Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, September 28, 2017

See Glynn Washington Live!

Here is your chance to see Glynn Washington live during his Snap Judgement tour.  Glynn is a former  Worldwide Church of God member who shares stories about what life was like growing up in the church.

Tampa newspapers are playing up the angle of his return as a young man compared to the time he was there for the Feast of Tabernacles:

Glynn Washington is the host, creator, and executive producer of the public radio show, Snap Judgement. BY KENYA WOODARD Sentinel Feature Writer Glynn Washington’s last visit to Tampa was more than 30 years ago, as a young member of an eccentric religious cult. Then known as the Worldwide Church of God, the Christian group…  Florida Sentinal 

Snap Judgement

"Many NPR hosts come from NPR-ish families. Not Washington. “I grew up in a cult,” he told me. His parents were members of the Worldwide Church of God, a sect founded by Herbert W. Armstrong, an apocalyptic radio evangelist based in Pasadena. Washington got out—a story he tells with an escapee’s pride—and went on to the University of Michigan and its law school. He studied in Japan, then worked for the State Department, then ended up directing a program at the University of California at Berkeley. Some of the best Snap Judgment segments are drawn from his own life, and you get the feeling he could carry several episodes a year by himself.

“Losing My Religion,” a 2012 episode, features five stories. Two are Washington’s own (including the tale of an interracial teen romance that incurred his preacher’s wrath); one is the story of an ex-nun; another recounts a road trip the author Ingrid Ricks took with her dad; and the fifth is a profile of the South African peace activist Robert V. Taylor, who found that his religion conflicted with his homosexuality. Behind the stories are hundreds of separate sound clips, from a suitcase zipper to a police siren to a girl’s nighttime prayers. Not to mention dozens of musical excerpts: De La Soul, Willie Nelson, Aarktica."  NPR's Great Black Hope 


  1. Darn! I am actually going to be in the Bay Area on business, but unfortunately thirty days prior to Glynn's appearance.


  2. So I am supposed to go and listen to an angry black man bitch and moan about how horrible his life was in the church. The church was not racist and is not today!

    1. Yeah, the mere sight of a black face just makes you bitch and moan. Must be terrible for you.

  3. Anon 12:01 AM, it's good to see that Charlotte is still posting regularly to this blog. Or should I say "blob" -- ask your deacon about the wonderful racial atmosphere that led your leader to call a mixed-race child that.

    However, most of the ACOGs are indeed not "racist" if by racist you mean "depriving Black men of the opportunity to take secondary leadership roles." Indeed, in a couple of congregations I have seen, highly qualified white men have been neglected as potential deacons because there's a barely acceptable Black man to ordain instead. Doug Winnail in particular has been sensitive to the need for more Black faces in lower rungs of leadership.

  4. @anon 12:01am the acog's I've been a part of my almost 40 years have practiced either overt or covert raceism, classism & interfearancewith whom you can date/marry my whole life.

    My brother might have married someone he trulyloved & had kids & been happy, instead he has no children of his own, a wife that's a bully & he hates all religion .

    All & all not a good outcome for him other than he's not under a cults control anymore. Something I plan on being able to say soon

  5. ok so we have another one that hates God and complains about the time he had to do things His way....must be quite a show.

  6. He is making money by selling tickets for this? Making a living off of "victimhood"? So we got ripped off while in, and now you pay when you are out! Enough of these money making enterprises... GET A REAL JOB!

  7. Unbelievable, 12:01! How are you even able to live, work, and be functional as a decent human being with that attitude?


  8. I've heard a few of his podcasts that were linked here on Banned.
    Having also grown up in WCG, I can really relate to them and found them quite enjoyable.

  9. Connie wrote:
    "He is making money by selling tickets for this? Making a living off of "victimhood"?

    Sharing your (somewhat unique) experiences about growing up and turning them into entertaining monologues is not claiming victimhood.
    He's got something to share and a talent for sharing it. Why not.

  10. If all of these bitching self-righteous COG members would get off their high horses and listen to his broadcast you would see he talks about all kinds of subjects way more than he ever does his time in the cult. None of you like that he exposes the lies of the cult to the world. Apparently, it embarrasses you that you have the inability to use reason and leave the false teachings of the church.

  11. Connie,
    "Enough of these money making enterprises?" Spoken like a typical long term church member and minister. If people are happy to pay for his services, why complain? What happened to his and his customers right to their 'pursuit of happiness?'
    They should be treated as adults rather than children, and people should learn to keep their hands off other peoples lives.

  12. Connie seems to blowing the cover/persona she/he created. He/she is very suspicious now, especially how she/he stands up for UCG all the time. Maybe this is Cowboy Joe's alter ego?

  13. Anon at 12:07

    I am who I say I am . I am aligned with the Church of God 7th Day, but I do observe the annual festivals. I think that the UCG has many, many problems. I have relatives in that group that are really great people. However, in spite of UCGs problems, I do think that the Lifenets organization is helping people in third world countries.

    Whose alter ego are you??

    1. "I am aligned with the Church of God 7th Day, but I do observe the annual festivals." Me too. And I don't think I could have an alter ego. The one I have is quite enough.

  14. Yeah, the mere sight of a black face just makes you bitch and moan. Must be terrible for you.

    And the mere sight of a white face gives you an inferiority complex. Must be terrible. You can hide racism but you can't hide your race. Tough luck.

    1. Mmhmm. Only one here expressing inferiority is you, son. I don't know if it's because "black don't crack" or you're just making a huge excuse for you being white and still managing to be a loser. Entitled much?

    2. 7:08, why the hell does someone have to come here to try to inflame cultural things that many have overcome, as part of growing along with the times? The best thing I could wish for your own continued enlightenment would be that perhaps your children would date and marry people different from themselves. Then, in loving your grandchildren, perhaps you could come to a better understanding.

      Why don't you go back and listen to Ray Stevens' song "Everything is Beautiful!"?

      Verse 3: "There is none so blind as he who will not see. We must not close up minds, we must let our thoughts be free...."

      Sorry, I've got to make the assumption that leads to my next statement, but here goes! Have a wonderful Sabbath!


  15. BB, you should see the stuff I have not allowed to go through! Shocking at how vile it is. What is seen above is mild in comparison.

  16. I can only imagine, Gary. It's good to let some of the less vile stuff through so that people with common sense and human decency can attack and rebuttal it.

    There is nothing terribly bright about Breitbart!


  17. This may be the same ignorant guy from another blog with whom I did battle. Finally, in exasperation, I started posting as "Calvin", and when he came right out and called me the N word, he got banned.
