhaps some legitimate news or historical perspectives. In general, I could care less about the ego pieces written about what the insignificant little splinters are doing now, or their officers. So, currently for me, it's down to about 5 minutes reading time spent on each issue. The real news is usually here on Banned, anyway, presented uncensored, and unvarnished.


  10. The group photo on page 1 is labeled "Camp Vine CGBS". It appears David Havir III is in the photo. I was wondering if one of the young girls standing next to him is the under aged girl that he was having an inappropriate relationship with?


    1. At the time of the camp David Havir III was under a temporary restraining order, so it is unlikely she was there. The picture was credited to her sister.

  11. Kyleigh Moody is in the photo. Middle row (first row of girls kneeling), far left.
