Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Latest Update on Ian Boyne

The latest update on Ian:

"Hello Everyone, 
"This is just an update on Ian Boyne’s current health condition. I received a call from Chris H a deacon in the Kingston Jamaica church, informing me that yesterday Ian left services early and admitted himself into the hospital. He claimed he was feeling some heart burn only to be diagnosed as having a heart attack. since then over the last 12-15 hours he has had 3 additional heart attacks––a total of 4. He presently is in ICU in very serious condition. the family has been called to the hospital this morning––12-3-17.."Please keep Ian and the family in your prayers and pass the word so we can get him on our prayer list. As we gain more information we will pass it on."Thanks… Bill W."
ht: Dennis
KINGSTON, Jamaica — Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Jamaica Information Service (JIS), Ian Boyne is now out of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the University Hospital of the West Indies and is recuperating well in the Tony Thwaites Wing. He was rushed to the hospital on Saturday, December 2, after falling ill. 
“I am deeply touched by the outpouring of love from all sectors of the society,” Boyne said, as he was updated on the concern expressed by many Jamaicans at home and abroad on social media and through calls to the JIS and radio stations. He was told that churches everywhere were in prayer for his recovery.“I am grateful to God. I am a miracle,” he added as he reflected on the frightening experience. He stated that he has been seeing his doctors regularly and paying attention to his diet and exercise routine, and encourages everyone to do the same. 
“And I am deeply moved to know that I am loved and appreciated by my colleagues, especially at JIS and in the media. Tell them I shall be back and doing more programmes and writing more articles in the near future with God's help,” the veteran journalist said. 
“God was remarkably good to me on Saturday. I want to thank the team of exceptional doctors and nurses who have worked with me in intensive care,” the deputy CEO said 


  1. I would have to say that Ian Boyne has been the most high profile, outspoken and empowered black person in the history of the COG. Again, I hope all the best to Ian.

    As a public service, here are the warning signs of a heart attack...
    Don’t ignore heart attack warning signs...

    Chest pressure, tightness, and heaviness: Most heart attacks involve pain or discomfort in the chest that lasts for more than a few minutes or goes away and comes back.

    Extreme fatigue: A sense of unusual or extreme tiredness that lasts for days, or weeks, can be a sign of heart trouble. This symptom can be more common in women.

    Fainting and lightheadedness: This sensation can involve dizziness, extreme weakness or anxiety.

    Nausea: A feeling of sickness associated with your stomach, but can be heart-related.

    Pain in shoulders, neck, jaw, or arms: Report any unusual upper-body symptoms to your doctor.

    Shortness of breath with or without chest pain: Heart attack sufferers can have trouble breathing for no apparent reason.

    Sweating: This can feel similar to hormonal hot flashes or night sweats.

    Is it heartburn, or a heart attack?

    The most common sign of a heart attack – for both men and women – is chest pain. But knowing whether the pain is a true warning sign of heart attack or a bout of indigestion may not always be obvious.

    If your pain is similar to heartburn, but it seems worse or different than what you normally experience, you should get emergency help. This is especially important if you're experiencing other symptoms such as shortness of breath, sweating, dizziness, nausea or pain that moves into your shoulder and arm.

    It’s best to pay attention when something does not feel right. It’s better to visit an ER and find out it’s simply heartburn than to ignore the symptoms and find out too late that it’s serious.

  2. We wish Ian a speedy and full recovery. Best to you Ian!

  3. The best way to avoid a heart attack is to go to the doctor for checkups, especially once over 50. High blood pressure should be taken care of, it is often a longterm problem which precedes a heart attack. The constant stress on the cardiovascular system from hypertension eventually has consequences.

    I know that many WCG people and ex-WCG people don't trust doctors...but really Herbert used doctors unashamedly when he got old.
    I don't know what caused Ian's heart attack, but I do know that black people are more prone to hypertension than others. It is genetic and not caused by lack of exercise etc.

  4. "...empowered black person in the history of the COG."

    and, what does that have to do with anything?

    do you think God sees him as a "black" person?, or simply as one of His called out ones doing His will...

