Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Ron Weinland: After Realizing His Members Are Not Sending In Enough Money, He Says: "Do you think I’m stupid as God’s apostle?"

Why is it that the Church of God has produced so many imbeciles pretending to be  God's chosen vessels? Between Bob Thiel and Ron Weinland, I have to wonder if the Church of God has finally scraped the bottom of the barrel. Can the Church of God have two bigger idiots in its midst?

After hundreds of failed prophecies, a prophetic 3 1/2 years in jail, married to an equally corrupt wife and the father to two money-grubbing kids, Ron Weinland still has a few hundred mentally ill followers.  Followers who are NOT sending in enough money to keep Weinerdude and his sick family in their accustomed lifestyles.

To this day there are people still stealing from God! And I think, “What are you doing? You think I’m ignorant? Do you think I’m stupid as God’s apostle?” Your time is running out. You’ve got just a few weeks left and you’re gone – all of you – because there’s more than one. There are too many and if you don’t get it turned around immediately and repent before God it’s sayonara, dos vedanya, auf wiedersehen. And I know you’re only speaking English so it’s goodbye. Sick. In God’s Church we serve God. We seek to obey God in everything we do. There’s no such thing as being able to have adultery in God’s Church. There is no such thing as stealing from God, and on and on it goes. Those things aren’t allowed in God’s Church! We can’t just come the way we are. God says we’re to change. We’re to think differently. If people don’t, and if people want to play games and go through the motions, like send in maybe 5% or 3% just to kind of keep in the doorway, just keep the foot in the door a little bit and say, “I’m doing it. I’m doing it.” You lying liar! Stealing from God Almighty! How on earth can anyone of a right mind do such things? That blows my mind! It really does.


  1. How can he be a true apostle without a plane?

    If he flies coach and doesn't have Steuben Crystal, I just don't think any world leader will respect his office. Now if he droned on for a 400 part sermon on why he was an apostle, explaining his office, all while cloistered away in a private compound just across the interstate, that would be apostle-esque.

    Apostles these days need outward signs of their office.

    Humility and service are so 2000 years ago.

  2. "Do you think I'm stupid as Gods apostle?"
    Yes we do Ron. Here at Banned and elsewhere, we think you are stupid. Very stupid. Very, very stupid.
    Any more questions Ron??

  3. Weinerdude is getting fired up and motivated! He has huge financial obligations to the IRS, and I believe some hefty fines were imposed in addition to his prison term. These loom hugely on his horizon, and can only be met through a massive revival of his cult, or Walter White style. As with Walter White, Weinland is suffering from life-threatening health issues. Push has come to shove in Weinland's seething pressure cooker! Expect a dramatic end, and sooner rather than later!



    (An Anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase.)...

    * Anal Winded Lorn

    * A Low Inland Nerd


  5. “To this day there are people still stealing from God!”

    Yes, Gerald Flurry still lies and steals, David Pack still lies and steals, Ronald Weinland still lies and steals....

  6. Scriptures admonishing financial irresponsibility are mostly for the priesthood (ministry). There is a greater opportunity to do so in those positions. "Money talks" is a common theme with any human organization. "Will a man rob God?" This a question for the priests, but is used against lay members instead. The "tithe of the tithe" is the priests' responsibility, but is used today to bring in more money from the members. Too many members asked questions that led them to these churches, but stopped questioning once they joined!

  7. To this day there are people still stealing from Me! And I think, “What are you doing? You think I’m ignorant? Do you think I’m stupid?” Your time is running out. You’ve got just a few weeks left and you’re gone – all of you – because there’s more than one. There are too many and if you don’t get it turned around immediately and repent before Me, it’s sayonara, dos vedanya, auf wiedersehen. And I know you’re only speaking English so it’s goodbye. Sick. In My Church you serve Me. You seek to obey Me in everything you do. There’s no such thing as being able to have adultery in My Church. There is no such thing as stealing from Me, and on and on it goes. Those things aren’t allowed in My Church! You can’t just come the way you are. I say you’re to change. You’re to think differently. If people don’t, and if people want to play games and go through the motions, like send in maybe 5% or 3% just to kind of keep in the doorway, just keep the foot in the door a little bit and say, “I’m doing it. I’m doing it.” You lying liar! Stealing from Me Almighty! How on earth can anyone of a right mind do such things? That blows my mind! It really does.

    How can anyone of a right mind send Ron Almighty any money at all?

    Mind blown

  8. NO2HWA said, "Why is it that the Church of God has produced so many imbeciles pretending to be God's chosen vessels? Between Bob Thiel and Ron Weinland, I have to wonder if the Church of God has finally scraped the bottom of the barrel. Can the Church of God have two bigger idiots?"

    MY COMMENT - Great questions! Clown Felon Tax Cheat Ron Weinland is criminal pathological. So is Dave Packatolla and his "Common" criminal asset grab from his simple minded followers. The "almost arrest doubly blessed Elijah Elisha bitter Bob Thiel", however, seems like he has a conscience given the amount of time he tries to clarify and explain himself. I don't think he is pathological to the same degree as a Weinland or Pack. All three are idiots however, and perhaps only Thiel could function in the real world outside the Armstrong make believe wonderful world of tomorrow that never comes religion. I say that only because he has done it before with his heath practice - it must have provided some sort of living for him, otherwise why get the mail order degree?.

    Weinland scolding his few hundred dementia minded members for not sending in money to him is ironic - pot meet Kettle! The IRS had the same issue with Weinland "rendering what is Cesars' to Cesar". The R/WCG always taught its members to pay its taxes. IRS rules and regulations do matter, and therefore Weinland is a thief stealing taxable income. His 2008 Book with his End time prediction has long passed and that makes him a false prophet also. Like the other two false HWA wannabees, Weinland's own personal future does not look good.

    The bottom of the barrel is being reached. The next generation of ACOG splinter members will be smaller in size and be even farther removed from the glory days of Herbert Armstrong, Ambassador College and the Worldwide Church of God.


  9. The only time I heard Ron speak was years ago in a radio interview. He said if the latest prediction he made (which passed unfulfilled years ago) did not occur, then he must admit he's a false prophet and should not be followed.

  10. Wow weinerdude you are an ass. I remember you! You where Bob league"s stupid lap boy in world wide in erlanger ky you sir are a poor excuse of a pastor. Stupid ass you should be ashamed of yourself..

  11. "You lying liar!"
    Well, if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black, I don't know what is!

  12. Oh, Ron is having a harder time fleecing people out of money? Good!

  13. Perhaps Ron would prefer a lifestyle supported by taxpayers rather than tithe payers, back in prison.
