Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

LCG Parents Not Too Keen On Jonathan McNair "Educating" Their Children

Poor Jonathan McNair, the bumbling dude just cannot seem to get a break!  Snicker, snicker....  Everything he seems to touch lately falls apart.  From wrecking marriages and ripping apart families to the dumbing down and closure of Living "University".  It's not a pretty picture for Michael Germano either.  He has now presided over the closure of THREE COG colleges, Ambassador College Pasadena, Ambassador University Big Sandy and Living University Charlotte.  Though I doubt this was as much his problem than the self-serving elitists above him who thought they knew more than he did.

LCG is shutting down it's LU and rebranding its self as Living Education.   Wut?

Those remaining LU students will graduate this late spring and then the new and improved LCG's educational branch will start in the fall.  McNair was flown into HQ to plan this awe-inspiring new phase for the work.  In January he wrote:
The goal of our new “Living Education” team is to continue to assist our members and ministry by providing a roadmap of “focus points” over the course of the year. Our new format, however, will be designed to be available to all members. Stay tuned for more information about how to register and participate! 
LCG was excited that ALL church members would now have access to the greatest educational process the world has ever seen.  (Afterall, no true education can be found OUTSIDE of the CHurch fo God movement.)  This is much the same situation that happened when HWA threw his royal hissy-fit in the 1978 and shut down the Pasadena campus and reopened it as a Bible College.  True Values would be recaptured, the train set back on the track and the glorious word of God would reign supreme.  Toot that horn! The train is back on track again!

Living Education
On August 15, we plan to begin our first year of “Living Education—Charlotte.” We will accept a limited number of students for our first year, as we focus on building a Godly foundation for life! All students will attend daily classes at our Headquarters facility, in this one-year intensive training program. Class titles will be “Principles of Christian Living,” “Fundamentals of Church Doctrine” and “The Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ.” We’ll also study the “Acts and Writings of Paul,” and get an overview of the Old Testament through our “Old Testament Survey” class. This program is for young adults who believe in the Way of God and want to learn more about how to build their life on that Way. Students must live in Charlotte for this program as this is a face-to-face learning and mentoring program by our Headquarters faculty and staff. If you are up for the challenge of this intensive learning experience, listen closely for more details and information about how to apply in next week’s The World Ahead weekly update!—Jonathan McNair
It seems that the LCG graduating youth have not flocked to get a "living" education. LCG is appealing to its members to sign up for classes this fail.
Living Education
Are you a young person considering college? Have you just completed college and you’re at a crossroad in your life? Would you like to build a solid foundation for the rest of your life? If you are willing to rise to the challenge of dedicating one year to immersing yourself in a study of the most important, fundamental principles for successful living, then Living Education—Charlotte is for you. The goal for our intensive program is to teach you how to live, not just how to earn a living. The principles you learn will be timeless and the friends you make will share the same values and beliefs. Enrollment is now open at  LivingEducation  if you’d like to reserve your spot in the program. We’ll continue to provide more detailed information in the weeks to come.—Jonathan McNair
One thing you have to hand to Germano is that he knew what kind of classes the students needed to get a "fairly" balanced education, even while having to play around with LCG's doctrinal beliefs.  With Jonathan McNair at the reins now, many LCG feel that will no longer be the case.  Many have written about how much this is a waste of more tithe money and another opportunity to keep Mcnair employed.

Some things never change in the Church of God.



    (An Anagram is A word or phrase formed by rearranging all the letters of another word or phrase.)

    * "Devil Auctioning"

    * "Lunatic Videoing"

    * "Violate Inducing"

  2. Self preservation is the strongest drive in nature, with institutions being no exception. So perpetuating themselves through education is to be expected.
    My problem is that they have these programs while telling their members that the end is just around the corner. It can't be both. Dishonesty is present.

  3. May I teach Harmony of the Gospels and Acts/Teachings of Paul? Please... 😇

  4. "If you are up for the challenge of this intensive learning experience, listen closely for more details and information about how to apply in next week’s"

    I believe their idea of "intensive" would be reading it out loud loudly, commenting on it to the students and expecting to get the same comments back in the "final test". Now...Dr. Bart Ehrman of Misquoting Jesus, Jesus Before the Gospels, How Did Jesus Become God?, Jesus Interrupted and Forged, is right down the street at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Sign him up for a lecture or two.

  5. Taking the liberty to rewrite this a little differently in the way I feel it should have be written:

    The goal of our new indoctrination team is to brainwash our members by the ministry whilst providing a roadmap of things our members are too stupid to get themselves over the course of the year. Our new format, however, will be designed to be available to all members. Stay tuned for more information about how to register and participate!

    On August 15, we plan to begin our first year of “Heavy Burdens.” We will accept a limited number of students for our first year, as we focus on building an Armstrongite foundation for life! All students will attend daily classes at our Headquarters facility, in this one-year intensive brainwashing program. Class titles will be “Principles of Pharisaical Living,” “Fundamentals of Armstrong Doctrine” and “The Life and Teachings of That Man we Ignore.” We’ll also study the “Acts and Writings of That Guy who teaches Grace that the Law Trumps,” and get an overview of the All-Supreme Old Testament and which commands we bind and loose through our “Old Testament Survey” class. This program is for young adults who believe in the Pharisaical and judgemental way we live and want to learn more about how to completely wreck their life on that Way. Students must live in Charlotte for this complete brainwashing as this is an In Your Face learning and mentoring program by our Headquarters overlords. If you can honestly brave and take the stench of this intensive brainwashing experience, listen closely for more details and information about how to apply in next week’s The World That will Be Here in Two or three years - or so we have always said - in next weekly update!

  6. "The goal for our intensive program is to teach you how to live, not just how to earn a living."

    Oops, typo, shouldn't have the word "just."

  7. Living Education.

    "...because a mind is a terrible thing to use."

  8. Jonathan McNair couldn't find his way out of a wet paper bag.

  9. Does Jonathan McNair have any education beyond his AC theology degree?

    He isn't very bright, but he is very political. He can be superficially charming toward people when he is trying to curry their favour, but he has a sense of ministerial entitlement that rivals his late Uncle Raymond. Mike Germano wasn't a great role model for LCG students, but Jonathan McNair is worse by far. Why didn't Gerald Weston give Dr. Scott Winnail the job? The younger Winnail has an accredited Ph.D., and has lots of experience teaching young people. He can be a little stiff and has some of the typical minister's-kid naivete, but by reputation most parents would much rather have a son like Scott Winnail than like Jonathan McNair.

    Jonathan McNair, like his brother Rod, has run his congregations with the help of eager spies who gain favor with their pastor by ratting on other congregation members. If Living Education brings a handful of students to Charlotte for on-campus study, the rivalry and backbiting will likely be intense as the students jockey for McNair's favour, which might be good preparation for becoming an LCG minister, but is terrible preparation for becoming a good Christian, a good employee, or a good human being.

  10. My question is.. Who is going to be attending all this? A young adult who wants to attend college isn't going to spend a year doing this.They want to get their college started to get a degree. Those who finish college will want to start their career.And while one is living Charlotte to do this how are they going to pay their living expenses for a year? Are they going to be working too? Or is it the RICH that will be going? Does anyone think things through?