  5. One of my patronizing relatives dropped dead from heart failure at age 65. He never exercised a day in his life. Exercise does improve and extend peoples lives.


  6. KINGSTON, Jamaica — Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Jamaica Information Service (JIS), Ian Boyne is now out of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the University Hospital of the West Indies and is recuperating well in the Tony Thwaites Wing. He was rushed to the hospital on Saturday, December 2, after falling ill.
    “I am deeply touched by the outpouring of love from all sectors of the society,” Boyne said, as he was updated on the concern expressed by many Jamaicans at home and abroad on social media and through calls to the JIS and radio stations. He was told that churches everywhere were in prayer for his recovery.
    “I am grateful to God. I am a miracle,” he added as he reflected on the frightening experience. He stated that he has been seeing his doctors regularly and paying attention to his diet and exercise routine, and encourages everyone to do the same.
    “And I am deeply moved to know that I am loved and appreciated by my colleagues, especially at JIS and in the media. Tell them I shall be back and doing more programmes and writing more articles in the near future with God's help,” the veteran journalist said.
    “God was remarkably good to me on Saturday. I want to thank the team of exceptional doctors and nurses who have worked with me in intensive care,” the deputy CEO said

  7. Awesome news, Dennis. Thanks for the update.

    This is a most interesting situation. There are probably some cookie cutter ACOG leaders sitting in their offices, reviewing their monthly stats, who are filled with wonderment and are very jealous. One would hope that this situation makes these types ask some vital and intuitive questions, but it probably won't.


  8. Response to ANON at 10:50 PM

    Im sure God sees him as someone doing his will. HOWEVER, my comment was to reflect the concept that Blacks HAVE NOT been empowered , or esteemed much in the COG culture, and that it was exciting to see someone like Ian Boyne break out of that box.

  9. Connie,

    What a horrible thing to say. It is untrue. And you have fallen prey to the propaganda of the anti blogs. There were many black members who could have walked away any time and I remember a general love for all races albeit being distorted by the dominant BI theorizing. I am a 100 percent sure that after a sermon about Nimrod the little old ladies would pour a coffee or share potluck with their black friends.

    Having said that. Good to see that Ian is in the spotlight again.
    Since a man is known by his friends it is also good to see that people in churches across his nation have been praying for his recovery.

    It is my sincere wish to see him so well that he might join the Jamaican bobsleigh team later on if he so wishes.


    1. "I am a 100 percent sure that after a sermon about Nimrod the little old ladies would pour a coffee or share potluck with their black friends."

      Then I could tell you some very surprising stories. But it'd be off topic anyway, and given some of the disgusting comments I've seen on these threads of late, this isn't the place to tell them.

  10. @ BB, 7:43 AM:
    I suspect that many if not most of the 'cookie cutter ACOG leaders' haven't even noticed this story come across their radar. They are pretty well insulated from 'outsiders', and don't pay much attention to anything that happens outside the boundaries of their own group unless it is somebody they know personally. No wonderment, no jealousy; just apathy and indifference.
    So you're probably right: there won't be many vital or intuitive questions asked.

  11. Your outpouring of love on this site is indescribably moving .I hope the lesson is learnt that the propaganda that all ex-Armstrongites are haters and belligerent is just that—baseless propaganda.Ian Boyne

  12. I find it interesting that the two Church of God ministers that have been in contact with me and whom I have communicated with are both Church of God International ministers. While I certainly do not agree on some things they still believe, there is far more we have in common than some believe. The idea that these men see that there is a need for the church and the people to reorient their understanding is far more admirable than the legalism being dumped in Wadsworth, Edmond, Charlotte or Cincinnati.

  13. Connie Schmidt,

    You opened yourself up for hate and intolerance from the former armstrongities liberal faction by mentioning race. You triggered the snowflakes. No matter what you say now you are the target for hate. Careful with these people.

    1. It's not the mere mention of race that causes the more intelligent amongst us to correct ignorance, when it is presented, 3:57. It is the hateful stuff that's directed towards different groups, to the exclusion of their positive contributions. We have one or two posters (actually mostly one), who seems to want to send everybody back to their ancestral nations.

