Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

COG Members Will Make It Into Kingdom ONLY If They Listen To The True Apostle

Indeed, the first four seals of Revelation resulted in a great number of spiritual casualties in God’s Church. All that remains out of nearly 96,000 baptized people that experienced the Apostasy is about 150 people. Since that time (after the Sixth Seal was opened), God has been adding new people He has been calling into His Church who are being prepared to be the foundation of the Church at the start of the Millennium. 
Those reading this will likely be rather dumbfounded by the fact that nearly 30,000 people who were of the last third of His Church that was scattered have all refused to accept that they ever experienced an Apostasy. Yet their own lives are the true witness (testimony) due to the fact that they are part of just one of the 600+ organizations that are made up of those who were scattered. Their small size, compared to the 96,000 baptized members that existed at the time of the Apostasy, is the very proof of the Apostasy being true. 
Yet there is good news about all who became scattered and that will yet be covered. It has already been stated that there will be 63,000 people from among all who were scattered that will have opportunity to enter into the Millennium if they accept what God offers them around the beginning of 2019. Yet even then some will not accept and they will not be given the opportunity to live on into that new age at Christ’s coming. It needs to be stated here that NONE of these will be part of the 144,000. 
Most of these people whom God offers this to will come from among those 600+ organizations that became scattered in the Church. There will also be a very large amount from the third that simply gave up when the Apostasy occurred, but it will be far less than those of the third that were scattered. The least amount that will be awakened spiritually and given this opportunity will be among those who believed the lie and who moved back toward traditional Christianity. Their numbers will be rather small. 
Who would have ever guessed that two of the Church of God's most corrupt and degenerate church members would end up being the two witnesses?


  1. Looks like there was WAY MORE "true witnesses" against Weinland at his court trial than just two!

  2. Shhh. Don't tell them. There is no apostle


  3. I am the two witnesses, all others are pretenders!

  4. 5.07 PM

    Ha ha ha. It's not you. It's me who are the two witnesses.

  5. 5:07 & 7:05 Perhaps or just maybe we all three of us are the two witnesses. LOL

  6. The tobacco companies missed the bid. They should have come out with "Apostle" brand cigarettes. Would have been much less damaging to your health than Armstrongite apostles! Have an Apostle cigarette! It's toasted! (well, that part is prophecy regarding false prophets and teachers).

