Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

New Ronald L Dart Evangelistic Association

With all of the recent controversy with the Church of God Big Sandy scandal with the Havirs and others and the recent death of Allie Dart, many COG members were concerned about a possible merger between COGBS and Christian Educational Ministries.  That is not happening, to the relief of many.

The following press release was sent out today:

Press Release
Ronald L Dart Evangelistic Association
August 22, 2017

We are pleased to announce the formation of a new religious entity called The Ronald L. Dart Evangelistic Association (RLDEA).   It is a non-profit 501c3 corporation that is not a church. 
Before Allie Dart (widow of the late Ronald L. Dart) had her cancer surgeries, she arranged for the creation of the RLDEA.  The RLDEA held its first meeting of the board of trustees on June 29, 2017.  At the time of that board meeting, the RLDEA board of trustees was composed of Mrs. Dart, Wes White, Gary Gibbons, and Cathy Gibbons.    
Mrs. Dart, over the last year of her life, decided to use a portion of the assets from her estate to fund RLDEA.  
Mrs. Dart stipulated that the RLDEA’s mission statement should be the preaching of the Gospel by promoting the works of her late husband, Ronald L. Dart.  And, while Mrs. Dart’s will prohibits the assets of her estate from going directly to Christian Educational Ministries (CEM), the mission of the RLDEA allows and encourages this new ministry to assist CEM as long as CEM properly and efficiently promotes Mr. Dart’s works.  
The proposed assistance of the RLDEA can only be to the extent that CEM will allow it.  The directors of the RLDEA have requested a meeting with the leadership of CEM so that together they can explore areas where CEM will permit the RLDEA to assist it. 
The current composition of the RLDEA board of trustees is:
Wes White, president
Gary Gibbons, vice president
Cathy Gibbons, secretary-treasurer

Wes White is currently the president of Dynamic Christian Ministries, a non-profit ministry which already promotes the works of Ron Dart thru his live Friday night show called “Start Our Sabbath.”   He is a graduate of Ambassador College in Pasadena, California where he served on the Ambassador faculty from 1976 to 1981.  His original ordination into the ministry came from United Christian Ministries which, at the time, was headed by the late Ray Wooten. 
The Gibbons are owners of GG Media, a respected, long time advertising agency and production studio in the Tyler area.  Mr. Gibbon’s voice is heard on radio stations across the US.  Since the inception of CEM, GG Media has produced and distributed Mr. Dart’s “Born To Win” radio program and CEM’s Friday night Bible study.  GG Media has also done many gratis services for CEM.  
For more information about the Ronald L. Dart Evangelistic Association, contact Wes White at wdwhite49@yahoo.com.


  1. Glad to see that the Havirs are not part of this.

  2. Are Gary and Cathy Gibbons any kin to Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top?


  3. More ACOG crap to spit out the Armstrong lies!

  4. Isn't it great to see that the years of interest or investment income from that (dirty) tithe money from the wcg,etc. is going to help continue the "work" even if we don't use that term like in the olden days.

    Listen up kids (you that want to be a leader in the work), you too can be involved in the effort. Maybe you can get a nice paying position in an organization like this one day. Just don't take tithes. You can live off the proceeds of them since the organization RLDEA clearly was funded by them along with your "donations" which will help a golden few to a nice life and still set ole Ronnie up on a pedestal as long as you don't idolize him like you did hwa while you make yourself a nice living.

    The plain old little people will think you are great because you're not like the old evil wcg. You're like Ron and he was clean as clean can be.

  5. Some may wonder why I posted this on here. We are the "go to" site for news of the various COG's now. From LCG members defying Rod Meredith to CEM supporters upset over COGBS trying to take over CEM, to disgruntled UCG members and ex-members of PCG and RCG. While I certainly do not agree with all of the things going on in various COG, or even in Rod Darts remembrance site for his sermons, our common bond unites us in many ways. As more and more COG members rebel against abusive ministers and church leaders, they are looking for any information they can find. We are that source, good or bad, they still look here.

  6. she just made a place for everyone to go in the event CEM did merge with another organization....sorta like a poison pill.

  7. "Press Release." How pompous. Who really cares.

  8. I just watched Ron Darts 'a generation of liars' YouTube video. He says (on this dated video) not to call President Obama names (on social media) since this is disrespectful to authority, and hence abusing God. So calling ministers names behind their backs is abusing God. Hmm, didn't Christ on the road to Demascus ask Paul why he was persecuting Him. So ministers mistreating members is abusing Christ, but Ron makes no mention of this.
    So again the rights of the ministers are to be religiously respected, but the members have no rights. The little people can go eat cake.
    The ministers deserve a lot more than being called names behind their backs.
    There's also other things wrong on this presentation.
    Ron has lost my respect.

  9. Ron Dart was always for the underdog within the church. He would behind the scenes help brethren with advice. You may have got the wrong end of the stick with this sermon. The were times when Ron Dart could be misunderstood. It was Ron Dart in a sermon who stated clearly that converted brethren have to walk away from Armstrongisim but take God's truth with them.
    I have yet to encounter such a high ranking man within the Church who was as easy to deal with as Ron Dart.
    The danger with this new Dart organisation is, in the wake of Allie Darts death, is it could walk a fine line with man worship. Ron Darts sermons are good to listen to but he now awaits the resurrection.
    Ron Dart in his sermons loved to ask more questions than he answered about God and the Bible. In Ron's death the question now is who alive can step up to the mark and take his place. Will God reveal another or will the now be a daminie of His word throughout the land? I don't expect many here to agree with me.

  10. NO2HWA, I personally appreciate what you do. Some of it is not all that interesting to me, but I feel you're a source of information I would otherwise be totally ignorant of. Even though I'm no longer involved with any of it, because of the past, it holds an interest to me.

    Allen C. Dexter

  11. "...converted brethren have to walk away from Armstrongisim but take God's truth with them. "

    couldn't agree more.....there are many that worship HWA, and they don't realize it...those are the folks having the most problems, because their focus is wrong.

  12. 11.03 PM
    And many of these folks think that salvation is through their group rather than through Christ.

  13. 9.04 AM
    You are ignoring the church culture in which some things are constantly hammered home ('obey' your minister), while members rights are ignored and/or directly/indirectly attacked. Ron telling members to not disrespect authority, while the ministers are constantly treating members with gross disrespect, is a claim to a double standard.
    God is close to His children, so He also feels their abuse. Something the ministers conveniently ignore. I don't need a permission slip from Ron to understand this.
    Ron's 'the enemy is us' comment is similar to the frequently mentioned 'non is righteous' verse. It's the ministers way of telling members that they are dirt, and deserve to be treated like dirt.
    The church is saturated with guile and code words, enabling the ministers to have plausible deniability. If you are going to play this game, discussions will go nowhere.
