Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Help! Where in the World is Dave Albert

Dave Albert and myself were good friends at one time in the past and I have lost track of him.  I would like to find him and talk with him.  The last I knew he lived in Albuquerque, NM.  

Any contact information would be much appreciated.



  1. As you mention Albuquerque,one of the delightful American brethren I met who were on a cruise which docked in Jamaica for the Last Great Day where I preached at a CGI site of approximately 400 persons was from John Shavers' congregation there in Albuquerque..I sent Gray a report as well as my sermon for that day which addressed the corruption and consequent disillusionment in the COG. I am sure the sermon would generate some interesting comments on this blog. I look forward to Byker Bob's comments particularly. I referred to a comment from him in that short(45-minute) sermon. I might actually have spoken less than 45 minutes just for my American audience.. Re Dave Albert I have read his "Difficult Scriptures" book which indicates his acceptance of the rejection of Armstrongism. I don't suspect he would have list his enlightenment. Ian Boyne

  2. I'm asking simply for contact information on Dave Albert in this posting, not self promoting commercials or criticism of him.

  3. My apology,Dennis .You are not usually this caustic and insulting ,even when others have meted that out to you. I have usually admired your restraint and civility.My self-promotion must have been particularly obnoxious. Again my sincere apology.Ian Boyne

  4. Me thinks it is easier to track down Missie. I loved her (for what its worth). Little did I know of her hardships.


  5. I had heard that they were living in Albuquerque New Mexico a few years ago. Wife Simone, last I heard was dealing with stage four cancer at the time.

  6. Someone told me that Mr. Albert was still in GCI. He definitely was one of the best speakers on The World Tomorrow programme before it went off television.

  7. I know that Simone died about a month ago.
    I don't have any contact info for Dave, though.

  8. Confirmed he's still in Albuquerque. Try starting your search there. Spokeo comes up with a partial address.

  9. UPDATE: Dave Albert has apparently married the widow of Bernie Schnippert, Arlene and the couple is living in Eastern Oregon.

  10. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10216119594852680&set=a.1570925443110.2080556.1534729981&type=3&theater

  11. Zounds! After being a widower for only a year, making hay while the sun shines apparently!

  12. I know a former Wwcg man who remarried, (then divorced) quickly after wife of 40+ yrs passed, then again married for 3rd x. I wonder if wwcg taught their deacons/ministers dependency on a wife even tho they obviously taught patriarchy. Or could be what they taught the men led to adultry and sex addiction? I know off subject, my apologies for that.
