Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

One Year Left Till Ron and Laura Weinland To Be Left Rotting In The Streets Of Jerusalem

There has been so much idiocy spewed out by Ron Weinland, aka Weinerdude,  that I forgot that the timing is now short for the end time Two Witless Witnesses.  In April of 2019, Ron and Luara Weinland will be breathing fire and turning rivers into blood as they preach for 3 1/2 days in the streets of Jerusalem.

Weinerdude and his loony wife will then be slaughtered and left to rot in the hot sun in the streets of Jerusalem.  Then they will be raised to life after 3 1/2 days to wreak vengeance and destruction in the name of their creature they call "christ."  All of this happens while his money laundering daughter and weasely son Jeremey are travelling around Germany and Switzerland in their BMW's withdrawing hidden tithe money and recovering diamond rings Laura had hoarded in various banks for the end times.

martin says:April 3, 2018 at 10:22Oh, by the way, Ron is supposed to martyr himself at the end of the 1260 days, he said it would be physical “this time”. So that means by next April, Ron will go to Jerusalem (I wonder if he’ll get approval for that), and then both he and laura are to be martyred by the beast.  from False Propeht Ron Weinland


  1. So this is one last run for other peoples money huh? It won't end well for this parasite on humanities ass.

  2. I've always assumed the 2 witnesses were symbolic and not literal.

    1. Don't tell that to all the "two witnesses" that were turning up at Pasadena for decades to announce themselves. :)
