Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Dave Pack: All of the top splinter groups are in error and ignore the most basic of common sense

Dave does not think too highly of the various larger COG groups out there.  They are all filled with errors and false teachings.  Only he and his group alone have the truth. Only those who follow Dave will receive salvation because they will have doctrinal purity leading them forward.

The Largest Splinters—and Their “Work”
Only a few organizations are making an attempt at the Work. Yet, none are even close to “holding fast” (Rev. 3:11) all God’s doctrines—including those at the front edge of the Work. However sincere, these are works of men, not led and directed by the living Christ who would only use those who will not compromise restored truth. These would fulfill the Great Commission under GOD’S GOVERNMENT. It will become obvious God could not use those who compromise to perform His Purpose.
Only those who will return to—or who come to believeall of the truths that God taught His Church are candidates to join His final Work. Those firmly rooted in different ideas should attend one of the organizations that may still want to do some kind of “work,” but not be concerned about doctrinal precision. We bear such people no ill will, but know they will be more “content” elsewhere.
Partly because they do not see the crucial importance of doctrinal purity, all the big splinters also do not grasp the colossal importance of what is at stake in the true Work of God today. Only one or two organizations even begin to remember, let alone comprehend, that a powerful WARNING must reach 600 million Israelites throughout many nations and territories. And, again, no one seems to recognize another related warning must reach over 35,000 in the splinters or holding to some truths at home, with both of these to occur before the Tribulation. For this reason, this book will, at least briefly, reference the roles of “watchman” to Israel and “messenger” to Laodicea.
The destructive “spirit of error” (I John 4:6) that has entered all the groups is why so many now believe contributing to disaster funds and relief efforts is the more “loving,” “compassionate” and “Christ-like” approach to gaining “disciples.” Warnings are “too harsh.”
All COG leaders are now just mere spectators who are too pussy-whipped to do anything powerful.  Only Dave is bold enough to say it as it is.  Even Bob Thiel cowers in Central California whimpering at the awesomeness of Dave!
The apostle Paul wrote, “For [God] will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness: because a SHORT WORK will the Lord make upon the earth” (Rom. 9:28). Misunderstanding crucial verses like this, many—I repeat—now believe the Work as the Church did it for decades is finished, with all responsibility COMPLETED. These people have usually also come to believe the “famine of the Word” has arrived—and that this at least generally occurred from 1986—thus ending any duty to announce God’s kingdom to all nations or to warn Israelite nations. That two decades have passed and Christ’s Return has not occurred means some think that in the world’s most awful age (now much worse than Mr. Armstrong’s time), when a message of hope with a thunderous warning is more needed than ever, God’s servants are to stand mute, spectating without comment. They are to ignore the most basic common sense, and what Mr. Armstrong taught about preaching the kingdom and warning those headed to tribulation right to the end, and bite their tongue in silence. However sincere, such misguided thinking could not be more wrong!


  1. Nice "Super Dave" logo. Dave's "precision of doctrine " has proved quite imprecise

  2. Never let it be said that Dave would miss an opportunity to impose an autobiographical statement upon his competitors!


  3. "doctrinal precision"??? Sure, doctrinal precision is members handing over all their earthly possessions to Dave. And how dare there be stay-at-home Christians. How can Dave subject them to coercive pressure to hand over all their money if they stay at home. And these people not being under his oppressive thumb. Oh, the inhumanity of it all.

  4. It would piss David Pack off if he knew that some RCG people are also visiting some of those groups that he clearly has hatred towards. Some I know are visiting with LCG, UCG, PCG, ICG & CGI.

  5. "The destructive “spirit of error” (I John 4:6) that has entered all the groups is why so many now believe contributing to disaster funds and relief efforts is the more “loving,” “compassionate” and “Christ-like” approach to gaining “disciples.” Warnings are “too harsh.”"

    What a load of absolute "bovine-defecation"!!!!

    It is a "destructive" spirit of error to contribute to disaster funds?
    It is "destructive" to show relief?
    It is "destructive" to be loving, compassionate, and Christ like?

    How ever, it is NOT destructive to destroy people by helping them?

