Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Ron Weinland: Eight-track Tape Player Beat Me Up And Knocked Some Sense Into Me

Now we know the reason why Ron Weinland has so many mental issues.  It seems that he was in a car wreck where his car struck a bridge, which his god apparently saved him from, but not before his eight-track tape player beat the crap out of him.

Isn't it amazing the powerful tools God uses to wake people up!  Though in this case, I am afraid his tape player played a

on him...

Another thing that began to a ect my thinking, due to the wreck, was what happened right after. Probably because of the mild concussion I received, I can vaguely remember walking away from the wrecked car and up to a farmhouse that was right next to the area of the bridge that I hit. When I walked up to the house, a farmer living there met me at the door and told me he would drive me to the hospital. I was bleeding a great deal from my head because an eight-track stereo player in the car had broken loose and had been tumbling around on the floor board and beating me about the head, and as a result, cut it in several places. That was one beating I really needed, as it literally helped to begin knocking some sense into me, although still very slowly. 


  1. Proper etiquette for Ron would have been staging a disappearance after an accident with a bridge. It's been done before. Ron could have had a better life, one that was not so embarrassing, and the followers he stole from other ACOGs could have been ripped off by those other ACOGs rather than by Ron.


  2. Ron, the only sense that the player knocked into you, was nonsense.

  3. Rumor has it that the the song that was playing on the 8 Track during the accident was "Stairway to Heaven"!

    1. I heard another version. The one in which he was listening to the Electric Prunes' "Too Much to Dream Last Night".