      In our modern times, back in the 1950s, there was initially a lot of prejudice and hatred in England when non-Anglo-Saxon British citizens from the various Empire nations began moving to England, as was their right. Now, if you watch any of the contemporary BBC detective series, you see a functional society with members of assorted races being integral characters in the various story lines, and even speaking with Londoner accents. And, this is the way in Europe. The moment there was easy and affordable international travel, and instant communication, doors and floodgates were opened that cannot be closed. People who are unable to deal with that or who don't accept that end up marginalizing themselves and creating their own personalized glass ceilings. To reclose the doors, there would have to be some sort of disaster that reversed the technology that has made international mixing possible.

      There is no liberal or conservative about it. Major companies of Silicon Valley lobby Congress for increased quotas so they can import the brain power required for continued development of technology. The share holders and directors of those companies are ultra-conservatives. Liberal Democrats from the working classes usually experience the results of the immigration of the uneducated and unskilled, and form opinions based on having been displaced. It happens on both ends of the spectrum, and it is necessary for continued economic growth and prosperity. So, you can complain, but the new realities are not going to go away unless somehow you can cause your preferred race to radically bump up its birth rate. But, I think that ship has already sailed.


  14. NO@HWA, December 7, 2017 at 2:48 PM

    I agree 100%. Well said.

  15. Ian has proved that when facing our possible demise we still have to check in on Banned! Glad you are on the mend Ian

  16. "Exercise does improve and extend peoples lives."

    Like the guy I know who got killed by a car following too close when he was cycling to the gym.

  17. 4.46 PM
    Try having a look at the various YouTube videos of car accidents in Russia. There, it's the law to have a cam recorder in the car, so there's a abundance of videos. It's mind expanding and educational.

    To me, using a bicycle or motorbike is too dangerous in traffic.

  18. RSK. You have not had the pleasure like I have of reading and deleting over 40 comments that were disgustingly race oriented, anti semetic and other hate filled responses. The comments I have let through expose them for what they are, and will still offensive are not as bad as other comments.

  19. RSK. It's not off topic to see Ian as one of many (W) COG black pastors.

    No jew would ever serve in an official capacity in 1933 germany. Still WCG had several black pastors. It probably takes a Jamaican or North London or Tanzanian cog pastor to point out racist American culture. I do not for a second doubt your stories. I do hope you have travelled outside the USA in your life and have experienced true freedom. Not the kind of freedom Americans sprak about. But the freedom any american black man experiences when being abroad.

    You must experience that at least once in your life. Speak to a black mans experiences outside the USA. Experience what its like to not have people grab their wallet subconsciously when a black man enters a tram in prague or vienna. It is cultural surpression and spilled over in wcg.

    I hope Ian doesnt mind this insertion on a thread dedicated to well wishes for his speedy recovery. (and no2hea will see to it that people will not make inapropriate fun of my connecting the words "speed" and "jamaican" in one sentence.)


  20. it's not about race, it's about culture...any nationality that adopts the American culture and abides by our laws will be accepted....

    it's those that actively resist, or try to change/dismantle our culture that are rejected, and then those same groups will cry "racism" because they didn't get their way.

    in parallel, those that adopt God's culture, and live according to His law will be accepted....the rest will be destroyed.

  21. praying for a speedy recovery for ian and that god will raise herbert and they can resume the work together

  22. I saw this notice re Ian Boyne's health only now. May he recover swiftly. In the past Ian has told me of the range of his personal reading and some of his thoughts. What a good man. Ministers like Ian Boyne threaten to ruin the Church of Gods' bad reputation (irony intentional).

    I think in the range of human ways and beliefs, in all of the various religions and cultures of our world, there are inspired, forward-looking, compassionate and wise ones who emerge, who raise those around them, who soften and transform the harsh edges that every system of human belief seems to have, into more ennobling visions, who comfort the afflicted. These are the ones with reward in heaven, or equivalent metaphor or language. From the distance, recover soon Ian.
    Greg Doudna