    You're just supposed to sit back like some uncaring, uncompassionate, un-feeling dictator on a throne just watching these things happen if you have the means to help them, with a gigantic megaphone, dressed in a white shirt and tie, yelling at them at how wrong they are and how evil they are? And then if they WANT to be "rescued", you put them through a huge vetting process, and then if they don't agree with you, you throw them back to the wolves?

    This way of thinking isn't surprising. It's how we used to think. Forget others, forget being helpful, they aren't worth it, they're unwashed, they're unclean, they're not called, they're not worth the time of day - our job is to be high and mighty and simply "warn" them without lifting a finger to show them Christ in us. Instead, we show ourselves to be haughty, arrogant, Jack-Donkeys who make a warning proclamation and then look stupid when a few years later we find out we were wrong all along with our "warnings".

    There is no spirit of error in the cause of love. Sometimes when I read this stuff I think it comes from the mouth of the evil one itself. It's VERY triggering to read some of this.

  6. I think it is not accurate to call Super Dave and his bunch a ..."Splinter Org"

    He in reality is actually a "SPHINCTER GROUP" !

  7. I LOVE hearing updates on the Pack-Doomsday-Cult, it is my Favorite breakaway schism!

  8. It's funny how he didn't go on with 1 John 4:7:

    "7 Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 8 Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 9 This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. 10 This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. 11 Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 12 No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us."

    Because that would refute Dave's:

    The destructive “spirit of error” (I John 4:6) that has entered all the groups is why so many now believe contributing to disaster funds and relief efforts is the more “loving,” “compassionate” and “Christ-like” approach to gaining “disciples.”

    Selective cherry-picking lack of context bible-reading COG stupidity at it's best.

    Scripture says you also know them by their fruits. Talk to many who have come from RCG and then do an analysis. Then you'll see where the spirit of error really is.

  9. I believe this group is very much controlled by the dark side. I see it in my spouse since he has joined up with them. They have no concern for anyone else and turn their backs on anyone not in the group.

  10. I see no evidence that Packer has ever studied revisionist history. That would make him a complete idiot with regards to half the story regarding events that supposedly fulfill prophecy. His credibility is zero.

  11. Never let it be said that Dave would miss an opportunity to impose an autobiographical statement upon his competitors!

    That comment wins the award for vacuous pretentiousness.

  12. He in reality is actually a "SPHINCTER GROUP"!

    What a gas.

  13. In memorial of the unfortunate closing of Toys 'R' Us....

    I can't wait to grow up
    I'm an RCG Kid
    The money that my parents make
    is Dave's to play with

    From bikes to trains
    to video games
    Everything my folks buy is his
    I can't wait to grow up
    and I'll tell you this
    MY child won't be an RCG kid

    His games, his toys, oh joy!
    It sucks to be an RCG Kid!!!!!

  14. The WCG and most of the organizations have never really preached any message of hope. It's mostly been doom & gloom...believe and follow us or else. What is a short work on the Earth with God? 2000 years? 6000 years? a million? 10 million?

    This is just more of man thinking that they know what God wants and needs. Why does God need puny man to do any work for Him? It's ALL about God! Not any man (even DCP) or church.

  15. Isn't David Pack's little cult a splinter of GCG?

  16. Somebody tell David Pack that he is not a Christian!

  17. Only a few organizations are making an attempt at the Work. Yet, none are even close to “holding fast” (Rev. 3:11) all God’s doctrines—including those at the front edge of the Work. However sincere, these are works of men, not led and directed by the living Christ who would only use those who will not compromise restored truth. These would fulfill the Great Commission under GOD’S GOVERNMENT. It will become obvious God could not use those who compromise to perform His Purpose.

    David Pack's paragraph above gets rid of David Pack being anyone doing the Work. He is a self centered greedy bastard. His prophecies have failed 100%. At best he is a complete nut job. At worst he is insane.

