Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, August 28, 2017

Hurricane Harvey plays right into the hands of the false prophets of the COG

As usual, various COG ministers who think they are somehow in direct contact with their gods, think they know what It is thinking and doing.  Never ones to let a good disaster go to waste, they are jumping into their usual "angry god" stage and claiming that their god is really pissed at the humans living in that area of Texas and is deliberately punishing them.  Their god demands this kind of action.

The almost arrested and jailed false prophet and improperly ordained Bob Thiel, of the improperly named "continuing" Church of God, has already let his pissed off god loose to wreck havoc.

God controls the weather. Wet weather is sometimes used by God for judgment and correction. 
As regular readers of this page are aware, I have repeatedly warned of weather problems coming. Back in 2009, in my book, 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect, I wrote that the following was about to happen:
Odd weather patterns result in food shortages and natural disasters.Matthew 24:7
The world is actually in a berserk transition, as the real age of peace is not yet here. It may be a period of chaos. It is the beginning of sorrows.Matthew 24:8 
Since that was published, we have had record smashing heat and odd weather problems. These weather issues should serve as a wake-up call.
Like of any typical doom and gloom false prophet of Armstrongism, they need their god to be consistently angry at its children.  Their god has been angry at the United States for 80 some years now and is constantly whipping up one disaster after another in order to bring the nation to its knees so it can worship the god of these false men.

Weather issues will likely help weaken the USA.
Weather events should serve as a wake-up call. 
Something much worse than Hurricane Harvey will hit the USA one day.


  1. "Wet weather is sometimes used by God to..."


  2. The end of the western drought show us Bob Thiel is full of shit. Hurrican Harvey shows us that shit happens to the good and the bad. It is called LIFE!


  3. Do some of us continue to believe that God uses the weather to punish evil-doers, and correct and guide His chosen people?? How is it possible that this Neanderthal thinking continues to exist in the 21st century? What on earth did the people of Southeast Texas do to deserve this? And why would a loving God send this storm to destroy their homes? Think people. Shit happens, and we have to figure out a way to survive and cope. No magic.

    As my dear departed Dad used to tell me, "You need to use that head of yours for something besides a hat rack". He was a not man without flaws. He took our family from The Church of God 7th Day (Missouri in the fifties) to the Radio Church of God (Pasadena in the sixties). He became convinced that my little sister could be healed from cerebral palsy if he followed Herbert's doctrines. To make a very long story short, it didn't work out too well, but we survived in spite of being thrown in the deep end and held under.

    In the early seventies, Dad left a stable government job to work for "the church" (the only true one)at the Feast site in Wisconsin Dells. About a year later, they shut down the project and laid him off. Oh well, a bad break. God will bless him for his faith, not. Sorry, as I said, it is a story that goes on and on. Herbert won, our family lost, and so it goes.

    We were stupid and naive, wasting far too much of our lives looking for answers from religion and the Bible. If there is a resurrection, reincarnation or an immortal soul, maybe we will be more fortunate the next time around. Hope...maybe, faith...never.

  4. That said..no God uses or controls the weather to try and get the attention ofrecalcitrant mortals. Ghastly days Bob. Grow up.

  5. Showing a modicum of compassion for human suffering, Bob readily revealed Harvey fell under his generic predictions for worsening weather. Of course climate scientists have been saying the same thing.
    Twelve years ago, Katrina brought out the true color of COG compassion.

  6. Someone should draw Bob's attention to Luke 13 verses 1 through 5. And also Ecclesiastes, which says that time and chance happens to all men.

  7. Genesis 9:12-17

    12-13 The rainbow that I have put in the sky will be my sign to you and to every living creature on earth. It will remind you that I will keep this promise forever. 14 When I send clouds over the earth, and a rainbow appears in the sky, 15 I will remember my promise to you and to all other living creatures. Never again will I let floodwaters destroy all life. 16 When I see the rainbow in the sky, I will always remember the promise that I have made to every living creature. 17 The rainbow will be the sign of that solemn promise.

  8. Why would God punish southeast Texas with a hurricane? Isn't that sort of a Bible belt area?
    Lots of people going to church, lots of religion. Isn't Tyler, Texas --- former haunt of one GTA what's-his-name --- also in east Texas? And the Big Sandy Church of God? And Edmond, Oklahoma, is north of east Texas, outside of the storm area at least for now, but certainly in that neck of the woods. Don't the PCG and other such groups mitigate such disasters for the areas in which they dwell? There must be more evil places in the country, places with more atheists and more homosexuals and more of every kind of filthy, repulsive, degenerate immorality that plagues this great land. Why southeast Texas? Lots of God-fearin' folks there.

