Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Oh Noes!!!!!!!! God has sent fires to punish California

It was only a matter of time before the self-anointed One made a declaration about God being really pissed at the citizens of California, so much so he sent the fires that have destroyed homes and claimed lives. After all, God is a pyromaniac that takes great pleasure in seeing people suffer.  That is the God of Armstrongism and he likes that kind of stuff.

God has never had a human instrument on earth in 6,000 years who is as knowledgeable on how God speaks and acts as our own illustrious Almost-arrested, self-ordained, doubly-cursed, Elijah, Elisha, Amos, Joshua, Habbakuk, bitter Bob Theil, the marked and disfellowshipped and highly disappointing "son" of Roderick C Meredith.

Elijah Thiel writes:

Fires have hit many places, Significant wildfires have hit California. Shortly after the start of the Thomas Fire, California Governor Jerry Brown warned that US President did not have “the fear of the wrath of God.” Does God use fire to encourage people to change? What are some of the scriptures associated with fire in the Bible? What is sin? What are some of the scriptures associated with the wrath of God in the New Testament? Is Governor Brown being hypocritical here? What happened to Sodom and Gomorrah? Is this relevant now? What did Jesus teach about the time of Sodom and the coming time of troubles? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more.

You too can watch this astounding God-breathed message from the anointed One here:


  1. God considers false religion a far more serious problem than mere adultery.

    It stands to reason, therefore, that God would send His fiery wrath to those states where false religion is being most vigorously promoted.

    God most especially hates the counterfeits that are strikingly similar to His truth.

    It thus stands to reason that God is sending fires to punish BITTER BOB for spreading his nonsensical false religion.

  2. Thiels curtains look like a cheap bordello , or meth motel in the bad part of town!

  3. Once again, "Mr. Originality" repeats the cliches of a failed and forgotten ministry from the '50s, '60s, and '70s.

    1975 failed, Bummer Bob. Nearly 43 years later, it's time to get over it!


  4. Is that his bedroom he is filming in ?

  5. I could only go a couple minutes into the clip. His hand movements are major distractions from his message. His hands are everywhere. Didn't he ever attend WCG Spokesman's Club?

    More personally, I watched Garner Ted Armstrong. Ganer Ted was an outstanding radio and television presenter. Never saw GTA wave his hands uncontrollably. You, Mr. Thiel, are NO Garner Ted Armstrong. Not even close.

    Say what you want about GTA, but people have to admit he was a very effective radio and television presenter for the COG movement. I present "almost arrested for Sabbath keeping Elijah Mohammed doubly blessed" Prophet Bitter Bob Thiel as exhibit A to my case along with his curtains looking like a cheap bordello, or meth motel in the bad part of town as Connie points out.


  6. And in the episode to follow comes Typhoon Tembin.
    The change in weather patterns Bob outlined can be attributed to climate change, but he backed away from that once Europe and the Pope became prominent in programs to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. He hasn't gone as far as Mark Armstrong, who considers those who left the EPA as pro-evolution, anti-God 'scientists'. The big problem for climate scientists is really getting government grants for research in an area the current administration doesn't support...

  7. Bob, you are a Racca...fool in your pathetic presentations and bronze age theology.

  8. Bob's psychopathic god who is only capable of "trying to get our attention" needs be tried for arson, murder and wanton acts of terrorism

  9. I laugh my ass off at the 2 numb-skulls that administer this blog. They act as though they are so educated.

    1. @12:35 ~ Jealous much, Adolf? They have a blog, present credible ideas, and people actually listen to them.


  10. Weather disasters are not getting worse:


  11. Mere adultery? Nice work Satan.

  12. Nice shower curtains, though. Glad he pulled them shut.

  13. Hey Bob!

    You are in California and so are several other false prophets. Are you all receiving part of these punishments and/or curses because of the garbage that you preach?

  14. A drama coach would advise Bob Thiel to practice making his points without the use of his hands possibly by having a trusted assistant handcuff him. Hell, I've got a set of police grade Peerless handcuffs that I'll lend him from when I did security, body guard, and bouncing gigs years ago.

    The thing is, when viewers see overly-nervous and excessive gesticulating, it automatically makes them question the sincerity of the presenter, and the truthfulness of the message, if indeed they even hear his words what with the distraction.

    Scene: Den of suburban home.

    Action: Man is watching video. Wife in another room hears hubby laughing uncontrollably. She calls out, "Hey, babe, what's so funny in there?" Man replies, "Janae, you've just got to come see what this preacher dude is doing with his hands! I think he's been eating bath salts!"

    Up in Arroyo Grande, CA, the windmill gesturer turns off the equipment in his improvised studio, and thinks to himself, "Ah! That was my best one yet! I actually got so lost in it that I didn't notice that the wind had come up and has blown everything on the walls and on my desk crooked!"

    Another day in the life of Dr. Bob Thiel, comedian-prophet!


  15. Oh yes, God controls the weather until our feast site gets f*cked up by a hurricane. That would be an attack from Satan.

    Shit happens. I don't think anyone that lost their house from these fires are saying, maybe God's trying to tell me and my few hundred neighbors something.

