Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Allie Dart Has Died

From CEM

Allie Dart passed away this morning at 8:52, listening to Ron's sermon "A Good Marriage." She went peacefully with Sammie, her aide, by her side. Thanks for your prayers, flowers, and cards of encouragement for her during this trial. She has finished her race--she is no longer in pain as she waits for the resurrection.

Monday, August 14 at 10am at Stewart Family Funeral Home in Tyler with
Mr. Wesley White officiating. Visitation will be 30 minutes prior to the service.
Burial will follow at Whitehouse Memorial Cemetery. 
Monday, August 14 at 10am at Stewart Family Funeral Home in Tyler withMr. Wesley White officiating. Visitation will be 30 minutes prior to the service.Burial will follow at Whitehouse Memorial Cemetery.  
We have arranged for her service to be streamed live on the Internet via the funeral homes website.


  1. My condolences to the family and friends.
    I won't complain if I reach her age of 84.

    1. Agreed. It appears Allie was blessed with the soft landing that I normally pray for for my geriatric relatives. At a certain point, death is to be expected. You just don't want it to be painful, or for dementia to be involved. Personally, I'd be happy with average life expectancy. Some of my best friends have died young.


  2. The Darts were excellent people. Im looking forward to seeing them again in the resurrection.

    1. Been checking in here from time to time over the last few months... and I must say that it catches me off guard to see that the quintessentially derisive Connie may believe in the resurrection(s) ... What am I missing?

  3. Awww Allie Dart has now passed away. With both of the Darts passed away it truly is an end of an era. I very much appreciated the Darts and they will sorely be missed. My sincere condolences to their family and friends.

  4. Been checking in here from time to time over the last few months, and I always thought Dennis would be the one to prmpt my first comment... but it really catches me off guard to see that the quintessentially derisive Connie may believe in the resurrection(s). Are you not a leathery refusalist? ... What am I missing? -F&F

  5. I see the name "Connie" and I see the pic of a very pretty young lady, but without those I'd swear the posts were written by a man...and even with them, I wonder.
    (no offense intended)

  6. LOL! Of course Im a woman! (At least the last time I looked!). A smart aleck and a bit of a tom boy, but also a Mom and wife as well. I like to laugh and enjoy life, but can't resist teasing and making mischievous comments about the crazy goofy COG cults.

    I believe in God, the Sabbath, and yes , the resurrections. I do not believe in cult leaders, or hierarchical church governance. There are those who are outside of the core COG universe who believe in God, and are not tied into dysfunctional Armstrongism. Call me an "independent" and a "modern woman" I guess.

  7. August 10 at 11:28 PM, what features of Connie's comments make you think the author sounds like a man? Just curious.

  8. "I believe in God, the Sabbath, and yes , the resurrections. I do not believe in cult leaders, or hierarchical church governance. "

    we have a lot in common.

    and maybe it's the tomboy element that comes out in your posts ;-)

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. "...what features of Connie's comments make you think the author sounds like a man? Just curious"

    the boldness, general demeanor, style in general....I've been reading her posts for a long time, and if they had been anonymous, no name or pic, I would have assumed them to be from a guy.

    but hey, I love tomboys :-)

  11. Connie is pretty, smart. Is that sexist?

  12. I know what you mean. I only look at the name Connie, not the picture, since now and then I feel her postings are "male".

    She's probably one of the girls I climbed trees with as a kid in rural areas and she would have thought about taking the soda. But I am on my guard to protect my sanity if suddenly that picture changed in the male owner of that huge bowling rink in Muskogee.