  9. Unlike Mark Armstrong and PCG, Bob seems to accept, to a degree, the reality of Global Climate Change. At the same time he will, in hindsight, attribute certain isolated weather events as examples of punishment and "not climate change".
    Although he claimed he is a scientist, I don't think Bob understands the difference between Climate and Weather.

  10. There must be more evil places in the country, places with more atheists and more homosexuals and more of every kind of filthy, repulsive, degenerate immorality that plagues this great land.

    I can't speak for Oklahoma City or even Edmond, but the percentage of homosexuals at PCG HQ exceeds the percentage across the rest of Oklahoma.

  11. 3.50 PM
    The bible belt isn't that righteous. Listening to their tele-evangelists, it's just religious talk with no substance. The word Pharisee comes to mind.

  12. People prepare for natural events such as this hurricane to whatever extent they are able, or many more lives would be lost. The lesson of Harvey is that there is a whole layer of additional preparations that we can
    make to offset the climate change that is making our weather events more severe. It doesn't cost a lot to lower the ol' carbon footprint.


  13. The hurricane is a great opportunity to learn how to dinghy sail and swim in the back yard.
    Make lemonade out of lemons folks.

  14. climate change that is making our weather events more severe

    Yes, with hurricanes, two of the key components are warmer sea surface temperature and the supply of water vapor - both of which will increase with climate change.
    Aside from natural disasters, high humidity due to climate change is likely to have a more immediate impact on life than higher temperature.

  15. Between the start of 1997 and the end of 2014, average global surface temperature stalled. This 18-year period is known as the global warming pause. Due to the “pause” the Left had to rename their hoax “Climate Change”.

    In July the US marked 4,300 days since the last major hurricane (Category 3 or stronger, 111-129 mph maximum sustained winds) made landfall in the U.S.
    This hurricane drought must a result of “Climate Change”, right?! Al Gore’s multi-million dollar hoax, his “Inconvenient “Truth”, predicted a great increase of major hurricanes hitting the US. He was dead wrong. The reason Harvey is so devastating is the unfortunate timing of a large high pressure zone to the north holding Harvey near the coast. Otherwise Harvey would have passed through Houston in a little over a day and it would have dissipated into the north. Harvey is just the result of an unfortunate weather coincidence, not the wrath of God or Gore’s Hoax.

    Mathew 5:45 Father which is in heaven: for he makes his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.

    1. 7:59, you may want to do a little more research. Larsen C ice shelf has recently calved an iceberg the size of Delaware, and just as climatologists had feared, the ice in back of it is collapsing, as did Larsen A and B before it. I point this out because Rush Limbaugh's other dittoheads have been citing Antarctica as actually growing in ice mass as one of their proofs that "global warming" is a "hoax".

      Glaciers in the Andes Mountains, formerly the world's largest ice mass other than Antarctica, have retreated, in three prominent cases have completely disappeared.

      Strange methane sink holes are appearing in Siberia, as former permafrost defrosts. Methane is arguably the most devastating of all the greenhouse gases.

      New polar route shipping lanes are being charted through the Arctic region in areas that were formerly ice-locked.

      And, as the saying goes, EXXON knew! (For the past 30'years).

      There is so much real, measurable evidence to support global climate change, and man's influence on it, that it's no longer even subject to debate. Pretty soon, the barrage of disinformation coming from the hired guns of the fossil fuels industry will be laughed at, just as "facts" coming from the tobacco industry several decades ago are considered ridiculous today. There is no need to even debate this. All you need to do is open your eyes and watch.


  16. Texas Major Hurricane Intensity Not Related to Gulf Water Temperatures

    August 29th, 2017 by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D.

    As the Houston flood disaster is unfolding, there is considerable debate about whether Hurricane Harvey was influenced by “global warming”. While such an issue matters little to the people of Houston, it does matter for our future infrastructure planning and energy policy.
    Let’s review the two basic reasons why the Houston area is experiencing what now looks like a new record amount of total rainfall, at least for a 2-3 day period over an area of tens of thousands of square miles.
    1) A strong tropical cyclone, with access to abundant moisture evaporated off the Gulf of Mexico, and
    2) Little movement by the cyclone.

    These two factors have conspired to create the current flooding catastrophe in Houston. Now let’s look at them in the context of global warming theory.
    Are Texas major hurricanes dependent on an unusually warm Gulf?

    Spencer examined all of the major hurricane (Cat 3+) strikes in Texas since 1870 and plotted them as red dots on the time series of sea surface temperature variations over the western Gulf of Mexico. Major hurricanes don’t really care whether the Gulf is above average or below average in temperature.

    1. What about alteration of the jetstreams? That's one of the factors credited with the thawing of the permafrost. Dr. Spencer is ignoring that.

      The arguments will all be resolved soon. Glaciers and snow pack feed the worlds great rivers, around which entire civilizations are built. They're melting. Rush, and his expert witness, Dr. Spencer cannot cite examples of glaciers which are actually growing, or slowing in their melting.


