Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, September 25, 2017

Bob Thiel and James Malm in 10 Years

Almost-ordained Bob Thiel and Chief Pharisee James Malm perceive themselves to be prophets of doom, acting on behalf of their god who is eternally pissed at his creation and is just itching to destroy humanity.  The problem with both of these men is that they both are liars.  Their prophecies have already failed many times in the past and will fail in the future.  God is no more part of the legalistic hell these two men try to enforce on humanity than Harold Camping's god fulfilled his predictions.  The above video will be exactly what will happen to Almost-arrested Thiel and Pharisee Malm a few years from now.


  1. I fed Bob Thiel Pork at a church potluckMonday, September 25, 2017 at 10:52:00 PM PDT

    ROTFLMAO! This is great! You are right that this will be Malm and Thiel in a few years. I can't wait to see these two fools spin their story as to why what the predicted never happened.

  2. Oh my! Gary...and yes brethren.....YOU are now a prophet!!!

  3. James will be fertilizer. Bob will still be doing his crybaby thing about nobody respecting him as a prophet.


  4. "In March 2012, Camping admitted that his predictions were in error, stating: "We humbly acknowledge we were wrong about the timing.""

    Just like Armstrongist false prophets, he pulled out the timing defense. Not wrong, not repentant, no, just a little off with the timing. Once again. As always.

    Deuteronomy 18:20-22 But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, is to be put to death. You may say to yourselves, “How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the Lord?” If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously, so do not be alarmed.

    And as a direct result of Camping's presumptuous sin of speaking in the name of the Lord that which the Lord had not commanded, he was struck down with a stroke.

    Or maybe the christian god does not exist and it was just a stroke...

    ...which would account for how Armstrongist false prophets like, um, HWA, James Malm, Bob Thiel, and many more have gone on presumptuously speaking in the name of the Lord that which the Lord has not commanded year in and year out without repercussion...

  5. I just heard James Malm head explodes over this! How humiliating this will be. Poor Constance won't know what to do when her hero is exposed as a liar. She will probably return to her Wiccan ways.

  6. "The problem with both of these men is that they both are liars."

    Bob is probably more deceived than deceiver. As for Malm, I have no opinion.

  7. There's great irony when it comes to Camping- it's too bad he didn't study the book of Jonah just a little further. In the closing months before the May 21 debacle Family
    Radio launched Project Jonah- a series of overseas missionary trips where one could volunteer to pass out tracts and preach the Judgment Day message at Family Radio expense.

    When May 21 failed, Camping could have simply declared Project Jonah was a success because enough people repented so that God 'spared the city' (at least for now). To satisfy
    those insatiable date setters, Mr C could have went on to cite that king Hezekiah was warned by the prophet Isaiah that he would soon die, but after crying out to God the king
    was granted 15 more years- this would have left Mr C plenty enough time to peacefully go to his grave believing (in his megalomaniacal delusions) that he and his ministry had
    bought mankind another 15 years.

    Who knows, with the relief that comes from a 'whopper for the ages' pseudo-biblical excuse for a prophetic fail, perhaps Mr C would not have had that fateful stroke a few days
    after the disaster that 'Harolded' the End of the End...