  16. Didn't he ever attend WCG Spokesman's Club?

    Yes, indeed he did. He still complains about how his (Attack! ?) speech against American Football wasn't appreciated...

  17. At my workplace, whenever we have a novice talent waving hands continually, we gaff their wrists together until they break the habit. :)

  18. Hey Trotsky, is everyone you disagree with an Adolf?

  19. Criticizing Bob for his hand movements is criticizing all Italians and other nationalities. Do you Anglo Saxons think that you can define reality. Does spokesman club dictate normalcy?
    Keep waving your hands all you want Bob, just like Woody Allen. Ignore these AC tyrants.

    1. Italians are cool with their hand gestures. Bob isn't waving his hands in an Italian-normal fashion. Ever see the Seinfeld episode on Elaine's dancing? Marked departure from normalcy and totally bizarre. That's analogous to Bob's gestures. Honestly, I hope he does keep gesturing as he does because it means that people won't ever even get around to hearing or considering the stupid message. But, I'm sure that he would hope to be effective, and if that's the case, he's going to need to polish things up a bit.


  20. No matter what negative things are said about Bob Thiel, you have to admire the man for standing up for the truth of God's word.

  21. if its good enough for sodom and pompeii, its good enough for cali...what, yall thought silicon valley in all its secular wisdom would be able to build a tower high enough to escape the Wrath of God?

    it wouldnt have mattered had we actually achieved hal like ai, God is able to Punish us, so the elderly people what run this blog need to understand that even u will not be escaping Punishment...

    i predict at least one of the admins will suffer elder abuse at the hands of a gen zer...

  22. It's not so much about the hand gestures. It's that they don't coincide with his speech. He looks like he's having a seizure. That will always take away from those very important false prophecies. I just can't stay focused.

  23. Way to go, 11:31 PM! You said it straight up. There does seem to be an anal standard for action, speech, thought, etc. It's no wonder many can't get along with others. If you don't fit the standard you are automatically "disqualified" as a human being.

    The thing is, I do the same to them due to their unreasonableness. I don't think they know *how* to be a human being. Too many rules and regulations. Binding unreasonable/heavy burdens on people's shoulders.

    Loud laughter is also frowned upon. Anything that is freely and naturally expressed is deemed "sinful" or 'wrong'. Joy is also included in that. Try "making a joyful noise" and see what happens. You MUST control your natural self. It's "evil". Pbttht! It's all a load of nonsense.

  24. And tying people's hands together. Good grief. Why don't you just get the shackles and chains out.

    1. Its taping, not tying. Gaffer's tape.
      One of the downsides of working in television is that we often get starry-eyed people posing as "talent" who show off their inexperience/ineptitude by giving a performance akin to Thiel's. I'd rather not just toss them out on their ears after failing a tryout, but just saying "Don't talk with your hands, its extremely distracting on camera" doesn't usually get the job done. It's frequently an unconscious habit... or in rare cases, a darling "sin" nurtured by vanity.

      But hey, here's another inside tip. On at least one major news network I know of, the anchors wore shoes that were literally bolted to the floor. Why? It kept them from visibly swiveling or squirming around, fouling the camera angle during live broadcasts. :)

  25. SCF @ 7:31 ~ Those who have lovingly come forward to critique Bob Thiel's performance have simply applied the traditional standards from WCG's golden era to one of Armstrongism's own. That is generally the only measuring standard which "they" can understand. Those who revere HWA as having been quasi-biblical figure "God's Apostle" have generally continued to adhere to the standards of quality which HWA set for his ministry. Bob Thiel does not measure up to those standards. Nobody else does, either, but Bob still falls into the lowest percentile of those who try. Worse yet, he calls himself a prophet in conflict with HWA's teaching that there are no prophets in this era. And, now, we learn that he actually failed his "attack" speech in Spokesman's Club, possibly due to weak material. In Armstrongism, that was always considered to be the most important one! If you couldn't ace that one, there were whispers about a deficiency of male hormones!


  26. I will be publishing a article on Thiel Dec. 31st.

    "The Year Ahead."

    Its how I feel about this parasite on the ass of humanity.

  27. Byker, you just hit it out of the ballpark with your 11:28 AM comments. Bingo! Nail meet hammer! Great job Byker!


  28. RSK

    Oh nonononono.....
    No one should contemplate bolting, nailing or cuffing Thiel for anything.

    We will be stuck with him for thousands of years as a martyr on precious icons.

    Although I am sure the iconoclasts will have an artful way of suggestion movement by the hands....


    1. Bahahaha. I'm imagining an icon with six hands to demonstrate movement now...

    2. Heres the funny thing. Armatrong himself had a story in his autobiography about helping his brother-in-law with an oratory contest. There's an aside in there where he tells the man to stop with the planned gestures and says "Unless they are unrealized by the speaker, gestures are not useful anyway."
      Thats true for the discipline of oratory, to some degree (HWA was hardly a well-read expert on the subject). But for a video presenter it's actually a different ballgame. I suspect Thiel, if pressed to defend his flailings, would reach for HWA for support, not production standards.

  29. I'm thinking we should turn in Bob Thiel to Aron Ra?