  18. First off, Mr. Pack's statement "However sincere, these are works of men, not led and directed by the living Christ who would only use those who will not compromise restored truth" is defined as all truth restored by Herbert W. Armstrong. That is what he based the starting of his church on and then led him to be a title taking addict starting with the title of Apostle. from Using his own words from his book about Elijah he said; "Would God allow an Apostle (HWA) to be so deceived as to not know that he was Elijah"? - Any could ask, would God allow an Apostle (David Pack) to write the above words and then change much of what HWA taught and then not have anyone conclude why his (Dave Pack) work isn't a work of a man not led and directed by Christ because that man (Dave Pack) compromised what he himself stated was restored truth?
    The statement:
    The destructive “spirit of error” (I John 4:6) that has entered all the groups is why so many now believe contributing to disaster funds and relief efforts is the more “loving,” “compassionate” and “Christ-like” approach to gaining “disciples.” - was a written take off from a verbal tirade Mr. Pack went on about a Splinter announcing that they had given $10,000 dollars to a relief organization. He screamed "Don't they know they are inter fearing with God who is punishing these people for their disobedience"? Mr. Pack must not have known that HWA gave a check in the amount of $50,000 to representatives of the Israeli government for the purchase of wheel chairs for disabled Israeli soldiers.

    This statement: "Partly because they do not see the crucial importance of doctrinal purity" is the crowning statement for the indictment of RCG and Mr. Pack. How? While Mr. Pack was putting together his 1000 hour + puzzle it changed most all of what was written in their books and the content of their video's. Instead of immediately taking down the videos and discontinuing the books, they continued sending out books and allowing to be seen (Information, teaching, doctrine) that which was contrary to what they believed and taught. This went on for over two years - talk about doctrinal purity and a love of the truth!

  19. "Don't they know they are interfering with God who is punishing these people for their disobedience?"

    My Bible says in Matthew 25 that the real punishment will be for those who DON'T help others.

    "41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’

    44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’

    45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’

    46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”"

    How DARE he condemn a person or a group for assisting a relief effort.

    Now of course, he'll probably read the text and say this only applies for people in the church to support his "common" doctrine, which really isn't "common" at all. Not true. The common theme of scripture is to show love to God and neighbors. It's the great Law every other tenet of law hangs on. To condemn a group for showing love and to help others is the exact manifestation of the opposite of truth.

    The religion that P preaches is everything Christianity is not. Railing on a person for assisting relief efforts is about the lowest a person can go. The damage that Armstrongism has done in their doctrinal perversions is off the scale. It's absolutely nauseating. Jesus would never, ever condemn a person for showing love, because God is love. He looks on the heart. This notion of such a punishing, harsh God who looks down to see who he is ready to zap because they disobey "the Law" or disobey "Government" has done more to create trauma, anxiety, depression, guilt, and suffering then anyone can know. It goes against the entire message of scripture and the spirit of liberty and freedom in the Lord. I feel truly sorry for those still trapped in that dark and dank abyss of deception, filled with chains and condemnation in that sick excuse for a church government.

  20. .Stanley H Tweedle said someone should tell David C Pack he is not a Christian, then again, neither are half of those who comment on this blog, their self righteous, judgmental, and sometimes pitiful comments show such, especially from those who have to be the first to comment on everything and can’t let anything slide by without them just having to say something even if what they say is meaningless or pointless. With that said I wonder whose name comes to mind?

  21. So does your mother, 4:00. What’s your point?

    Hey liar, you have never met my mother. And why do you hate women?

    1. I don’t hate all women 5:26, just the ones that spawned and groomed Nazis.


  22. poor Dave...he's projecting again, accusing others of what he is.


  23. In the past, when Dave Pack would rant and rave about doctrinal precision all he really meant was that everyone had to faithfully send him such things as third tithe or else Dave would go into a satanic fit and start yelling and spitting some more. Then, rather than using the third tithe to help the widows and orphans in the RCG, Dave would spend it on whatever he wanted to.

    Someone at RCG headquarters early on observed that Dave Pack changed his mind more than anyone else he knew. Dave is certainly not the doctrinally stable type. His teachings change all the time.

    Dave Pack's current idea of doctrinal precision is that everyone must faithfully send him everything they have, and maybe borrow even more from the bank to send in, or else Dave will go into another one of his satanic fits and start yelling and spitting some more. Then, rather than distributing these so-called “common” funds to anyone in the RCG as they have need, Dave spends it all on whatever he wants to.

  24. Anon 526, your mother obviously must weigh over 300 lbs and be named Jenny, like an ass. And why are you here? What's your point, besides senseless?
