Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, October 29, 2017

I Am Never Wrong! God Keeps Changing His Mind As To The Final Day of End Time

It is interesting how when Church of God leaders make such horrendous predictions that never happen they never admit that they were wrong, but that their god had changed its mind.  None of our Church of God leaders today ever accept any responsibility,  They are incapable of ever being wrong. When our professional COG liars, like Bob Thiel, James Malm, Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, Ron Weinland and others make prophecies and wildly insane predictions, not a single one has ever been right.  Not ever!  God has always reset the date for some reason.Things have been delayed because the brethren are not ready, or some other absurd excuse. None of these men have any humility and will never admit they were wrong.  It is always something else's fault.
For now, however, it is important to know that for the day of Pentecost of 2012, God had revealed that it would be a “prophetic day” in which He would pour out the Seven Last Plagues. 
There was a time by mid-2008 that God had set for when He would make a final judgment as to when Christ would come, as to whether it would be the first date He had revealed to His Church, Pentecost of 2012, or whether it would be seven years later on Pentecost of 2019. 
It is important to understand that there is a very great difference in how those final plagues would be poured out depending upon which date God would judge was best for the establishment of His Kingdom on earth. If these had been poured out on that final “prophetic day” in May of 2012, it would have been such a destructive event and would have so shocked and stunned the world that on the following day the world would have been ready to listen to God. No matter the date, when Jesus Christ does return, the world will have been made ready to listen to God. 
 If You Will Listen, God Will Listen 
It is necessary to understand the use of the term for a “prophetic day,” as this is extremely important in what is about to be covered. This is simply a prophetic expression for a very specific time period in which God alone must reveal the actual period it defines. These periods vary according to God’s purpose and design, and again, no one can know the actual period of a specific “prophetic day” that is spoken of, unless God reveals it. 
The seven-day week that God gave to mankind prophetically pictures 7,000 years, where a “prophetic day,” in this case, is 1,000 years. In this example, the seventh day Sabbath is equivalent to the 1,000-year reign of Jesus Christ. 
There are several examples where a prophetic day is equal to one year in actual fulfillment. There is also the seventh Holy Day that is called the Last Great Day. It is a prophetic day that foretells of a 100-year period that follows the Millennium in which a second life is given to most of mankind who have lived and died throughout the span of human life. 
Any period of time can be represented as a “prophetic day,” and the actual duration of what God will fulfill in it can only be known after He reveals it. In the case of the Seven Last Plagues, their duration for when God directly intervenes is actually the last “prophetic day” of mankind’s self-rule on earth, but that does not mean it is a literal one-day period. 
Seven Last Plagues in a Determined “Prophetic Day” 
As mentioned, the “prophetic day” God had determined for 2012 as being the first possible date for Christ’s coming was the literal one-day period that would have been on Pentecost of that year. 
For all of the reasons being stated in this chapter, God judged that seven additional years be granted to mankind before the final stages of the end-time should commence, and that Pentecost of 2019 would be the next date set for Christ’s return to this earth. It will be on that day that he will once again stand upon the Mount of Olives as scripture foretells. In making this change, God has also made a change in the duration for which that last “prophetic day” is to be fulfilled. Instead of that period being defined as a literal one-day period as it was before 2012, God is now defining that “prophetic day” as 50 actual days.


  1. Listening to Weinland , or Malm/Pack/Flurry/Thiel et al, is like trying to analyze the paradoxical statement...


  2. Hi all
    This is your Christian cult leader. The tribulation starts next year so why bother complaining about your abusive church leader and his minions.
    Be sure to send me your excessive wealth for one final push.

  3. The problem is, they all start with what they believe to be an absolute: 6 days for man, one day for God, with a day for God being as 1,000 years. So, as they deduce or guess, applying their math to this, from their perspective, God appears to be changing His mind. They also apply what they believe to be absolutes from British Israelism, and German Assyrianism to current events.

