Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

The Pithy Quotes of Vic Kubik

A UCG source sent me these pithy quotes of Vic Kubick from his Twitter page.  Is Vic starting to believe he might be wrong in the message he has been trying to prove right all of these years?

Is he finally realizing that all of the words he has been speaking actually avoids the deep thinking and reality of what it means to really follow Jesus instead of Moses?

Nah, I don't think so either...sigh


  1. I've been with the COG for 45 years and with the wrong focus of HWA, Christ was sitting in the back of the bus years ago.

    For the most part, Jesus is now more of a part of UCG's message. There are old fossils from the cultish past that are still around. The idolization of human "leaders" - minister (HWA,GTA,etc.) is limited to a few of the old guard.
    The Sabbath and Holy Days are at times still worshiped, making us special, similar to the Pharisees. But becoming "Christ-like" is preached and written about in our literature. Christ's message of the Kingdom of God, should have from the beginning included the examples of His love, service, patience and mercy that so often appear in the New Testament. But for the most part United is no longer a cult like Worldwide.

  2. I think UCG should get a blimp , like the Goodyear Blimp! Much better and broader advertising than just Times Square!

    It could then fly around and cast shadows on COG HQs for the heck of it! LOL!

  3. If you feel moved to follow and worship Jesus, be very skeptical of a church that starts getting comfortable with preaching about Jesus late in its history, after years of little mention or need for Jesus. Be very cautious with a church leader who gets cozy with Jesus after decades into his ministry and nearing the end of his life.

    There are plenty of other options that have been all about Jesus from the beginning. Don't be satisfied with the Jesus novices - they are still missing key points.

  4. 1.42 PM
    So according to you, the UCG has like the prodigal son, finally seen the light. However, the reality is that it's past behavior that typically determines present and future behavior. I doubt that the father of the prodigal son trusted his 'repented' son.

  5. Two thoughts. First, we ought to allow people to grow. If UCG grows in knowledge of Christ, good. Second, it isn't only a matter of being like Christ....the issue is believing in him and his role in the plan.

  6. Connie wrote I think UCG should get a blimp...

    Gerry's jet, and Vic's Good News Blimp. Oh, the humanity!

  7. There is no way for me to verify Kubik's intent but I am would suspect that these tweets may be directed at newer members seeking to make them question their ideas in such a way as to make them more inclined to trust and listen to UCG's 1%.

    I can well recall when I began to read LCG's writings how Roderick Meredith would cite both Mark Twain and Søren Kierkegaard in order to get the reader to question his or her assumptions about religion. But what I did not note at the time was that he was quoting their writings to try and convert me into how he viewed things. Alas, I fell for what he said.

    It was eight years before I finally woke up and realized that LCG and the other COGs are not who they say they are. (Ironically this occurred during the time of their eight day yearly conference which they misleadingly call the "Feast of Tabernacles." What they do in this time is nothing like the Jewish festival it is named after.) They are but false prophets. I chose to no longer believe what they told me. The COGs were and are wrong about many, many things. There is no need to follow any of the COGs.