  17. As believers pray for respite from Hurricane Harvey, is there a chance some few may recognize the futility? He has neither the power to prevent the destruction or intervene to curtail it, but due to our desperation and brainwashing as small children, we continue to ask for intervention from a being who must be on an extended vacation.

    Many can excuse God for his lack of involvement, or try to blame humanity, but events like this are what ended my faith in a loving Heavenly Father. This is classic! How can we continue to believe in the goodness of a God who ignores us in our hour of need?

    On the positive side, it is beautiful to see people helping strangers. This is productive activity. The only true religion.

  18. BB
    Climate change is being pushed for the purpose of expanding government power. The ACOG ministers do not have a monopoly on power lust.
    I can't help but notice how secular society is becoming more and more like the ACOGs. For instance, the increasing assault on freedom of thought, freedom of speech and freedom of expression.

    1. Expanding government power, 2:10? As there are more people, and a greater magnitude of problems, managing, resolving, and minimizing these problems will most definitely mean loss of a certain amount of individual freedom, and growth of enforcement. But, it's backwards to assume that the motivation is simply growth of government, as if it were a frivolous construct dealing with a nonexistent or manufactured problem. Since large, prosperous industrial nations tend to pollute more, yes, their freedom to continue to pollute will be impacted to a greater extent than citizens of impoverished third world nations.

      But, on a parallel pattern, do you see how acknowledging the societal problem of global terrorism caused government to grow? To save lives, we've got the TSA, and Homeland Security. Certainly there was much greater freedom when they passed out cigarettes on the plane, and you could carry your loaded 38. But, no more.

      The Influential magnates of the early part of the industrial revolution used to have an actual daily body count in their manufacturing facilities before OSHA, labor unions, and labor laws. Guess what? The magnates lost a chunk of their freedom to big government, but the workplace today is much safer than in the 1920s, '30s, and '40s.

      I used to get a funnel and pour my oil from oil changes down a manhole cover, but, no more. I can't imagine what the fine for that would be today, let alone the problems it causes. Being a good steward of the environment does inconvenience people. Now, I take my refuse oil to O'Reilly Auto parts and dump it into the recycling tank.


  19. The Little Ice Age in the Middle Ages brought colder winters to parts of Europe and North America. Farms and villages in the Swiss Alps were destroyed by encroaching glaciers during the mid-17th century. Canals and rivers in Great Britain and the Netherlands were frequently frozen deeply enough to support ice skating and winter festivals. Beginning in the spring of 1315, cold weather and torrential rains decimated crops and livestock across Europe. Class warfare and political strife destabilized formerly prosperous countries as millions of people starved, setting the stage for the crises of the Late Middle Ages. According to reports, some desperate Europeans resorted to cannibalism during the so-called Great Famine, which persisted until the early 1320s.

    Global warming later brought wealth, health and prosperity. There was no “Manmade Ice age” and there was no “Manmade Global Warming”. Solar cycles and volcanic activity make any human activity of almost of no effect.

    10,000 years ago Manhattan was under a one mile thick glacier. Glaciers have been growing and melting through out Earth's existence and Man wasn't around burning anything to be involved.

    The climate impact of all Paris INDC promises is minuscule: if we measure the impact of every nation fulfilling every promise by 2030, the total temperature reduction will be 0.048°C (0.086°F) by 2100.

    1. Hopefully, I'm out of here by 2030, and won't know whether your model has held up, 2:55. Some seem to believe that the cycle is accelerating and feeding on itself at this point, logarithmic rather than simple arithmetic, like an uncontrollable chain reaction, exceeding all expectations and models. Actually, it's probably already too late. Glad I got to live most of my life in the sweet spot, but I feel badly for my descendants. Bummer for them.


  20. Evil Church. Just horribly evil people in the Church of "god".

  21. Yes, hurricanes are complex, and a sea surface temperature of 26.5 degrees C is one of the ingredients. While sea surface temperature may not correlate with intensity, increasing temperatures may lengthen the hurricane season and the number that initiate.
    When experiments where performed to try to stop hurricanes developing - using such things as chemical seeding - the results were so unpredictable that such experiments are now illegal.

  22. If Thiel can't label Harvey an act of his god trying, he can never connect weather to his views again...ever

  23. The only people in need of a SEVERE correction by the powers of the Universe are the extremely incompetent city planners of Houston and government officials and politicians responsible for allocation of funds toward infrastructure, water management and general misinformation of the people for brainwashing them that low taxes are a good thing in order not to be able to pay for a city to build on higher ground or protect the lower ground.

    And of course the weather IS acting strangely. But hey, if you cannot direct the wind AT LEAST adjust the sails.