    There is a much simpler explanation than God changing his mind, and it should be very obvious since the failure of 1975, the splintering of their movement, and the loss of power with which their version of the gospel is going out. God doesn't care about their math, and isn't bound to it. He is also not attached to them. God is not on board with British Israelism. If it were a simple matter of math, Jesus would certainly have been aware of the timeline. But He told his disciples that no one knew the time of the end except the Father. The only way that could be possible would be if the end were conditionally-based, with God determining just how bad He would allow conditions to get, and when humanity reaches that, deciding to pull the plug.

    Make no mistake, there are many people who are incorrigibly bad. But the bulk of the people you meet on the street are still well-intentioned, and trying to do the best they know how, obviously stumbling occasionally. The only way you can come up with humanity being totally bad is by applying Armstrong legalism to them, and branding them as being non-observant. The Armstrong movement has been absolutely horrible in their accuracy with labeling people. Look at what they do with labels like Sardis, and Laodicean, or "Christians falsely so-called". They tar and feather people who have a better sense of right and wrong and loving behavior than themselves. These splinters and the original mother ship are nothing. They make a certain amount of noise, but are in reality the blind leading the blind, although they claim to have special knowledge that nobody else has, and everybody needs. And, like Simon Magus, the leaders profiteer from this in ways that the original disciples and apostles never did. Their hope has always been in the end, rather than in the repentance of mankind. That should tell us all we need to know.


  4. More satanic confusion in the cult of Armstrong.

  5. These prophets would serve everyone better if they would study the bible to learn about themselves instead of the future. It's got to be very tiring trying to change other people, and it's got to feel insecure to be seeking one's value from the prestige to be gained from being right.

  6. BB said:

    Make no mistake, there are many people who are incorrigibly bad. But the bulk of the people you meet on the street are still well-intentioned, and trying to do the best they know how, obviously stumbling occasionally. The only way you can come up with humanity being totally bad is by applying Armstrong legalism to them, and branding them as being non-observant. The Armstrong movement has been absolutely horrible in their accuracy with labeling people. Look at what they do with labels like Sardis, and Laodicean, or "Christians falsely so-called". They tar and feather people who have a better sense of right and wrong and loving behavior than themselves. These splinters and the original mother ship are nothing. They make a certain amount of noise, but are in reality the blind leading the blind, although they claim to have special knowledge that nobody else has, and everybody needs. And, like Simon Magus, the leaders profiteer from this in ways that the original disciples and apostles never did. Their hope has always been in the end, rather than in the repentance of mankind. That should tell us all we need to know.

    Very well written and I agree 100%. Myself and my family were horribly damaged by HWA and the WCG, plus several split-offs. All of that ended when we ran into David Pack, who couldn't answer one simple question without threatening to throw me out. After many years, including a stint at AC, I left and never looked back, and I completely reject anything to do with HWA...we just have informal studies at home and try to do the best we can, without becoming sanctimonious assholes like the so-called leaders of any COG.

  7. If you really believe that the bible is the word of God, Deut. 13:1-5 makes it a one and done policy for these idiots.

  8. Ron's 2012 presentation always made my skin crawl as he made a fool of himself before an intelligent and critically thinking audience

  9. BB It's a strange god that declares his creation "very good" then shortly lears he was mistaken and drowns them all.

    Same with pulling the plug on humans when the god can't ever get their attention and convince them he is real.

    1. There is a recurring theme throughout the Bible, Dennis, about the potential of beings other than God to become corrupt. We witness that same phenomenon today amongst some of our own contemporaries. Noah's neighbors didn't play nicely in the pool together, so God added an abundance of water, allowing it to overflow.

      Also, all of the great gurus and philosophers have one thing in common about their messages. They all tell us to tune in and listen to "something" whether it be external or internal to ourselves. Apparently, that elevates the psyche of man, and helps him to operate on a higher level. It is considered to be a transcendant and revolutionary experience because so few actually do it of and by themselves. Clearly, God is not the only one who attempts to teach humans to listen.

      Right now, we should be listening to the ocean, and to the weather patterns, in order to know how to take better care of our planet. The natural things that we see unfolding around us are a much more eloquent harbinger of the end than "what is happening over in Europe".
      Most of our fellow citizens make their decisions about such issues based on their political or religious alignments.

